Media’s Liberal Bias (General)

AFTAH ‘Staple-phobe’ Responds to Biased Article on Columbus, Ohio Deviant-Sex Conference

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

staple_gun_stanley.jpg[UPDATE ON THIS STORY — MORE JOURNALISTIC MALFEASANCE: we heard back from “Stephanie,” one of the protesters against “Winter Wickedness,” who told us that ‘The Other Paper” reporter Kitty McConnell subjectively miscast them as hateful and made some key errors in her reporting on their counter-protest. One factual error was McConnell’s observation that she saw “a small group of protesters lined up outside of the Holiday Inn on Wilson Bridge Road waving ‘God Hates Fags’ signs.” To the contrary, Stephanie says that her group never held “God Hates Fags” signs. Moreover, Stephanie said she opposes Phelps’ “God Hates Fags” slogan and once almost joined a local protest against him when he came to hold one of his clan’s patented “God Hates Fags” protests against a murdered Marine. (Stephanie’s group had no connection to Americans For Truth, and she called us after reading our account (below) repeating McConnell’s false report tying the protesters to the “God Hates Fags” message.)

Strangely, in a phone conversation yesterday with McConnell, even after I brought up her egregious reporting errors, she said she had “pegged it” regarding the protesters’ alleged hatefulness.

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Tell Congress You Oppose ENDA — The ‘ENDA’ Our Freedom’ Bill

Friday, January 9th, 2009

Imagine oppressive state pro-homosexual laws — enhanced by federal power

neil_clark_warren-2.JPG How Many More eHarmony “gay” sellouts under ENDA? Neil Clark Warren, founder of, lost his courage and settled rather than fight a homosexual lawsuit filed under New Jersey’s “sexual orientation” law. So now Warren and are facilitating immoral homosexual unions. If a federal ENDA bill becomes law, it will greatly enhance the power of homosexual activists to force businessmen and employers to accommodate and subsidize homosexual relationships against their will. The very freedom of Christians, Muslims and other moral-minded citizens to disagree with homosexuality hangs in the balance. 

TAKE ACTION: Answer the pro-homosexual lobby campaign! Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and have them connect you to your Representative (based on your zip code). Tell them: “I am a constituent and I would like you to please tell Representative _______ that I strongly OPPOSE the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) — which threatens Americans’ basic freedom to live out their faith and disagree with homosexual behavior. I also oppose expanding federal “hate crimes” law to add “sexual orientation” and opening up our Armed Forces to open homosexuality — especially during a time of war. Then, call back and leave messages with your two Senators too! Contact their local offices, which you can find through and


By Peter LaBarbera

OK, everyone, vacation is over. Americans For Truth is back on the beat, fresh from being denounced and mocked by various pro-sodomy “queer” blogs at the end of 2008 (what an honor — more on that later). Below, please read an appeal for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) from a major homosexual activist group — and then DO THE OPPOSITE by calling your U.S. Congressman and Senators and urge them to vote AGAINST the ENDA bill.

We’re calling ENDA — a top priority for the Homosexual and Transsexual Lobbies — the “ENDA’ Our Freedom” Bill because it poses a severe threat to Americans’ First Amendment freedom to disagree with homosexuality. ENDA would be used to force small- and medium-sized businesses to subsidize immoral homosexual unions — and that’s un-American!

Here’s a paper I wrote for AFTAH on ENDA, but if you’re too busy or too lazy to read that, here’s how to think of ENDA:

Remember the recent outrage over’s sellout to homosexual activism — when evangelical Christian founder Neil Clark Warren agreed to create a “gay” dating website under the auspices of eHarmony? Well, that sellout, unnecessary and misguided as it was, came at the point of a gun. And the “gun” was New Jersey’s state version of ENDA: a pro-homosexual “nondiscrimination” law. That very same New Jersey “sexual orientation” law was used to launch the legal assault against the Boy Scouts of America’s fundamental right to live by its own creed and NOT allow homosexual (or atheist) Scoutmasters.

Thankfully, the Boy Scouts (unlike did not capitulate and the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately preserved their freedom of association in a 5-4 decision that surely would have gone the other way if just one more liberal justice of the sort favored by President-elect Obama (and many other powerful Democrats) were seated on the Court.

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Will You Help AFTAH Stand for Truth against ‘Queer’ Activist Lies?

Tuesday, December 30th, 2008

New matching grant will double $100 year-end gifts to AFTAH

warren_obama_mccain1.jpgDemonizing Christians in the name of “Tolerance” — The current “gay” activist campaign to demonize “Purpose Driven” pastor and author Rick Warren exposes the homosexual lobby’s totalitarian, anti-Christian impulse: this is is one sin movement that cannot be appeased and which is willing to destroy or silence ANYONE who gets in its way — be it Anita Bryant, Dr. Laura Schlessinger or now Rick Warren. America needs a fearless voice like Americans For Truth that UNAPOLOGETICALLY exposes the lies and bigoted, hardball tactics of the Homosexual Lobby. Help us make the most of a new matching gift by making your online gift of $100 (or whatever you can give) before midnight tomorrow: Sign up to be an AFTAH Monthly Truth Team giver at Click on photo to enlarge.


YEAR-END MATCHING GIFT: A generous Illinois supporter has just offered to match a limited number of $100 gifts to Americans For Truth through year’s end. Would you consider making a tax-deductible gift to Americans For Truth of $100 — or  $25, $50, $250 or even $500 or $1,000 — to help sustain AFTAH’s unique mission of standing boldly against the aggressive Homosexual Lobby’s lies?  Our goal is $5,000 in online gifts by year’s end. Go to our user-friendly giving page — — to make your tax-free donation using PayPal or your MasterCard or Visa.  Or mail a gift here (postmarked by 12/31 if you want it to count for 2008; Jan. 1 and after will go toward 2009):  AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567.

TRUTH TEAM MEMBERSHIP:  To sign up as a Truth Team member by pledging $25, $50, $100, $250 or more per month to sustain AFTAH’s critical work, go HERE.


“Scripture gives us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be … married—and a number of excellent reasons why they should.” Lisa Miller, Newsweek Religion Editor

HA HA …  CA Supreme Court rules the ban against same sex marriage is unconstitutional. — E-mail sent by “Matt Autio” to AFTAH May 15, 2008. Six months later, the high court ruling was overturned when California voters passed Proposition 8 re-establishing marriage as between a man and a woman. Now homosexual lawyers are appealing to the California Supreme Court to once again overturn the will of the people by invalidating the historic Prop 8 vote.

Dear Friend of Americans For Truth,

I hope you are enjoying the Christmas holiday as we ready ourselves for another New Year.  I’m writing to ask you to consider making a tax-free, year-end gift to Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) –– a leading group specializing in exposing and opposing the rich and powerful homosexual activist movement.  All gifts to AFTAH are tax-deductible for 2008 if postmarked by Dec. 31st or for 2009 if postmarked Jan. 1st or later.

Americans For Truth is known and respected by leading family advocates worldwide for our fearless truth-telling on the homosexual issue.  Long before the homosexual activist threat to our religious liberties became a hot issue in pro-family circles, AFTAH was warning Americans about the dangerous implications of reinventing “civil rights” based on destructive –– and changeable –– homosexual behavior.  We have been blessed as our website ( received over 600,000 page hits in November alone and over 6 million page hits in 2008. We now have faithful, daily readers all over the world — such as Leo from Italy — who rely on us for information on the homosexual agenda that they cannot get from the liberal, pro-“gay” media!

Because of our work, we are despised and hated by homosexual militants – although as Christians we do not hate them back!  (Check out this ongoing, nasty attack on me by just one of thousands of homosexual websites dedicated to justifying immoral behavior; this particular activist was infuriated that we had the audacity to link the tragic death of a 26-year-old homosexual man from AIDS to his embrace of the unhealthy homosexual lifestyle.)

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Obama’s Doublespeak on ‘Gay Marriage’

Sunday, December 28th, 2008

Democratic deception worked: most ignorant about Obama’s radical anti-DOMA agenda

obama_rolling_stone_cover.jpgObama hagiography courtesy of the left-leaning Rolling Stone. It seems that many people who voted for Obama had no idea of his radical positions on abortion and “gay marriage.” Click on image to enlarge.

The following column first appeared on the Republicans For Family Values website and ran toward the end of the campaign. It seems as if the Obama camp did an effective job of hiding their candidate’s radical social agenda. Since Obama’s election victory, I have conducted an informal survey by asking several people who voted for the Democrat if they knew of his position on two critical “culture war” issues: his call to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and his pledge to sign the pro-abortion “Freedom of Choice Act.” Not one Obama voter I have spoken with (about 10) had any clue of either stance, and most were surprised to learn of both. (Try this experiment on your friends and coworkers.) This does not necessarily mean that they would have voted against Obama had they known, but it does suggest that Obama can claim no popular mandate from the election to press forward on these radical goals. Perhaps I overstated the effect (as some AFTAH friends suggested), but here’s a piece I wrote suggesting that John McCain could have fared better by not downplaying these social issues: “McCain Lost because He Failed to Expose Obama’s Far Left Record on Abortion and Homosexual ‘Marriage.’” — Peter LaBarbera


Obama is For ‘Gay Marriage’ even as He’s Against it

By Peter LaBarbera

As a social conservative, one of the most troubling aspects of [the recent] presidential campaign has been the media’s (and John McCain’s) failure to flesh out Barack Obama’s “audacious” doublespeak on the issue of same-sex “marriage.”

Here’s the question Obama was lucky enough to have never been asked in this campaign: What does it mean to say you support traditional marriage (one man, one woman) – when you do so much to advance the pro-“gay marriage” cause, including denouncing state marriage-protection amendments like Prop 8 in California as “discriminatory and divisive”?

Did you know that Obama has promised homosexual activists that he will work to fully repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act? DOMA was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996 and protects states from being forced to recognize out-of-state “gay marriages.” It was passed overwhelmingly by the Senate, 85-14, with Sen. Biden joining 28 other Democrats in voting yes. How liberal is Obama’s anti-DOMA scheme? Hillary Clinton, a trusted gay ally, pledged to repeal only part of DOMA.

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Leading Expert on Bible and Homosexuality Rebuts Newsweek Article Claiming Bible Supports ‘Gay Marriage’

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Prof. Gagnon’s 23-page report debunks every shibboleth and inacurracy by “reporter” Lisa Miller

prof_robert_gagnon.jpgProf. Robert Gagnon rebuts Newsweek religion “reporter” Lisa Miller’s astonishingly biased and shallow polemic claiming that the Bible actually supports homosexual “marriage.” Click here to read Gagnon’s 23-page report: “More than ‘Mutual Joy’: Lisa Miller of Newsweek against Scripture and Jesus.”

Folks, needless to say, when Newsweek religion “reporter” Lisa Miller penned her ultra-biased, sophomoric cover story — or should I say “cover screed” — claiming that the Bible supports homosexual “marriage, she did not contact Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Robert Gagnon — probably the world’s foremost scholarly authority on the Bible and homosexuality. Doing so would have threatened Miller’s subversive, and very “queer,” thesis: that “Scripture gives us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be … married — and a number of excellent reasons why they should.”

Prof. Gagnon has written a very thorough refutation of Newsweek’s and Miller’s arrogant assault on God’s Word. Click here for Gagnon’s full, 23-page report: “More than ‘Mutual Joy’: Lisa Miller of Newsweek against Scripture and Jesus.” In the report, Gagnon sets the record straight (no pun intended) on Miller’s many inaccuracies and pro-“gay” assertions, including:

  • Did Jesus Christ really have nothing to say against homosexuality (and hence “same-sex marriage”)?
  • Does the Bible proscribe lesbian sex and relationships?
  • Are Old Testament condemnations of homosexual acts (e.g., Leviticus 18:22, aptly describing sex between men as “detestable”) mere “throwaway lines in a peculiar text” — about as relevant as Old Testament rules for “hair cuts” and “cleanliness rituals for menstruating women,” as Miller writes?
  • Since marriage has evolved since Bible times, why NOT let it evolve to include homosexual couples?
  • Does the Bible’s call to reach out with compassion to social outcasts mandate condoning homosexual relationships?
  • Miller’s assertion in favor of church-blessed homosexual “marriages”: “If we are all God’s children, made in his likeness and image, then to deny access to any sacrament based on sexuality is exactly the same thing as denying it based on skin color”?

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AFA Takes on Newsweek’s Shameful Distortion of the Bible to Shill for Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Lisa Miller twists Scripture as media seek to discredit Prop 8

newsweek_shills_for_counterfeit_marriage.jpg At right is a Newsweek graphic for its new, scandalous hit piece in support of homosexual “marriage.” It appears the magazine’s Religion Editor, Lisa Miller, is now a theological expert — declaring that — contrary to 2,000 years of Church history — the Word of God actually supports homosexual “love” and thus same-sex “marriages.” Albert Mohler takes Miller’s piece apart HERE. Readers might also check out Professor Rob Gagnon’s website to learn what the Bible really says about homosexual practice.

American liberal media bias is out of control. Somebody get Newsweek’s religion editor, Lisa Miller, a job with the “gay christian” (small “c”) activist group Soulforce, where she belongs. Kudos to Albert Mohler for refuting her nonsense. And once again, American Family Association (AFA) provides a valuable service by helping Americans confront liberal media bias — in this case, Miller’s embarrassing attempt t0 make a Biblical case for sodomy-based “marriage.” — Peter LaBarbera


AFA sent out this E-Alert:

Take Action! 
Send an e-mail to Newsweek telling Newsweek you are disappointed with its distorted interpretation of scripture.
Forward this e-mail to your friends and family. They need to see how the media distorts scripture to support same-sex marriage. Ask them to send the e-mail to Newsweek.  Call CEO Thomas E. Ascheim at 212-445-5245. Please be polite.
If you subscribe to Newsweek, cancel your subscription and tell them why.


Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.

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Tom Roeser Has Some Suggestions to Save the Lefty Chicago Sun-Times

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

richard_roeper-2.jpgChicago Sun-Times columnist and movie critic Richard Roeper thinks American audiences need to “get over” their objections to seeing two men kiss on the big screen. Click HERE to go to Chicago conservative icon Tom Roeser’s superb blog.

I highly recommend this masterful evisceration of the left-wing Chicago Sun-Times by conservative old-hand Tom Roeser (a former Sun-Times columnist himself who was fired twice by that newspaper, and by the Tribune). I don’t know about Richard Roeper (pictured at left), but it is curious that this “swinging bachelor” opines in print about how Americans need to “get over” their objections to seeing two men kissing on the big screen. (Not to be outdone, the rival Trib ran a feature piece by a woman describing how the movie Brokeback Mountain is a turn-on for women, who supposedly like to see men engaged in sexual situations with other men.)

For those who want to get an inside tutorial on the liberal, corrupt Chicago political/media culture from which Barack Obama emerged — or if you simply enjoy good writing — there is no better read than Tom Roeser. Sign up for a Feedblitz service on his blog at — Peter LaBarbera,


Roeser writes (Dec. 1):

A Modest Proposal that May Save the “Sun-Times.” Who Knows? Both City Newspapers
Michael Cooke: A nice guy, basically.

For decades now, the culture sage Michael Medved has been sharing with us certain bitter truths about Hollywood…and one of them, surprisingly, is this: a host of examples show tinsel-town that America wants wholesome entertainment…not saccharine stuff but entertainment that can give them a particle of hope. But Hollywood steadfastly refuses to package these shows…not because they would be economic failures…but because the film colony itself is so damnably cross-eyed that it is unable to see straight because it concentrates on a prism of abhorrent scripts…hate America scripts, if you please…gruesome, sadistic dark films of perversion and hatred…which generally either fail at the box-office or are keen disappointments to their investors.

I have just read an interview with Joe Eszterhas, a gifted screenwriter who has turned away from this Hollywood aura and wants to make wholesome, ethically redemptive films-not candy-coated ones. He thinks…in fact KNOWS…there is money to be made here: he cites “Rocky” “The Passion of the Christ” and “Narnia.” Don’t get me wrong, Joe Eszterhas has spent a long time getting here and has made some turkeys in his earlier incarnation-which included editorship of “Rolling Stone” and a stint as Hollywood’s top paid screenwriter who ground out scripts filled with sex and violence. He says exactly what Medved has said: the Hollywood community is so screwed up it is passing up prospects of hugely successful enterprises because it is so inured with…well…sin. Consequently he says the town is consumed with remakes of “Batman.” He sees great film possibilities in the works of Thomas Merton and Graham Green.

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Cartoon — Hate on BOTH Sides?

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

To watch the YouTube video of the Palm Springs news broadcast that inspired this cartoon by the Culture and Media Institute, see our story, “Homosexual Protesters against Prop 8 Engulf Elderly Woman, Stomp on her Cross.” Be warned: the video automatically launches when you click on the page, and will only shut off when you close the page. Note the male anchorman who attempts to sum up the story with his silly “both sides” comment.


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