“Civil Unions” & “Gay Marriage”

AFTAH Interview with Pastor Patrick Wooden – Part Five – Discusses NAACP, Al Sharpton and Obama Backing ‘Gay’ Agenda

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Slams Al Sharpton for endorsing “gay marriage,” says Obama’s promotion of homosexualist agenda shows he “is not a Christian”

North Carolina pastor Patrick Wooden is interviewed by a local TV reporter in Montgomery, Alabama, following AFTAH’s press conference last month condemning the Southern Poverty Law Center leftist “hate” campaign against AFTAH and other pro-family groups.

This is the fifth and final part of our interview with Patrick Wooden [click HERE to listen], pastor of Upper Room Church of God in Christ, in Raleigh, NC. This was pre-recorded and aired Feb. 11, 2012. Wooden criticizes Rev. Al Sharpton for endorsing same-sex “marriage” [Sharpton’s pro-homosexual-“marriage” statement for the “gay” lobby group Human Rights Campaign is played on air]. “Al disagrees with the God of the Bible,” says Wooden. He also chides NAACP President Ben Jealous for speaking at the annual conference of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)– a leftist organization that supports “polyamory,” sadomasochism, radical transgenderism, and other assorted perversions. Moreover, Wooden says Rev. William Barber, President of NAACP-North Carolina, is wrong for pledging to fight against North Carolina’s pro-traditional-marriage constitutional amendment, to be voted on in May. (Jealous recalls how Barber told him to “make sure that that [NGLTF] crowd knows that we are doing everything we can to stop that silly amendment from becoming law.”)

After AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera notes that President Barack Obama is the most pro-homosexuality president in American history, Wooden says that demonstrates that Obama “is not a Christian,” despite his public profession. In an interesting section toward the end of the interview, Wooden explains why African Americans are perhaps more opposed to homosexual perversion than whites. He also recalls how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. thought of homosexual attraction not as an innocuous, “innate tendency,” but as a culturally-acquired, unnatural problem that can and should be resolved.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-11-12, Patrick Wooden, Part Five

Press Conf.: Black Pastors Confront Southern Poverty Law Center for Smearing as ‘Hate Groups’ Pro-Family Organizations Opposed to Homosexual Agenda

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Americans For Truth Press Release

January 16, 2012

Contact: Peter LaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com

Raleigh pastor Dr. Patrick Wooden rejects the comparison of black civil rights to sinful and unnatural homosexual behavior.

MONTGOMERY, Alabama – A coalition of African American pastors and pro-family Christian and Jewish leaders is holding a press conference at noon tomorrow (the day after Martin Luther King Day) outside the headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center — to protest the SPLC’s smearing of pro-family groups that oppose homosexual activism as “hate groups”:

WHERE:  Outside the SPLC headquarters, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery, Alabama

WHEN:  Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012, noon, Central Standard (Montgomery, AL) Time

WHO:  Scheduled speakers:

  • Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), Chicago, IL (the SPLC has smeared AFTAH as a “hate group”);
  • Dr. Patrick Wooden, pastor, Upper Room Church of God in Christ (COGIC), Raleigh, NC;
  • DL Foster, founder, Gay Christian Movement Watch, Atlanta, GA;
  • Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs, Liberty Counsel, Lynchburg, VA;
  • Tim Johnson, Fredrick Douglass Foundation, Washington, D.C.;
  • Rachel Conner, representing Abiding Truth Ministries (smeared by SPLC as a “hate group”)
  • Pastor Glen Sawyer, New Mt. Zion Church of God in Christ, Elizabeth City, NC
  • Pastor Wil Nichols, Victorious Praise Fellowship COGIC, Durham, NC
  • Pastor Jon Robinson, Kingdom C.O.M.E. Ministries, Clairton, PA
  • Pastor Kenneth Jefferson, Greater Harvest COGIC

The following pro-family leaders and groups will issue supporting statements:

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, which is sponsoring the press event, recently interviewed Pastor Wooden, who said that the SPLC’s gambit of labeling mainstream pro-family groups that oppose homosexual activism as “hate groups” is seriously damaging the SPLC’s credibility. Wooden also debunked the “civil rights” analogy used by “gay” activists, saying it is wrong to compare “my beautiful blackness” with homosexual perversion.

LaBarbera said the SPLC is engaged in a thinly-veiled, one-sided campaign to demonize adherents of traditional Judeo-Christian morality. He noted that despite the considerable hatred and anti-Christian bigotry emanating from homosexual activists (e.g., Dan Savage’s vile hate-site, Santorum[dot]com), the SPLC has never labeled a “gay” organization or website as “hateful.”

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Dr. Patrick Wooden – Part One

Monday, January 16th, 2012

NC pastor to lead press conference condemning SPLC’s smear campaign against Christian pro-family organizations as “hate groups”

Dr. Patrick Wooden, Sr., says the Southern Poverty Law Center is losing credibility by smearing pro-family groups opposed to the homosexual activist movement as "hate groups."

This is Part One of my interview [click HERE to listen] with Dr. Patrick Wooden, pastor at Upper Room Church of God in Christ, in Raleigh, NC. This interview was pre-recorded and aired January 14, 2012. Pastor Wooden will be leading a contingent of African American pastors at an AFTAH-sponsored press conference Tuesday, Jan. 17 outside of the headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, AL. The SPLC infamously labeled Americans For Truth and several other Christian pro-family groups as “hate groups” due to their strong opposition to the homosexual activist lobby. (Other groups smeared by the SPLC include Family Research Council, American Family Association and Scott Lively’s Abiding Truth Ministries.)

Wooden is a leader in the effort to preserve the definition of marriage constitutionally in North Carolina as one man, one woman — and he is regularly tarred as a “bigot” and “homophobe” by homosexual activists in his state. Here he debunks the LGBT analogy of “gay rights” to Black civil rights — affirming that there is no connection between “my beautiful blackness” and deviant sexual behavior condemned by God. (Last year, Wooden interviewed me at his church in Raleigh; go HERE and click link for the video, “Fighting Homosexuality in America.”) — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

1-14-12, Patrick Wooden, Part One

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Scott Lively – Part Five

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Scott Lively addressing the AFTAH banquet in October. Lively received AFTAH's "Americans Truth Teller" award for 2011.

Part Five of the AFTAH interview [click HERE to listen] with Scott Lively of Defending the Family International.  This was pre-recorded and aired Dec. 3, 2011. Go to the AFTAH Radio Hour Archive for the rest of this very informative interview. In the course of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Lively, the two discussed:

  • The dire state of the American Christian Church vis-a-vis the aggressive movement to normalize homosexual behavior and gender confusion in the culture;
  • The “terror” tactics and aggressive campaigns used by homosexual activists to intimidate good people into silence on this issue;
  • Lively’s personal experience with the dirty tactics and lies used by radical LGBT activists against pro-family leaders attempting to stop the “gay” revolution (including one notorious fake “anti-gay hate crime” in Oregon). Lively more than almost any pro-family conservative alive today has experienced these tactics firsthand in more than 20 years of working on the front lines (here and abroad) against the homosexualist agenda;
  • The futility of relying on politics and the courts to contain the advance of government-backed homosexuality — and how many “ministry-minded” or apathetic believers are woefully naive about the Culture War raging on this issue;
  • The campaign of lies used by pro-homosexual militants (and repeated by the media) to smear Lively and others as allegedly supporting the murder of homosexuals in Uganda;
  • The corruption of words by the pro-homosexual Left, including “gay,” “sexual orientation” and “marriage equality”;
  • The appearance of PRO-homosexuality “evangelicals” like Grove City College’s Warren Throckmorton and Chicago’s Andrew Marin — who confuse Christians and undermine biblical truth on the issue by capitulating to pro-“gay” ideology and semantics;
  • The connection of homosexuality and sexual deviance to the Nazi Party in Germany. (See Lively’s book, The Pink Swastika);
  • The very real threat to religious liberty posed by the tremendous rise of homosexual (“gay”) power in the United States.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

12-3-11, Scott Lively, Part Five

AFTAH Interviews Professor Ken Howell – Part Two

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

Prof. Ken Howell

Here is Part Two of our interview with Catholic Prof. Ken Howell, Senior Fellow in the School of Catholic Thought at the John Paul II Newman Center, located at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Howell was fired and then rehired last year by the University of Illinois (Champaign) after a “friend” of a student complained about an e-mail lesson he wrote on Natural Moral Law and homosexuality. A little known fact arising from the controversy is that Howell is no longer emplyed by the University of Illinois after a long stint there (thus, his liberal detractors were rewarded). In this interview, which aired November 12, 2011, Howell goes deeper into explaining Natural Law. You can listen to Part One HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

11-12-11, Ken Howell, Part Two


Tell FOX News NOT to Go Liberal on Homosexuality

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

This is a copy of an AFTAH e-mail sent out September 8, 2011: 

Dear Readers,

FOX Contributor and GOP strategist Margaret Hoover compares opposition to homosexual “marriage” to past racial discrimination — an analogy rejected by most Blacks.

One of the reasons we are in such big trouble regarding the promotion of homosexuality in our culture is that “conservatives” have stopped acting conservatively on this particular (sin) issue.  A good example is frequent FOX News guest Margaret Hoover.  She espouses legalized homosexual “marriage” as a Republican Party and “conservative” issue — despite the longstanding GOP platform planks against counterfeit “same-sex marriage” and other aspects of the larger homosexual agenda.  Please read below as Hoover makes the same fraudulent connection between homosexuality and race that drives Blacks nuts when it’s trotted out by “gay’ activists and liberals:

We Republicans have often found ourselves on the wrong side of civil rights struggles since the 1960s, but there was a reason that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s father is said to have supported Republicans.

Republicans were historically the party ever-expanding freedom to disenfranchised minorities, from newly liberated slaves to giving women the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was a Republican. By supporting the [pro-homosexuality American Foundation for Equal Rights trial against California’s Proposition 8 upholding traditional marriage as between a man and a woman] we have an opportunity to establish our historic credibility on civil rights issues once again. But we should support marriage equality because it is the right thing to do.

Gays and lesbians are our friends, neighbors, doctors, colleagues, sisters and brothers. Does it sit well with you that because of their sexual orientation, a factor outside one’s control, that they should have less rights and protections in the eyes of the law?…

That’s why the Supreme Court, in 1967 Loving v. Virginia, legalized interracial marriage –six years after our current president was born to an interracial couple. At that time 73% of the population opposed “miscegenation.” How long would it have taken to change popular opinion, for the minority to democratically win their constitutional rights? As Martin Luther King, Jr. famously asserted, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” 

Read the rest of this article »

Christian Florida Teacher Suspended for Condemning ‘Cesspool’ of Homosexual ‘Marriage’ on his Facebook Page

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011
Jerry Buehl

[UPDATE 8/25/11: Jerry Buehl has been reinstated in the classroom at Mt. Dora High School following protests by pro-family citizens nationwide. Congrats to Mr. Buehl, and to Liberty Counsel, American Family Association and all those who defended his First Amendment freedom to voice his beliefs about homosexuality.]

WARNING: Graphic content and links

Folks, kudos to one-time Florida “Teacher of the Year,” Jerry Buehl, for not groveling before the media or the “Gay” Thought Police for his PRIVATE comment denigrating homosexual “marriage” — for which he is now being persecuted. The good teacher — and this short CNN video shows just how good he is — now gives the lesson of his lifetime on the First Amendment and freedom. He deserves our prayers and support.

Regarding that “cesspool” of homosexuality (behavior), I heartily agree with my friend Laurie Higgins. Whole generations of Americans had a natural revulsion toward this perversion, but now — thanks to decades of liberal “tolerance” propaganda — people recoil at frank denunciations of homosexual acts rather than the vile acts themselves. (Well, let’s be honest: most people are shielded from the repulsive and destructive reality of homosexuality; check out this AFTAH story on a pro-homosexual California AIDS flier that lays out the extreme health risks — e.g., bleeding after anal sex — associated with unnatural male homosexual behaviors. And it doesn’t get much more “cesspoolish” than “rimming.”)

Before holier-than-thou Christians and PC-minded “conservatives” get all over Buehl’s case, we should remember: wasn’t it God Himself who declared it “detestable” for a man to lie with a man as with a woman? (Leviticus 18:22) What does that tell you about a society moving toward the embrace of homosexuality-based “marriage”? — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Following is a CNN news clip featuring Buehl and his Liberty Counsel attorney, followed by an article on the case by Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute:

Florida Teacher Investigated for Criticizing Homosexuality

By Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute; reprinted from the IFI website

There’s troubling news coming out of Florida that provides evidence that the cultural movement to normalize homosexuality poses a serious threat to First Amendment speech and religious rights.

Read the rest of this article »

Moody Pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer to Keynote AFTAH Banquet October 15

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Beloved Christian leader sounds warning on Christian apathy, loss of religious liberty

Dr. Erwin Lutzer

TAKE ACTION: Save the date of Saturday, October 15, 2011 for the annual dinner banquet, featuring beloved Moody Church pastor and author Dr. Erwin Lutzer. In this hurting economy, we have lowered our banquet ticket price to just $10 per person and $20 at the door.  Please consider buying up a table of 5 or 10 reservations for your friends and family members with your gift to AFTAH of $50 or $100. Buy your ticket(s) online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/; or send your check to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, Il 60567-5522. RSVP or queries to: americansfortruth@gmail.com.


Dear AFTAH Supporters,

We are delighted to announce that Moody Church Senior Pastor and author Dr. Erwin Lutzer will be the keynote speaker at Americans For Truth’s annual banquet Saturday, October 15th at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois, northwest of Chicago. Dr. Lutzer is a keen observer of moral and spiritual trends in America and we welcome his insights on the growth of homosexual power in the United States and its effect on our liberties.

Who: Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church, Chicago, Illinois. Pro-family culture warrior Scott Lively will also be honored at the banquet

When: Saturday, October 15, 2011; doors open at 6:00 PM.

Where: Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004, northwest of Chicago; website HERE.

What: Dinner banquet to raise funds for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. Expect a delicious dinner, wonderful speeches and a contingent of homosexual protesters outside the building chanting lies about AFTAH.

Cost: $10 per person in advance; $20 per person at the door.  Sign up for $10/person online at www.americansfortruth.com/donate/; or mail your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-552.  RSVP/inquiries to americansfortruth@gmail.com.  Please consider buying extra tickets for your friends, family and co-workers!

Dr. Lutzer: Preacher and Author

For those of you outside Chicagoland and the Midwest who may be unfamiliar with Dr Lutzer, he is a gifted preacher who pastors the historic Moody Church in Chicago (founded by the great evangelist Dwight L. Moody). Lutzer is also the author of numerous books, including: “The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage” (for which Lutzer was branded a “hater” by the Marxist “Gay Liberation Network” in Chicago); “When a Nation Forgets God: 7 lessons we must learn from Nazi Germany”: “Hitler’s Cross”; and “Oprah, Miracles and the New Earth: A Critique.” Here is an Amazon.com link where most of Dr. Lutzer’s books can be purchased.

Dr. Lutzer, who was born in Canada and became an American citzen, has blessed many with his gift for clearly explaining biblical truths. He has a keen grasp on the pivotal ideas and spiritual and cultural developments that decide a nation’s course. And he has the integrity not to compromise on God’s Word even when it becomes politically incorrect. As one who has heard Pastor Lutzer preach on the radio many times (and once at Moody Church), I can safely assure you that you will be blessed by his message and godly counsel for America.

Lower Cost; Buy Bulk Tickets!

We are trying something new for this banquet – lowering the entrance price to just $10/person for advance ticket purchases, and $20/person at the door. We know the economy is rough and we want as many people as possible to attend and hear Dr. Lutzer. So please support us by sharing this event with your network of friends or even buying a table of 10 or 5 tickets so your friends and family can attend. Send queries and RSVPs to americansfortruth@gmail.com.

Read the rest of this article »

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Columbus, OH 43234

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