Morality and Moral Judgments

‘Gays Against the Gay Agenda’ (G.A.G.A.) Says Homosexuals ‘Are Being Used to Further an Agenda’

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Dear Readers,

The following is a verbatim copy of a notice sent anonymously last week by “Gays Against the Gay Agenda” (G.A.G.A.) to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. It is one of the most amazing pieces of correspondence I have received in 20-plus years of opposing the homosexual activist agenda. I cannot vouch for its authenticity but the testimonies it contains ring true and are consistent with countless accounts of homosexual victimization, molestation and recruitment we have received or reported on over the years.

The prevailing “gay”/liberal narrative, dutifully advanced by a subservient media, ignores such troubling and abnormal factors in the formation of homosexual identity — in favor of the notion that “gayness” is innate and essentially “who you are.” Thus behavior and choice are replaced by an unchangeable and morally neutral “sexual orientation.” No connection is made between the abuse and dysfunction experienced in the young lives of so many homosexuals and their adult embrace of a “gay” or “lesbian” (or “transgender”) identity. To survive, this “progressive” myth depends on denying any causative link between the former and the latter — and dismissing former homosexuals like Charlene Cothran who left their “gay” identity behind.

These compelling stories are also a reminder that Christians must reach out to homosexuals with supernatural grace, love and understanding. Many homosexuals were victims — either of sexual predators or very unfortunate — even abusive — circumstances. And many involved in this sin know it is wrong and don’t believe they were “born that way.” Others, like Amos below, made bad decisions with unforeseen and devastating consequences. But whatever their background, homosexuals should know that divine forgiveness is available through Jesus Christ, who came to earth to die as the “atoning sacrifice” (propitiation) for men’s sins (1 John 4:10). “Sick” sinners of all stripes need Jesus:

“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17

We look forward to hearing more from this G.A.G.A. — the politically incorrect, polar opposite of the homosexuality-celebrating pop star Lady Gaga — in the days, months and years ahead. Please pray for these men and women, and stand with them. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Save the date: 12-12-12 at midnight


Gays Against the Gay Agenda

We are a group of gay men and women who want to join the fight against the gay political agenda because we know the truth.

Here are a few of our stories. Names have been changed for our safety:

From Abe:  I was sexually molested by a neighbor when I was young. I was in counseling for years but as a teen started having gay relationships with other boys. I always said I was born gay but deep down inside I knew that my experiences as a boy were the cause. I still live a gay lifestyle but I know it’s wrong. It’s like a drug. You know it’s wrong, but you keep doing it.

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Ravi Zacharias: A Sincere Christian Must Not Practice Homosexual Behavior

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Below is a YouTube video of world renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias responding in an open forum (early this year) to the question: “Is it possible for a man or woman to live a sincere Christian life as a homosexual?” Click HERE for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries:

Matt Barber on SPLC and FRC Shooting: Fanning the Flames of Left-Wing Violence

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Demands SPLC end ‘hate group’ list in wake of FRC shooting; chides media for echoing SPLC smear 

Family Research Council hero Leo Johnson likely prevented a bloodbath by subduing apparent “gay” activist Floyd Corkins, who shot him in the arm. Johnson is recovering from the gunshot wound.

This column first appeared in WND August 17, 2012By Matt Barber

To borrow from President Obama’s Black Nationalist mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate-baiting chickens “have come home to roost.” The hard-left group has become everything it presumes to expose.

On Wednesday, homosexual activist Floyd Corkins entered the Washington-based Family Research Council (FRC) armed with a gun and a backpack full of ammunition. He also had 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches (FRC recently defended the food chain’s COO Dan Cathy for pro-natural marriage statements).

The only thing standing between Corkins and mass murder was FRC facilities manager and security specialist Leo Johnson. As Corkins shouted disapproval for FRC’s “politics,” he shot Johnson who, despite a severely wounded arm, managed to tackle Corkins and disarm him (of course, this is all impossible as it’s illegal in Washington, D.C., to carry a concealed weapon).

Of Johnson’s actions, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said, “The security guard here is a hero, as far as I’m concerned.”

I agree.

Upon hearing of Leo’s selfless act of heroism, I was reminded of John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

But according to the SPLC, Leo’s heart is, instead, full of hate. In fact, everyone at FRC is hateful. After all, in 2010 the SPLC, with much fanfare, “officially certified” FRC as a “hate group” for its orthodox Christian positions on marriage and family.

Alongside violence-charged photos of actual hate groups like the Aryan Brotherhood and the KKK, the SPLC lists on its website the decidedly mainstream and always peaceful FRC. [Editors Note: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is also listed on the SPLC’s spurious “hate map.”]

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‘Aberrosexualist’ (Lesbian) Suze Orman Supports ‘Marriage Equality’? Get Real, Suze!

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Suze Orman, aberrosexualist.

Note the term Judy Meissner uses below – Aberrosexualist — which is certainly more accurate than “gay” and more comprehensive than homosexual. This column is just the sort of thing “out-and-proud” lesbian financial advice guru Suze Orman needs: a dose of common sense of the same sort she dishes out to the money-challenged — only directed at her aberrant and immoral behavioral choice. My “tough love” addition to what follows would be: “Suze, stop pretending that all lifestyle choices are equal. Lesbianism is immoral, per thousands of years of human history. Thankfully, many women who once thought they were ‘lesbian’ — like many men who once called themselves “gay” — are now living healthier lives in accordance with the natural design of their bodies and the moral laws of their loving Creator. You can, too!”   — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Aberrosexualists: partisans, whether aberrosexual or not, of the extremist ideology pushing for the “normalization” of biologically aberrant sexual behavior;

Aberrosexuals: those who engage in biologically aberrant sexual behavior.


Suze Orman Supports ‘Marriage Equality’? Get Real, Suze!

By Judy Meissner

Suze Orman, you are too smart to declare with a completely straight face that you “are not treated equally” because you cannot marry a person of your same sex.

Inequality means not being permitted something another citizen is permitted under the same, equal terms and conditions.

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Mike Heath: The Most Important Article I’ve Ever Written

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Editor’s Note:  While I’ve reposted a number of articles that Mike Heath has written over the years, I’m pleased to announce with this article that Mike is going to be a regular contributor to Americans for Truth.  Mike is an outstanding Christian father and leader in Maine — as the former executive director of the Maine Christian Civic League. He sent this article out to his e-mail list this morning.  I encourage you to read it all the way to the end.  Mike takes no prisoners in this article. He is uniquely qualified to provide this honest perspective from inside our movement.  He needs our support.  Click here to visit Mike’s website and subscribe to his email.  He was one of the first in the movement many years ago to see the value of using broadcast e-mails in communicating truth.  Thanks in advance for reading all the way to the end! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

The Greater Glory

The hero from the new movie “For Greater Glory”


By Michael S. Heath

I apologize for taking so long to write. Click here to read my last email to you, which was sent on April 30, 2012.

In that article I write candidly about my history of ministry in Maine. I encourage you to take a few moments to click through to the link and read the article again. It is important to understanding what I am going to write to you today.

I don’t mention in that article a group formed by the Maine Legislature many years ago called “The Ethics Commission.” I need to write about that this morning. Their existence provides a bit of explanation for why I haven’t been writing to you as often as I would like.

The Ethics Commission

They exist, in part, to provide a guarantee to Maine people that corruption isn’t happening in government — that everything in politics is above board … ethical. They provide this service to the public by forcing lobbyists, politicians, Maine citizens, businesses, corporations — everybody in America really — to fill out many, many forms and meet lots of deadlines if they choose to influence Maine politics. The forms, some of them dozens of pages in length, and governed by language only a lawyer working with his accountant could love (or understand) require the disclosure of everything related to finances including the names, addresses and business connection of donors. The ACLU has argued in the past that this is unconstitutional. The National Organization for Marriage is making the same argument now in court. I haven’t checked recently but I think they are still in court fighting the State of Maine over the 2009 vote on “marriage.” Their attorney, Jim Bopp, charges hundreds of dollars an hour for his services. They’ve been in court for years, and the case hasn’t completed the appeal process.

I’ve been in the headlines before as leader of the Christian Civic League of Maine charged with being unethical. It’s impossible to win those headlines when you are a religious leader. The press prints the accusations, but not the results (when you are exonerated).

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews FRC’s Peter Sprigg – Part Two

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

The following is Part Two of our interview with Peter Sprigg [click HERE to listen], Senior Fellow in Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. This was recorded June 21, 2012. [Go HERE for Part One and HERE for the archive section containing all AFTAH interviews.] Sprigg goes into further analysis of the Mark Regnerus study on homosexual parenting. He and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Grace Gospel Fellowship pastor John Kirkwood also discuss the radical decision by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan not to defend the state’s marriage law.

CORRECTION note from program: In the beginning of this interview, there is a discussion of egregious, pro-homosexual media bias, focusing on CNN’s Soledad O’Brien. In the first of two CNN clips, we play O’Brien interviewing Dr. Fred Luter, the new — and first African American — president of the Southern Baptist Convention. LaBarbera mistakenly attributes a quote by libertarian Republican Margaret Hoover, another guest on the progam, to O’Brian. As you can see from the CNN clip HERE, it is Hoover, not O’Brien, who refers to homosexuality (“inclusiveness of gay Americans”) as “a new civil rights issue.” Then O’Brien condescendingly instructs Luter that his position on homosexual “marriage” puts him in “direct opposition to President Obama.” We apologize for the error.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-21-12, Peter Sprigg, Part Two


LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Pastor Patrick Wooden on North Carolina Marriage Amendment – Part Two

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

Wooden responds to CNN host Don Lemon calling opponents of homosexual “marriage” “sexual rednecks”…

North Carolina pastor Patrick Wooden, here being interviewed following AFTAH's press conference exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center's politicized "hate" agenda.

The following is Part Two of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Patrick Wooden [click HERE to listen], a key leader in the successful effort in North Carolina to pass a constitutional amendment affirming natural marriage (one-man, one-woman). This interview was conducted May 17, 2012; we apologize for the delays in posting it. Wooden, senior pastor at Upper Room Church of God in Christ, in Raleigh, N.C., discusses the “lies” used by pro-homosexual acitivists in his state to distort the effect of the Marriage Amendment, part of an “emotional strategy” aimed at discrediting it. Joining LaBarbera is John Kirkwood, pastor of Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, Illinois. Wooden responds to a tendentious segment by CNN host (and pederasty victim) Don Lemon comparing opponents of homosexual “marriage” to the late Alabama governor and segregationist George Wallace (and saying that Blacks and people defending traditional marriage risk being seen as “sexual rednecks”).

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

5-19-12, Patrick Wooden, Part Two

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Amy Contrada (Part Four) and Brian Camenker on Bullying, GOP Shift on Homosexuality

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

This is the last of a four-part interview [click HERE to listen] with Massachusetts family advocate Amy Contrada, author of “Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘Gay Marriage’ in Massachusetts.” Amy is joined by Brian Camenker, founder of Mass Resistance, the leading organization confronting the homosexual-bisexual-transgender agenda in the Bay State. This interview was pre-recorded in WYLL’s studios in Chicago April 4, 2012 and aired on WYLL April 21st. Contrada and Camenker discuss the growth of the “gay youth” agenda in Boston and the use of “anti-bullying” legislation to stifle free speech in schools. They also discusses how wealthy Republicans led by Paul Singer (a major backer of Mitt Romney) funded the pro-homosexual “marriage” effort in New York.

Previous AFTAH interview with Camenker and Contrada can be found by searching their names at

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

5-5-12, Amy Contrada with Brian Camenker, Part Four

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