A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Letter: We Reject the Bigoted Southern Poverty Law Center’s Judgments on ‘Hate Groups’

Friday, June 5th, 2009

We sent the following response to a snide letter by George Jones regarding the (bigoted) judgments of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) about our friends at MassResistance, the leading pro-family group in Massachusetts exposing and fighting the aggressive homosexualist agenda. The SPLC stubbornly adheres to its classification of the Illinois Family Institute (my former employer) as a “hate group” — preposterously grouping this American Family Association-affiliated organization with tens of thousands of supporters in the Land of Lincoln amongst wicked Nazi and white supremacist groups (see IFI’s initial response HERE and follow-up HERE).

The SPLC has embarrassed itself by politicizing “hate” in the service of pro-homosexual politics. Perhaps if it stopped demonizing Christian and pro-family groups like IFI and MassResistance based on their moral opposition to homosexual practice, we would take its assessment of who the real haters are more seriously. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com

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Dick Cheney Is a Great Man, but He Is Wrong on ‘Gay Marriage’

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

dick-cheney1.jpg“PFOX believes that parents and children should love one another unconditionally, by respecting our right to hold different views.  Thus parents like Vice President Cheney and I can love our children without having to support genderless marriage.”Regina Griggs

Folks, I agree with the statement below by my friend Regina Griggs of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays). I am a huge Dick Cheney fan in most respects. I think he is doing the nation a tremendous service by holding President Obama accountable on foreign policy.  He and President Bush helped keep America safe for eight years — and anyone who has incurred as much wrath as he has from the Hateful, Hard Left is almost a hero by definition. (Or maybe I’m wrong: perhaps we would have been safer had ‘Vice President Olbermann’ had the President’s ear during the Bush years. After all, the MSNBC twit host has called Cheney “as insane as any terrorist.”)

But on homosexuality-related issues Cheney — father or openly lesbian Mary —  is letting his emotions cloud his considerable intellect. I agree with some of my friends in the pro-family movement that he is likely a big part of the reason why President Bush never used his executive power to really push hard for a Federal Marriage Amendment. Bottom line: loving your son or daughter never means embracing everything they do, and homosexuality will always be immoral behavior no matter how many celebs and VIPs say otherwise. (Then again: I still haven’t read that fifth Gospel According to Ellen.)

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‘Civil Unions’ Decisively Defeated in Illinois — a Pro-Family Victory with National Significance

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Heartland rallies against faux “gay marriage,” which is not inevitable, after all

wgn_prop-8_reaction.jpgNo “Civil Unions” in Illinois: thanks to an energetic grassroots campaign, pro-homosexual “civil unions” legislation (H.B. 2234) — ridiculously titled the Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act — was rejected decisively by the Illinois General Assembly. Homosexual activist Rick Garcia’s prediction that H.B. 2234 would “absolutely” pass did not come true. as Garcia’s allies fell well short of the backing needed to call for a floor vote — despite their huge, well-funded lobbying campaign. Americans For Truth made the case against “civil unions’ and “gay marriage” on WGN-TV (left), Moody Radio (WMBI), WIND (Geoff Pinkus Show) and in the Chicago Tribune.  AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera’s argued in a Tribune religious reporter’s blog that “gay marriage” and “civil union” laws violate business owners’ freedom of conscience.

TAKE ACTION: Thank your state House legislator (call Springfield at 217-782-2000; go to http://ilga.gov/ or find your representative at www.congress.org) if he or she opposed the “civil unions” legislation. Express your gratitude to them for NOT BUCKLING to the enormous, well-funded pro-“gay” lobbying blitz in Springfield.  Also call your state senator and ask for his or her stance on “civil unions” — since the main battle was in the House. Stay vigilant in this battle, as homosexual activists are already vowing to lobby key districts over the summer.

By Peter LaBarbera

Pro-family grassroots forces in Illinois have scored a stunning victory with the decisive defeat of “civil unions” legislation, (H.B. 2234/S.B. 1716) — despite the prediction of the state’s leading homosexual activist that “civil unions” would “absolutely” be voted on and passed (by last Wednesday), and overcoming a massive and well-funded lobbying campaign by pro-homosexual groups.

Despite some some very premature gloating by homosexual activists across the country who thought a victory was in the bag, and despite some dirty tactics and lies, time ran out in the Illinois General Assembly Sunday night with the bill not even being called due to lack of support in the House.

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Linda Harvey to Address AFTAH Tonight on Destructive ‘Gay Youth’ Agenda and June 4th on Corruption of Christianity

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

linda_harvey_small.jpgExposing the ‘Gay’ Corruption of America’s Children: Pro-family advocate and author Linda Harvey of Mission America (left) will give a dinner lecture on the “The Destructive Effects of ‘Gay’ Activism on America’s Youth” tonight (Tuesday, June 2nd) at AFTAH’s new office in Carol Stream, IL, with dinner beginning at 6:00 PM. On Thursday evening, June 4th, Linda will discuss how the Religious Left is corrupting American Christianity. RSVP at americansfortruth@comcast.net or call 630-717-7631 or 847-722-5330. More details below.

The issue of homosexuality is tearing apart youth culture, transforming schools and turning kids away from Christianity. Adults with a mind and a heart are needed! Have you ever wondered if you are called to serve in this area of public life? Come listen to a veteran who felt God’s call to this unique and challenging public policy and mission field over a decade ago.

Folks, lots of good things are happening at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). We are moving into our new offices in Carol Stream, Illinois, and are delighted to welcome Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America, as our first guest speaker. Please come to one or both of these talks if you are in the Chicagoland area, and pass this notice on to your pastor, co-workers, family and friends and invite them to attend. Linda is a good friend and a national treasure as a pro-family Christian advocate who doesn’t pull any punches in defending Truth. If only more American men had her guts and were as willing as she is to take a stand in saving our nation!

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Jeremy Hooper Misses the Point

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

By Peter LaBarbera

jeremyhooper-advocate.jpgHomosexual blogger Jeremy Hooper as featured in the homosexual magazine The Advocate in 2005.

Apparently AFTAH critic and New York City homosexual, “Good As You” blogger Jeremy Hooper is incapable of distinguishing between a hate letter and a heartfelt personal note. AFTAH sometimes publishes the letters we receive from very nasty homosexual activists, to highlight the true nature of a movement that routinely fails to live up to the now-obsolete definition of their chosen descriptor: “gay.” We tell people on our site: “Note: All correspondence sent to Americans for Truth becomes property of Americans For Truth.” Can you blame us for exposing the abject hatred and reverse bigotry of sexual activists who regularly accuse everyone else of being haters and bigots? (There’s something surreal about getting a tolerance lecture from some irate pro-gay fellow who spews vulgarities as he brings the message that I am Satan’s brother, a covert homosexual (of course), and I am going to burn in hell because I oppose homosexuality.)

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AFTAH Asks: Why Are ‘Conservative’ Leaders Selling Out on ‘Civil Unions’?

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

Americans For Truth rejects “civil unions” as a capitulation, not a compromise

signorile_ingraham-fox.jpgConservative Capitulation Cometh? Homosexual activist Mike Signorile tells FOX’s Laura Ingraham that she and everyone who opposes same-sex “marriage” will be supporting it in five years because “the world is changing.” Some influential conservatives like talk show host Mike Gallagher are selling out on the homosexual agenda by embracing “civil unions.”  Americans For Truth rejects such false compromises. We know that the more you give in to homosexual activists, the more they demand. Signorile himself has championed legalized homosexual “marriage” as a “a chance to wholly transform the definition of family in American culture … [and]  the final tool with which to …  get education about homosexuality and AIDS into public schools.”


 Help Americans For Truth … and Get a Free Book

If you will help Americans For Truth with a tax-deductible gift of $25 or more, we will send you a free copy of the hard-cover book Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides, a man who dedicated his life to understanding homosexuality and helping people overcome it.  Will you consider a gift of $25, $100, $500 or even $1,000 or more to help Americans For Truth fight the powerful, well-financed Homosexual Lobby?  You can make your gift online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate, or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. 

A Special Appeal from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Dear Readers,

I am writing to ask your help to lift Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) out of a financial crisis, but also to you to do your part to lift America out of her moral crisis.  If you support Americans For Truth, it’s probably because you appreciate our direct approach to the problem of homosexual activism.  We at AFTAH don’t play politically correct games by trying so hard not to offend anyone that we water down Truth.  No, we just tell it like it is, and the homosexual activists hate us for it.

Every day, I receive vicious letters like this from an e-mail containing the name Seth Yatovitz (who gave his e-mail name as “Jesus”) [WARNING: VULGAR]:

Thank You ….For letting me know who you are so I can ream you in your ass even though I am straight. Burn in Hell Father [F–ker]! God loves everyone, even gay people like Jesus! I will be saying prayers for your enlightenment even though you disgust me more than any deviant sexual act ever could. Gays are NOT child molesters, they are the children of God.

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Randy Thomas on Christian Change and Contentment

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

randy-thomas2.jpgNote the wonderful concluding comment, applicable to all believers, on change through — and contentment in — Christ from Randy Thomas (left) of Exodus International. This is reprinted from Randy’s blog: — Peter LaBarbera:

Homosexuality A Product of The Complex Roles of Nature and Nurture
From OneNewsNow.com:

The attempt to prove that homosexuality is determined biologically has been dealt a knockout punch. An American Psychological Association publication includes an admission that there’s no homosexual “gene” — meaning it’s not likely that homosexuals are born that way.

For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a “gender-identity” problem. But the new statement, which appears in a brochure called “Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality,” states the following:

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San Francisco’s Deviant Values: New Folsom Street Poster Mocks Family, Prop 8

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Nancy Pelosi’s district celebrates the most vile perversions and attacks on God and nature known to mankind:


TAKE ACTION: call or write House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and urge her to denounce this blatant attack on the family coming out of her district: 202-225–4965 or 202-225-0100.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, take a look at what the sadistic pervs over at Folsom Street Fair came up with for their promotional poster this year. And to think that in all their “leather pride” they think of themselves as “progressive.” (PETA might disagree.) The good news is that thanks to the efforts of Americans For Truth and others who have exposed the open-air perversions that have been allowed to take place year after year at Folsom and at another San Francisco “street fair,” police are finally promising to crack down on the nudity and public sex [see this report in California Catholic Daily]. Will House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) denounce this new attack on the natural family, or will she continue to pander to her homosexual base– as she did by refusing to condemn a version of the above that mocked the Last Supper? Few Americans have any clue about just how deviant America’s Queer Mecca is.

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