“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

MSNBC Promotes Evangelical Liberal Rachel Held Evans, Who Advocates Culture War Retreat on Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Rachel Held Evans says today’s younger Christians are uniting against legislative action (such as pro-traditional marriage amendments) opposing the homosexual agenda.

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, there’s nothing that MSNBC and the Left-biased media love more than to highlight an evangelical Christian who has sold out on homosexuality (or abortion). That is essentially what evangelical blogger Rachel Held Evans has done on the homosexual “marriage” issue — hence she is featured prominently in this MSNBC piece titled, “Could marriage debate drive young christians from church?”

For the life of me I cannot fathom the shallowness of Held Evans’ thinking, beginning with her casual acceptance of personal identity (“gayness”) based on a sin (homosexuality) that God calls an abomination. Are today’s young Christians really that soft-headed and brainwashed (yes, brainwashed by the politically correct media, Hollywood and academia) that they believe that because they “know someone who’s gay,” they can no longer fight and speak out against something as evil as legalized homosexual “marriage”?

Is it beyond the comprehension of the under-35 crowd that perhaps out-and-proud “gayness” and other misguided secular ideas are prospering precisely because the influence of biblcal Christianity is waning in our culture?

Also note in bold below Held Evans’ particular aversion toward Christians opposing the political/legislative homosexual agenda — while presumably it is fine for the powerful Sin Movement that calls itself “gay” to use our American freedoms to push boldly toward achieving its radical goals. (Goals that include teaching homosexuality and gender confusion (transgenderism) to the very young in schools; blacklisting and silencing pro-family (Christian) voices in the media; and undermining religious freedom itself insofar as it conflicts with homosexuality-based “rights.”)

In other words, Held Evans and fellow “nicer-than-Jesus” evangelicals advocate a unilateral surrender in the Culture War.

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg – Part Three

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council.

This is the third and final part of AFTAH’s interview with Peter Sprigg, the Family Research Council’s top expert on the homosexual agenda. This interview [click HERE to listen] was recorded Thursday, June 28, 2012. AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and John Kirkwood of Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, Illinois, spend much of the program discussing Sprigg’s excellent brochure, “The Top Ten Myths About Homosexuality.” — including a section on the “born gay” myth and his “Myth Number 8: Homosexuals are no more likely to molest children than heterosexuals.” Note: you can listen to Part One of the Sprigg interview HERE and Part Two HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-28-12, Peter Sprigg, Part Three

Facebook Founder Chris Hughes Donates $100,000 to Pro-Homosexual-‘Marriage’ Forces in Maine

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Meanwhile, Facebook censors Ohio pro-family advocate’s photo exposing lewdness of “gay pride” parade

Chris Hughes is leading Facebook’s campaign to destroy the family in Maine

The Bangor Daily News recently published an article about the huge Facebook donation:

PORTLAND, Maine — Supporters of same-sex marriage exceeded the $100,000 they needed to raise to receive a matching contribution from a co-founder of Facebook.

The Mainers United for Marriage campaign raised $121,197 as of Friday but topped $100,000 on Thursday, the deadline for raising the matching funds, David Farmer, spokesman for the campaign, said Monday.

Chris Hughes, editor-in-chief of the liberal magazine The New Republic, who owns 1 percent of Facebook, and his fiance, Sean Eldridge, president of Hudson River Ventures and senior adviser to the national organization Freedom to Marry, in May promised the campaign $100,000 if it raised matching funds in a month.

Mainers will vote Nov. 6 on whether to allow marriage licenses to be issued to same-sex couples. The referendum question in February was placed on the ballot after the secretary of state’s office validated the nearly 60,000 signatures on petitions submitted by supporters the previous month.  [Click here to view the entire article]

This picture was taken at the Columbus, Ohio “gay pride” parade. Children lined the parade route. Facebook would not allow the image in the private and personal account of Coach Dave Daubenmire.

Maine pro-family veteran Mike Heath (a Member of AFTAH’s Board of Advisors) comments:

At about the same time Facebook decided to block the speech of Coach Dave Daubenmire — who exposed the debauchery at Columbus, Ohio’s “gay pride” parade [see photo at left and click here] — one of its founders fulfilled his commitment to make a huge $100,000 donation to assure Maine enacts sodomy-based “marriage” in November of this year. I’ve been told hundreds of times in the past decade by churches, individuals and businesses in Maine that they cannot give money to defend marriage because it will hurt them.  More and more people each year decide to withhold funding for the defense of common sense because they are afraid of being bullied by the homosexual movement.

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Mike Heath: The Most Important Article I’ve Ever Written

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Editor’s Note:  While I’ve reposted a number of articles that Mike Heath has written over the years, I’m pleased to announce with this article that Mike is going to be a regular contributor to Americans for Truth.  Mike is an outstanding Christian father and leader in Maine — as the former executive director of the Maine Christian Civic League. He sent this article out to his e-mail list this morning.  I encourage you to read it all the way to the end.  Mike takes no prisoners in this article. He is uniquely qualified to provide this honest perspective from inside our movement.  He needs our support.  Click here to visit Mike’s website and subscribe to his email.  He was one of the first in the movement many years ago to see the value of using broadcast e-mails in communicating truth.  Thanks in advance for reading all the way to the end! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

The Greater Glory

The hero from the new movie “For Greater Glory”


By Michael S. Heath

I apologize for taking so long to write. Click here to read my last email to you, which was sent on April 30, 2012.

In that article I write candidly about my history of ministry in Maine. I encourage you to take a few moments to click through to the link and read the article again. It is important to understanding what I am going to write to you today.

I don’t mention in that article a group formed by the Maine Legislature many years ago called “The Ethics Commission.” I need to write about that this morning. Their existence provides a bit of explanation for why I haven’t been writing to you as often as I would like.

The Ethics Commission

They exist, in part, to provide a guarantee to Maine people that corruption isn’t happening in government — that everything in politics is above board … ethical. They provide this service to the public by forcing lobbyists, politicians, Maine citizens, businesses, corporations — everybody in America really — to fill out many, many forms and meet lots of deadlines if they choose to influence Maine politics. The forms, some of them dozens of pages in length, and governed by language only a lawyer working with his accountant could love (or understand) require the disclosure of everything related to finances including the names, addresses and business connection of donors. The ACLU has argued in the past that this is unconstitutional. The National Organization for Marriage is making the same argument now in court. I haven’t checked recently but I think they are still in court fighting the State of Maine over the 2009 vote on “marriage.” Their attorney, Jim Bopp, charges hundreds of dollars an hour for his services. They’ve been in court for years, and the case hasn’t completed the appeal process.

I’ve been in the headlines before as leader of the Christian Civic League of Maine charged with being unethical. It’s impossible to win those headlines when you are a religious leader. The press prints the accusations, but not the results (when you are exonerated).

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Illinois Is Big Target of Sodomy-Based ‘Gay Marriage’ Lobby

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Stay tuned for our photo-coverage of Chicago’s “Gay” Pride Parade, as homosexual activists and their political allies ramp up their campaign to force homosexual “marriage” by judicial fiat on the people of Illinois. Below is the float of Lambda Legal, the leading national homosexual lawyers’ organization — and one of three top homosexual activist groups operating in Illlinois. (The other two are the ACLU and Equality Illinois.) The slogan at the bottom reads: “Bringing Marriage Equality to the Midwest.” Lambda Legal and the ACLU are suing to overturn Illinois’ existing marriage law defining marriage as what it actually is: the union of a man and a woman. They have been joined by Illinois’ Attorney General, Lisa Madigan (D) — and other top elected officials (all Democrats) — who chose to side with the pro-homosexual-“marriage” lawsuit rather than defend the marriage law:

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews FRC’s Peter Sprigg – Part Two

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

The following is Part Two of our interview with Peter Sprigg [click HERE to listen], Senior Fellow in Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. This was recorded June 21, 2012. [Go HERE for Part One and HERE for the archive section containing all AFTAH interviews.] Sprigg goes into further analysis of the Mark Regnerus study on homosexual parenting. He and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and Grace Gospel Fellowship pastor John Kirkwood also discuss the radical decision by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan not to defend the state’s marriage law.

CORRECTION note from program: In the beginning of this interview, there is a discussion of egregious, pro-homosexual media bias, focusing on CNN’s Soledad O’Brien. In the first of two CNN clips, we play O’Brien interviewing Dr. Fred Luter, the new — and first African American — president of the Southern Baptist Convention. LaBarbera mistakenly attributes a quote by libertarian Republican Margaret Hoover, another guest on the progam, to O’Brian. As you can see from the CNN clip HERE, it is Hoover, not O’Brien, who refers to homosexuality (“inclusiveness of gay Americans”) as “a new civil rights issue.” Then O’Brien condescendingly instructs Luter that his position on homosexual “marriage” puts him in “direct opposition to President Obama.” We apologize for the error.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-21-12, Peter Sprigg, Part Two


Illinois St. Rep. David Reis Objects to Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s Support of Lawsuits Promoting ‘Gay Marriage’

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Folks, it is pretty pathetic but I believe Rep. David Reis is the only Illinois Republican lawmaker to put out a press release (below) in opposition to Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s (D) unprecedented decision NOT to defend the state’s law defining marriage as one-man, one-woman, but rather to support two pro-homosexual lawsuits to overturn it. Hopefully the dysfunctional IL-GOP and the state’s conservatives and Christians will wake up before it is too late and Illinois has homosexual “marriage” imposed on it by judicial fiat, like its neighbor to the West. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Press Release, Office of St. Rep. David Reis

June 08, 2012

Olney, IL.–State Representative David Reis (R-Ste. Marie) is calling upon Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan to recuse herself and the resources of her taxpayer-funded state office from supporting two lawsuits questioning the constitutionality of Illinois’ gay marriage ban.

“As Attorney General, it is her office’s duty to support the Illinois Constitution. Statutorily, it has been long established in Illinois that marriage is between a man and a woman,” Reis said. “Madigan’s use of scarce taxpayer resources is an injustice to the oath of office she swore to uphold.”

Attorney General Lisa Madigan stated her office would not defend the state’s marriage definition by law, saying her office will “present the court with arguments that explain why the challenged statutory provisions do not satisfy the guarantee of equality under the Illinois Constitution.”

“The current statutory definition banning gay marriage in Illinois does not violate Illinoisans constitutional rights. In fact, it is just the opposite,” Reis said. “Allowing gay marriage in Illinois would violate our citizens’ religious freedoms by forcing religions to recognize marriages not in accordance with their beliefs.”

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Philadelphia ‘Gay Pride’ Parade and Festival Attended by Many Children Feature Lewd Acts, Porn Booth, Sadomasochists

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

WARNING: Offensive Images Inappropriate for Children

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive

Out-and-proud gender confusion on display for the kiddos. Drag queen marches in “Philly Pride” parade. Click on all photos to view enlarged.

The following are some photos taken at Philadelphia’s homosexual (“Gay”) Pride Parade and “PrideDay” festival Sunday, June 10, 2012, by this reporter for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). The Philly parade and the festival at Penn’s Landing that followed it were small compared to much larger homosexual “pride” parades and festivals in cities like Chicago and San Francisco — but both events were attended by many young children. I witnessed dozens of children from the very young to teenagers marching in the parade and there were also many observing it from the side streets.

Perhaps even some of AFTAH’s homosexual critics would admit that the scenes depicted below are not appropriate for children. Yet more than ever, in major cities across the country, children are a common sight at “gay pride” parades and festivals — as “proud” homosexual parents bring their children to these libidinous celebrations of sexual sin and gender confusion. [Permission is granted to use any photo provided that credit is given to “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality; www.americansfortruth.org.” Direct questions to: americansfortruth@gmail.com.]

We have blocked the eyes of all the young children shown in our photos; click on photos to view in enlarged format:

Sadomasochist man in a gown of sorts marches along 7th Street in Philadelphia carrying “Leather Pride” black-and-blue flag. The man to his left is carrying a “Bear Pride” flag. “Bear” is slang for heavier, hairy homosexual men.

Would you even consider taking YOUR children to a parade where behavior like this occurs — and worse, letting them march in it? These go-go boys were grinding against each other on the top of a float:

Go-go boys grind to the music on a float in the Philly homosexual “Pride” parade. Young children both participated in the same parade and watched it from the side streets.

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