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Monday, January 26th, 2009
Would he whip the city into shape?

“What makes Earl different from others?” Earl Rynerson asks on his campaign website. Well, for one, he’s sure to be the only candidate for mayor of Ft. Lauderdale whose credit card records show a connection to the International Masters Association, an organization created because “there was no one place where a Master or a slave could go and learn from the other members of his community.” Rynerson needs God to change him before he tries to change Ft. Lauderdale. Photo from YouTube.
OK, can we all agree that its fair to call a man with ties to a sadomasochistic “master-slave” group a “pervert,” or has that word been banished by the Gay Thought Police (GTP)? Good, then at the risk of offending the accomplished whiners at GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), here are some excerpts from a FOX News story about Earl Rynerson, one of two homosexual men running to succeed pro-family hero Jim Naugle as mayor of Ft. Lauderdale.
Now that homosexuality is “out of the closet” in such a big way, think about how much of their related perversions are also out in the open. Deviance begets deviance, and it’s all about the behavior (as opposed to that strategic euphemism: “orientation”). Note Rynerson’s lack of shame below. — Peter LaBarbera
From the FOXNews.com report:
Gay Candidate for Fort Lauderdale Mayor Has Curious Legal History
Earl Rynerson is an openly gay businessman with a history of curious legal problems and an apparent penchant for bondage pornography. And he thinks he’s just the man to be your mayor. …
Drawing more eyes is his apparent predilection for porn and his membership in an anonymous sex site. While not illegal, they are possible dark spots on the resume of man who is running a campaign to “polish up the city” of Fort Lauderdale.
Rynerson’s credit card bill included at least 3 monthly payments to “Access 4M4M site,” the billing name of a “men for men” sex site based in New York. “The m4m4sex website is for men looking to meet other men for sex,” the Web site declares in plain English.
Another charge on his card provides a phone number for the International Masters Association, which “unites the Leather community online and [brings] Masters and slaves together,” providing services for people “interested in Leather, Gear, Bondage, Rubber, Watersports [a fetish involving urination] and other fetishes.”
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Posted in BDSM, E - Praying for the Lost, Florida, Gay Culture, GLAAD, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Pornography |
Thursday, October 16th, 2008
‘Gay’ agenda not raised in three presidential debates — but don’t just blame the media …
By Peter LaBarbera
OK, now it’s official. In three presidential debates to help us decide which man – John McCain or Barack Obama – will lead this nation, the critical issue of homosexual “marriage” didn’t even come up.
Add to that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal “hate crimes” bill and Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), homosexuality in the military, how “gay rights” laws threaten religious and other freedoms, and homosexual adoption of children.
On each of these issues, Obama and McCain strongly disagree, but we never (or barely) got to hear them explain their positions on the same stage – in contrast to Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church debate where at least “gay marriage” was discussed. The only time that homosexuality was raised in the four official debates, including the vice-presidential debate, was when moderator Gwen Ifill asked a poorly constructed question about same-sex benefits and then “gay marriage” to Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden.
The issue of judicial appointments did come up but certainly has received far less attention than it deserves since judges are setting now policy in this country.
Do you feel as gypped as I do by the combination of media bias, campaign jingoism and political correctness that resulted in one of the most important issues facing our nation — whether marriage should be radically redefined to accommodate “rights” based on homosexual behavior – not even being mentioned in the official debates?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Adoption & Foster Parenting, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bathhouses, Biblical Truth, CBS, Democrat Party, DOMA, FOX News, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLAAD, Government Promotion, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Military, News, Pending Legislation, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Republican Party, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Virginia |
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
New Jersey NOW activists demonstrate for lesbian so-called “marriage”: there is no shortage of single-minded (non-apologetic) pro-homosexuality and pro-abortion activists on the Left.
Below is an excellent column by Joel Belz, founder of WORLD magazine, answering some of the current Christian gibberish critical of believers who fight for Truth in the public square. (Click HERE for the full column in WORLD.) While we’re at it, here are 20 more good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the homosexual/transsexual activist and pro-abortion lobbies:
- Human Rights Campaign (largest pro-homosexual PAC);
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force;
- Lambda Legal;
- NARAL Pro-Choice American (formerly National Abortion Rights Action League, which cruelly defends even later-term abortions).
- GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation;
- GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network);
- NOW (they manage to promote both lesbianism and abortion-on-demand);
- MTV (obnoxious in its one-sided promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.);
- Soulforce and other Bible-twisting, “queer theology”-promoting groups;
- Radical, reason-challenged, pro-homosexual websites like young Jeremy Hooper’s Good As You blog, Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen’s ‘ex-gay’-hating Truth Wins Out, and lesbian Pam (“Jeebus”) Spaulding’s Pam’s House Blend;
- National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association;
- EMILY’s List (a pro-abortion PAC)
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (working to open up the military to homosexuals);
- ACLU’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project;
- Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
- Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
- Tim Gill (homosexual money-man)
- Pro-homosexual activist groups like Equality Illinois fighting in all 50 states for radical legislation that undermines marriage;
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
- PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians & Gays), a radical pro-homosexual group.
Belz writes for WORLD:
Stop Apologizing!
It’s not always wrong to be a “single-issue” advocate
It’s become an increasingly frequent reminder to us evangelical Christians not to let our cultural identity be framed by “single issues.”
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Equality Illinois, Gill Action Fund, GLAAD, GLSEN, Log Cabin Republicans, MTV, NARAL, News, NLGJA, NOW, PFLAG, Queer Theology, State GLBTQ Activist Groups, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tim Gill, Truth Wins Out |
Friday, April 18th, 2008
By Peter LaBarbera

So Chelsea Clinton partied with 2,000 boys (can we call them men?) in dresses at Portland’s annual “Red Dress Party” on April 12? Can’t say I’m surprised given the polling data on how “gay-friendly” youth are these days. But instead of the usual shock and outrage, let’s dwell for some moments on what these photos say about the social movement that so accurately calls itself “queer.” (See Willamette Week excerpts from the Portland event at bottom.)
Homosexual Men in Dresses
According to this article in the Willamette Week, the Red Dress Party “started years ago as a way for gay guys to wear girlie gowns and get stinkin’ drunk.” Like they needed an excuse. Why is it so easy to get homosexual guys in a dress anyway? Could it be because they are confused about their God-given masculinity to begin with? Sorry, my digression has taken me into overlapping phobias: I don’ t know which I’m more guilty of: homo- or trans-phobia? (Both, you Bible Bigot! I’m reporting you to the Thought Police.)

Sometimes you just have to laugh at a homosexual world that is so utterly lacking in seriousness. We’re dealing with a movement that is filled with overgrown adolescents who still have the gall to compare themselves to the Black civil rights movement. (Shhhh! — don’t tell anyone about the annual Aspen “Gay Ski Week” or how homosexuals travel abroad more (“especially for leisure purposes”) than straights — they’re VICTIMS — VICTIMS OF DISCRIMINATION, I tell you!)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bathhouses, Beyond America, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLAAD, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, HRC, Leather, Lesbianism, Media Promotion, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Pro-Homosexual Media, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sally Kern, San Francisco, Sodomy, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, April 1st, 2008
Who needs April Fool’s Day jokes when you’ve got the radical ‘trans-agenda’?
Dear Readers: check out this recent Good Morning America story (you can watch the ABC video online) about an alleged “pregnant man” — who is actually a very gender-confused Oregon woman who is pregnant but has taken drastic measures to appear like the “man” she wants to be. What continues to irritate us in the reporting on the radical “trans-genda” is the media’s obsequiousness in using biologically false pronouns to describe the stories’ subjects. Of course, this is the exact goal of radical groups like GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and GenderPAC.
Breaking news to the PC media: Laurie Higgins is right: men still cannot get pregnant.– Peter LaBarbera
By Laurie Higgins
I’ve said this before, but in light of a recent “news” story that describes the strange tale of a “pregnant man,” I think it bears repeating.
Prior to my mother succumbing to cancer, she had had an oophorectomy, hysterectomy, and mastectomy. Following those surgeries, she was no less a woman than am I. The presence in the pregnant woman of a desire to be a man, a clear symptom of a profound psychological disorder, and even the foolish legal accommodation of this symptom, renders this woman a man only in an illusory post-modern fantasy–not in reality where most of us live and breathe and have our being. That is to say, there exists no pregnant “man.”
Oh, and by the way, I still believe I’m a hobbit trapped in a human body.
Laurie Higgins is a writing instructor at Deerfield High School, in Deerfield, Illinois, north of Chicago. She can be reached through AFTAH at americansfortruth@comcast.net.
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), ABC, Born that Way?, E - Praying for the Lost, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GenderPAC, GLAAD, GLBTQ Terms, News, Physical Health, Pro-Homosexual Media |
Thursday, February 21st, 2008
Homosexual activists spend tens of millions of dollars annually promoting their lifestyle and political goals, yet many Christians get upset when pro-family groups like Americans For Truth stand against their aggressive agenda.
The following is an article by Nathan Neighbor of the ChristianResearchNetwork.info website, followed by my response (which is adapted from a comment I posted on their site; see this link). I believe Nathan’s is a good representation of the (naive) attitudes of so many Christians regarding the “culture war” over homosexuality. Many Christians, appropriately desirous of winning souls to Christ, are non-confrontational in public policy (or simply avoid or even abhor it altogether) — while our “gay” activist opponents are aggressive, highly skilled, and often ruthless in the political and cultural campaigns that they wage.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Born that Way?, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, GLAAD, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, HRC, Lambda Legal, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, NOW, Planned Parenthood, Pro-Homosexual Media, Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008
Will homosexual groups like HRC, GLAAD and Lambda Legal take action against homosexual bathhouses like Steamworks, which make it easy for men to have anonymous sex with other men? Above, a float for the Chicago Steamworks bathhouse participates in the city’s 2007 “gay pride” parade. Does the homosexual lobby take “pride” in these perversion centers? Photo: AFTAH.
Well, folks, I’m not exactly expecting Human Rights Campaign and the rest of the “gay” lobby to hop on this request for cooperation from my good friend Matt Barber of CWA, but it sure would be progress if they did. It is unbelievable that 25 years after the outbreak of AIDS, homosexual bathhouses and other venues for anonymous sodomitic encounters are flourishing.
Over the years, we’ve heard from a few homosexual men and lesbian women who agree with us that the sex clubs should be closed down. They are the politically incorrect voices within their community. There are some things on which we can find common cause, and making it as hard as possible for men to hook up anonymously with other men to engage in dangerous sexual practices should be one of them. This is not rocket science, so why isn’t the CDC leading such a campaign? — Peter LaBarbera
Concerned Women for America
JANUARY 22, 2008
Concact: Natalie Bell: (202) 488-7000 ext. 126
Homosexual Groups Invited to Work to Curb Spread of MRSA
Washington, D.C. — Because Concerned Women for America (CWA) cares deeply for the health and well being of all Americans, CWA is sending letters inviting the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, GLAAD and Lambda Legal to put aside profound ideological differences with CWA — for the sake of the lives and health of their members — and to call for commonsense steps to help curb the spread of a potentially deadly strain of Staph infection.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA bacteria, is infecting men who have sex with men in major cities at an alarming rate. A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, found that “gay” men are 13 times more likely to contract the infection.
The study determined that the spread of MRSA, “among men who have sex with men is associated with high-risk behaviors, including use of methamphetamine and other illicit drugs, sex with multiple partners, participation in a group sex party, use of the internet for sexual contacts, skin-abrading sex, and history of sexually transmitted infections.” But ultimately, the study warned that, “Having male-male sex seems to be a risk factor for [MRSA].”
Dr. Binh Diep, the researcher who led the study, told Reuters, “Once this reaches the general population, it will be truly unstoppable.” The study found that the “[MRSA] epidemic probably started in San Francisco and has been disseminated by the frequent cross-coastal travel of men who have sex with men.”
Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, said, “We now have a wonderful opportunity for ideological opponents to come together for the common good. Steps must be taken to keep this MRSA outbreak, which is occurring within certain segments of the homosexual community, from becoming a more widespread epidemic.
“HRC and other homosexual groups have a profound leadership role in their communities and a responsibility to protect their members from behaviorally related threats to their health and well-being. Therefore, these groups should publicly condemn those specific ‘high-risk behaviors’ which this study has concluded are responsible for spreading MRSA among homosexuals.
“We’re asking HRC and other groups to denounce, through word and deed, ‘sex with multiple partners,’ ‘group sex [parties]’ and to actively promote the notion that it is never okay to ‘use methamphetamine and other illicit drugs.’”
“In light of this behaviorally related MRSA outbreak,” said Barber, “we additionally ask HRC and other groups to call on local health agencies to shut down the many bathhouses and sex clubs around the country where men meet for anonymous sex with other men, often multiple partners, on a daily basis. These places create the ‘perfect storm’ for infectious disease, including MRSA.
“Now’s the time for us all to come together,” concluded Barber. “Let’s do what needs to be done to help curtail this regrettable MRSA outbreak.”
Posted in Bathhouses, Down Low, Gay Culture, GLAAD, Government Promotion, Homosexual Meccas, HRC, Lambda Legal, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, San Francisco, Task Force |
Thursday, September 20th, 2007
Anti-Christian bigotry prevails: Human Rights Campaign’s Daryl Herrschaft threatened to boycott a DiversityInc Magazine forum on “Religion in the Workplace” if Americans For Truth were allowed to participate. The magazine caved in.
By Peter LaBarbera
“How do you balance the need to create an open and equal workplace for LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] employees with the religious beliefs of those who oppose same-sex relationships?”
— proposed discussion question for DiversityInc “Religion in the Workplace” roundtable that includes an atheist and a homosexual activist but dropped Americans For Truth after being lobbied by pro-“gay” panelists
Today I was scheduled to fly to Newark, N.J., to participate in a “Religion in the Workplace Roundtable” discussion sponsored by DiversityInc Magazine. But I won’t be going to Newark – because three of the panelists decided that true diversity was something they simply could not tolerate.
On Friday, I received an awkward call from Barbara Frankel, DiversityInc’s Executive Editor, who had originally invited me to take part in the roundtable — along with Daryl Herrschaft, Director of the Workplace Project at Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual activist group, and several other panelists including the president of American Atheists.
An embarrassed Ms. Frankel said she was forced to disinvite me, less than a week before the event, because Herrschaft and two other panelists (she wouldn’t say whom) had threatened not to come if I were allowed to participate. (I had already bought my airline ticket and received planning materials for the discussion.) Ironically, one of the proposed questions for the roundtable was: “How do you balance the need to create an open and equal workplace for LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] employees with the religious beliefs of those who oppose same-sex relationships?”
Frankel apologized and said that she was very upset about this development, but that her hands were tied. Of course, she could have stuck with the original plan and told Herrschaft and his two allies to take a hike, or at least a refresher course on genuine diversity.
Frankel’s decision to cave in to HRC’s demands represents a triumph of the new, Intolerant “Tolerance” over real tolerance. In originally inviting me and Americans For Truth to participate, Frankel – representing the very pro-“gay” DiversityInc — was, to her credit, practicing old-fashioned tolerance: people with divergent worldviews listening and talking respectfully to one another about each other’s viewpoint, in a spirit of civility.
The New Tolerance – epitomized by Herrschaft’s arrogant threat – is “tolerant” in name only. It is driven by ideology and power. Here’s the formula: certain viewpoints that the Left finds intolerable – e.g., that homosexuality is wrong and changeable behavior – must be denied public expression, or at least be marginalized. All to build a “hate-free” society, you see. (Conservative college students know well this counterfeit brand of “tolerance and diversity.”)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, GLAAD, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Parenting, HRC, HRC Corporate Equality Index, Media Promotion, News, Pro-Homosexual Media, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |

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