Mental Health

LISTEN ONLINE: CWA Interviews LaBarbera and Dr. Michael Brown on ‘God Has Better Way’ Outreach

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

michael_brown.jpgSAVE THE DATE: Thurs., Sept. 17th:  Please save the date of Thursday, September 17 for AFTAH’s next dinner-lecture, featuring Dr. Michael Brown (left), whose “God Has a Better Way” Gospel outreach project in Charlotte, N.C., was the main subject of this CWA interview. There will be a dinner served at 6:00 and the talk with Q&A beginning at 7:00 PM. Invite your pastor as this will be an important discussion!

PS. Don’t forget also to save Saturday, Oct. 24th for AFTAH’s fund-raising banquet featuring dynamic culture-warrior Matt Barber as our keynote speaker.

Concerned Women for America writes [click HERE to listen online]:

Homosexual “pride” events and street fairs are growing in number and size. A number of them are also becoming increasingly risqué despite their public nature; except in Charlotte, North Carolina. There, Dr. Michael Brown and the Coalition for Conscience have been taking a stand for truth while actively and civilly reaching out to those attending the “gay” pride gathering. Just this month, 500 Christians came to Charlotte to pray, worship and share the Gospel with those at the event, and proclaim that God Has a Better Way. Dr. Brown joins Peter LaBarbera from Americans for Truth in comparing the events in San Francisco and Chicago with those in Charlotte. Listen | Download

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Pro-Homosexual Websites Slam AFTAH for Call to Investigate Health Risks of ‘Gay’ Sex

Friday, July 31st, 2009

People For the American Way pushes for end to gay blood donation ban

“Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men, and some practices common among gays — especially rimming [oral-anal stimulation] and anal intercourse — are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”Homosexual writer Jack Hart, Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men (Allyson Publications: 1998), pp 212-213.

steamworks_spring_break-1.jpgGovernment: Regulate this!  The homosexual bathhouse Steamworks – an anonymous sex club for men who have sex with men that operates in Berkeley, Chicago, Seattle, Toronto and Vancouver — offered “student discounts” during Spring Break 2009 ($5 off to 18-and-older young men who presented a student ID). Why is the government allowing the open promotion — even to youth — of behavior that is a causative factor in a number of sex diseases including HIV? “Gay” web sites are blasting AFTAH for calling for a comprehensive federal study into the health risks of homosexual sex.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, as we could have predicted, pro-homosexual websites are blasting AFTAH’s call for a comprehensive federal investigation into the health risks of homosexual behavior — and our comparison to how the government has warned Americans about the dangers of smoking and taken direct action against it in the name of public health (bans against indoor smoking, etc.). I even got named “Creep of the Week” by the Michigan homosexual newspaper Between the Lines. (Talk about creepy: offering teenage boys “student discounts” at homosexual bathhouses, and taking innocent children to raunchy “gay pride” parades — now that’s creepy.)

Homosexual activists are petrified of taking a serious, objective look at the health risks surrounding “gay” sex — it’s almost as scary to them as the public becoming informed of the many satisfied “ex-gay” men and ex-lesbians living happy lives free of homosexuality. Their own writers occasionally acknowledge the disproportionate risks of “gay” sex (see quote above) — and the early deaths of homosexual men, especially well-known homosexuals who could afford the best health care money can buy, are an obvious indicator. This is one of the Pink Elephants in the room that policymakers must address, and we think an impartial, authoritative study is long overdue.

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VIDEO: ‘Electro Torture’ and Public Nudity on New York City Streets – ‘Folsom Street East’

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

WARNING: Graphic footage; nudity is blurred out

For more information on this vile event — the “Folsom Street East” block party held June 21, 2009 in Manhattan — see our initial photo-story: “New York City Plays Host to Folsom-East Deviant Sex-Fest — Violating Lewdness Laws.” We will have more YouTube videos on Folsom Street East’s illegal public depravities; more background follows video:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

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Mike Adams’ Columns on Duke Homosexual Adoption Boy-Rape Case

Monday, July 6th, 2009

frank_lombard_pederast_rapist.jpgSee our previous notes on the case of Frank Lombard (right) and the media’s double-standard on all things “gay.” Also see Professor Mike Adams’ website for his latest column on the Duke homosexual adoptive boy-rape case, “Frank Lombard’s Wish List,” in which he writes: “The main stream media is finally discussing the sexual preferences of Frank Lombard — the Duke University administrator accused of molesting and offering his five-year-old adopted son for sex, via the internet. Naturally, the newspapers are focusing on threats to the gay adoption movement not threats to those who are adopted by gay parents. I’d like to bring the conversation back to Frank Lombard for a moment. His potential as a child molester should have been detected by social workers and friends alike.”

Go here to link directly to Adams’ “Frank Lombard’s Wish List” column on Townhall.


Little Boy Blue Devil

By Mike Adams,, June 28, 2009

It looks like Duke University has another rape case on its hands. This one may hurt the university nearly as much as the one that rocked its campus back in 2006. Unlike the previous case, this one appears to involve a credible confession of sexual abuse. Like the previous case, crucial facts are already being filtered through the prism of identity politics.

Frank Lombard is the associate director of Duke’s Center for Health Policy. The university administrator was recently arrested by the FBI and charged with offering up his adopted 5-year-old son for sex. I tried to contact Frank Lombard over the weekend to probe his expertise regarding the health benefits of raping small children. So far, he’s declined to comment.

University administrator Lombard is accused of logging on to a chat room online and describing himself as a “perv dad for fun.” The detective who wisely looked into the suspicious screen name says that Lombard admitted to molesting his own adopted son. All this was before allegedly inviting a stranger to travel to North Carolina from another state to statutorily rape his already-molested adopted son.

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Chastity Bono, Transsexuality and the Church

Friday, June 12th, 2009

chastity_bono_ny-daily-news.jpgReport of Chastity Bono’s “gender change” in the New York Daily News.

Folks, this news story is so sad. Chastity Bono is now and will always be female, as God made her, but we can expect the media to repeat the GLBT Lobby’s praise of Bono for her “courage” as a celebrity “trailblazer,” blah, blah, blah. We certainly echo Laurie Higgins’ call to pray that Ms. Bono will never go through with a body-disfiguring “sex change” operation. Please pray for this woman. — Peter LaBarbera


By Laurie Higgins, reprinted from Illinois Family Institute

Chastity Bono’s publicist announced that Chastity is pursuing a “sex change.” Chastity, as everyone knows, is the only daughter of Cher and the deceased Sonny Bono. Many years ago, Chastity made the decision to embrace homosexuality, and as of March, she has begun the process of “changing sexes.”

Of course, rational people realize that changing one’s name, cross-dressing, ingesting hormones naturally produced by the opposite sex, and electively amputating healthy parts of one’s sexual anatomy don’t really change one’s biological sex. The emperor was really wearing no clothes, and Chastity, who has assumed the moniker “Chaz,” will always really be a woman.

It’s utterly confounding that society en masse believes or pretends to believe that “transgenderism” reflects a real phenomenon of people actually trapped in the wrong body rather than a profound disruption in the development of a secure and proper sexual identity. Doctors who perform such surgeries are engaging in medical malpractice and violating the increasingly meaningless and antiquated Hippocratic Oath.

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Kevin Jennings’ Legacy: ‘Gay Youth Pride’ in Boston

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Boys in mini-skirts, “hot” lesbian “b*tches,” it’s all a part of government-promoted GLBT “youth pride” Boston


Kevin Jennings’ Legacy: Boston “Gay Youth Pride”: The photo at left is of a young man dressed as a woman marching in Boston’s annual, government-supported homosexual “Youth Pride Parade.”  Shame on homosexual activist Kevin Jennings [in small black-and-white photo at right], founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) and President Obama’s new appointee to head up the “Safe Schools” program in the Department of Education. Jennings is a vicious anti-Christian bigot (he said “[F–k] ’em and “Drop dead!” to the “religious right”) who capitalized early on the idea of promoting homosexuality in schools under the guise of “safety.” One very “unsafe” event that should have resulted in Jennings’ banishment from the world of education was “Fistgate” [warning: very graphic language”] All photos courtesy of

TAKE ACTION: Call Education kevin_jennings2.jpgSecretary Arne Duncan at 202-401-3000 and urge him to withdraw Jennings’ appointment as Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. Or e-mail him at: Also, contact President Obama at 202-456-1414 and your U.S. Senators and Congressman (202-224-3121/202-225-3121) and urge them to press for the withdrawal of Jennings’ appointment. We don’t want radical, anti-Christian bigots setting policies affecting America’s schoolchildren.


Folks, these pictures from MassResistance and the YouTube video below from the annual homosexual “Youth Pride” parade in Boston are part of radical homosexual activist and new Obama political appointee Kevin Jennings’ legacy in promoting homosexuality and transsexuality to young people through the organization he founded, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). Thanks to the great work that MassResistance does every year to expose this travesty, there is an extensive record for all the world to see of the results of government-promoted “gay youth pride.”


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Former Homosexual Comments on George Weber Sex-Murder by Young ‘Sadomasochist’

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

george_weber.jpg New York ABC radio reporter George Weber, 47, was murdered by a young, self-described “sadomasochist” with whom he had hooked up for sex on A former homosexual, David, who has become a friend of AFTAH, says hook-ups, anonymous sex and “instant gratification” are “part and parcel of the male homosexual lifestyle.”

Folks, the greatest threat of violence to homosexual men comes from … other homosexual men. The stabbing murder of WABC reporter George Weber in New York is a terrible tragedy and yet it is instructive about the perils of promiscuous “gay” life. There is simply nothing that approaches the deviance of male homosexuality — especially at its sexual fringes — as other victims of gay-on-gay violence over the decades testify from the grave.

The New York Times reported March 24:

Officials said the teenager apparently answered a Craigslist ad in which Mr. Weber, 47, sought a sexual partner. The police believed Mr. Weber planned to pay [John] Katehis for sex. The police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, said that the two had arranged to meet on Wednesday, March 18, but rescheduled the meeting for Friday evening.

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So Many Gender Identities, So Little Time

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

By Peter LaBarbera

The graphic below is a question (one of 70) from the “National Survey on Transgender Experiences of Discrimination in the U.S.,” sponsored by the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Sort of makes you yearn for the good old days when people were either “male” or “female.” Come to think of it, they still are. You would practically need a PhD., to keep up with the ever-expanding array of gender identities that fall under the “T” umbrella in the “GLBT” (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) equation. Check out this mind-numbing Wikipedia entry attempting to define “Genderqueer.”

Note that the choices offered below do not comprise a comprehensive list of identities associated with GLBT movement, leading to an expansion of that acronym to “GLBTQQ” (the “QQ” stands for “Queer” and “Questioning”) and even longer combinations of letters. (Check out this Unitarian Universalists document, which on its front page also encourages sadomasochistic, prostitution and “non-monogamous” identities for young “queers.” Pure evil.) Here is the NCTE survey question:


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