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Dr. Michael Brown, author of "A Queer Thing Happened to America," and one of the world's leading Jewish Christian scholars.
Here is Part One of my interview with Mike Brown [click HERE to listen], perhaps one of the most politically incorrect leaders on the planet. This was pre-recorded and aired April 23rd. Brown, the director of the Coalition of Conscience, based in Charlotte, N.C., is author of “A Queer Thing Happened to America,” a new book about the amazing rise in power of organized homosexuality in the United States. Brown, as a Jewish man who believes in Jesus Christ, is also one of the world’s leading authorities on Jewish Christianity. He has engaged in numerous debates with rabbis about the divinity of Jesus, and authored many books on the subject. In this first segment of our in-depth interview, Brown discusses how he came to faith in Jesus Christ after rebelling as a teenager and getting into very heavy drug use. It is a fascinating testimony and a witness to the awesome, redemptive power of God. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Do Not Use Real Player. It is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
Joe Jervis is in the business of "Defamation" -- he especially hates Christian conservatives who criticize homosexuality -- and yet he got an "Outstanding Blog" award from GLAAD, a "gay" "anti-defamation" group.
Culture warrior Matt Barber — one of the many people who have personally suffered at the hands of pro-homosexual activists — had this to say about GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) giving its 2011 “Outstanding Blog” award to radical, hateful homosexual activist Joe Jervis and his “Joe.My.God.” blog:
“So GLAAD, a self-described anti-defamation group, gives an award to one of the most vicious, vile and vulgar anti-Christian bigots on the planet and expects to be taken seriously? Hey, while we’re at it why not give Muammar Gaddafi the ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ award. Or how about a Nobel Peace Prize for Barack Oba… Oh, wait….”
Barber is Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action, an Associate Dean at Liberty University School of Law, and Board Member of Americans For Truth. By the way, we’re delighted to report that the devious Jervis is wasting his money on the purchase of the web domain “americanfortruth.com” (no “s” after “american”) to steer unsuspecting visitors who intend to reach AFTAH (www.americansfortruth.com) to his mean-spirited blog. We’re pretty sure pro-family people won’t be persuaded by his particular brand of anti-Christian “defamation” — although Jervis does help us keep up with homosexuality-related news. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
From today’s AFTAH e-newsletter; go HERE for contact info for Chili’s and parent company Brinker International — which is a “National Corporate Partner” of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force:
Dear Readers,
This is not just another e-mail about boycotting yet another irresponsible corporation. It’s about educating the nation on the incredibly extreme and unhealthy agenda of the pro-Homosexuality-Bisexuality-Transsexuality Lobby — and holding company executives accountable for financing that agenda. Last week in Minneapolis, I and a few other pro-family advocates went undercover at the annual “Creating Change” grassroots homosexual conference put on by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. There were more than 2,000 LGBT activists in attendance! Some of the “change” we heard advocated in the various workshops, and which we will document in the days and weeks ahead, was shocking. Yet this agenda is one that the left-leaning media refuse to examine, much less expose. So AFTAH will do the media’s job for them by laying out the Gay Task Force’s extremist vision, which includes:
Taxpayer-financed “sex change” operations for transsexuals (not to do so is “discrimination” against “transgenders”);
Using polling, focus groups and emotional arguments to persuade evangelical Christians to ignore Scripture and accept homosexuality-based “rights”;
Using the tragedy of homosexual youth suicides to shame Christians into stop calling homosexuality sinful;
Celebrating sadomasochism (consensual sexual violence and degradation) and “kinky”/fetish sexual behaviors
Pro-homosexuality lessons for grade school kids (because waiting until middle school is too late to reach them);
“Non-judgmental condom advocacy for young men in the name of HIV prevention — and even being non-judgmental in “safe sex” training when it comes to bizarre/disgusting “fetish” behaviors
Predicting not just a future “gay” president of the United States but also a “bi” and a “transgender” president! (I’ll withhold the jokes…);
Using “gender identity” laws to pressure businesses to bend to the transgender agenda of “Gender-Neutral Restrooms” — to replace the old-fashioned variety with an “M” or an “F” on the door.
There is much, much more — the homosexual Task Force puts the “D” back in “Deviance,” that’s for sure. Stay tuned as we lay out the “change” that this high-powered organization and “Friend of Barack Obama” is promoting for America — with help from Chilis restaurants, Wells Fargo, Southwest Airlines, and other major corporations. God bless you and thanks for standing with us! — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth, www.aftah.org; americansfortruth@gmail.com.
Every year, the powerful homosexual activist group Human Rights Campaign puts out a "Buyer's Guide" to advance its goal of gaining corporate support for the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activist agenda.
Periodically, we’ll post Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera’s “Tweets” or Facebook entries on the AFTAH main page. We’ll clean up the Twitter abbreviations, and occasionally also post responses. Note as well that the most recent Twitter posts will be continuously published and updated on the “Pete’s Tweets” bar at left. To follow Americans For Truth LaBarbera on Twitter for frequent updates and quick comments on the pro-homosexuality agenda, go HERE; to see LaBarbera’s Facebook page, go HERE. The following Tweet was posted Feb. 8, 2011 in the morning:
Use this pro-lgbt [lesbian, gay, bi, trans] Human Rights Campaign (HRC) “Buyer’s Guide” to see which corporations are the most sold out to the homosexual agenda: http://bit.ly/heFPjk
Part Two of our interview with “Chaps” Gordon Klingenschmitt of the Pray in Jesus Name Project. This was pre-recorded and aired Jan. 22, 2010 on WYLL-AM 1160 in Chicagoland. This is the second of a two-part interview; click HERE to listen to Part One. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Chaps discuss the next steps in the debate over “homosexualizing” the U.S. military — following the lame-duck congressional repeal of the ban against homosexual servicemembers. They discuss the prospects of Republicans in Congress making a serious move to thwart or reverse the implemtation of the new plan to open up the Armed Forces to open homosexuals. Chaps also rebuts left-wing accounts that accuse him of deceit in his public efforts as a then-Navy chaplain to “pray in Jesus’ name.”
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
First ten questions of the Wright, Adams and Bernat "Homophobia Scale" promoted by PBS. Click to enlarge.
By Peter LaBarbera
Well, I just took the “Homophobia Questionnaire” promoted by PBS’ “Frontline” and it’s official: I am “non-homophobic.” The quiz is called the “Wright, Adams & Bernat Homophobia Scale” and it is — needless to say — biased toward the liberal side on homosexuality. Nevertheless, I “passed” by a comfortable margin — with any score 50 or below registering as “non-homophobic,” and any score 51 or above qualifying as “homophobic.”
Here is Frontline’s description of the test:
In 1996, as part of his study on homophobia, Dr. Henry Adams and his colleagues at the University of Georgia developed their own “Homophobia Scale” by modifying scales used by other researchers in earlier studies. It’s a 25-item questionnaire “designed to measure your thoughts, feelings and behaviors with regards to homosexuality.” The instructions stressed: “It is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers.”
It should be noted — as we did in reporting pro-family advocates Mat Staver’s and Matt Barber’s “non-homophobic” scores — that we at AFTAH regard the entire concept of “homophobia” as: tendentious; non-scientific; overly-broad, especially due to its ever-expanding application in society (to cover opposition toward rather than irrational fear of homosexuals); subjective; manipulative; and — all too often — a bludgeon with which to demonize and belittle well-meaning opponents of homosexuality (including those motivated by their religion).
Left’s rhetoric following Tucson murder recalls Homosexual Lobby’s exploitation of Matthew Shepard murder
For years, liberal, pro-homosexual activists have been using the cynical and dishonest tactic of blaming the Right and conservative rhetoric for horrific acts of violence: remember when the “gay” lobby organizations blamed the “Religious Right” for the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard — supposedly by creating a “climate of hate” against homosexuals? [See Human Rights Campaign quote in the jump, following video.] Kudos to Brit Hume for supplying his usual dose of common sense, which has a much wider application than the Giffords case:
“The savage beating and burning of Matthew Shepard did not occur in a vacuum. Crimes such as these arise out of minds twisted and misinformed about lesbian and gay people. The leaders of the most powerful religious political organizations — some of which have headquarters right here in Colorado — have made a strategic, political decision to target gays and lesbians,” said Mills at the press conference.
All givers to AFTAH of $100 or more will receive a hard-cover copy of the late Dr. Charles Socarides' book, "Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far." Gifts must be made online or postmarked by midnight Friday, Dec. 31st to receive a 2010 tax deduction.
“You are a worthless dishonest lying hypocritical piece of excrement, and your God is going to have words with you someday.”
“You have “gay face”. Gay face is a certain look that some gay people have. your face is perfect to have a [XXX] inserted into your [XXXXX] and [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] across your eyeballs.”
— Two of the hundreds of hate missives sent by pro-homosexuality activists to Americans For Truth in 2010
The Real “Haters” Hate AFTAH? Folks, Americans For Truth is on the receiving end of an incredible amount of real HATRED from homosexual activists — evil and vile letters like the above that neither we nor any pro-family advocate I know would ever even consider sending to a homosexual or a “gay” organization. And yet WE are dubbed a “hate group” — because we actively oppose the Homosexual-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transsexual movement. Please help us at www.americansfortruth.com/donate
Year-End Gifts to AFTAH: Americans For Truth has received a generous $10,000 matching gift that we hope to completely match in this vital, year-end giving period. Your donation must be received online or postmarked by midnight Dec. 31st (Friday night) to be counted as a tax deduction for 2010! Please make your year-end “Match” donation of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or whatever you can give to: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ — or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
FREE BOOK with $100 Gift: If you send a tax-deductible gift to AFTAH of $100 or more, you will receive a free hard-cover book, Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides.