Media’s Liberal Bias (General)

Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern Wins Re-election in Landslide Despite Homosexual Smear Campaign

Thursday, November 13th, 2008

Homosexual attacks boomeranged; “gay” incumbent statewide candidate Jim Roth loses despite heavily outspending pro-family opponent backed by Kern

ellen_degeneres_calls_sally_kern.jpgHow many state representatives draw the attention of national TV talk show hosts? At left, Ellen DeGeneres rolls her eyes as she plays the (selectively edited) audiotape of Oklahoma state representative Sally Kern (R; pictured on the screen next to Ellen). Apparently Ellen is not aware that pro-“gay” educators have targeted very young students — even toddlers — with inappropriate, homosexuality-affirming messages. Despite the withering and often nasty “gay” web campaign against her, Kern easily won re-election in her district. Moreover, Kern helped another Republican candidate, Dana Murphy, oust Democrat Jim Roth, an incumbent and an open homosexual activist, for the statewide office of Corporation Commission. Murphy was vastly outspent by Roth, who was endorsed by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund — which launched the smear campaign against Kern. Click on graphic to enlarge.


By Peter LaBarbera

Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) won re-election in a landslide, 58-42 percent, last week – overcoming a national smear campaign against her by homosexual militants and celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres who tried to paint her as an extremist – based on a secretly recorded speech in which she labeled “gay” activism a grave threat to America.

In another triumph over homosexual activism in red state Oklahoma, Kern’s close ally, Republican Dana Murphy, defeated open homosexual Jim Roth (D) for Corporate Commission – an important statewide office. Roth, the incumbent, heavily outspent Murphy, and was endorsed by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund (GLVF) – which launched the demonization campaign against Kern and which encouraged out-of-state “gay” campaign donations to Roth.

In this heavily-watched race, GLVF hoped that Roth – already the first admitted homosexual to hold statewide office — would become the first such candidate to be elected statewide in Oklahoma. Instead, GLVF itself became a campaign issue that helped bring Roth down.

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Homosexual Protesters against Prop 8 Engulf Elderly Woman, Stomp on Her Cross

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Reporter: “We are being attacked here.”

Dear Readers, here’s more evidence that homo-fascism is coming out of the closet following the triumph of Proposition 8, which simply restores the traditional definition of marriage in California. “Gay” activists now rail against ANY opposition to their agenda as “hateful.” Watch this video from Palm Springs, California — a notorious homosexual Mecca. Note the anchorman’s politically correct summation, as if the “hate” on the video really came from “both sides”! Beneath the video is more background on this latest “gay” outrage; note that a commercial precedes the online video news story. — Peter LaBarbera




Here’s the report on this incident in The Desert Sun:

A candlelight service to protest the state’s recently enacted gay marriage ban turned hostile Friday night when a woman carried a cross into the crowd.

The crowd chanted, “Go home!” “Nazi!” and “Shame on you!” as organizers pleaded with the crowd to ignore the woman.

“God has given me a message, a word for all of us and it’s fidelity,” said Phyllis Burgess, a Palm Springs supporter of the gay marriage ban.

“I have a right to be here.”

The crowd saw things differently, pressed in on Burgen, ripped the cross from her hands and stomped on it. In the rush, protesters pushed one another and Burgen, who said she would not press charges although she was bruised in the exchange.

For more on this story, here’s a follow-up piece by the Sun, “Prop 8 tussle may result in charges.”

Florida Marriage Advocate Says Anti-Amendment 2 Effort the Dirtiest Campaign He’s ever Seen

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

The following appeal was written by John Stemberger, director of the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment campaign; you can give to the pro-defense of marriage side HERE:

Dear Friend,

In 25 years of working in campaigns I have never seen greater hostility, illegal activity and just stunning vandalism by the opponents of Amendment 2.

Since I last reported it to you, they are now stooping lower than low.  And tonight at midnight is the legal deadline for you to make a contribution to do something about it.

The most recent poll commissioned by Bay News 9 has us now with 59% of Floridians in support of 2 —only 1% away from the 60% we need to win. And because we are so very close the opposition has become more desperate than ever because even their own fraudulent messages trying to scare senior citizens are not working.  So they are resorting to anything goes –despicable campaigning.

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Another Presidential Non-Debate on Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

‘Gay’ agenda not raised in three presidential debates — but don’t just blame the media …

mccain-obama_debate.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

OK, now it’s official. In three presidential debates to help us decide which man – John McCain or Barack Obama – will lead this nation, the critical issue of homosexual “marriage” didn’t even come up.

Add to that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal “hate crimes” bill and Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), homosexuality in the military, how “gay rights” laws threaten religious and other freedoms, and homosexual adoption of children.

On each of these issues, Obama and McCain strongly disagree, but we never (or barely) got to hear them explain their positions on the same stage – in contrast to Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church debate where at least “gay marriage” was discussed. The only time that homosexuality was raised in the four official debates, including the vice-presidential debate, was when moderator Gwen Ifill asked a poorly constructed question about same-sex benefits and then “gay marriage” to Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden.

The issue of judicial appointments did come up but certainly has received far less attention than it deserves since judges are setting now policy in this country.

Do you feel as gypped as I do by the combination of media bias, campaign jingoism and political correctness that resulted in one of the most important issues facing our nation — whether marriage should be radically redefined to accommodate “rights” based on homosexual behavior – not even being mentioned in the official debates?

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BREAKING NEWS: Palin’s Church in Alaska Believes that Jesus Christ Is God, He Created the World and – GASP — He Helps Gay Sinners Overcome Homosexuality

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

‘Pray away the gay’ and hope Wayne Besen gets a one-way ticket to Alaska

wayne_besen_2.jpg Homosexual gadfly Wayne Besen is begging for money to fly to Alaska to embarrass Gov. Sarah Palin and promote the lie that homosexuals cannot change. And Associated Press is happy to parrot Besen’s line ridiculing healthy change for homosexuals.

‘News’ Release
Americans For Truth

September 9, 2008

Contact: Peter LaBarbera,; 630-717-7631

Secular City, USA — The alternative new media and old establishment media alike are swarming around startling revelations concerning Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s church in Alaska.

Huff-And-Puff Post has learned that Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin worships, actually believes the Bible that Christ came to earth as a man, professed to be God Himself and forgave peoples’ sins, and performed miracles that only God could do, like raising Lazarus from the dead. Wasilla doctrine teaches that this same Jesus now sits at the right hand of His Heavenly Father and lovingly intervenes in the lives of human beings.

“We have discovered that these brainwashed Christianists who cling to their religion and their guns also cling to fairy tales about Jesus as some prayer-answering ‘savior,’” said Arianna Huff-and-Puff, publisher of the online H&P Post. “It’s one thing to believe that this unseen God-man Jesus helped create the world and performs miracles in the lives of his followers — like healing drug addicts and transforming the hearts of hardened criminals. But believing that He can help also people leave homosexuality – what are they, nuts?!”

Associated Press reports ominously that Wasilla Bible Church supports programs to help men and women overcome homosexual desires. AP, consistent with its well-earned reputation as Always Politically-correct, chose to use the homosexual pejorative “Pray Away the Gay” to describe Wasilla’s ex-“gay” ministry.

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Here Come the Christian-Bashers — Huffington Post Attacks Gov. Palin’s ‘Controversial Worldview’

Friday, September 5th, 2008

sarah-palin.jpg Left targets Gov. Palin’s Christian worldview.

Evangelical Christians and religious conservatives who want to abandon the “Culture Wars” ought to consider how that directly matches the goal of homosexual activists, who seek to minimize conservative religious influence in the public square. Read this piece by my good friend Brian Fitzpatrick of the Culture & Media Institute, and click on the story’s links about the recent homosexual journalists’ convention in Washington, D.C. — Peter LaBarbera

Fitzpatrick writes:

Pro-Gay Journalist: Palin’s Religious Worldview ‘Controversial’

Huffington Post suggests that applying Christian values to public policy is inappropriate

Culture & Media Institute, Sept. 4, 2008 

In an obvious attempt to creat a Jeremiah Wright-style scandal for the Republican presidential ticket — and to marginalize conservative Christian values — Huffington Post National Editor Nico Pitnew is questioning the religious beliefs of GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin and her former pastor.

A Sept. 2 Huffington Post article by Pitney and Political Reporter Sam Stein begins with an ominous headline: “Palin’s Church May Have Shaped Controversial Worldvie.” They write, “And if the political storm over Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright is any indication, Palin may face some political fallout over the more controversial teachings of Wasilla Assembly of God.” …

In an effort to marginalize Palin’s religious values, Pitney appears to be advancing a political agenda. Just two weeks ago, the self-described “advocacy journalist” was scheduled to participate in a panel on opinion writing at the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention in Washington, D.C. Pitney told CMI [Culture & Media Institute] that he is neither homosexual nor a member of the NLGJA, but he is clearly an ideological fellow traveler. …

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San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom Puts Friendly Welcome Letter in Super-Raunchy Folsom Street Fair Program

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

Cites “diversity” and “inclusion” to welcome event featuring full male public nudity and public homosexual orgies on city streets

WARNING: Obscene Graphic of the Sort that Could Only Emerge from San Francisco

gavin_newsom.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

Dear Readers,

The “mainstream” media have a double-standard when it comes to Republicans versus Democrats linked to radical fringe groups or events. Democratic ties to radical leftist groups like the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, or libertine extremist events like the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, rarely garner huge media attention — while GOP ties to extremists often create scandal. Perhaps this imbalance in coverage is lessening a bit (e.g., Jeremiah Wright) now that there is a powerful TV network (FOX News) and “new” web-based media outlets that do not follow the Left’s lead. Still, the liberal-left benefits tremendously from the media’s non-coverage of their radical wing.

folsom_street_fair_gross_ad_covered_up.JPG Below is full-page ad on page 60 of the Folsom Street Fair 2008 official “Program Guide” (nudity and website address covered up). Mayor Newsom’s welcome letter to Folsom Street Fair participants is on page 16 of the same program (see below). It just doesn’t get any sicker or more extreme than Folsom, so why don’t Democratic politicians like San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (top photo) fear being associated with this vile event, and why does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) refuse to denounce it?

It would be hard to envision a more controversial event than the sadistic “leather” Folsom Street Fair — with its well-documented rampant public nudity and police-tolerated homosexual orgies on city streets — or so it would seem, anyway, if more Americans knew about it. The following welcome letter from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D) appears in the newly-released official Folsom Street Fair “Official 2008 Program Guide.” The “street fair” will be held in San Francisco on Sunday, September 28, and Americans for Truth, Mission America, American Family Association and other pro-family groups will be on hand to document the public indecency and officially “tolerated” filth.

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Secular ‘Zombietime’ Report Exposes Incredible Public Perversions Tolerated by Police and Politicians in San Francisco

Thursday, August 7th, 2008

WARNING: Obscene (albeit covered-up) photos of government -tolerated San Francisco perversion


The secular website Zombietime has documented the incredibly heinous public “pig sex” perversions and nudity that were allowed to take place unfettered by police at the July 27 “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco, which AFTAH also exposed. You can see the UNCENSORED photos like this one (which we covered up) at the Zombietime site and then ask yourself: what have the liberal, pro-homosexual, pro-gay-“marriage” elites and politicians done to America? Why are homosexual perverts allowed to rule the streets and defy the law in a major U.S. city — represented by the woman who is third in line to be President? We must restore public decency in California and in big cities across the nation and stop pandering to radical sexual agendas — including “same-sex marriage” — that undermine U.S. law and God’s moral code. America began to see the ugly truth of abortion through documentaries like “Silent Scream.” Perhaps we will begin facing up to the threat of government-endorsed homosexuality by viewing the horrid public depravities tolerated by pandering police and politicians in San Francisco. Go HERE to the Zombietime site; you can choose between a blurred out version or one in which the photos are NOT COVERED UP as this one is.

Dear Readers,

Occasionally we at Americans For Truth are taken to task by well-meaning but — in my view — woefully naive pro-family people for using graphic (albeit censored) photos to expose the real-life depravities associated with the homosexual movement. Just the other day, I was chided in an e-mail by an evangelical who is well-known as a commentator on GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) issues. He was irritated at AFTAH’s “picture show” — as he snidely called it — exposing the July 27 “Up Your Alley” sadistic street fair in San Francisco.

zombietime_crowd_shot_uya_08.JPGI expect to take heat from Professional Homosexuality Defenders and fanatical “gay” websites like Pam’s House Blend, Good As You and ExGayWatch — but not “pro-family” people who don’t seem to understand that homosexual activists are serious about destroying America’s Judeo-Christian and moral foundations — and our religious freedom — if we let them!

Truth is, AFTAH’s “picture show” — provided thanks to the selfless efforts of some Californian men who gave up their Sunday to document state-sanctioned sexual anarchy in the City by the Bay — hardly conveyed the full extent of Up Your Alley’s public debauchery. But a secular observer and creator of the Zombietime website has done so. Like AFTAH, Zombietime seeks to document this (in our view, scandalous) toleration of anything-goes perversion and full nudity on city streets.

Zombietime states: “The images shown in the report below have been published here because they are essential documentary components of a news story; they are not intended as titillation or pornography. … I am only publishing these images for their evidentiary and journalistic value, and have no desire to run an X-rated web site. In order to prove that what I’m reporting is really true, I must necessarily post pictures that many will perceive as pornographic.”

AFTAH’s aforementioned, holier-than-thou critic wondered why we couldn’t have just offered a single photo of the nudity-filled street fair to make our point. He implied that we weren’t being “redemptive” in our work. Had we followed his advice, our “gay” detractors surely would have charged us with distorting and exaggerating the reality of it through one measly photo! Offering a message of hope to homosexuals is critically important, but so is exposing the full, radical homosexual agenda that the “mainstream” media is cynically hiding from the public.

Incidentally, Zombietime, like AFTAH’s own eye-witnesses, contradicts homosexual activist Jeremy Hooper’s ridiculous attempt (also belied by the crowd photo above) to discredit AFTAH’s report by falsely claiming that Up Your Alley “was actually not ‘public.’ This is a paid, closed-off event. Yes it takes place in the streets; but these are blocked off streets!” In contrast, Zombietime, who was actually there, writes (emphasis his):

“And remember that this fair is completely free, and open to the public without any admission charge, and is held on public city streets.”

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