Public Indecency

Nudity Fills San Francisco Streets again as Cops Look on and Do Nothing at ‘Up Your Alley’ Street Fair

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Police-protected sadistic celebration reveals continuing lawlessness in America’s ‘gay-est’ city


consensual_sexual_violence-2_uyalley.JPG CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE. Man whips another man’s back as crowd watches at the “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco. Consensual sexual violence, degradation and even “slavery” are part of the “leather” movement — which has its own “pride” flag just like the “gay” movement that birthed it.

By Peter LaBarbera

These photos were taken on Sunday, July 27, 2008, by amateur pro-family volunteers for Americans For Truth, at the “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco — one of the city’s two open-air celebrations of sadomasochism (euphemistically called the “leather” lifestyle by practitioners). It is telling to us that the same city whose mayor, Gavin Newsom (D), ignited the “same-sex marriage” crusade in California by illegally issuing “gay marriage” licenses — openly tolerates and celebrates gross perversions, nudity and sexual lawlessness on its streets. Last year, Newsom issued a congratulatory welcome letter to attendees of the “Folsom Street Fair,” the bigger S&M festival held in September that also runs and sponsors “Up Your Alley.”

These photos do not fit in with the slick, national “gay” marketing plan, to be sure. Nevertheless, this pathetic and debased spectacle is as much an offspring of the “GLBT” movement as the current quest for homosexual “marriage.” The latter radically redefines and corrupts an ancient institution created by God to order relations between man and woman as the basis for family life. Perverse events like “Up Your Alley” and “Folsom Street Fair” mock any notion of right and wrong — as the reckless pursuit of anything-goes “tolerance” leads governmental authorities to enable and promote evil, turning freedom into sexual anarchy while causing a breakdown in law and order.

up_your_alley_naked_guy_steamworks.JPGHomosexual activists mock and deride Americans For Truth relentlessly for exposing sordid realities like “Up Your Alley” — and showing you what happens when sexual radicals come to dominate a major city. They don’t want Americans to see this side of their agenda, so they attack the messenger. But we must face reality and come to grips with the truth that “rights” based on aberrant sex are not genuine civil rights. In fact, they pervert the noble ideal of American freedom. (It’s no coincidence that the same San Francisco politicians who welcome these nudity- and perversion-filled festivals in city streets have moved to condemn ex-gays and Christian moral opposition to homosexuality.)

Like the pantless perverts wandering around in sneakers-only at “Up Your Alley,” the liberals’ pro-homosexual “tolerance and diversity” program is now fully exposed as a soulless and bankrupt ideology. According to its precepts, nothing can be judged as wrong (sexually-speaking) — except, of course, normal, historic Judeo-Christian mores. But common sense leads us to ask: if homosexualism is a good or benign force in society, why in San Francisco — the nation’s “gay” Mecca, its “queer” utopia — do we witness this progression into degrading and wicked public displays sanctioned by the government? Turns out, boundaries are good — they protect us; they even protect people (sinners, all) from themselves. But without God, there are no limits, and evil fills the void: if a once-Christian-infused culture can go from holding sodomy in contempt to embracing “Gay Pride,” then why not indulge “Leather Pride”?

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Normal People Do Not Behave Like This — Boston Dyke March 2008

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008


dyke_vulgarity_bostondykemarch08.jpgVulgarity on display at Boston “Dyke March” June 13. All photos shown here were shot by MassResistance. Click HERE to see their complete photo-story and video on the obscene “Dyke March.”

Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada of MassResistance report on the vulgar Boston “Dyke March” June 13. (Lesbian activists evidently can call themselves “dykes”; for the rest of us that’s potential “hate speech.”) Somebody report Camenker and Contrada to nudity_boston_dyke_march08.jpgthe Gay Thought Police for using the phrase “normal people.” Actually, they make a valid point: this in-our-face “dyke” movement — a combination of radical feminism and homosexual militancy — has zero to do with “civil rights” and everything to do with attacking normality by promoting perversion. Worst of all, its front-line activists seem to glory in corrupting youth and especially young girls and women with their deviant, God-defying messages. How sad to see grown women involved in this immature spectacle. Click HERE to see the entire MassResistance photo-story and video.

We’re showing these MassResistance photos unedited so as to accurately convey the messages presented in front of children and the Boston public. — Peter LaBarbera

MassResistance writes:

“Gay Pride Week” Boston Dyke March: Parade of obscenity and weirdness through downtown streets.

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Massachusetts ‘Transgender Pride’ — As Tragic As It Gets

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Women who want to be men march shirtless to display their flat chests after ‘transgender’ breast removal surgeries

transgender_2_boston.jpgCAUTION: VERY DISTURBING. This is a woman who had her (healthy) breasts removed to appear like the transgender “man” she wants to be. “Transgender” is the “T” to which homosexual activists refer when they promote “GLBT youth.” The pro-family organization MassResistance took this photo during a recent June 7 “transgender pride” parade in Northampton, Massachusetts. Click HERE for the full MassResistance report on this perverse parade.

The shocking photo-story by our good friends at MassResistance is one of the most tragic things I have ever seen. Once before at a transgender conference in Washington, D.C., I witnessed the pitiful spectacle of “transgender men” — that is, women who want to become “men” — showing off their flattened chests after their healthy breasts were removed in accordance with their perceived “gender identity.”

My heart aches for this poor woman — yes, woman — who is so deceived that she has permanently mutilated her own body to pursue a false “gender identity.” This is what happens when (wo)man’s “feelings” and confusion — and ideology — are elevated above nature itself, not to mention God.

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LISTEN: Restroom Activism: Colorado’s New ‘Transgender’ Law

Friday, June 6th, 2008

gayterrorist-mini.jpgThis cross-dressing man — who gained worldwide attention as the subject of a “Gay Terrorist” joke email — has a right to dress this way, but should he be allowed to use the woman’s restroom?

Click HERE to listen to Concerned Women for America’s online radio show:

CWA writes: There is a new law in place in Colorado that prohibits discrimination against transgendered people in any and all public accommodations. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues speaks with Jim Pfaff, President and CEO of Colorado Family Institute and Colorado Family Action, about this new law that would allow people – regardless of their anatomy – to choose which restroom, locker room or similar accommodation they wish to use. While churches and religious organizations are exempt from this new law both public and private schools must comply, as well as small Christian-owned businesses and individuals making property available for rent. Listen | Download June 5, 2008

LETTER: Hyatt Regency Chicago Defends Hosting International Mr. Leather in the Name of ‘Diversity’

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Yes, there was plenty of ‘diversity’ at IML …

See letter to AFTAH below


‘CONSENSUAL’ DEGRADATION: [Click photo to enlarge] Leatherman “doggie slave” poses on all fours for a photo at the sadistic-sex-glorifying International Mr. Leather (IML) convention, hosted by the Hyatt Regency Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. The “slave’s” older male “owner” stands nearby with a cane. TAKE ACTION: Call the Hyatt Regency’s General Manager, Patrick Donnelly, at 312-565-1234 to tell him that it is wrong to profit off of pornography and perversion and that you will never stay at the Hyatt Regency Chicago — where vile, homosexual orgies involving IML participants occurred in guest rooms. Tell Mr. Donnelly that you will tell others not stay there as well. To contact Hyatt Regency’s national headquarters’ consumer affairs department: click HERE or e-mail; or call: 800-323-7249. PHOTO: AFTAH

Beverly Bubb of Michigan writes (emphasis added):

Thank you for your recent communication about the IML \\\”celebration\\\” held at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Per your suggestion, I listened to the interview on CWA about this event and then called the General Manager; Patrick Donnelly. He was shameless in his defense of hosting this event in the name of \\\”diversity\\\”! Since I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and still have many friends and family there; I informed Mr. Donnelly that I would make sure they all knew about what the Hyatt was promoting at their hotel and tell them never to stay in their facility. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention and to the attention of God-fearing people everywhere.

Beverly Bubb, Canton, Michigan

Will PETA Respond to Frank Kameny’s Endorsement of Sex with Animals?

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

goat.jpgAFTAH’s story on “gay” icon Frank Kameny and his belief that bestiality is a “constitutional right” (“as long as the animal doesn’t mind”) is making the rounds. Funny how our “queer” blog critics — even the fanatical AFTAH-haters at Box TURTLE Bulletindon’t want to talk about it. The following story appeared in the conservative Canadian web newsite Canada Free Press:

Pro-family crusader looks to PETA to take a stand against bestiality promoter

Homosexual activist Frank Kameny says that bestiality is OK

By Judi McLeod Wednesday, June 4, 2008, Canada Free Press

Ingrid Newkirk, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Editor’s note: Some Canada Free Press readers may find the subject in this story objectionable.)

It seems that just about everyone has weighed in for his or her say now that homosexual activist Frank Kameny says that bestiality is OK if the animal approves.

Everyone that is other than the Ingrid Newkirk-led People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

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‘Gay Rights’ Icon Frank Kameny Tells AFTAH: Bestiality OK ‘as Long as the Animal Doesn’t Mind’

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

AFTAH Exclusive: Homosexual hero also extols ‘harder-core pornography,’ says phrase “sexual perversion’ is meaningless

frank_kameny.jpgHomosexual activist icon Frank Kameny (center) donated his 1965 protest signs to the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History last year. Smithsonian Photo: Harold Dorwin.

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive

Frank Kameny — the “gay” pioneer revered by homosexual activists for his role in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to effectively reclassify homosexuals as normal — now says that sex with animals is OK “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.”

Kameny responded to AFTAH’s article reporting on the sale of bestiality videos (and other hard-core pornography) at the recent “International Mr. Leather” convention — by defending sex with “consenting animals” and encouraging the use of “more and better and harder-core pornography” as manifestations of “Americanism in action.”

In his e-letter to Americans For Truth, Kameny, 83, stated:

“Bestiality is not my thing … But it seems to be a harmless foible or idiosyncrasy of some people. So, as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does), I don’t mind, and I don’t see why anyone else should.”

We have many questions for Kameny, the first being: how exactly does an animal signal his or her “consent” to have sex with a human?

Last year, Kameny — a leader in the pressure campaign to declassify homosexuality as a psychiatric mental disorder — was honored by the Smithsonian Institution. His 1965 protest signs (and button with the “Gay Is Good” slogan he coined) will be displayed at the National Museum of American History, and his papers will be archived at the Library of Congress.

AFTAH criticized the notion that Kameny should be honored as an American civil rights hero. This writer has had several interactions with Kameny over the years, and I have interviewed him at length. He is civil but not afraid to confront “the enemy,” usually in stinging letters to pro-family leaders after watching them debate a “gay”-related issue in the media. Click HERE to read Wikipedia’s sympathetic bio of Kameny.

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FRC Takes on Colorado Transgender ‘Bathroom Bills’

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

autumn_sandeen.jpgShould this very confused man, “transgender” activist Autumn Sandeen, be allowed to use the female restroom?

From Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ May 30 “Washington Update”:

Congress may be adjourned for the Memorial Day recess, but a series of misguided state bills aren’t providing any relief for pro-family groups. Just ask the residents of Colorado, where locals are bracing themselves for an “anti-bias” law that is actually changing where people use the restroom. Yesterday, over the protests of thousands of families, Gov. Bill Ritter (D) signed SB 200 into law. The legislation blurs the sexual lines by making all public accommodations, including locker rooms and restrooms, “gender-free.” In other words, anyone–regardless of their biological identity–will be welcome in the men’s or ladies’ room, including cross-dressers, men who self-identify as women, women who self-identify as men, and people who haven’t made up their minds. To make matters worse, Colorado defines “public accommodations” as everything from malls, restaurants, and schools to small and even home businesses. The other side says this is about discrimination. But the chance of offending a few people hardly justifies putting everyone else at risk, which is exactly what SB 200 does.

For every transvestite who takes advantage of this law, there are a dozen sexual predators who will see this as a chance to put women and children into a vulnerable situation. Focus on the Family launched a statewide awareness campaign, but in the end, even Colorado’s largest Christian ministry couldn’t compete with Ritter’s desire to pay off liberal financier Tim Gill, who sank serious dollars into the governor’s election campaign in 2006. From here all eyes will turn to Montgomery County, [Maryland], where a November ballot initiative will determine the fate of its bathroom bill. [See for information about the Maryland battle.–Ed.]

To sign up for Family Research Council’s “Washington Update” and other e-mail publications, click HERE.

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