Media’s Liberal Bias (General)

FRC: Rude Congressmen Tell and Don’t Ask at Hearing on Gays in the Military

Friday, July 25th, 2008

gay-porn-google-sites-2-copy.jpgThe number of sites that come up on a Google search of “gay military pornography.”

The arrogance of the pro-homosexuality-in-the- military forces has escalated to unbelievable levels — a product in part of the huge political mobilization by anti-Don’t-Ask/Don’t-Tell forces compared to their pro-family opponents. Once again we see the play for sympathy based on the false and unproven idea that people are “born gay.” Get out your violins: the homosexual victims are coming … to Capitol Hill to demand more “rights” based on their aberrant sexual inclinations. Straight soldiers’ rights? Forget it! And no need to hire a PR agency for the “gay” side: the liberal media is taking care of that (more on Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank’s hit-piece against Donnelly later).–Peter LaBarbera


Tony Perkins of Family Research Council writes in his July 24 “Washington Update”:

Rude Congressmen Tell and Don’t Ask at Hearing

For the first time since Congress beat back Bill Clinton’s effort to bring homosexuals into the military in 1993, there was a hearing on the topic yesterday on Capitol Hill, which FRC’s Vice President for Policy Peter Sprigg and several Witherspoon Fellows attended. The Democrats in Congress are laying the groundwork for action next year, when they hope [a Democrat will be] president … to overturn the law which codified the military’s longstanding policy excluding homosexuals. Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, and Sgt. Major Brian Jones, a veteran of the Army’s elite Delta Force, ably defended the law in the face of shockingly disrespectful and even abusive questioning by members of the House Military Personnel subcommittee. Particularly egregious was the behavior of Rep. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.), who said that Donnelly’s concern about the impact of HIV-positive soldiers was “dumb” and that her testimony about behaviors common among homosexuals was “bonkers.” Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.) used the silly line, “When did you decide to be heterosexual?” The false assumptions that people are “born gay” and can never change, and that homosexuality is equivalent to race, permeated the questioning. Yet no one explained how it would benefit the military to recruit service members who plan to commit acts which are criminal under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Additional Resources
AP: Vigorous debate held on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’

Kinsey Sex Interview Subjects Were ‘Sluts and Show-offs’

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

Virgins had ‘nothing to report’ to perverted ‘sexologist’

alfred_kinsey_time_mag.gifAlfred Kinsey fooled a nation by seducing the media to promote his junk science as straight facts about Americans’ sex lives. Kinsey’s interview subjects were disproportionately involved in criminality, promiscuity and sexual deviance (he even took revolting “data” from a pedophile). Kinsey himself was a secret sexual masochist since his youth–who inserted foreign objects up his penis.

Linda Love writes AFTAH regarding our May 30 piece on Alfred Kinsey and sadomasochism (“Bestiality Porn for Sale: Depraved IML Practices Recall Alfred Kinsey’s Masochistic Perversions’s Deviant Heirs”):

FYI, My mother, Vivian Bowen, was a student of Alfred Kinsey at Indiana University during World War II. She told me many years ago that she believed Kinsey’s research was flawed. She said her fellow students would jokingly ask her if she had agreed to be interviewed about her sex life since she was one of the best looking women on campus. Of course, she didn’t. She was a virgin until she married and had nothing to report. She said it was only the sluts and show offs (what we would call exhibitionists) who came in for interviews!

Linda Love
“Tame the Media Tiger Instead of Becoming Its Lunch!” (c)2000-2008

Biased Media Polls Promote Homosexuals in the Military

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

“Should the military require, as a matter of policy, forced cohabitation between heterosexuals and homosexuals in all military units, including the infantry, Special Operations Forces, and submarines?”
— Elaine Donnelly positing the common-sense poll question that liberal media polls refuse to ask.



Open homosexuality will undermine military morale. Straight soldiers should not be forced to cohabitate with people who define themselves as sexually attracted to the same-sex. 

More Media for Gays in the Military

National Review’s Online Military Blog, “the tank”

Sunday, July 20, 2008

By Elaine Donnelly

The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll, released on July 19, 2008, is typical of recent polls of civilians on this issue. Surveys such as this both reflect and help shape public opinion, as part of a relentless perception management campaign that has been going on for years.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll is less than persuasive because it includes two questions that demonstrate how misinformation and diversionary questions can affect the results of polls. Question #33 reads:

“[D]o you think homosexuals who do NOT publicly disclose their sexual orientation should be allowed to serve in the military or not?” (Responses: Yes, 78%, No, 18% No Opinion, 5%)

Question #34:

“[D]o you think homosexuals who DO publicly disclose their sexual orientation should be allowed to serve in the military or not?” (Responses: Yes, 75%, No, 22%, No Opinion 3%)

These two inquiries do not frame the real issue: Should the military require, as a matter of policy, forced cohabitation between heterosexuals and homosexuals in all military units, including the infantry, Special Operations Forces, and submarines? Instead, the questions use confusing double negatives, which end with the phrase “or not?” It is difficult to find a clear statement in the poll on which to state an opinion.

The questions suggest that the main issue is being “undisclosed” or “disclosed” as a homosexual in the military. On the contrary, the true key issue is eligibility to serve, not disclosure of homosexuality. Inquiries also use the permissive word “allowed,” not the more accurate term, “required,” as in “Should members of the military be required . . . ?” Instead, the poll focuses only on the desires of homosexuals who want to serve in the military. The issues of military discipline, morale, and readiness are not mentioned at all.

Click here to read the rest of Donnelly’s NRO article: “More Media for Gays in the Military”

Chicago Media Black Out McDonald’s Boycott Press Conference

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Nearly 200,000 have signed AFA’s “” petition

cbs-in-pride-parade-2004.jpgCLICK ON PHOTO TO ENLARGE. Chicago’s CBS TV affiliate fields a float every year at the city’s bawdy homosexual “pride” parade, but CBS and other major Chicago secular media were no-shows at AFTAH’s pro-family coalition press conference yesterday highlighting a huge and growing pro-family boycott of McDonald’ s (based outside Chicago). McDonald’s was given a high 85% rating by a homosexual lobby group for its pro-homosexuality and pro-transsexuality policies. Photo courtesy Illinois Family Institute.

Dave Diersen, an Illinois Republican activist, has provided a summary of the coverage of our press conference in front of McDonald’s’ world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois. Predictably, I suppose, we were completely blacked out by Chicago’s and Illinois’ major media — which had no excuse since they were inundated with press releases about the event by four pro-family organizations taking part: Americans For Truth, American Family Association, Illinois Family Institute and Liberty Counsel. It appears that the Fox News item below came from AP.

So once again the major media are doing the work of the homosexual lobby. Many in the media have decided that the “gay” issue is settled, and the homosexual activists have won. (Remember when Big Media thought the abortion issue was pretty much over?) Yesterday’s non-coverage was appalling journalism, even by corrupt Chicago standards. Clearly, the boycott story is compelling — even from a pure business perspective: already, nearly 200,000 people have signed AFA’s boycott petition (

The people involved in this boycott of McDonald’s are good family people — not vegans, America-hating leftists, or some other fringe group. And the idea really seems to be catching on. As I said yesterday, millions and millions of Americans have had it with the elite media’s and pop culture’s promotion of homosexuality, but they don’t know what to do about it. Boycotting McDonald’s, an easy target but admittedly not the worst corporate offender — PepsiCo Foundation recently gave $500,000 to the homosexual group Human Rights Campaign Foundation, compared to McDonald’s $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce — is something simple to do to stand up for marriage and the natural family.

More coming on this story. — Peter LaBarbera

P.S. Most major Chicago media either field floats or participate in the annual Chicago “Gay Pride” parade, and the local ABC affiliate televises it (see photo above). Now there’s some “news” with wide appeal in Chicagoland!


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Colson on Dr. Norman Spack’s Barbaric Transgender Youth Procedures

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

Prepping Kids for Sex Change

norman_spack.jpgDr. Norman Spack: profiting off of gender confusion, endangering kids’ health.

“Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to give them a few more years to make up their minds if they want to be male—or female.”

We highly commend Breakpoint’s website, which is loaded with useful information and commentaries like this defending a Christian, pro-truth worldview. Note the excellent additional resources offered following this article.

We also recommend a terrific expose on the “transgender” agenda by Amy Contrada of MassResistance: see her 125-page report, “The Coming Nightmare of a Transgender Hate Crimes Bill.” Don’t read it unless you are serious about understanding this bizarre, aggressive movement and the threat it poses to children and society. Emphasis added in the Church Colson’s Breakpoint commentary below:


It’s a Sick, Sick World
By Chuck Colson
Breakpoint Commentary, July 8, 2008

Prepping Kids for Sex Change

He has been called “demonic,” “barbaric,” and has been compared to Nazi doctors. And when you read about his work, it is easy to see why Americans are so outraged. Dr. Norman Spack is a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. Not long ago, he opened a clinic for what he terms “transgendered” children. Incredibly, he is giving kids as young as seven drugs that delay the onset of puberty—the first step in sex-change surgery when they are older.

Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to give them a few more years to make up their minds if they want to be male—or female.

Read the rest of this article »

Fumento Was Right on the Myth of Heterosexual AIDS

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

International AIDS funding massively disproportionate to other diseases

There is no precedent in history for such myth-driven “democratization” of a disease, nor for the abominable unfairness in allocating funds away from so many curable illnesses.Michael Fumento

The full New York Post column by Michael Fumento appears HERE. Emphasis added below:

A Myth that Kills

By Michael Fumento

New York Post, July 3, 2008 –THE Senate is near to passing a massive $50 billion Emergency Plan for HIV/ AIDS Relief — a bill whose priorities are based on myth, just like virtually all anti-AIDS efforts worldwide.

The world’s top AIDS bureaucrat recently admitted the truth: “It is very unlikely that there will be a heterosexual epidemic” outside Africa, Kevin de Cock, director of the World Health Organization, told London’s Independent newspaper. His bosses at the United Nations issued an official denial — but couldn’t truly challenge his science.

The effort to “democratize” AIDS dates back to the mid-1980s, when the media and health officials began a desperate and concerted effort to divert attention and make it seem everyone was at risk. The 1985 Life magazine cover, blaring “NOW NO ONE IS SAFE FROM AIDS” in huge red letters, represents this effort. Surgeon General Everett Koop coined the term “heterosexual AIDS explosion” in 1987, while in 1993 HHS Secretary Donna Shalala told Congress that AIDS may leave “nobody left.”

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Normal People Do Not Behave Like This — Boston Dyke March 2008

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008


dyke_vulgarity_bostondykemarch08.jpgVulgarity on display at Boston “Dyke March” June 13. All photos shown here were shot by MassResistance. Click HERE to see their complete photo-story and video on the obscene “Dyke March.”

Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada of MassResistance report on the vulgar Boston “Dyke March” June 13. (Lesbian activists evidently can call themselves “dykes”; for the rest of us that’s potential “hate speech.”) Somebody report Camenker and Contrada to nudity_boston_dyke_march08.jpgthe Gay Thought Police for using the phrase “normal people.” Actually, they make a valid point: this in-our-face “dyke” movement — a combination of radical feminism and homosexual militancy — has zero to do with “civil rights” and everything to do with attacking normality by promoting perversion. Worst of all, its front-line activists seem to glory in corrupting youth and especially young girls and women with their deviant, God-defying messages. How sad to see grown women involved in this immature spectacle. Click HERE to see the entire MassResistance photo-story and video.

We’re showing these MassResistance photos unedited so as to accurately convey the messages presented in front of children and the Boston public. — Peter LaBarbera

MassResistance writes:

“Gay Pride Week” Boston Dyke March: Parade of obscenity and weirdness through downtown streets.

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‘Gay’ Money-man Tim Gill, ex-Log Cabin Leader Guerriero Lead Stealth Campaign to Turn State Legislatures Democratic

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

patrick_guerriero.jpgThe former head of the homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans, Patrick Guerriero, is now working to defeat mostly REPUBLICAN pro-family, conservative state legislators across the nation.

This may be the most important political article you read this election year. Even homosexual journalists like this reporter for the “gay” magazine The Advocate are weary of the secretive nature of the Gill Action Fund and its plan to use out-of-state homosexual donors’ money strategically to knock out pro-family state legislators across the country. If this were a “Christian Right” group stealthily using Christian millionaires’ money to displace liberal, pro-homosexual politicians, the mainstream media would be all over it.

We’ll have much more to say about the Gill Action Fund and this article, but note that the man Gill chose to run his operation is Patrick Guerriero, former executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group working to make the GOP more homosexuality-friendly. Log Cabin operatives like to call themselves “conservative,” but their national ex-leader has been busy for the last three years running a stealth campaign to take out mostly pro-family, conservative Republican state legislators in places like Iowa, Pennsylvania and New York. More evidence that the GOP’s “Big Tent” policy of simultaneously trying to appease both its grassroots base of millions upon millions of pro-family Republicans — and a tiny special interest group of homosexual activist Republicans whose loyalty is first to their own “gay agenda” — is an exercise in futility. — Peter LaBarbera


Here are the first three paragraph’s of the Advocate piece “The Gay Goodfellas” (emphasis added):

The Gay Goodfellas

Inside the Gill Action Fund, the most effective pro-gay political weapon you never heard of

tim_gill_jpg.jpgBy Kerry Eleveld, The Advocate, June 19, 2008

Patrick Guerriero and Bill Smith of the Gill Action Fund [photo of founder Tim Gill at left] have a problem. Guerriero, former leader of the Log Cabin Republicans and onetime candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, and Smith, a political consultant and former employee of Karl Rove, want LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered] people to understand their strategy for winning equal rights — a targeted approach to developing what they call “fair-minded majorities” in state legislatures across the country. During the 2006 election, the first cycle in which the organization set its sights on state legislative races, control of 13 state chambers switched hands. Ten were Democratic takeovers — chambers that are now more likely to make gay-friendly decisions.

Read the rest of this article »

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