Sally Kern

WATCH IT: “Rally for Sally” Kern at Oklahoma Capitol

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

We hit you with a lot of bad news at Americans For Truth, thanks to the committed morality-phobes on the Left. So here’s some great news for a change: a wonderful Christian legislator, Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern, refused to be cowed into submission by the nation’s self-described “queer” movement. Get pumped for truth-telling by watching these rally videos (about 43 minutes total for all six videos).

The following are YouTube videos of last week’s “Rally for Sally” Kern held April 2 at the Oklahoma State Capitol, including my talk representing Americans For Truth. A huge and enthusiastic crowd of 1,500 (Daily Oklahoman estimate) or more citizens came out to support State Rep. Kern, who had been deluged with hate mail and hate phone calls after a homosexual activist group, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, created an anti-Kern YouTube using selectively edited portions of a public speech she had given.

The quality of these videos is not that great, but it is more than made up for by the moral clarity of the speakers. Below is part one of Sally’s moving speech:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Compare this “Rally for Sally” crowd to an earlier “anti-Sally” homosexual protest rally in the same Capitol Rotunda, which drew less than 100 activists. (The Daily Oklahoman later misreported the homosexualist rally attendance at 500 people; Paul Blair of Reclaim Oklahoma observed the rally and said there were 60 people there.)

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Daily Oklahoman Editor Ed Kelley Dishonors Sally Supporters

Monday, April 7th, 2008

ed-kelley-2.bmp Ed Kelley, Daily Oklahoman Editor

More arrogance from the liberal media below — in this case, on online voiced editorial by Daily Oklahoman Editor Ed Kelley. Of course, Kelley is free to leave journalism and become a political activist — which does not seem like much of a transition after reading this. Perhaps he could even run for office on the “real issues” he talks about below. That would take a lot of work, especially if he’s as out of touch with Oklahoma’s voters as it appears.

Nope, it’s much easier for Kelley to whine about the people whom his newspaper is supposed to serve and respect. On the day that the “Rally for Sally” drew 1,500 or more people to the capital — to defend a decent, Christian woman who was the target of a national homosexual campaign — Kelley’s paper ran a condescending (and inaccurate) editorial that ended, “Perhaps constituents ought to hold a rally of their own, urging this one-trick pony to put her tiresome personal agenda aside and work to do something constructive.”

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Speech by Stephen Black, Former Homosexual, at ‘Rally for Sally’ Supporting OK Rep. Sally Kern

Friday, April 4th, 2008

rally_for_sally.jpgThe following speech was given by Stephen Black, executive director with Oklahoma City-based First Stone Ministries, at the “Rally for Sally” in support of Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R), held April 2 at the state Capitol :

Good afternoon and thank you for the privilege of sharing with you today. My name is Stephen Black and I am the Executive Director with First Stone Ministries located here in Oklahoma City. First Stone is dedicated to helping men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attraction and to live in accordance with what we believe is God’s design for sexuality — which is one man and one woman in a covenant marriage relationship.

I stand with Rep. Sally Kern today to say that I, who once lived as a gay man, agree with her assessment, that there is a political agenda and a cultural message about homosexuality [and] that it is destructive to our country.

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Transcript of Sally Kern Speech at Huge ‘Rally for Sally’; 1,500 Turn Out at OK Statehouse

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Homosexual smear campaign backfires; some cry out “Sally for Governor!”

sally_kern-2.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

Yesterday’s “Rally for Sally” at the Oklahoma statehouse to support State Rep. Sally Kern (R) was an amazing success, and we will have several reports on it. By all accounts, more than a thousand people turned out — the Daily Oklahoman newspaper reports 1,500 — and people were turned away from the building once the rally began.

CLICK HERE to watch a short DAILY OKLAHOMAN VIDEO-STORY on the “Rally for Sally” [you may have to click on the video story, “Free Speech Rally for Sally”]; and click HERE to read an extended Baptist Messenger interview with Kern about the controversy. You can write Kern at

It appears as though the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund’s smear campaign against Kern — their YouTube video left out the part of her speech where she said she tries to “love everybody,” even as they charged her with contributing to hate-violencehas only made her one of the most popular politicians in Oklahoma. Although Sally disavowed any interest in running for statewide office, the calls for “Sally for Governor” and “Governor Kern” were heard repeatedly yesterday from her enthusiastic backers.

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LaBarbera to Speak at Pro-Kern “Rally For Sally” in Oklahoma

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

By Peter LaBarbera

It will be my privilege to stand tomorrow with Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) at a grassroots “Rally for Sally” at the state capitol — to defend her against the vicious homosexual activist onslaught unleashed by those who confuse opinion with “hate speech”:

DATE: Wednesday, April 2
TIME: 12:00pm Noon
WHERE: Rotunda of the Oklahoma State Building
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Dozens of pro-family groups and leaders outside of Oklahoma have come to Kern’s defense, and she has not backed down, while demonstrating grace toward those who seek to destroy her.

Incidentally, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund — which launched the web campaign against Kern and alleged in a public letter that she is somehow partly responsible for the murders of homosexuals (“your words give aid and comfort to those who would hurt, maim and even kill people who are different from you”) — conveniently edited out the part of her speech where she said that, “the book that I base my life upon is God’s word. And it says to love everybody and I try to love everybody.”

You can see below in this portion from the full Kern speech transcript where the GLVF stripped out that phrase — highlighted in red — from the half-sentence (in blue) that followed it, and which was used in the online “hit-recording” against Kern:

Now, I don’t know about you, but the book that I base my life upon is God’s word. And it says to love everybody and I try to love everybody but not everybody’s lifestyle is equal. Just like not all religions are equal. Okay. All money isn’t equal. You know, we have this dumb idea now days, that tolerance means that everything is equal. Well, everything is not equal. We see that in many areas of our lives. You know, all things are not equal. All religions are not equal.

So, you blind-side a public official with charge that her speech is of the sort that leads to heinous murders, but you leave out the part where she tries to follow God’s command to love everyone? (Of course, the media engage in this type of selective editing all the time to make Christian conservatives and others look bad.)

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Sally Kern Rejects PFLAG Account of Meeting

Friday, March 28th, 2008

repsallykern2.jpgOklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) issued the following statement today regarding a 30-minute meeting she had yesterday with representatives from the pro-homosexual group PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Kern said PFLAG’s account of the meeting — which has been spread around on homosexual websites — misrepresented her statements and intent:

As a state representative who is always willing to meet with any and all of my constituents on any issue with an open and sincere dialog, it is apparent from the statement released by PFLAG that their “open dialog” was for the purpose of politicizing the conversation to their benefit.

While I did meet with PFLAG in what was a cordial and polite meeting, they have taken my statements and have spun them to make it appear that I am backing off my comments that homosexuality is a sin. As a Christian who believes in the authority of God’s Word, I will never retract my comments that homosexuality is a sin.

PFLAG has also spun my words to say that I am in favor of “sexual orientation” laws. I unequivocally do not support “sexual orientation” laws. While I do not advocate employers going on a witch hunt to fire homosexual employees who are performing their jobs in a manner just like any heterosexual employee, I do not support laws that would force employers to check their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, speech, and association at the workplace door.

Since PFLAG has shown their lack of integrity by misinterpreting my statements from our meeting to fit their agenda — thus revealing their purpose of open dialog to be just a means of seeking to weaken my position and strengthen theirs — I see no benefit in having future meetings with them.

God’s Word does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever [Hebrews 13:8]. His Word expresses His moral character. Therefore, my opinion also will not change.

State Rep. Sally Kern
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Oklahoma City, OK
March 28, 2008

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