A – What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

LaBarbera to Speak at Pro-Kern “Rally For Sally” in Oklahoma

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

By Peter LaBarbera

It will be my privilege to stand tomorrow with Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) at a grassroots “Rally for Sally” at the state capitol — to defend her against the vicious homosexual activist onslaught unleashed by those who confuse opinion with “hate speech”:

DATE: Wednesday, April 2
TIME: 12:00pm Noon
WHERE: Rotunda of the Oklahoma State Building
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Dozens of pro-family groups and leaders outside of Oklahoma have come to Kern’s defense, and she has not backed down, while demonstrating grace toward those who seek to destroy her.

Incidentally, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund — which launched the web campaign against Kern and alleged in a public letter that she is somehow partly responsible for the murders of homosexuals (“your words give aid and comfort to those who would hurt, maim and even kill people who are different from you”) — conveniently edited out the part of her speech where she said that, “the book that I base my life upon is God’s word. And it says to love everybody and I try to love everybody.”

You can see below in this portion from the full Kern speech transcript where the GLVF stripped out that phrase — highlighted in red — from the half-sentence (in blue) that followed it, and which was used in the online “hit-recording” against Kern:

Now, I don’t know about you, but the book that I base my life upon is God’s word. And it says to love everybody and I try to love everybody but not everybody’s lifestyle is equal. Just like not all religions are equal. Okay. All money isn’t equal. You know, we have this dumb idea now days, that tolerance means that everything is equal. Well, everything is not equal. We see that in many areas of our lives. You know, all things are not equal. All religions are not equal.

So, you blind-side a public official with charge that her speech is of the sort that leads to heinous murders, but you leave out the part where she tries to follow God’s command to love everyone? (Of course, the media engage in this type of selective editing all the time to make Christian conservatives and others look bad.)

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ABC Follows ‘Born Gay’ Script to a T

Monday, March 31st, 2008

Good Morning America promotes the latest gay gene study, and marginalizes the opposing scientific voice by labeling him as religious.

By Robert Knight
Culture and Media Institute
March 28, 2008

ABC’s Good Morning America hit a grand slam on March 28 for the homosexual activist movement by airing a profoundly misleading segment that asks, “Can a Baby Be Gay?” A longer segment ran on 20/20 that evening.

Convincing the public that some people are “born gay” is a central strategy of homosexual activists, who are being aided by a compliant media that routinely fails to examine such claims. If sexual behavior is hard-wired like race, then moral considerations can be swept aside, homosexuality declared a “civil right” and governments can move against people who believe homosexuality is wrong.

The Good Morning America story follows the script proposed in the gay strategic manual After the Ball, by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. The two Harvard-trained PR experts set out to “overhaul straight America,” which was the title of an article out of which After the Ball was born as a full-length book in 1989.

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Sally Kern Rejects PFLAG Account of Meeting

Friday, March 28th, 2008

repsallykern2.jpgOklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) issued the following statement today regarding a 30-minute meeting she had yesterday with representatives from the pro-homosexual group PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Kern said PFLAG’s account of the meeting — which has been spread around on homosexual websites — misrepresented her statements and intent:

As a state representative who is always willing to meet with any and all of my constituents on any issue with an open and sincere dialog, it is apparent from the statement released by PFLAG that their “open dialog” was for the purpose of politicizing the conversation to their benefit.

While I did meet with PFLAG in what was a cordial and polite meeting, they have taken my statements and have spun them to make it appear that I am backing off my comments that homosexuality is a sin. As a Christian who believes in the authority of God’s Word, I will never retract my comments that homosexuality is a sin.

PFLAG has also spun my words to say that I am in favor of “sexual orientation” laws. I unequivocally do not support “sexual orientation” laws. While I do not advocate employers going on a witch hunt to fire homosexual employees who are performing their jobs in a manner just like any heterosexual employee, I do not support laws that would force employers to check their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, speech, and association at the workplace door.

Since PFLAG has shown their lack of integrity by misinterpreting my statements from our meeting to fit their agenda — thus revealing their purpose of open dialog to be just a means of seeking to weaken my position and strengthen theirs — I see no benefit in having future meetings with them.

God’s Word does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever [Hebrews 13:8]. His Word expresses His moral character. Therefore, my opinion also will not change.

State Rep. Sally Kern
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Oklahoma City, OK
March 28, 2008

Homosexual Hate: Cross-Dressing ‘Sisters’ Mock Christ with ‘Hunky Jesus’ Contest

Friday, March 28th, 2008

[WARNING: OFFENSIVE AND BLASPHEMOUS CONTENT from a group celebrated in the nation’s homosexual Mecca]

By Peter LaBarbera

Here is pure evil of the sort that can only be found in America’s “queer” Mecca: you just have to see it to believe it. Originally, I was not going to post this satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence video of their 2008 “Hunky Jesus” contest — held on Easter Sunday in San Francisco, of course — because it is so offensive and blasphemous. But people need to see this homosexual hate in action to understand what we’re up against and what results from celebrating deviance.

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

The “Sisters” — homosexual men who paint their faces and dress up as mock nuns, often with perverted names like Sister Roz Erection — is no mere fringe group, at least in San Francisco. There, they enjoy widespread acceptance as a “charity” operation, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for AIDS-related groups and other causes. Somehow these bigots can’t manage to help the poor and needy without trashing the Son of God and Christianity in the process.

Which begs the question: what other social movement in our culture mocks and attacks Christianity like the homosexualists? Even radical pro-abortion feminists (“Keep your rosaries off my ovaries”) seem downright respectful toward the faith when compared to the twisted “Sisters” and their virulent anti-God, anti-Christian rhetoric.

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Homosexual Activists Risk Your Life — Tolerate It!

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

joesolmonese2.jpg Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading homosexual pressure group, says the federal ban on accepting blood donations from “men who have sex with men” is “discriminatory.”

By J. Matt Barber

Modern science sometimes serves to validate timeless Biblical truths (not that objective truth needs validating). Romans 6:23 contains two such truths. It provides flip sides to a priceless coin, offering us both a blunt warning and an enduring promise: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Far too often we toss this coin, gambling heads-or-tails with our own best interests. We all sin, but because Christ willingly paid the penalty — suffering death on the cross in our stead — we are redeemed. We need only believe in Him and the gift of eternal life is ours. We can confess our sins, repent (which includes making every effort not to repeat those sins) and move on.

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The ‘Gay’ Exception and the Gospel Misunderstood

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

jeremyhooper-advocate.jpgJeremy Hooper, left, as featured three year ago in the homosexual magazine The Advocate. Click on photo to enlarge.

By Peter LaBarbera

Leave it to Jeremy Hooper, the indefatigable, youthful Homosexuality Apologist over at the “Good as You” blog, to misconstrue our Easter presentation of the Gospel, “Was Jesus Powerless?” Hooper, who comments on AFTAH’s website and those of other conservative groups with amazing alacrity, is irritated by my comparison of practicing homosexual sinners with other sinners covered by God’s grace.

Pegging off my non-comprehensive list of people who offend God but find forgiveness and hope in Jesus Christ, Hooper writes (bold and “shouting” (caps) emphasis is his):

So let’s see here — we homosexuals are compared to those (of any orientation or gender) who abuse substances, make wagers, objectify women, talk [sh*t] about others, force sex upon someone against their will, take a life, sell their bodies, sell other people’s bodies, patronize those who sell their bodies, take on a job in which they are motivated by profit, run for and carry out office in an unethical way, base their worldview in a mindset that’s detached from religious rule, don’t feel themselves bound by conventional wisdom, utilize their freedom to terminate a pregnancy (either through their medical practice or personal body decisions), have faith in science rather than God, are egocentric assholes, spread untruths, and/or cheat on their committed partners. Weird, because all this time we’ve viewed our always-present biological desires more like, say — THE ALWAYS-PRESENT BIOLOGICAL DESIRES OF OUR HETEROSEXUAL FRIENDS!

Who knew that when we were taught proper comparison techniques way back when, the idea of noting similarity between two or more things came with the caveat: “EXCEPT WHEN DEALING WITH SEXUAL ATTRACTION”? Clearly our kindergarten teacher was nothing more than an atheistic libertine!

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Is Jesus Powerless?

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

crosseaster.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

My friend and Americans For Truth Board Chairman Mike Heath, who also serves as Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, sent out the message below about Good Friday and “Hate.” Mike can relate to Oklahoma’s beleaguered State Rep. Sally Kern, as like her, he and his wife Paulie have been vilified and demonized by Maine’s pro-homosexual lobby for years as outspoken Christian, pro-family advocates.

I love Easter. The Christ whose sacrificial death we commemorate and whose resurrection we celebrate on Easter Sunday is real and alive, but His redemptive work in everyday people’s lives only rarely makes Fox News. Just today I received a call from a Christian man who had left the “gay” life behind and has been married for 16 years; he and his wife are raising their children, much like countless other married couples raising families. Another wonderful ex-“gay” story that belies the homosexual propaganda myth that homosexuals can’t change, but which probably will never appear in the media.

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LaBarbera Assails Homosexual Hate and Intimidation Campaign against Oklahoma Lawmaker Sally Kern

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Vicious activists even falsely accused her son of being homosexual



Pro-homosexual activists have targeted Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) with a hate campaign because she spoke out strongly against the homosexual activist agenda. Above, a Facebook post paints Kern as the devil. A “Queerty” blog went so far as to accuse her son “Jesse” of being a homosexual with a sex criminal past — but the Jesse Kern in question was not her son, who would have been only 12 at the time of the crime.

TAKE ACTION: Support Rep. Sally Kern by writing sallykern@okhouse.gov or calling (405) 557-7348; write St. Representative Chris Benge, Speaker of the House (chrisbenge@okhouse.gov) or call (405) 557-7340 to defend her against the nasty hate campaign against her orchestrated by homosexual activists. Also, e-mail her fellow lawmakers to voice support for her by going to www.okhouse.gov: there is a list of Representatives with e-mails and phone numbers to the left of screen under House Membership. Share this story with your network of family and friends, and please pray for Sally and her family.

Americans For Truth

News Release, March 20, 2008

NAPERVILLE, Ill. — Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, today condemned the unprecedented campaign of vilification against Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern (R), which forced her to have a bodyguard and endure vicious smears against her –– and even her son’s –– character based on an edited version of a speech that was put online by a homosexual activist group.

“The homosexual activist movement engages in hatred and mean-spirited attacks –– in the name of tolerance,” LaBarbera said. “In the name of fighting discrimination, they are trying to destroy a good woman who voiced her Christian belief that activism based on immoral sexual conduct is destructive to America, and harmful to children. Homosexual militants have even sunk so low as to falsely accuse Kern’s son, Jesse, of being a homosexual to embarrass her.”

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