
A Cartoon about Judging and Transgenderism – Was Creator, ‘Heteros Inspiring Pride,’ Censored by Facebook?

Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Site vilified by pro-LGBT activists — for using memes to highlight leftist intolerance — disappears from Facebook

By Peter LaBarbera [@PeterLaBarbera]

Folks, here is a good and accurate cartoon meme by a site called “Heterosexuals (Heteros) Inspiring Pride” — which apparently has been kicked off of Facebook (see second graphic below). The creator(s) of this site are despised by the Left for making some cool memes like this one (click on graphics to enlarge):




Here is what comes up when you go to the “HeterosInspiringPride” Facebook link at the bottom of the meme:




We’ll try to get to the bottom of this–but I suspect it is just another case of “snowflake” leftists–in this case, biased Facebook geeks–not being able to tolerate criticism and a lively debate over ideas. How naive of Heterosexuals Inspiring Pride to put a Facebook site identifier on all their compelling graphics!

What are LGBT activists and allies afraid of?

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VIDEO: Hillary Clinton’s 2015 Speech at the Human Rights Campaign – World’s Most Powerful Homosexual-Transgender Lobby Group

Wednesday, September 21st, 2016

Hillary champions LGBTQ “Equality Act,” is friends with HRC president Chad Griffin

hillary_clinton_hrc_2015_from_youtubeFolks, homosexualism has not been a major issue in this presidential campaign–due mainly to the media’s suffocating political correctness and unprofessional pro-LGBTQ bias–and partly due to political cowardice. Nevertheless, the issue is extremely important to many millions of Americans. So it is stunning that the YouTube video below of Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) on October 3, 2015 had only received 10,759 views as of the morning of September 23, 2016.

AFTAH is covering all major presidential candidates’ positions on homosexualism and transsexualism for this election–including when Republicans embrace or ignore the “gay” or “trans” agenda. (Some GOP political types hate us for that.) [See Hillary’s campaign partner Tim Kaine’s HRC speech HERE and Donald Trump’s past support of homosexualism HERE.] We are cleaning up the YouTube transcript of this speech and will provide that ASAP. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera



Human Rights Campaign description of video:

Published on Oct 3, 2015

Hillary Clinton celebrates equality and commits to the work that still lies ahead with Human Rights Campaign’s volunteer leaders #EqualityForward

VCY America Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera on Navy Naming Ship After Sexual Predator Harvey Milk – August 2016

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016
USS Predator? When Harvey Milk was 33, he had a sexual "relationship" with a 16- (or possibly 17-) year-old boy, Jack Galen McKinley.

USS Predator? When Harvey Milk was 33, he had a sexual “relationship” with a 16- (or possibly 17-) year-old boy, Jack Galen McKinley (right). This photo appears in the hagiography of Milk, “Mayor of Castro Street,” authored by homosexual journalist Randy Shilts. Click to enlarge.

Folks, we’re catching up on our “AFTAH in the media” posts. Here is an interview I did August 1, 2016, with the Milwaukee-based VCY America’sCrosstalk,” hosted by Jim Schneider. Below is a rundown of the program provide by Crosstalk, which continues beneath the MP3 link. Note that this discussion occurred prior to the Navy following through and formally naming a “Cruiser” ship after assassinated homosexual activist Harvey Milk:


Listen here: MP3 | Order from VCY America ($6)


Related AFTAH article:USS Predator? U.S. Navy to Name Ship after ‘Gay’ Activist Icon Harvey Milk – Potential Statutory Rapist Who Lured Sailors into Sodomitic Encounters


VCY America writes:

LGBT Movement Announces Goals

Posted on August 1st, 2016

Date: August 1, 2016

Host: Jim Schneider

Guest: Peter LaBarbera

Listen: MP3 | Order from VCY America here

Peter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth.

Last Friday news came forth that the U.S. Navy is planning on naming a ship after LGBT activist Harvey Milk.

Who was Harvey Milk? According to a source cited by Peter, as a 33 year old man, Milk appears to have been involved in a sexual relationship with an under age boy. Peter noted that while not the first open homosexual to be elected to public office, he was the first to mobilize the so-called, gay constituency. This makes Milk the first “gay” power politician elected as a city supervisor in San Francisco.

Listen here:


Pederastic Postage? Under Obama, the US Postal Service placed Harvey Milk on a stamp--identifying him as an American icon and hero. This despite the sex-obsessed Milk's record of lying, predatory behavior, and anti-Christian rhetoric.

Pederastic Postage? Under Obama, the US Postal Service placed Harvey Milk on a stamp–identifying him as an American icon and hero. This despite the sex-obsessed Milk’s record of lying, predatory behavior, and anti-Christian rhetoric.

Milk was killed when someone went after the mayor and Milk was also in the government building. Due to his death, Milk has received near martyr status among homosexual activists. This led to a Harvey Milk Day in California, students are being taught about him as he’s treated as a civil rights hero and now we have a U.S. Navy ship about to be named after him.

Peter went on to explain that Milk himself was in the Navy. At that time he tried to seduce sailors into sodomy in his San Diego apartment. So if the Navy names a ship after him, Peter feels they’ll be naming it after a sexual predator.

During the recent Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia there was a global LGBT summit that took place. Jim noted that the Daily Signal reported that more than 25 prominent leaders of the national LGBT movement gathered for this 4 day event called, The Equality Forum.

The forum sought to establish four goals and Peter commented on them:

  1. Pass the Equality Act. This act would say that rights based upon homosexuality and gender confusion would take precedent over religious freedom. Peter indicated that the way it’s written right now, it explicitly negates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as applied to homosexuality.
  2. Defeat state and local laws. The biggest threat that LGBT leaders claim to face is what they call anti-LGBT legislation proposed by conservatives in state and local government.
  3. Going to court. The summit panelists said they have their eyes set on a number of court cases that they believe could impact the future of the agenda of their movement.
  4. Partnering with Black Lives Matter and others. Peter noted that the Black Lives Matter movement is very pro-homosexual in their platform. This is important as he described the homosexual movement as being basically a leftist movement.

Interestingly, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, who’s described as proudly gay, spoke at the Republican National Convention. According to Peter LaBarbera, Thiel mocked the culture war and mocked those who are fighting transgender rights.

When you review this Crosstalk broadcast, there will be much more to hear on this issue, including comments from listeners.

Linda Harvey on CDC Report – Who Will Rescue America’s Endangered Teen Homosexuals?

Monday, September 19th, 2016
Linda Harvey of Mission America is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning on the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America's youth.

Linda Harvey of Mission America and is a leading Christian, pro-family expert warning of the destructive impact of homosexualism and transsexualism on America’s youth. She is the keynote speaker at the AFTAH banquet October 28. See details here.

Folks, we are delighted to have Linda Harvey of Mission America and as the keynote speaker at our upcoming annual Chicago dinner-banquet, on Friday, October 28 at Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, Illinois (full details here). For decades Linda has worked to educate Americans about incredibly risky LGBTQ lifestyles–which are now being pushed on young people like never before. Below is more evidence of that–yet our government, as always, blames “stigma” and “homophobia” rather than immoral, destructive homosexual behavior itself. You won’t want to miss Linda’s presentation Oct. 28. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Who Will Rescue America’s Endangered Teen Homosexuals?

By Linda Harvey; this column first appeared in, 8/23/2016

Homosexuality is harmful to children and other living things.

A new federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey provides the jaw-dropping evidence. But the Left is busy blaming conservatives and everything but the obvious.

Why are young bodies built for heterosexuality engaging in the sexual equivalent of anorexia, defying anatomy and a positive, healthy future?

Here’s an analogy. In a family with suspected child abuse, what should be done?

Friends, neighbors, teachers might see the sad outcomes in the lives of this family’s children who skip school, act depressed, exhibit aggression toward peers and start self-destructive behaviors like eating disorders, cutting, or substance abuse.

What if the abusive parents were never investigated, but instead other possible explanations were accepted by authorities? Mean classmates, poor nutrition, or maybe … Republicans?

The most extensive report to date revealing the daily activities of homosexually identified teens, ridiculously called “sexual minorities” by the Centers for Disease Control, is exactly this frustrating and heartbreaking. These adolescents no more qualify as “minorities” than kids who eat junk food.

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Mike Heath Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Mike Heath of Helping Hands Ministries in Maine interviewed Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera September 14, 2016. Their discussion begins around the 12:30 mark and ends around 37:45:

By the way, Mike Heath has the noble distinction of having played a leadership role in not one but two successful, statewide efforts to overturn homosexuality-based “special rights” laws, in Maine. We call them “special rights” but perhaps “false rights” is more accurate. Because unlike genuine rights, which come from God, the panoply of modern homosexualist laws are rooted in sinful, unnatural behaviors like sodomy destructive to mind, body and soul. — Peter LaBarbera,

Franklin Graham Responds to Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Boycotting North Carolina over HB2

Sunday, September 18th, 2016


Franklin Graham has written a letter of protest after the Atlantic Coast Conference Council of Presidents voted to move sports championships out of North Carolina in reaction to HB-2

Atlantic Coast Conference university presidents voted yesterday [September 14, 2016] to move their conference sports championship events away from the state of North Carolina. They are upset over HB-2, a statewide nondiscrimination ordinance passed by the state’s General Assembly.

HB-2 provides protections to individuals based on the categories of race, religion, color, national origin, and biological sex. HB-2 requires individuals to use public restrooms according to the gender listed on their birth certificate. The law supersedes all local (city/town) measures, including a measure once approved by the Charlotte City Council, which became known as the “bathroom” ordinance. The LGBT-friendly Charlotte ordinance would have allowed people to use restrooms based on their perceived gender identity.

Please read the full text of Franklin Graham’s letter to ACC Commissioner John Swofford immediately below. He also addressed the issue on his Facebook page, and that specific post can be seen below as well.

Franklin Graham, the elder son of Billy and Ruth Bell Graham, has served as president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse since 1979 and as president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association since 2001. He is a lifelong North Carolinian.

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VIDEO: AFTAH Extols David Hall, Illinois Government Worker Who Refuses to Watch Pro-Homosexual ‘Diversity’ Video

Saturday, September 17th, 2016
“[David Hall] is absolutely correct: LGBT ‘diversity’ sessions and films are NOT truly ‘diverse’ because they disrespect or ignore faith-based and moral opposition to homosexualism and transsexualism.”–Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth

Folks, we can’t expect even a tiny minority of Christians to stand so resolutely for God’s Truth that they are even willing to lose their job over it. So when a man like Illinois government worker David Hall refuses to bow down to the modern idol of pro-perversion “diversity,” he deserves to be called the hero that he is. Pray for David and share this story far and wide! –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera 

[under the WCIA video is a terrific LifeSiteNews article in which I am quoted]

The following is a report by the stellar pro-family news site, LifeSiteNews. Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera is quoted in the article (see bolded portion); to donate to LifeSite, go here. The video above is a newscast by WCIA-TV in Springfield, Illinois:


Christian Could Be Fired for Refusing to Watch LGBT ‘Inclusivity’ Video

By Fr. Mark Hodges

CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, September 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A Christian’s 14-year career is being threatened because he refused to watch a training video on lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and queer “diversity and inclusivity.”

In April, the Social Security Administration announced all employees must be trained in LGBTQ “diversity and inclusivity.” Longtime information technology employee David Hall, whose Christian convictions do not consider sodomy healthy or normal or good for people, believed that the “training” was against his sincerely held beliefs.

Specifically, Hall, 42, was told by his superiors to view a 17-minute video that includes “tips for increasing cultural awareness in a diverse and inclusive environment.”

Hall refused, explaining that the training endorses sinful behavior. “I’m not going to certify sin,” he explained to WCIA-TV.

Because he refused to participate in the LGBTQ agenda training, Hall was officially reprimanded and then suspended without pay.

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VIDEO: Self-Described ‘Devout Catholic’ Tim Kaine Reinterprets Bible to Approve of Homosexual ‘Diversity’ – Predicts Catholic Church Will Reverse Itself on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Friday, September 16th, 2016

Religious Left: Sen. Tim Kaine, Democratic vice-presidential candidate and former Virginia governor, says the Catholic Church will one day reverse its opposition to homosexual “marriage.” He interprets the Old Testament Book of Genesis to affirm homosexuals (“gays and lesbians”) as part of God’s good and diverse creation.

In a speech September 10 before the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s most powerful and well-funded LGBTQ lobby organization, Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine reinterprets the Bible to affirm homosexual “diversity,” and said he expects that the Roman Catholic Church to which he belongs will one day reverse its opposition to homosexuality-based “marriage.”

Here are some key positions in the speech by Kaine, who describes himself as a “devout Catholic” and who has routinely been described as such by media (a transcript of which is beneath the video):

  • HRC President Chad Griffin describes the Hillary Clinton-Tim Kaine ticket as espousing “the most pro-equality [pro-homosexual/-transgender] agenda of any presidential ticked in the history of our country”;
  • Kaine said, “how happy I was” when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of homosexual “marriage” in the June 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision; 
  • Echoing and building upon Pope Francis’ statement, “Who am I to judge?” Kaine said he would add: “‘Who am I to challenge God for the beautiful diversity of the human family?’ I think we are supposed to celebrate it, not challenge it.”
  • Kaine pledged to “take on any stigmatization of HIV criminalization laws that still exist here and around the world.” Such laws punish people who intentionally or recklessly infect others with HIV.
  • Kaine mocked Donald Trump for selling “LGBTQ for Trump” t-shirts while making LGBTQ matters a “non-issue” in his campaign;
  • He criticized Trump for pledging to appoint “very conservative judges to the Supreme Court, and said “opposes basic protections from discrimination for transgender Americans”; 
  • Kaine affirmed homosexual/transgender youth “exactly as they are”and said he is deeply offended by “conversion therapy” (pro-heterosexual change therapy) “as a father and a human being.”



The following is a full transcript of the speech by Sen. Tim Kaine at the annual national dinner of the Human Rights Campaign. Introducing Kaine is HRC President Chad Griffin. This is adapted from a YouTube transcript (emphasis added by AFTAH):

[Human Rights Campaign president Chad Griffin:] Now, at a time when Donald Trump and Mike Pence are embracing bigotry and bluster and using fear to stir up votes,  our guest tonight is a champion of the values that have always made America great —  values like equality, justice, and the equal dignity of each and every American.

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