The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality

ABC Hit-Piece Targets Michele Bachmann and Ex-Gay Change

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

AFTAH in the News: ABC uses homosexual activist’s mocking slogan, “Pray Away the Gay”

Ex-lesbian Janet Boynes was shown in the ABC piece by investigative reporter Brian Ross, but he did not "investigate" her story of leaving lesbianism with God's help.

Folks, it sure didn’t take long for the liberal media to go into Christian-bashing mode against GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). Watch this almost comically biased hit-piece by ABC’s Brian Ross — featuring the militantly anti-Christian homosexual organization Truth Wins Out. (TWO denies the reality that people can leave homosexuality behind; I call them “Focus on the Failures” because their nonsensical argument seems to be that since many practicing “gays” fail in their quest to change, transformation away from homosexuality is a myth.)

Incredibly, ABC even went so far as to title its piece “Pray Away the Gay at Bachmann Clinic?” — recycling TWO founder Wayne Besen’s mocking and bigoted attack-slogan for the idea that people can overcome homosexual desires through faith in God. Shouldn’t it have occurred to Ross to sit down with and interview a SUCCESSFUL former homosexual like Janet Boynes, who:

  1. lives near Minneapolis, where the Bachmanns’ counseling clinic is located;
  2. was mentioned in the story — the undercover TWO “investigative reporter” ominously cites a copy of Janet’s book, “Called Out,” endorsed by Dr. Bachmann;
  3. is a happy FORMER lesbian who endeavors to help others out of homosexuality, and who credits God for the power to change?  

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AFTAH Dinner-Lecture: Former Lesbian Linda Jernigan Discusses Reality of Homosexuality

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Linda Jernigan speaks at AFTAH.

Rather than the usual interview, we offer portions of ex-lesbian Linda Jernigan’s dinner-lecture presentation at Americans For Truth headquarters in Carol Stream, Illinois, June 17th [click HERE to listen]. Linda, who left the lesbian lifestyle, is founder of the Chicago-based Rescuing Ministries (; e-mail her at: Here she describes how she lived nearly two decades as a lesbian, noting how the “torment and the pain” she experienced contrasts with the glamorized version of homosexuality offered up at annual “Gay Pride” festivals. To hear our previous AFTAH interview with Jernigan, go HERE for Part One and HERE for Part Two.   

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-25-11, Linda Jernigan

Ex-Lesbian Linda Jernigan – Then: ‘Not Really Straight,’ Now: ‘Never Was Gay’

Monday, June 20th, 2011

Linda Jernigan speaking at AFTAH dinner-lecture.

Folks, we had a wonderful event with ex-lesbian Linda Jernigan Friday evening at AFTAH’s offices in Carol Stream, Illinois. We hope to have some YouTube videos of her talk up shortly. My favorite part of her talk is when Linda related how when she was a NEW EX-lesbian, her old homosexual friends told her that this was just a phase she was going through, and that she would soon revert back to lesbianism. Then, after a few more years, when they saw that wasn’t happening, the “gay” activists switched their “spin” to: “Well, Linda, you never really were a lesbian in the first place”! Now, that’s one way to win an argument! The homosexual crowd simply can’t deal with the reality that “gays” can change and leave their homosexuality behind (usually with God’s help). — Peter LaBarbera,

AFTAH Writer Is Grossed Out by ‘International Mr. Leather’ Perversion-fest Hosted by Hyatt Regency Chicago

Friday, June 17th, 2011

WARNING: Highly Offensive and Graphic Images and Subject Matter

Perverts Take Over Hotel: Hyatt Regency Chicago sign alerts public to "private event" occupying the hotel. The "private event" is International Mr. Leather, one of the most bizarrely obscene, homosexual perversion celebrations on the planet.

Folks, to people who proudly practice homosexuality (sin), this is “Gay Pride Month.” But there doesn’t seem to be much to be “proud” of in this account of the vendor area at “International Mr. Leather,” Chicago’s annual, mostly homosexual sadistic-sex celebration. AFTAH writer and experienced pro-family activist Lynn Thomas had a hard time reporting on this awful spectacle because, well, she is normal. The sheer perverseness of homosexual sadomasochism (including “consensual” “master-slave relationships”) – embraced and celebrated as the “leather community” under the LGBT umbrella – makes it difficult to expose.

The country talks about the “Heartland” and “Midwestern values,” but the reality is that Chicago has become one of the most perverted cities in the world. Of course, this is due in part to it being one of the most homosexual-friendly cities in the world. Chicago even has its very own Perversion Museum, our name for the truly bizarre Leather Archives & Museum (LA&M) — which carefully documents the sadomasochistic deviancies of mostly homosexual “leathermen,” and some hetero and lesbian perverts. (See below the twisted painting from the LA&M, which is housed in a nondescript building in the city’s Rogers Park neighborhood on the north side.)

This “Leather Museum,” and the welcoming home that the Windy City has become to proud sexual deviants of various stripes, speaks volumes about the slippery-slope of tolerance toward  abetting evil; the organizing power of a sin movement; but most importantly of America’s staggering, post-Christian moral decline. – Peter LaBarbera,

TAKE ACTION: Tell the Hyatt Regency Chicago [312-565-1234; hit “0” and ask for the Executive Offices] that it is wrong and un-hygienic to profit off perversion-fests like IML – no matter how much the Hyatt was paid by IML organizers for this revolting event (see photos). We don’t know what kinds of special chemicals are required for the clean-up after the orgies and sodomies committed in spades at “International Mr. Leather.” (And pity the poor maids.) But would you want to sleep in the same bed where a homosexual orgy – or drunken, orgiastic encounter between two “leathermen” — took place – with body fluids and feces flying here and there? Neither would we. Call the Hyatt at: 312-565-1234; hit “0” and ask for the Executive Offices.

AFTAH Writer Is Grossed Out by International Mr. Leather Perversion-Fest Held at Hyatt Regency Chicago

Hyatt Regency Chicago

By Lynn Thomas, Special to Americans For Truth

CHICAGO — Walking to the front of the building, there was nothing noticeable on the outside that I could see that identified the fact that Mr. International Leather was being held at the Hyatt Regency. Other than men dressed in leather boots or leather pants who gathered at the front of the building hugging each other with their luggage, ready to catch a cab, and the fact that few females were visible walking the grounds, it could have been a convention of any type. Except there was a flagrant homosexual theme if you sized up the men: some were holding hands; some were cuddling or kissing. Coming in through the front door, this sign warned that the entire hotel was reserved for a “private event.” 

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Kinsey Exposer Dr. Judith Reisman – Part One

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

Judith Reisman

CHILD MOLESTATION “DATA”: The astonishing Table 34 from “Sexual Behavior and the Human Male,” Alfred Kinsey’s 1948 book that claimed to assess America’s sexual mores even as its fraudulent findings were used to revolutionize them.

This is Part One of a four-part interview with Dr. Judith Reisman [listen HERE], who courageously has led the way in exposing the fraudulent “science” of America’s father of “sexology,” Alfred Kinsey. This interview was pre-taped and aired on WYLL in Chicago June 4, 2011. Reisman — author of “Sexual Sabotage,” “Kinsey, Sex and Fraud,”  “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences,” and other works — describes how a family crisis led her to start investigating the sexology/sex-education movement launched by Kinsey — whose landmark 1948 work, “Sexual Behavior and the Human Male” (co-authored with Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin) contains “data” on babies and toddlers being stimulated to “orgasm” (reproduced here is the infamous “Table 34” from page 180 of the book). Reisman discusses some of the horribly flawed methodology used by Kinsey — who himself was addicted to perversion and worked, successfully, to revolutionize America’s Judeo-Christian sexual mores.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

6-4-11, Dr. Judith Reisman

Openly Homosexual CNN Anchor Don Lemon Was Molested as Boy

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

Deluded out-and-proud ‘gays’ reject pedophilia as causing their sexual confusion

CNN evening anchor Don Lemon has declared his homosexuality — to the surprise of few who have followed his biased reporting on homosexuality issues — including his direct promotion of the “gay” activist political agenda. (In 2006, as a Chicago newsman for NBC5, Lemon hosted a fundraiser for Equality Illinois, a homosexual lobby group, thus violating the principle of journalistic non-involvement in politics.) In the 2010 CNN video below about the alleged  pederastic activity of Atlanta mega-pastor Bishop Eddie Long [Read DL Foster’s “Gay Christian Movement Watch” post on Bishop Long HERE.], Lemon reveals that he was molested as a boy (about 5:21 in the YouTube video).  What is perplexing is that Lemon, like so many self-styled “gay” men, apparently does not view his molestation as a major causative factor in his homosexual identity and behavior. “People are going to say: ‘Oh, he was molested as a kid and now he is coming out [as homosexual].’ I get it,” Lemon told the New York Times dismissively, in discussing his new book. “Transparent,” in which he reveals his homosexuality. To me, there is no greater proof of the perverse self-deception of homosexuality than to behold how sexually confused adults incorporate their victimization at the hands of pedophiles into their out-and-proud “gay” identity. Which is to say — even before reading his book: “Don, you are not ‘gay,’ but the victim of a homosexual child molester, who corrupted your mind, body and soul — and innocence — at a tender young age!” More on this later. — Peter LaBarbera,

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Former Homosexual Stephen Black – Part One

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Stephen Black

This is the first of a two-part interview with Stephen Black [clik HERE to listen], executive director of First Stone Ministries, and a man who left homosexuality behind. This show aired May 28, 2011, and was taped on May 25, the 25th anniversary of Black’s marriage to wife Robin. Stephen tells of his exposure to pornography at a very young age, and an incident that led to taunts of being “queer.” Then, at age nine, Stephen was molested by an adult man who was visiting the family. Later, he engaged in sex “games” with another boy. Black writes in his bio:

“The reason the Lord has reminded me of the things I went through was to demonstrate that, though many people claim they are born gay, it is childhood influences and not genetics that incline one to homosexuality. Many say that they have had desires for the same sex as long as they can remember. I was a very little boy when all this started in my life. I was opened up to sexual perversion and demonic influences at a very young age . Yet, I had never really thought about all these episodes until the Lord reminded me of them after coming out of homosexuality.”

Part Two of this interview is scheduled to be aired July 2. 

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Do not use Real Player.  It is not supported and there may be difficulty when listening with it.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

5-28-11, Stephen Black

AFTAH Dinner-Lecture June 17: Ex-Lesbian Linda Jernigan to Speak on ‘What’s Wrong with Gay Pride’

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Come out Friday, June 17, 2011 to hear a wonderful testimony of God’s power to change people!

 NOTE TO AFTAH SUPPORTERS: We’ve been trying to get ex-lesbian Linda Jernigan — a dynamite speaker wth a heart-warming Christian testimony — to AFTAH for a year, and it looks like it is finally going to happen!  This talk was planned for a year ago, but Linda was called away on an emergency, and we never rescheduled it.  We apologize for the (long) delay, but are thrilled that Linda will be with us to speak to one of the modern myths taking hold in America: that homosexuality is inherent and even something to be “proud” of.  If you live in Chicagoland, come out to hear Linda tell her life story; you will not regret coming!

Linda will also speak on a new Illinois project that AFTAH  is supporting: the Illinois Defense of Marriage Initiative (IDMI), which would put a Advisory Referendum on the ballot in 2012 in support of marriage as it really is: betweeen a man and a woman. See or more details. — Peter LaBarbera,
Former lesbian Linda Jernigan (right) presents on “What’s wrong with ‘Gay Pride.” Jernigan, a Christian evangelist (, is now 11 years “out” of the homosexual lifestyle. She will share from her life experiences, which include being seduced into the lesbian lifestyle as a preteen by an older woman who was supposed to be her “mentor.”
  • Who: Linda Jernigan, ex-lesbian, founder of
  • Time: Friday, June 17, 2011 6:00-9:00 PM;
  • Location:Americans For Truth offices at 25W560 Geneva Rd., Carol Stream, IL (just west of the intersection of Gary and Geneva Rds. in Carol Stream). Park in the rear of the building.
  • Details: Casual dinner at 6:00 precedes talk, which begins at 7:00 PM; there will be ample time for Q & A with Linda.  Freewill donations accepted to cover costs of the event.
RSVP: For more information or to RSVP, call 630-717-7631 or e-mail:
Watch Linda speak at our recent pro-traditional-marriage rally in Chicago:
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video 
Listen to Linda’s AFTAH Radio Hour Interview: Jernigan, based in Chicago, was interviewed for the Americans For Truth Hour last year. You can listen to Part One of the interview HERE, and Part Two HERE. All AFTAH interviews are archived on the AFTAH Hour web page.

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