Homosexual Hate

Truth From a Beauty is All Ye Need to Know

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

“The self-appointed political guardians of ‘tolerance’ aren’t so tolerant, after all”

trump-prejean.jpgBy Kathryn Jean Lopez, Townhall.com

It’s an odd day when Donald Trump becomes your hero. But that’s the new light I see him in, standing beside Miss California as she withstood the worst kind of public incivility, just for giving an honest answer to a question about a fundamental institution in American lives.

Truth be told, “hero” might be overkill. But Trump, for whatever his reasons, deserves credit for how he handled the Carrie Prejean controversy. Prejean, who was a runner-up in the recent Miss USA pageant (a stepping stone to the Miss Universe pageant), became a household name because of her opinion on gay marriage, which she gave in response to a question asked during the televised event.

But by the end of the story — when Trump, who is co-owner of the Miss Universe brand, decided to keep Prejean on despite accusations of inappropriate activism and breach of contract — due to previously unpublished semi-nude photos that were exposed (and overexposed) in the wake of her now-infamous answer — it became about showing the lie of tolerance. And as Trump allowed Prejean to keep her title of “Miss California,” he also defended free speech and said some true things rarely uttered by non-culture-warriors.

Click here to read the rest of Lopez’s article: “Truth from a Beauty,” on Townhall.com

Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Thomasson: “Donald Trump has to avoid hypocrisy, he’s got to respect Carrie’s right to her opinion and let her keep her Miss California title.”

perez_hilton_doctored_photo_what-a-jerk.jpgVictim of Intolerance: Is the American Left descending to the level of Perez Hilton, the “queer” activist blogger who arrogantly launched the attack on Carrie Prejean for merely voicing the timeless truth that marriage is between a man and a woman? At left is Hilton’s phallic defacement of Prejean from a doctored photo on his blog.

Folks, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the Number One threat to free speech and religious freedom in America today is the pro-homosexual activist movement — which now includes overzealous straights who delude themselves that they are advancing “civil rights.” even as they work to take away the First Amendment freedom of others. And to think that the Left used to lecture us about “imposing our morality”! Who would have dreamed 20 years ago that pro-homosexual fanaticism would take us to this point — where a young woman faces punishment and ridicule for merely voicing belief in marriage as between a man and a woman? We know “the Donald” loves the publicity, but he should have dismissed this un-American request out of hand.  — Peter LaBarbera


SaveAmerica.com writes:

Donald Trump, Let Carrie Prejean Keep her Crown

TAKE ACTION: To leave a message for Mr. Trump, call the Miss Universe Organization (212) 373-4999

Sacramento, California — SaveAmerica.com, a leading West Coast pro-family organization, is blaming the intolerant homosexual agenda for trying to strip the crown of Miss California Carrie Prejean.

Holding a Beverly Hills news conference today to call for stripping away Prejean’s crown were Miss California pageant co-directors Keith Lewis and Shanna Moakler, both of whom have been fiercely attacking Prejean ever since the April 19 Miss USA pageant, when she said “marriage should be between a man and a woman.”

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Perez Hilton: The Foul Face of ‘Gay’ Activism

Friday, April 24th, 2009

perez_hilton_gay_bigot.jpgHATE AND INTOLERANCE IN ACTION: Potty-mouthed homosexual activist bigot Perez Hilton’s hate-filled attacks on Miss California, Carrie Prejean, gave Americans a “sneak peek into the soul of homosexual activism,” writes Matt Barber. AFTAH has reposted Perez’ pathetically juvenile doctored photo of Miss Prejean at the end of this article. In defending Hilton, another homosexual activist, Wayne Besen, echoed his intolerance by labeling opposition to same-sex “marriage” as “bigotry.”


By J. Matt Barber

Warning: this article contains graphic but accurate material that may be offensive to some readers.

You may have heard. During Sunday’s Miss USA pageant openly “gay” activist and pageant judge Perez Hilton – the self-styled “Queen of Media” – ambushed Carrie Prejean – the openly Christian Miss California – with a politically loaded question on so-called “same-sex marriage.” Prejean’s candid answer – as both Hilton and Miss USA organizer Donald Trump later admitted – likely cost her the crown.

From the moment she opened her mouth, Prejean has given liberals a clinic in class.  Hilton, on the other hand (a.k.a. Mario Armando Lavandeira), has provided the world a sneak peek into the soul of homosexual activism.

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Gays Hating Ex-Gays: New Hate Crimes Bill Threatens Heterosexuals

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

besen-oreilly-show.jpg Besen Expands Definition of “Bigotry”: “Gay” militant Wayne Besen — who targets former homosexuals for harassment disguised as activism (see below) — told FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly last night that he considers opposition to same-sex “marriage” to be “bigotry” (See YouTube at end of piece below.) Homosexual activists for decades have labeled religious and moral conservatives as “haters” — and a proposed pro-homosexual federal “hate crimes” law would create the basis for their biased, anti-Christian viewpoint affecting federal prosecutions. In other countries, “hate crimes” laws have presaged “hate speech” codes that directly punish Christian speech opposing homosexuality or Islamic radicalism. TAKE ACTION: call your Congressman and Senators to oppose “Thought Crimes” legislation, H.R. 1913: 202-224-3121 or www.congress.org.


The following release was sent out by PFOX April 7:

Contact:  Greg Quinlan, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX); PFOX@pfox.org

Gays Hating Ex-Gays

Hate Crimes Bill Introduced in Congress

A commentary by ex-gay Greg Quinlan

Washington D.C. – April 7, 2009/ What happens when ex-gays dare to come out of the closet?  When I helped staff the exhibit booth for the Ex-Gay Educators Caucus at the National Education Association conference in June 2006, Wayne Besen, the former spokesperson for the gay Human Rights Campaign, approached our booth and began to insult us for having the audacity to live as heterosexuals.  He took photos of our booth for his ex-gay bashing website which targets the ex-gay community for ridicule and harassment.  Mr. Besen and gay rights organizations do not believe ex-gays are entitled to the same rights and respect that gays currently enjoy.  They picket ex-gay conferences and protest vigorously against ex-gay equal access.

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VIDEO: Perez Hilton and In-Your-Face ‘Queer’ Activists: the Obnoxious Spoiled Brats of our Culture

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Carrie Prejean sought to please God rather than politically-correct man; WARNING: GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS

By Peter LaBarbera

OK, where do we start with the Perez Hilton-Carrie Prejean Miss USA controversy? Earlier today I was a guest on the Bob Dutko Show on WMUZ in Detroit, and observed that Hilton epitomizes the spoiled-brat aspect of “queer” activism. It’s bad enough that this obnoxious and rude “gay celebrity blogger” calls Miss California a “dumb bitch,” and then stands behind his ugly remark after initially apologizing for it. I want to know why this nasty fellow is then treated so deferentially by the media — first by this MSNBC anchor Norah O’Donnell and then NBC’s Matt Lauer? Are the liberal media — like those irresponsible parents who let themselves be manipulated by their spoiled children — now so indulgent toward homosexuals that they can’t even call out an angry activist whose vicious and juvenile conduct is obvious to most everyone else? Would NBC have accorded similar respect to a right-wing blogger who blasted a homosexual contestant as a “dumb fag”? Of course not (but they would have made an example of him as a hateful bigot, which is precisely what Mr. Hilton is). Watch this YouTube of this morning’s NBC Today Show, followed by more commentary after the jump:

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

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Gays Hating Ex-Gays: Wayne Besen’s Verbal Assault on Greg Quinlan

Monday, April 13th, 2009

Why is this man held up as an authority on “tolerance”?


Who Is the Real Hateful Bully? Professional homosexual-hater-of-EX-gays Wayne Besen (left) got in former homosexual Greg Quinlan’s face and spewed vulgarities at Quinlan, accusing him of “still having gay sex” before being led away by security.

How fascinating that Wayne Besen (left) is given the opportunity to appear on FOX News, of all places [this YouTube clip features Besen whining about a hilarious Snickers ad that was pulled], to critique alleged “homophobic” attitudes and speech toward homosexuals — when he has such a well-deserved reputation for being one of the nastiest “queer” activists in the business. (Besen is the guy who came up with the deceptive smear “Porno Pete” to demonize yours truly — as if I have some prurient interest in homosexual pornography rather than a desire to expose the hyper-promiscuity celebrated within the homosexual male subculture. Wayne knows this is a lie but he continues to use it–strange conduct for the founder of a group called “Truth Wins Out.”) TAKE ACTION: forward this article by my friend Greg Quinlan to FOX’s Bill O’Reilly (oreilly@foxnews.com) and urge him to reconsider his use of an accomplished anti-Christian bigot (who especially hates public ex-gays like Greg) as a talking-head “expert” on “tolerance.”– Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com

Greg writes:

PFOX (Parents and Friends of Gays and Ex-Gays)

Gays Hating Ex-Gays

By Greg Quinlan, April 5 2009

What happens when ex-gays dare to come out of the closet?  When I helped staff the exhibit booth for the Ex-Gay Educators Caucus at the National Education Association conference in June 2006, Wayne Besen, the former spokesperson for the gay Human Rights Campaign, approached our booth and began to insult us for having the audacity to live as heterosexuals.  He took photos of our booth for his ex-gay bashing website which targets the ex-gay community for ridicule and harassment.  Mr. Besen and gay rights organizations do not believe ex-gays are entitled to the same rights and respect that gays currently enjoy.  They picket ex-gay conferences and protest vigorously against ex-gay equal access.

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CMU Student Newspaper Smears AFA-Michigan Leader Gary Glenn with Bogus Anti-Semitic Charge

Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Rabbi: “this man has not a shred of anti-Semitism in him”

gary_glenn.jpgGary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan, sent out the following letter Friday:

Dear AFA-Michigan supporter,

Under pressure from multiple sources on and off campus, Central Michigan University’s student newspaper Friday morning published — on page two of its on-campus print version — a three-sentence retraction of the false report included in its story regarding my visit to the campus Tuesday night.

In response to my phone discussion today with student editor-in-chief Jacob May, pointing out that their ethical obligation to correct their false report extended beyond the confines of the CMU campus, he later in the day added the retraction to the CM Life website at the top of the Wednesday story which falsely reported that “many groups” had accused me of being “anti-Semitic.”  (In fact, no group has ever made such an accusation.)

Here’s the retraction:

“Editor’s note: Because of an editing error in Wednesday’s edition of Central Michigan Life, this article originally included uncorroborated remarks alleging that American Family Association (of Michigan) President Gary Glenn was ‘anti-Semitic.’  This is incorrect.  Central Michigan Life regrets publishing this error.”  http://media.www.cm-life.com/media/storage/paper906/news/2009/04/08/News/Hundreds.Protest.Conservative.Speaker-3701563.shtml

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LISTEN ONLINE – More Homosexual Hate: Peter LaBarbera Called ‘Satan’s Lover’

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

satans_lover.jpg “Peter LaBarbera Is Satan’s Lover” (reads sign at left) — Homosexual activists excel at name-calling — all in the name of “tolerance,” of course. At left and below, protesters with the Congregational United Church of Christ and the far-left Gay Liberation Network (GLN) protest outside Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Illinois — where AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera gave a talk on the homosexual lobby’s threat to religious freedom [Click HERE to listen to the speech online]. Click here for GLN’s hateful and inaccurate story: “Protesters Counter Illinois [sic] #1 Anti-Gay Bigot Tonight in Arlington Heights.”  Click on photos (obtained from GLN website) to enlarge.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

The following is an account by my good friend Dave Smith of the Illinois Family Institute, on the leftist “queer” protest last night against my talk at the Christian Liberty Academy [listen to the speech or download it HERE]. I’ve been called a lot of nasty names in the last 15 years by loving and tolerant homosexual activists, but “Satan’s Lover” is certainly at the top of the list in terms of perverseness! Oh well, comes with the territory. Per the usual, Gay Liberation Network (GLN) — a far-left homosexual group in Chicago that once slandered Chicago’s historic Moody Church as a “House of Hate” — lied about the number of people who attended the talk (30 as opposed to 80-90).

Also note that GLN is on record supporting Wright State University’s banning of a Christian Bible group because it would not sign the university’s “nondiscrimination” policy — which would force it to violate its Christian teachings against homosexuality. Dave is right: the “Queer” Left is itching to take away our First Amendment freedoms, and it’s up to you and me to stop them. Stay strong. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com

Dave Smith of Illinois Family Institute writes:


Name Calling is O.K. for Anti-Christian Radicals3/24/2009 12:22:00 PM
By David E. Smith, Executive Director –Illinois Family Institute

Last night I joined approximately 80 to 90 other concerned citizens in Arlington Heights to listen to pro-family advocate Peter LaBarbera talk about the homosexual agenda and our diminishing freedom of conscience. Peter is the President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, an organization dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda.

He did a fantastic job! (Listen to it online or download it HERE.)

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