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GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools
Monday, November 5th, 2012
The following column by our friend Greg Quinlan first appeared on the website of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays):
By Greg Quinlan
Greg Quinlan says he was labeled a “traitor” for leaving the homosexual lifestyle and his “gay” identity behind.
The homosexual push for “equal marriage,” otherwise known as genderless marriage, can only lead to a ban on heterosexual rights. With a President in power who endorses gay causes and readily misuses executive orders, and emboldened by their numerous wins for gay rights at the legislative and judicial level, homosexuals have now moved beyond equal rights to the “more equal than you” level. As a result, gay organizations are working to ban that practice they fear the most — heterosexual behavior.
Witness the ban on heterosexual therapy successfully pushed by homosexual groups in California. Even though no scientific evidence exists of a “gay gene,” parents in California are now prohibited from taking their children to see a therapist to resolve their child’s unwanted same-sex attractions.
So for parents who discover that their son has been molested and is now sexually confused, their only option is to make an appointment with a gay-affirming therapist — because unlike heterosexual affirming therapy, gay-affirming therapy has not been declared illegal in California even though such therapy has not been proven beneficial by the APA.
Yet a parent can take their son to a therapist to approve gender blocking hormones so that the child’s natural gender is stunted before he reaches puberty. In short, parents can attempt to change a child’s gender, but they cannot change their child’s sexual orientation unless it is to a homosexual identity.
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Christian Persecution, Ex-Gay Politics/Gay Oppos. to Ex-Gays, Federal Government, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Saturday, October 20th, 2012
Dear Readers,
The following is a verbatim copy of a notice sent anonymously last week by “Gays Against the Gay Agenda” (G.A.G.A.) to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. It is one of the most amazing pieces of correspondence I have received in 20-plus years of opposing the homosexual activist agenda. I cannot vouch for its authenticity but the testimonies it contains ring true and are consistent with countless accounts of homosexual victimization, molestation and recruitment we have received or reported on over the years.
The prevailing “gay”/liberal narrative, dutifully advanced by a subservient media, ignores such troubling and abnormal factors in the formation of homosexual identity — in favor of the notion that “gayness” is innate and essentially “who you are.” Thus behavior and choice are replaced by an unchangeable and morally neutral “sexual orientation.” No connection is made between the abuse and dysfunction experienced in the young lives of so many homosexuals and their adult embrace of a “gay” or “lesbian” (or “transgender”) identity. To survive, this “progressive” myth depends on denying any causative link between the former and the latter — and dismissing former homosexuals like Charlene Cothran who left their “gay” identity behind.
These compelling stories are also a reminder that Christians must reach out to homosexuals with supernatural grace, love and understanding. Many homosexuals were victims — either of sexual predators or very unfortunate — even abusive — circumstances. And many involved in this sin know it is wrong and don’t believe they were “born that way.” Others, like Amos below, made bad decisions with unforeseen and devastating consequences. But whatever their background, homosexuals should know that divine forgiveness is available through Jesus Christ, who came to earth to die as the “atoning sacrifice” (propitiation) for men’s sins (1 John 4:10). “Sick” sinners of all stripes need Jesus:
“On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17)
We look forward to hearing more from this G.A.G.A. — the politically incorrect, polar opposite of the homosexuality-celebrating pop star Lady Gaga — in the days, months and years ahead. Please pray for these men and women, and stand with them. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Save the date: 12-12-12 at midnight
Gays Against the Gay Agenda
We are a group of gay men and women who want to join the fight against the gay political agenda because we know the truth.
Here are a few of our stories. Names have been changed for our safety:
From Abe: I was sexually molested by a neighbor when I was young. I was in counseling for years but as a teen started having gay relationships with other boys. I always said I was born gay but deep down inside I knew that my experiences as a boy were the cause. I still live a gay lifestyle but I know it’s wrong. It’s like a drug. You know it’s wrong, but you keep doing it.
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Posted in Biblical Truth, Causes of homosexuality, Gays Against the Gay Agenda, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Gospel evangelism, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Monday, October 1st, 2012
The Boy Scouts expelled Rhode Island assistant troop leader William Lazzareschi after he forced a 12-year-old Scout boy to perform oral sex on him.
Male homosexual predators (pederasts) go where the boys are, which is why see the Boy Scouts of America being forced to deal publicly with an issue it would rather shove behind close doors: adult male Scout leaders molesting innocent boys. It goes without saying that the Homosexual Lobby and its media apologists will strive to divorce this crisis from homosexuality itself: they conveniently insist that “pedophiles” — and “ephebophiles” (adults who sexually desire adolescents) — are separate categories unto themselves. But this academic legerdemain is self-serving and amounts to the glorification of semantic technicalities designed to obscure common sense.
And common sense implicates male homosexuality (which of course is not to say that all or even most “gay” men are pedophiles or into sex with minors). The Catholic League gets it right below, especially their observation: “whenever there is an overrepresentation of any demographic groups with deviant behavior, it bears scrutiny.”
We must return to the question: If practicing homosexual/bisexual men represent a mere a sliver (1-3 percent) of American society — why is there such a big problem of boys being seduced into sex or raped by adult male predators like Jerry Sandusky? Wouldn’t only a tiny percentage — and not double digits — of victims be boys, since 97 percent or more of men are straight?
In other words, assuming very few boys are molested by women, why are there so many boy victims of pedophilia?
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Posted in Boy Scouts, Corrupting Children, Health & Science, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Pro-Homosexual Media, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012
Media won’t call these ‘pretend men’ what they are: very confused women
First there was the “Pregnant Man” (a sexually confused former beauty queen) and now this: Trevor MacDonald, a “Transgendered, Gay, Breastfeeding Dad” from oh-so tolerant Canada. Actually, SHE is a very confused woman who desperately needs God’s help — although I’m sure she is enjoying the limelight that comes from embracing the latest politically correct perversion. Here is “Trevor’s” bio on a blog piece titled, ” A Transgender Dad Looks Back on One Year of Breastfeeding His Baby”:
Trevor MacDonald lives in Winnipeg, Canada, with his partner, baby and dog. He is currently a stay-at-home dad, and has an honours BA in political science from the University of British Columbia. While remaining secure in his identity as a gay man, he breastfeeds his baby boy because of the zillions of studies that prove that breastfeeding is a healthy, biologically normal choice for babies. He writes about his queer breastfeeding adventures on his blog at www.milkjunkies.net
Boy, I sure am glad Trevor cares about making the “biologically normal choice” for HER baby. Did she ever get around to thinking about the effects that her abnormal identity and behavioral choices as a parent will have on her innocent child? That poor boy. Below are some comments sent to me by David, a friend from North Carolina who left the homosexual lifestyle (which is to say, he abandoned that destructive sin). What is so fascinating about modern “progressives” and all who bow down to “Tolerance” is that they seem incapable of doing whas David does below and state the simple truth: that this is absolutely nuts. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
David writes:
The surgically mutilated woman pictured above, breastfeeding her baby, is pretending to be a man. She got preggers and had an innocent child, all the while undergoing a “sex change” to become a “transgender” (but she did not, as of yet, install the fake male genitalia). But the “sex change” (surgical mutilation) was not to become a “straight man,” but a homosexual one. Yes, you got that right, she wanted to become a homosexual male. More than likely due to her fascination over homosexual male pornography. And “he” (she) wed a biological male to become “gay male lovers.” Speaking truthfully, can you imagine being forced to be raised in such a twisted, perverse and distorted household? But with extreme liberals now embracing, legislating, and forcing their agenda on everyone else, you’d better get used to seeing more of this.
Posted in Extremism, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Homosexual Parenting, News, Transgender-General |
Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
Brian Camenker (above) is being sued for $1 million by Maine homosexual and Registered Sex Offender Adam Flanders.
This interview [Click HERE to listen] with Brian Camenker of MassResistance was conducted July 12, 2012. We discuss the bizarre legal antics of Maine homosexual Adam Flanders, who is suing Camenker for $1 million for alleged “defamation,” in part because Camender and MR refused to take down from their website an open letter that Flanders wrote in 2007 exposing predatory sexual misconduct at a “gay youth” center in Belfast, Maine. Camenker and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera (and co-host John Kirkwood) also discuss Illinois homosexual lawsuits to overturn that state’s law defining marriage for what it is: one man, one woman. Camenker comments on AFTAH’s reporting that the judge ruling on the “gay” and ACLU lawuits, Cook County Circuit Judge Sophia Hall, is an open lesbian and member of a homosexual judges group that advocates for homosexuals.
HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes. Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.
7-12-12, Brian Camenker
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Americans for Truth Hour, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Maine, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty |
Thursday, July 12th, 2012
“Legal terrorist” and Sex Offender Flanders now suing Brian Camenker for $1 million for NOT taking down his 2007 letter
Adam Flanders, convicted sex offender.
TAKE ACTION: Brian Camenker and MassResistance need our prayers and our support. Please encourage other pro-family groups to publish Flanders’ 2007 letter exposing the pedophilia and abuses at a Maine “gay youth” group.
Folks, this is one of the most curious and outrageous examples of ‘homo-fascist’ arrogance I have ever encountered, and I apologize for delays in bringing it to you through AFTAH. Below is the (slightly redacted) text of a 2007 letter by Maine homosexual activist Adam Flanders, exposing the pedophilia, perversion and all-around dysfunction at a Maine “gay youth” group, “OUT!…as I Want to Be.” [Click HERE to view the letter in PDF format and HERE for a local article about his explosive letter.]
As MassResistance writes, “Flanders was subsequently convicted of sexually molesting a 14-year-old boy he met at the “gay youth” organization. He spent time in jail, and is currently a registered sex offender in Maine.” [Click HERE to view Flanders’ Maine Sex Offender Registry listing.]
One can only imagine how many incidents of adult-teen predatory behavior and abuses like this have gone on at the many “gay youth” centers in cities and communities across the country, but which have never been exposed, much less investigated!
Recently, Flanders started pressuring pro-family websites to take down his letter exposing OUT! Most complied, but not Brian Camenker of MassResistance — a true man of principle who makes it a point never to give in to “gay” activist bullies. So Flanders accused Camenker of “stalking” him and got a bizarre “restraining order” (in a kangaroo-court trial) against Camenker — even though Brian, living in another state, had never come near Flanders.
Next, when Brian continued to refuse to take down his letter, Flanders successfully pressured Camenker’s Kentucky-based web provider to drop MassResistance as a client. Even the conservative WorldNetDaily pulled a couple of articles about the story after being pressured by Flanders.
The latest action by this malicious “legal terrorist” is to sue Camenker for $1 million for “defamation”! (How do you “defame” someone by publicizing their own exact words?) Like so much of the homosexualist agenda, it’s all about intimidation. Camenker warns that Flanders’ and similar lawsuits are part of a new homosexual activist strategy to harass and browbeat pro-family opponents into submission.
We suppose that young Flanders in his hubris might now sue or threaten to sue AFTAH. So be it. We must not cower to radical homosexual militants who seem to think they are above the First Amendment, and who — like spoiled brats — attempt to bully their opponents in the culture through crass acts of intimidation like Flanders’ preposterous lawsuit against my good friend Brian. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Following is a reprint of the MassResistance post on Flanders’ original open letter:
Public letter from gay activist in Maine reveals homosexual sex with kids as young as 14 at “gay youth” group meetings
Also drugs, alcohol, suicide threats, more. An extremely sad and troubling story. The grave danger of gay “clubs” in your schools.
POSTED by MassResistance.org January 2007. UPDATED by MassResistance June 2012 In January 2007
Adam Flanders — a 20-year-old homosexual activist — wrote this shocking letter about the outrageous abuses going on between adults and kids in the local “gay youth” club. It includes his own admission of sexual relations with two younger boys. Flanders sent copies of the letter to two local police departments, the local news media, other government agencies, and various pro-family groups. And he encouraged them to publish this letter as a warning to the public. In fact, MassResistance has been warning about this kind of problem for years.
View/download the actual letter PDF format HERE:
[Text of Adam Flanders’ letter with slight redactions by MassResistance; emphasis added is AFTAH’s:]
January 13, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Adam Flanders. I am 20 years old and a current resident of Belfast, Maine. I am writing to you on behalf of my own concerns, as well as the concerns of other youth members and past members (who wish to remain anonymous) of the nonprofit organization, OUT! … As I Want to Be located in Rockland, Maine. We wish to inform you of the negligence and abuse of OUT advisors and adult members. Let me briefly summarize the original purpose of this organization.
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Posted in Bullying & Victimhood, Corrupting Children, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homo-fascism - Intimidation by Gay Lobby, Homosexual Hate, Maine, Massachusetts, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Promiscuity |
Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
“Either resign from the Scouts’ Executive Board or stop undermining the BSA with your pro-homosexual advocacy”
- Ernst & Young CEO Jim Turley is seeking to apply his corporation’s pro-homosexual ethos to the Boy Scouts.
TAKE ACTION: 1) Contact the Boy Scouts of America [972-580-2000; 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Central Time] and commend them for not giving in to pro-homosexual activists by retaining their “morally straight” policy against open homosexuality in the Scouts; and 2) Contact Jim Turley through Ernst & Young [Contact Page HERE; or, through their global site HERE], and urge him to stop his campaign to turn the Boy Scouts into a pro-homosexual organization — which would devastate the BSA (see AFTAH letter below).
By Peter LaBarbera
I sent a version of this letter today to Jim Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young, who is reportedly lobbying the Boy Scouts “from within” to change their policy against homosexuality. Turley and Ernst & Young’s progressive, “global,” pro-“gay” values conflict with the Boy Scouts’ wholesome moral values — so naturally he is working to overturn the Scouts’ values! Please read this Townhall column by Chuck Norris taking Turley and his close ally, President Barack Obama, to task for their “gay” advocacy, which now again makes the beleaguered Boy Scouts a major target of aggressive LGBT activists. See this website page by the homosexual pressure group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) for more background on the escalating LGBT lobbying campaign against the Scouts.
Scouts Respond: For their part, the Boy Scouts issued a press release stating, “Contrary to media reports, the Boy Scouts of America has no plans to change its membership policy. The introduction of a resolution does not indicate the organization is “reviewing” a policy or signal a change in direction.” [See full BSA release HERE.]
My letter follows:
Dear James Turley, CEO of Ernst & Young,
I respectfully ask you to pull back from your pro-“gay” lobbying directed at the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and leave this fine organization alone with regard to its longstanding “morally straight” policy against openly homosexual and atheist members and Scoutmasters. You are abusing your role on the Scouts’ Executive Board by publicly advocating that the Scouts change their homosexuality policy. At the very least, your actions are helping to energize other, more militant, activists in their ongoing (and often hateful) campaign against the Scouts. For the sake of the Scouts, it is incumbent upon you to either resign from the Scouts’ Executive Board or stop undermining the BSA with your pro-homosexual advocacy.
For many years now, the Boy Scouts have endured tremendous persecution and harassment at the hands of homosexual activists, including being dragged into a protracted legal battle that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court (which in 2000 upheld the BSA’s freedom to adhere to its own moral code). We ask you to refrain from opening up that wound again in the name of a modern “tolerance” that is shockingly intolerant of Judeo-Christian moral and religious teachings.
You err in assuming that homosexuality is mainly a “civil rights” issue; it is actually a matter of changeable, unhealthy, volitional behavior — and a contentious moral issue. Most parents simply would not be comfortable with the idea of “modeling” that unnatural behavior to their sons through Scouting activities. (It should go without saying that it is not “bigotry” but rather common sense for parents to be wary of sending their sons on camping trips with adult homosexual men.) A pro-homosexual posture by the Scouts (in the name of “non-discrimination”) would drive away many parents and prospective Scouts.
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Posted in Business & Legal Services, Chicago, Corporate Promotion, Corrupting Children, Ernst & Young (bEYond), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Illinois, News |
Tuesday, June 26th, 2012
Studies find male bisexuals conduits of HIV to heterosexual women
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive
- “MSMW [men who have sex with men and women] may serve as a conduit for HIV transmission between MSM [men who have sex with men] and heterosexuals.”
- “Consistent with previous studies, compared with MSW [men who have sex with women], MSMW reported significantly higher numbers of sex partners and were significantly more likely to engage in anal intercourse with their female partners.” — Journal of Urban Health, July 2009, “Behaviorally Bisexual Men and their Risk Behaviors with Men and Women”
CHICAGO–Talk about marketing perversion and unhealthy behavior to kids: take a look at these photos of “Captain Bisexual” marching in Sunday’s Chicago homosexual “pride” parade. He is the ostensibly child-friendly face of a group called Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago. Click on the photos to enlarge them and notice the youth in the background. Even though it appeared that organizers had dialed down the more raunchy floats compared to past “Chicago Pride” parades (I’ve observed three or four Chicago parades), there were still some X-rated contingents and spectacles like this that were utterly inappropriate for children. And yet, as you can see, many children looked on from the sidelines.
What exactly is “Bisexual Justice,” anyway? (What about Bisexual Injustice, i.e., the role of bisexuals in spreading HIV from homosexual men to heterosexual women? [See this 2009 study in the Journal of Urban Health and this short essay.]) And what would “Bisexual Marriage” look like? It is troubling that parents of young and teenaged children would bring them to a parade where popular youthful images (comic-book superheroes) are used to normalize unhealthy and immoral behaviors:
AS YOUNG CHILDREN LOOK ON: 'Captain Bisexual' of "Bisexual Queer Alliance Chicago" waves his "Bisexual Justice" banner as he strolls down North Broadway St. in Chicago's "gay" pride parade, June 25, 2012. Photos: Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org.
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Posted in BDSM, Bisexuality, Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros, Corrupting Children, Extremism, Gay Culture, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Illinois, Leather, News |
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