Books & Required Reading in Public Schools

Major Homosexual Groups Join in Effort to Stop David Parker Court Appeal

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

david_parker_in_handcuffs.jpg NOTE:  David Parker (at left) will be a keynote speaker at Americans For Truth’s upcoming dinner banquet in Naperville, Illinois (outside Chicago) on Saturday, Oct. 6. His is one of the most important cases in the country, as parents’ rights to guide their children’s moral upbringing is on the line. Click HERE for more information on the AFTAH banquet. 

By Brian Camenker,

In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
– George Orwell reports

National homosexual groups targeting children file in US First Circuit Court to stop appeal in David Parker lawsuit.

GLSEN and PFLAG, as well as GLAD all file appearance in case. Reveals nationwide importance of Parker’s court action. 

As David Parker’s lawyers prepare to appeal the ruling against his federal civil rights lawsuit against the Lexington School system, three major homosexual activist groups have officially filed their appearance in the case, and will be submitting amicus briefs as part of their effort to stop his appeal.

Read the official appearance document here:

David Parker, his wife, and another couple, the Wirthlins, are suing the Lexington, MA school system over the teaching and normalization of homosexual behavior in the elementary schools, purposefully without parents’ knowledge or consent, or ability to opt out.

Earlier this year, Federal District Court Judge Mark Wolf issued an unbelievable ruling against the Parkers which, among other things, gives schools in Massachusetts the right to teach homosexuality at will, without parents’ input, consent, or even knowledge. The Parkers are appealing.

Read Wolf’s disturbing ruling here:

More on the Parkers’ case and events leading up to it.

Read the rest of this article »

DATE CHANGE: Mark Your Calendar, Friday, Oct 5: Ex-Lesbian Charlene Cothran and Parents’ Rights Hero David Parker to Speak at Americans For Truth Banquet

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007


charlene_cothran_venus_mag.jpgdavid_parker_in_handcuffs.jpg Charlene Cothran and David Parker: two heroes for truth coming to Chicago.

Folks, you won’t want to miss Americans For Truth’s first annual banquet, on Friday, Oct. 5 at 6:00 PM, outside Chicago, Illinois. This surely will be one of the most compelling and exciting evenings for defending truth in the area of homosexuality that you will ever experience!

Our dynamic speakers represent both sides of pro-family advocacy on this issue: the loving Gospel message of hope through Christ in overcoming unwanted same-sex desires — and the bold defense of truth in the public square, in this case parents’ right to protect their children from manipulative, pro-homosexual lessons in taxpayer-funded public schools. Here are the details:

WHAT: Americans For Truth Dinner Banquet: Celebrating Truth and the Freedom to Be Moral


WHEN: Friday, Oct. 5: Silent Auction 6:00 PM, Dinner 6:45 PM


WHERE: Lombard, Illinois, west of Chicago, location TBA; call AFTAH’s Banquet Coordinator at 312-315-6152 for information on room reservations for those coming from out of state. (It is easy to get cheap flights into Chicago’s O’Hare or Midway airports.)


WHO:  Keynote Speakers:

Charlene Cothran
Former lesbian who, after her dramatic Christian conversion, retooled her Venus Magazine from a publication for fellow “gay and lesbian” African Americans to a Christian magazine seeking to help men and women overcome homosexuality through Christ 


David Parker
Caring father who became a nationally known parents’ rights crusader after being arrested at his 1st-grade son’s Lexington, Mass., elementary school for insisting that he and his wife be notified before their son was exposed to any pro-homosexual teachings

ADMISSION:  $50 per person; table of ten, $500. Pay online HERE.


PAYMENT AND RESERVATIONS:  E-mail Americans For Truth at; or call AFTAH’s Banquet Coordinator at 312-315-6152 to reserve your seats. SEATING IS LIMITED SO DON’T DELAY.  Pay using your credit card using AFTAH’s new and improved Online Donation Page (designate “Banquet” in the comments section). Or send checks payable to “Americans For Truth” at $50/person to: AFTAH, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  You may also pay by credit card by calling 312-315-6152.  


WHY:  At this special event, pro-family leaders will celebrate God’s power to transform men and women struggling with homosexuality; and expose the relentless attack on children’s innocence, parental rights and religious freedom by a “gay/transgender” lobby that seeks to discredit and silence the voice of faith in America.   

More Sexual ‘Liberation’: German Sex-Ed Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia, Masturbation to Tots

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

nose-belly-burn-book-german-sex-ed.jpg “Nose, Belly, Bum” song book used by young German school children promotes masturbation.

The same social forces that promote homosexuality and gender confusion (transsexuality) as normal variations of human sexuality often promote other visions of “liberated” sex that corrupt children. The following is excerpted from the pro-family website

German Government Publication Promotes Incestuous Pedophilia as Healthy Sex Ed 

Micheal O’Brien, author on crisis of culture in West, says this “German state intervention in family life is a new level of auto-destruction” 

By John-Henry Westen

BERLIN, July 30, 2007 ( – Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age.  Two 40-page booklets entitled “Love, Body and Playing Doctor” by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung – BZgA) are aimed at parents – the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.

“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,” reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds.  The authors rationalize, “The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same.”

Canadian author and public speaker Michael O’Brien who has written and spoken extensively about the crisis of culture in the West spoke to about the shocking and extremely disturbing phenomenon. It is, he said, “State-encouraged incest, which in most civilized societies is a crime.” The development is, he suggests, a natural outcome of the rejection of the Judeo-Christian moral order.

“The imposed social revolution that has swept the western world is moving to a new stage as it works out the logical consequences of its view of man’s value,” said O’Brien. “It is merely obeying its strictly materialist philosophy of man. If man is no more than a creature created for pleasure or power. If he is no more than a cell in the social organism, then no moral standards, no psychological truths, no spiritual truths can refute the ‘will to power’ and the ‘will to pleasure’.”

The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children “unlimited masturbation” except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: “Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of.”  For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation.

Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation.  The song-book entitled “Nose, belly and bum” includes one song with the following lyrics: “When I touch my body, I discover what I have. I have a vagina, because I am a girl. Vagina is not only for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingle.”

 “The wiser and deeper position of most civilizations recognized that children need a period of innocence,” commented O’Brien.  “Now the state, the German state, is encouraging destruction of this state of innocence,” he added.  “This is consistent with the materialist philosophy that sees all moral norms and all truths about human nature as repressive. Pleasure and their distorted concept of freedom are their only guiding principles.”

Click HERE to read the whole Lifesite article

California Dems: PRO-Homosexual Indoctrination; California Republicans: Cowardly Silence

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, one paragraph in the following alert from California pro-family hero Randy Thomasson of Campaign for California Families — about that State Senate’s passage of radical pro-homosexual/transsexual school indoctrination bill (SB 777) — sums up WHY we are seeing the “gay” agenda roll over America. Randy writes:

But you should also be frustrated with the [California State] Republican senators who seem to have lost their God-given VOICES and have forgotten their MORAL OBLIGATION to speak out in defense of children and family and morality. On Thursday, when given the opportunity to speak out against SB 777 in front of the several TV, radio and newspaper reporters who cover always attend the floor sessions, NOT ONE Republican state senator raised his microphone in defense of children.

So here’s the current political situation in so many areas (not so much in solid red states):

  1. The Democrats as a party have largely sold their soul to the homosexual lobby;
  2. The Republicans usually cast the “right” vote (there are key exceptions) but refuse to speak out against pro-homosexual bills;
  3. The media are so biased in their coverage of homosexual-related issues that they intimidate politicians from speaking out against pro-“gay” legislation; thus, even many conservative lawmakers view this issue as the “third rail” they don’t want to touch.

Of course, on point 3, the media would have a much tougher time ignoring these issues if the GOP actively engaged the Democrats on the dangers of the homosexual agenda. Besides, conservatives should be used to dealing with left-wing media bias on a whole range of issues, so there’s something bigger going on here. Call it a “live-and-let-live” (“tolerance”) zeitgeist — driven by pro-“gay” groupthink in the media, Hollywood and academia — that is leading many to give up fighting.

Here’s Randy’s alert:

Read the rest of this article »

It’s Elementary: If Every Parent Were to See this Video, the ‘Gay’ Agenda Would Be Crippled

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

By Peter LaBarbera

head_itselementary_01.gif Thanks to the technological wonder of YouTube (online digital videos), thousands of people across the world got a rare inside look at how pro-homosexual teachers and administrators indoctrinate very young children. Funny thing — and it’s the only funny thing about this story — is that the video clips in question are more than 10 years old. They come from an activist film called “It’s Elementary” made in 1996 by the San Francisco-based group Women’s Educational Media, which has been using this film and others to promote pro-homosexual teachings to young children in schools across the nation.

These video clips, posted by a racist and since taken down by YouTube, are now on my friend Brian Camenker’s “” website. Please watch them while you still can by clicking HERE. The URL is

“It’s Elementary” is a wickedly manipulative pro-homosexual propaganda documentary used to promote pro-“gay” teachings for schoolchildren — even young kids who don’t even know what sex is yet. The film shows actual lessons directed at elementary schools kids — in the classroom — of the sort that only a hardened liberal or homosexual activist would find unobjectionable.

The video is horrifying proof of how liberal educationists are turning the nation’s public (and some private) schools into pro-homosexual advocacy zones — beginning with innocent, young, malleable minds — to create a generation of pro-“gay” Americans who will help usher in the full “gay” political/cultural agenda, including “same-sex marriage.” Changing young minds through one-sided propaganda is GLSEN’s (the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) raison d’etre. (To read a paper I wrote for CWA in 2002 highlighting GLSEN’s radical agenda, click HERE.)

Background: ‘Gay’ Smear Campaign Begins 

Dr. Warren Throckmorton, a good man who promotes ex-“gay” therapy but who we fear is overly solicitous of homosexual activists’ hyper-sensitive complaints, pointed out on his blog (headline: “Racism on YouTube”…) that the man who posted the “It’s Elementary” videos on YouTube is a confirmed racist. This is terrible but only a secondary story line here.

Curiously, Warren offered no timely insights on the pro-homosexuality youth video itself, even as thousands of people across the country were circulating emails about the “brainwashing” videos; more on that later.

Camenker, who is an orthodox Jew, and I (a Christian) share a contempt for white supremacy; to us any kind of racism is a sin, just as all homosexual behavior is sinful. But the real story here is not who originally posted the videos. In fact, I can’t tell you the exact rules, but my hunch is anyone could have posted “fair use” excerpts of “It’s Elementary,” along with commentary, since the pro-homosexual film was in large circulation and has caused great controversy since its creation.

No, the real story is the shocking content of the videos, and that so many Americans apparently were, and are, unaware that such blatant indoctrination techniques already have been used on young children (in more liberal school districts) for so long. In the first video, you can watch as one young girl in a grade school in the People’s Republic of Madison, Wisconsin, expresses visible shock and angst as her (male) teacher informs her in the classroom that popular rock star Melissa Etheridge is a lesbian.

There is simply no excuse for forcing adult sexual ideologies on helpless kids in the classroom

Bennett Exposes True Agenda, Gets Smeared 

My friend Steve Bennett, a former homosexual and founder of Stephen Bennett Ministries, received the “It’s Elementary” clips from another group and then passed them on to his ministry members as an e-mail alert when they were still on YouTube (the original poster gave them makeshift titles: “Homosexuals Brainwash Children,” Parts I and II). Steve then sent out a second e-mail disavowing the YouTube poster’s use of the  tag “Faggot” to mark the video. 

Steve tells Americans For Truth that when saw the “faggot” tag and the fact that the same poster had put up white supremacy videos, he immediately reported the guy to YouTube; presumably, after others did the same, the shocking “gay”-indoctrination video clips were taken down and the racist was banned from posting again on YouTube.

“The video stands on its own merits,” Bennett told me.

Predictably, homosexual activists like blogger John Aravosis used the fact that the video was posted on YouTube by a racist to link the pro-family movement and groups like Concerned Women for America to racist hatemongers. Aravosis wrongly asserts that Bennett is a spokesman for CWA when in reality the ex-“gay” leader hasn’t acted as such for several years (and he was never a paid spokesman).

Truth is, Aravosis — who led the homosexual web assault on Dr. Laura Schlessinger a few years back — could write a book on hate, so bitter is he at pro-family groups for opposing homosexual behavior (which he has chosen to embrace), but that’s a story for another day.

Jeremy Hooper, a young homosexual blogger, echoed Aravosis, writing (emphasis his; the original links to racist videos are removed):

Our outrage is not because we have anything to hide with the “It’s Elementary” video and because our hidden “agenda” has been exposed. Our outrage is over the fact that Mr. Bennett linked to a clip of someone who also uploaded clips with titles like “Keep America White,” as well as one with the description: “A video celebrating Hitler and the National Socialist Movement.” What, do they think his antipathy for gay people is his one redeeming standpoint?!

…The point is that the YouTube user who violated copyright and misrepresented this “must see video” (as [[the pro-family website] calls it) is also responsible for tarnishing YouTube with some of the ugliest, angriest, most biased rhetoric that one could possibly disseminate. And Stephen Bennett, someone who is given respect by the organized “pro-family” movement, recommended that all of his good Christian followers support the work of this user.

Two observations:

1) Jeremy may think that the “gay” movement has nothing to hide with “It’s Elementary,” but the truth is that a vast majority of Americans and people worldwide would be shocked by these video excerpts. Saturation exposure of this video could cripple the “gay” movement, but if Jeremy thinks differently, we’d welcome his help in getting this video exposed widely to educate Americans on the “gay” agenda for young people in our schools;


2) How silly to think that Bennett or anybody who used YouTube’s efficient site to expose the evil of It’s Elementary’s homosexual propaganda “support[s] the work of this [racist] user.” What “work”? He posted a radical “gay” video, of which most people are unaware. Nobody in the Christian (religious) pro-family movement has anything positive to say about racism. Hooper keeps talking about “the man responsible for this video,” … Hello. The San Francisco group Women’s Educational Media is responsible for this video; they produced it! The sad fellow with racism issues merely posted excerpts from it online.

Bennett wrote me: “I clarified with my e-mail list in a follow up e-mail roughly a half an hour or so later to pay attention ONLY to the two videos I sent links to. I reported the nutty racist (who really needs prayer) before sending out my second e-mail. So, I have NO reason whatsoever to ‘defend’ myself against anyone. We aren’t ‘racists’ — everyone knows that — and the homosexual activists know that, too. They’re simply troublemakers and ‘bullies’ who need serious help.”

To that I add: how sad, or should I say how “queer,” that the main response of “gay” activists like Aravosis and Hooper to a video that shows young kids getting brainwashed — in the classroom — to accept homosexuality as normal is to smear pro-family leaders like Steve Bennett who are trying to bring this terrible injustice against children to the world’s attention.

More on “It’s Elementary” — there are worse excerpts than the YouTube segments — and how homosexual activists target VERY young children in future postings.


Does the ADL ‘Hate’ Christian Teachings against Homosexuality? Check Out their Definition of ‘Homophobia’

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

By Peter LaBarbera

The following is the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) online definition of “homophobia.” The ADL is the leading advocate for federal and state “hate crimes” laws that are inclusive of homosexuality and gender confusion (“sexual orientation” and “gender identity”). Note the bolded portions below and how the ADL seemingly gives no ground for acceptable religious and moral opposition to homosexual behavior. This is important because currently many governmental agencies and “hate crime” law advocates rely on the ADL for definitions of “hate,” “prejudice,” etc. To read an online ADL report on Hate Crime Laws, click HERE. To see the ADL’s recommendation of the pro-homosexual “Heather Has Two Mommies” as an “anti-bias book for children,” click HERE.

What does this Orwellian statement mean: “Many researchers claim that homosexuals still find themselves the target of bias within institutions like churches and professional organizations.” Yes, many Bible-believing churches — and orthodox Jewish synogogues, and Islamic mosques — believe homosexual behavior is sinful and harmful to body and soul, but they also believe that people practicing this lifestyle can change (as proven by the existence of many ex-“gays”). Redefining Biblical doctrine as “discrimination” — ie., classifying people practicing homosexuality as “targets of bias” in churches — is precisely the sort of bureaucratic thought-control-speak that must not be made “the law” in our free nation. To tell President Bush to oppose the “Hate Crimes” law moving through the Democrat-led Congress, call 202-456-1414; or go HERE to contact the White House via email.

The Anti-Defamation League on “Homophobia”


Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals – that is, lesbians and gay men – sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility. Homophobia is not confined to any one segment of society, and can be found in people from all walks of life. Organized hate groups have viciously attacked homosexuals and have used especially violent language in attempting to persecute and intimidate them.
Discrimination against homosexuals comes in many forms. At times homophobic beliefs lead people toward prejudiced actions at work, at schools, at clubs and in many other areas as well. Prejudiced views directed at homosexuals often stem from the perception that homosexual activity is immoral. Homophobia makes some people think that they are superior to homosexuals. In fact, studies show that anti-gay bias is far more accepted among large numbers of Americans than is bias against other minorities.


Many researchers claim that homosexuals still find themselves the target of bias within institutions like churches and professional organizations. Many church and religious groups maintain that homosexual behavior is a sin and runs counter to the will of God as expressed in certain Biblical passages. Up until 1980, many psychiatrists still looked upon homosexuality as a mental disorder. Today, medical professionals believe that homosexuality is not an illness, mental disorder or emotional problem.


Homophobia is most dangerous when it serves as the justification for violent action against homosexuals. In recent years attacks on homosexuals have risen. While the violent crime rate in many areas continues to drop, anti-gay crime is moving in the other direction. What is most disturbing is the cruelty and viciousness of many of these attacks.


The severity of many of these crimes helps to show the strong hatred that homophobia can create.


Many conservative religious leaders have, at some point, spoken out against the gay community and warned of the danger they supposedly pose to America. 700 Club television host Pat Robertson said that, “Many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals – the two things seem to go together.” Former Congressman William Dannemeyer also compared homosexuals to Nazis when he wrote that “the homosexual blitzkrieg has been better planned than Hitler’s…” Clearly, it is ridiculous to compare homosexuals in America to Germany’s Nazi government which believed in warfare and mass murder as a means for taking over the world.


Apart from these views, many violent extremist groups also hold homophobic beliefs. The neo-Nazi National Alliance has allegedly been involved in anti-gay violence, while racist skinheads around the country have attacked and beaten homosexuals.


They’re BAACCKK: California ‘Gay’ Brainwashing Bills (SB 777 and AB 394)

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

CCF MEDIA: News Releases
For Immediate Release
March 26, 2007

Teaching California Kindergarteners to be Transsexual, Bisexual and Homosexual?
Thomasson: Parents are expecting Governor Schwarzenegger to be consistent and veto these outrageous bills, like he did last year

From the Campaign for California Families Website

Sacramento, California –– In a repeat of legislation vetoed last year by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists are pushing a pair of bills (SB 777 and AB 394) that would require all textbooks, instructional materials, school-sponsored activities, all school policies, and all teacher training courses to promote the transsexual, bisexual and homosexual lifestyles to children as young as kindergarten. 

The flagship bill, SB 777 by lesbian state Senator Sheila James Kuehl (Democrat – Santa Monica), would indirectly force textbooks, instruction materials, and school activities to promote “sexual orientation” (defined as homosexual and bisexuality) and “gender” (defined as including transsexuality) in all grades in California public schools.

Last year, Schwarzenegger vetoed the same bill by Kuehl (SB 1437), saying it was unnecessary because current law already protects students from sexual orientation discrimination, and because the term “reflects adversely” is “extremely vague and potentially confusing.”

By prohibiting any textbook or instruction “reflecting adversely” upon a variety of sexual lifestyles, SB 777 would, in effect, require all instruction to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality because silence on these sexual lifestyles would no longer be permitted. Consequently, schools would have to promote “same-sex marriages” and even sex-change procedures.

“SB 777 requires all teachers, all textbooks, and all instructional materials to promote cross-dressing, sex-change operations, bisexuality, and homosexuality, including homosexual ‘marriages,’” said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), a leading California-based pro-family organization, who observed today’s pro-SB 777 rally at the State Capitol. “Parents are expecting Governor Schwarzenegger to be consistent and veto these outrageous bills, like he did last year. This is not about safety – this is about sexual indoctrination in the classroom.”

SB 777 incorporates the strange Penal Code definition of “gender” and places it into the Education Code, reading: “Gender” means sex, and includes a person’s gender identity and gender related appearance and behavior whether or not stereotypically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth.” This means boys becoming girls and girls becoming boys would have to be positively portrayed in health textbooks, sex education classes and school assemblies.

Because SB 777 would affect all instructional materials, the bill will change textbooks and curriculum as well as guest speakers, informational handouts, and school assemblies. The new, “non-discriminatory” materials would have to include:

Sex-change handouts (Omitting sex-change material in sex education class would “reflect adversely”)
Transvestite speakers (Limiting classroom speakers to biologically-born men and biologically-born women would “reflect adversely”)
Transsexual, bisexual and homosexual videos (Showing videos depicting only the traditional family or man-woman relationships would “reflect adversely”)

Additionally, because parental units are gender-specific, married couples or a family with a “father and a mother” would be portrayed as mere stereotypes – outdated ideas –– and could be prohibited from textbooks because their discriminatory inclusion “reflects adversely.” Under SB 777, school curriculum in every public school throughout California, in every grade K-12, would have to portray transsexual and bisexual “parents” as normal. In essence, SB 777 would teach schoolchildren that there is no such thing as the natural family.

The California Department of Education would enforce SB 777, threatening and taking legal action against any elementary and secondary school district that did not positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children.

“SB 777 means good-bye to textbooks that say you’re either a boy or a girl, that marriage is only for a man and a woman, and that the natural family is a father, a mother, and their children,” said Thomasson. “SB 777 means radical curriculum changes that include transvestite speakers and transsexual videos, classroom handouts on sex-change operations, and curriculum teaching children homosexual ‘marriage’ is completely normal. This bill is frightening for parents who want trustworthy schools, not schools that sexually indoctrinate their own children — children as young as kindergarten!”

The language of the second bill, AB 394 by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine (Democrat – Van Nuys), has not been finalized. However, the bill is expected to be amended to force schools to promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to children throughout school policies and teacher training classes.

Last year, when Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill by Levine (AB 606), he said the bill was unnecessary since existing law “already prohibits discrimination and harassment in California public schools.”

— end —

CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (CCF) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing children and families in California and America. CCF stands for marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.

Parents Run Second Ad Regarding Deerfield’s “Freshman Advisory” Class

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007

A second full-page ad ran today:


As more students and parents come forward with their experiences
relating to the gay students’ panel presentations, the poor judgment and
abuse of authority by school officials becomes even more astonishing.

Freshman students (14 year olds) were asked to sign a CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT promising not to share what has transpired in the classroom. Presumably, this would include parents. This is unenforceable, probably illegal, and certainly poor judgment. [A portion of the confidentiality agreement was inserted — you can read the entire document HERE.]


  1. A parent, a teacher and NSSA have all requested to see the pool of instructional materials offered to Freshman Advisory teachers. The requests were DENIED and, in fact, the materials are hidden behind a password-protected portal. Can you imagine any other class where materials are hidden from parents?
  2. F.O.I.A. — NSSA filed a Freedom of Information Act request for complete instructional materials which was DENIED. Illinois State School Code, 105 ILCS 5/28-19.1 says: “Any member of the public may inspect all text and instructional material used in the public schools.”

When a parent of a Freshman requested to observe the gay panel presentations, she was DENIED. A video of the class was offered but now that the panels have concluded, suddenly, there is no video available. What are they hiding?

DHS students requested another panel presentation, this time including medical professionals — instead of teenagers — who could speak to the complex health issues surrounding homosexuality. DENIED.

Students have revealed that during the gay panel presentations, a link is made to normal teenage struggles and homosexuality. For instance, gay students shared that they struggled with a number of emotional disorders but the real problem and solution was found when they realized they were homosexual. The teachers evidently allowed this dangerous assumption so that the students in the class inevitably wondered if their normal teenage problems could mean that they are gay. Students were encouraged to explore this possibility without mention of the obvious health and emotional risks.

If these issues concern you, please contact:
District 113 School Board — (224) 765-1000

Helene Herbstman — Ken Fishbain
Jeffrey Annenberg — Harvey Cohen
Joel Hurwitz — Marjie Sandlow
Bonnie Shlensky — Supt. George Fornero


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