Health & Science

LaBarbera Calls for ‘Breaking the Silence’ on the Health Risks of Homosexual Behavior

Friday, April 25th, 2008

News Release

Americans For Truth

April 25, 2008

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 630-717-7631;

NAPERVILLE, Illinois –– Americans For Truth (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera today called on schools, the media and opinion-makers to “break the silence” regarding the serious health risks of homosexual behavior, and said Americans deserve an official government investigation into the matter.

“Today, thousands of schools across the country are encouraging the homosexual activist ‘Day of Silence,’ and doing it in the name of protecting students’ safety,” LaBarbera said. “While schools can and must protect every child from harassment and abuse, it is contradictory to promote homosexuality in the name of ‘safety’ because the evidence is so overwhelming that same-sex behavior is a serious health risk –– especially for males.”

AFTAH has joined a coalition of pro-family organizations encouraging parents to pull their children out of schools that endorse the “Day of Silence” or allow students not to participate in classroom activities. [For a list of DOS-participating schools, see]

“How many government-funded studies have there been on the dangers of smoking?” LaBarbera said. “Yet homosexual men similarly are dying prematurely due to risky, unnatural same-sex practices –– but taxpayer-funded public schools are promoting this lifestyle to students through propagandistic exercises like the ‘Day of Silence.’”

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Ken Hutcherson Plans ‘Day of Silence’ Protest at Mt. Si High School

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

For Immediate Release, April 21, 2008

Protest Planned for “Day of Silence” at Mt. Si High School

REDMOND, Washington — Dr. Ken Hutcherson, Senior Pastor of Antioch Bible Church has announced he is organizing a protest outside of Mt. Si High School in Snoqualmie, Washington on Friday, April 25, 2008 at 10:00 am, in objection to the “Day of Silence.”

By recently admitting that “HIV is a gay disease,” Matt Foreman, outgoing Executive
Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, acknowledged what the medical community has known for decades: the homosexual lifestyle is extremely high-risk and often leads to disease and even death.

According to Matt Barber of Concerned Women for America, “’The Day of Silence’ is all about advancing full acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle among children.”

“Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high school setting aside a day to promote ‘tolerance’ for heavy smoking and drinking among children?” he asks. “How about a day where teachers encourage kids to ‘embrace who they are,’ pick up that crack pipe and give it a stiff toke? The public would go ballistic, and for good reason.”

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FDA Policy Banning Blood Donations from ‘Gay’ Men

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

fda_logo.gifTAKE ACTION: Join the walk-out protest against the pro-homosexuality-in-schools “Day of Silence” this Friday, April 25th, or in support of Alliance Defense Fund’s “Day of Truth” on Monday, April 28th.

Folks, we need an official government investigation of the health risks of homosexual practices — especially among men. Until we get one, this Food & Drug Administration (FDA) statement will have to do.

I challenge all those who make the dubious case that there is no disproportionately high health risk for males practicing homosexual behavior (compared to heterosexuality) to read this FDA policy explanation on banning blood donations from homosexual men and then continue to make that argument. Those taking up my challenge can write AFTAH at I extend my challenge especially to vocal pro-homosexual activists.

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‘Day of Silence’ Scam Places Children at Risk

Monday, April 14th, 2008

matt_foreman_2.JPG “HIV is a gay disease,” admitted Matt Foreman of the extremist homosexualist group, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. If even leftists like Foreman can admit (sort of) to the high risks associated with homosexual behaviors, why are schools promoting this lifestyle to vulnerable students? For more on homosexuality-related health dangers, see this study and this FDA report explaining why the government bans blood donations from men who have sex with men (MSM).

Published by CWA, April 14, 2008

By J. Matt Barber

Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high school setting aside a day to promote “tolerance” for heavy smoking and drinking among children? How about a day where teachers encourage kids to “embrace who they are,” pick up that crack pipe and give it a stiff toke?

Neither can I. The public would go ballistic, and for good reason.

But that hasn’t stopped officials in thousands of schools across the country from promoting other politically correct and socially “in-vogue” behaviors that – both statistically and manifestly – are every bit as dangerous as the aforementioned “frowned-upon” behaviors.
That’s exactly what the homosexual activist “Day of Silence” is all about – advancing, through clever, feel-good propaganda, full acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle among children.

Just the Facts Ma’am

By recently admitting that “HIV is a gay disease,” Matt Foreman, outgoing executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, acknowledged what the medical community has known for decades: the homosexual lifestyle is extremely high-risk and often leads to disease and even death.

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“Downplaying Homosexuality” Never Works — Getting Back to Basics

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

kingandkinggayprinceskiss.jpgAmerica the Decadent? Would previous generations have allowed homosexual propagandists to spread their ungodly message of male-to-male erotic love to young children — in schools — as this children’s picture book, ‘King & King,’ has been used to do?

QUESTION: How do we get back on the offensive in the Culture War battle against homosexual activism and gender confusion? Send your ideas to

Dear AFTAH Readers,

My friend Laurie Higgins below has hit on a microcosm of why our movement is on the brink of an astounding cultural defeat — the triumph of immoral same-sex behavior as a “civil right.” In the last decade, some of our leaders, and many conservatives, chose to “downplay” the very force — homosexualism — that was leading the assault on marriage, normalcy and children in our culture.

About three years ago, I sat in a roomful of evangelical leaders at a major ministry where it was taught that you should not criticize homosexual behavior in advocating against “same-sex marriage.” The “expert” speaker cited poll data and negative audience reaction to the issue being raised.

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‘Pregnant Man’ Is a Lesbian Activist

Monday, April 7th, 2008

Transgender ‘man’ is former Hawaiian lesbian activist Tracy LaGondino

pregnant_woman_thinks_shes_man.jpgLew Waters of Vancouver, Wash., makes a lot of sense in his piece, “Oregon’s Pregnant Man Hoax,” which can be found on his blog, “Right in a Left World”:

News out of Bend, Oregon is that male resident, Thomas Beatie, is 22 weeks pregnant. Articles have been written and an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show is scheduled. Looking closer, news of a Pregnant “Man” is just a myth.

Thomas Beatie, the Bend, Oregon man making news as a “Pregnant Man” was born Tracy LaGondino, a woman, 34 years ago. Tracy was a lesbian who fought for the right of gay couples to adopt children and against hate crimes in Hawaii, before moving to Bend 2 years ago.

Tracy fell in love with another woman, Nancy Roberts in Hawaii and they desired to be married, strictly against even Hawaii’s liberal laws.

Tracy decided she should obtain a sex change because Hawaii’s laws did not support same sex [“marriage.”] She underwent a double radical mastectomy and began hormone therapy to change her gender to that of a male, but keeping her female reproductive organs.

When she and her lover decided they wanted a child, and Nancy could not become pregnant, Tracy, now renamed Thomas, ceased the hormone therapy to allow her menstrual flow to return. Tracy/Thomas said it took about 4 months for her body to regulate itself.

Click HERE to read the whole piece (followed by comments), “Oregon’s ‘Pregnant Man’ Hoax”

New Folsom Street Fair Ads?

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

fsf2007_poster_print_800px.jpgCLICK ON GRAPHIC TO ENLARGE. Unfortunately, this Folsom Street Fair Program Guide cover from last year is for real. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who represents San Francisco, refused to condemn this Christianity-mocking artwork substituting sadistic “leathermen” and fetishists for Christ’s 12 apostles in Da Vinci’s Last Supper painting. Note that “sex toys” have replaced the traditional Last Supper dinner objects. The black-and-blue flag is the official “Leather Pride” flag — again, no joke.

On this day, April 1, we can’t resist toying with the decidedly “queer” organizers who put together the annual sadism spectacle known as the “Folsom Street Fair,” held in — where else? — America’s own Sodom-by-the-Bay, San Francisco. (You can see a copy of their actual e-mail soliciting ads for their 2008 Folsom program at bottom.) For more on Folsom, see our photo-story exposing rampant public nudity and even homosexual orgies on the crowded streets at last year’s Folsom event HERE.

And because we know that dedicated perverts (homosexual, bisexual, straight and [INSERT DEVIANT IDENTITY HERE]) are very serious about their perversions, we emphasize that the following ad rates are only an April Fool’s Day joke.–Peter LaBarbera:


Nancy Pelosi “See No Evil, Hear No Evil” Panderer’s Special 2/3 page ad — $600

Special “Crimes Against Nature” 1/2 pager — $400

4″ by 6″ ad attacking the Catholic Church — $200 or 3 for $500

4″ by 6″ ad poking fun at the Fundamentalists — $100 or 3 for $250 (bashing Catholics still draws more attention)

4″ by 6″ ad mocking Radical MuslimsUNAVAILABLE (what, are you crazy?)

Work your company’s logo into our blasphemous Program Guide cover (guaranteed to ignite controversy, enrage decent folk and get you in the news) — $500

Half Off for Haters ad (you supply the hate, we supply the space); half page ad — $250

Taboo-Busting special: 5″ by 7″ ad featuring perversions heretofore unknown to mankind (must not copy previous year’s perversions) — $550

Pure Evil Full Pager$1,000

Corrupt Your Family Special: 4″ by 6″ photo of you and the kids – publish a snap shot of those cute little tots watching their first flogging (see children in photos from last year’s Folsom HERE; idea courtesy of notorious homophobe Matt Barber of CWA) — $200 or 3 for $500

FREE AD CONTEST: How many religions (except Islam), traditions, and standards of decency can you offend in one ad? Most offensive entry gets FREE full-page ad


See below for actual Folsom e-mail:

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That Ain’t No ‘Pregnant Man’

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Who needs April Fool’s Day jokes when you’ve got the radical ‘trans-agenda’?

pregnant_woman_thinks_shes_man.jpgDear Readers: check out this recent Good Morning America story (you can watch the ABC video online) about an alleged “pregnant man” — who is actually a very gender-confused Oregon woman who is pregnant but has taken drastic measures to appear like the “man” she wants to be. What continues to irritate us in the reporting on the radical “trans-genda” is the media’s obsequiousness in using biologically false pronouns to describe the stories’ subjects. Of course, this is the exact goal of radical groups like GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and GenderPAC.

Breaking news to the PC media: Laurie Higgins is right: men still cannot get pregnant.– Peter LaBarbera


By Laurie Higgins

I’ve said this before, but in light of a recent “news” story that describes the strange tale of a “pregnant man,” I think it bears repeating.

Prior to my mother succumbing to cancer, she had had an oophorectomy, hysterectomy, and mastectomy. Following those surgeries, she was no less a woman than am I. The presence in the pregnant woman of a desire to be a man, a clear symptom of a profound psychological disorder, and even the foolish legal accommodation of this symptom, renders this woman a man only in an illusory post-modern fantasy–not in reality where most of us live and breathe and have our being. That is to say, there exists no pregnant “man.”

Oh, and by the way, I still believe I’m a hobbit trapped in a human body.

Laurie Higgins is a writing instructor at Deerfield High School, in Deerfield, Illinois, north of Chicago. She can be reached through AFTAH at

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