GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools

Philadelphia ‘Gay Pride’ Parade and Festival Attended by Many Children Feature Lewd Acts, Porn Booth, Sadomasochists

Thursday, June 21st, 2012

WARNING: Offensive Images Inappropriate for Children

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive

Out-and-proud gender confusion on display for the kiddos. Drag queen marches in “Philly Pride” parade. Click on all photos to view enlarged.

The following are some photos taken at Philadelphia’s homosexual (“Gay”) Pride Parade and “PrideDay” festival Sunday, June 10, 2012, by this reporter for Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). The Philly parade and the festival at Penn’s Landing that followed it were small compared to much larger homosexual “pride” parades and festivals in cities like Chicago and San Francisco — but both events were attended by many young children. I witnessed dozens of children from the very young to teenagers marching in the parade and there were also many observing it from the side streets.

Perhaps even some of AFTAH’s homosexual critics would admit that the scenes depicted below are not appropriate for children. Yet more than ever, in major cities across the country, children are a common sight at “gay pride” parades and festivals — as “proud” homosexual parents bring their children to these libidinous celebrations of sexual sin and gender confusion. [Permission is granted to use any photo provided that credit is given to “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality;” Direct questions to:]

We have blocked the eyes of all the young children shown in our photos; click on photos to view in enlarged format:

Sadomasochist man in a gown of sorts marches along 7th Street in Philadelphia carrying “Leather Pride” black-and-blue flag. The man to his left is carrying a “Bear Pride” flag. “Bear” is slang for heavier, hairy homosexual men.

Would you even consider taking YOUR children to a parade where behavior like this occurs — and worse, letting them march in it? These go-go boys were grinding against each other on the top of a float:

Go-go boys grind to the music on a float in the Philly homosexual “Pride” parade. Young children both participated in the same parade and watched it from the side streets.

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Erie, Illinois Elementary School Board Defies Pro-‘Gay’ Political Correctness, Rejects GLSEN Curriculum

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

The pro-homosexuality "The Family Book," by Todd Parr.

By Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute, June 11, 2012

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to offer words of encouragement and support to the School Board President Charles Brown and Superintendent Bradley Cox, who you can bet your bottom dollar will be on the receiving end of vicious attacks from the advocates of “tolerance.”

NOTE: Click HERE to read Higgins previous article, “GLSEN’s Outrageous Elementary School Toolkit”


There’s a remarkable news story coming out of Erie, Illinois. A wise and courageous school board has voted to remove a homosexuality-affirming picture book titled The Family Book from its elementary school library. Further, it has voted to remove all materials created by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a partisan advocacy group committed to using public schools, including elementary schools, to advance their moral, political, and ontological beliefs.

The Family Book was written by homosexual author Todd Parr and recommended by GLSEN. The “Alternatives to Marriage Project” highly recommends The Family Book for managing “both to naturalize and celebrate family diversity” and describes it as a favorite “among the toddler set.” “Naturalize” seems an ironic choice of words to describe a book that includes types of “parental” relationships that are unnatural and, by design, sterile. The “Alternatives to Marriage Project” is a group committed to “equality and fairness” for “same sex couples and those in relationships of more than two people.”

Treating homosexuality and heterosexuality as equivalent is not a neutral position

Educators, parents, and other taxpayers need to understand that treating homosexuality as equivalent to heterosexuality does not reflect a neutral ideological position. Treating homosexuality as equivalent to heterosexuality is a leftist position. Believing that homosexuality and heterosexuality are morally and ontologically equivalent is a controversial, unproven belief that public schools — particularly elementary schools — have no ethical right or obligation to promulgate.

Leftists try to make the case that including books that treat homosexuality positively reflects ideological neutrality and balance since there are already so many books that depict heterosexuality positively. But that argument is based on prior acceptance of yet another Leftist assumption, which is that homosexuality is simply the flip side of the sexuality coin. It’s not. Homosexuality is a disordering of the sexual impulse.

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews FRC’s Peter Sprigg on New ‘Gay’ Parenting Study – Part One

Friday, June 15th, 2012

This is Part One of a three-part interview with Peter Sprigg [click HERE to listen], Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council. This podcast was recorded June 14, 2012. Sprigg is the author of “Outrage: How Gay Activists and Liberal Judges Are Trashing Democracy to Redefine Marriage” (Regnery, 2004), and is co-editor of the FRC book “Getting It Straight: What the Research Shows about Homosexuality.” The bulk of this interview deals with the new study on homosexual parenting” by University of Texas scholar Mark Regnerus, appearing in the journal Social Science Research (June 10, 2012). The study found dramatic differences between children raised in normal, mom-and-dad families and those raised in lesbian-led households. Sprigg is also on the Board of PFOX (Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays). Joining program host Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth is Pastor John Kirkwood of Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Bensenville, IL.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

6-14-12, Peter Sprigg, Part One

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Barb Anderson and Laurie Higgins – Part Two – and More Awful Homosexual Hate

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
HOMOSEXUAL HATE: New York City homosexual activist Scott Rose created this nasty, infantile graphic demonizing Parents Action League President Laurie Thompson. The text underneath the graphic — showing feces coming out of her forehead — is Rose’s, and typical of the rest of the tirade on his blog, “AntiGayBigotryScaresMe.” Click on graphic to enlarge.

WARNING: Offensive Language

This is Part Two of my interview [click HERE to listen] with Barb Anderson of Parents Action League and Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute. This discussion was pre-taped in early April and aired April 21, 2012. Note that beginning May 1, the new time for hearing the AFTAH Radio Hour live on WYLL-AM-1160 in Chicagoland is every Saturday at midnight (one hour later than the usual time). Anderson describes the incredibly nasty attacks (see graphic at right) on pro-family advocates concerned about the promotion of homosexual behavior in Anoka-Hennepin schools (outside Minneapolis). She and Higgins discuss how the Southern Poverty Law Center has named Parents Action League a “hate group,” and how a “hit-piece” in Rolling Stone magazine promoted the falsehood that a rash a local youth suicides was tied directly to “anti-gay bullying” (an assertion debunked by Anoka-Hennepin school district officials). Anderson discusses how the school district ultimately settled lawsuits brought by the SPLC and the Obama Administration— which she says will accelerate pro-homosexuality propaganda in schools.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

4-21-12, Barb Anderson & Laurie Higgins, Part Two

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Barb Anderson and Laurie Higgins on ‘Day of Silence’ – Part One

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Higgins guides parents on how to pull child from activist schools on Friday, April 20th

Barb Anderson of the Parents Action League.

This is Part One of our interview [click HERE] with Barb Anderson of the Minneapolis-based Parents Action League and Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute. (This pre-recorded interview aired April 14, 2012.) The discussion centers on the upcoming, annual homosexual activist event in schools known as the “Day of Silence” (this Friday, April 20th). Higgins urges a “walkout” of the Day of Silence and guides parents on the proper questions to ask when calling their child’s school. For more information on the Day of Silence Walkout (endorsed by Americans For Truth and other pro-family groups), go HERE. Each child pulled from a school that is encouraging this pro-homosexual event — which disrupts the learning of non-participating students — costs the school money because school funds are allocated based on attendance.

Anderson also discusses the escalating LGBT campaign against the Anoka-Hennepin school district, outside Minneapolis, in which outside forces — including the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center and the Obama Administration — are using the “anti-bullying” rally cry to force an intrusive and one-sided pro-homosexual program into district schools.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

4-14-12, Barb Anderson & Laurie Higgins, Part One


Ten Reasons to Walk Out April 20 on the Pro-Homosexual ‘Day of Silence’

Friday, April 13th, 2012

This confused young woman had her healthy breasts surgically removed to appear like the "man" she wants to be. Today's youth are inundated in schools and pop culture with pro-gender-confusion and pro-homosexual messages -- while not being exposed to the downsides of these destructive and immoral lifestyles. Photo: Mass Resistance.

We thank my friend Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America, for her tremendous work on behalf of America’s “LGBT-brainwashed” youth. — Peter LaBarbera.  Linda writes:

By Linda Harvey of Mission America

A broad coalition of pro-family groups recommends that students stay away from school on Friday, April 20, 2012, the national “Day of Silence,” if the school is officially recognizing and/or allowing students and teachers to observe this event during instructional time by a silent protest. High schools and even some middle schools are now the targets of this event.

The Day of Silence is supposedly led by students, but actually led by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which describes itself as “championing LGBT issues in K-12 education since 1990.” Did you catch that– “K through 12”? Younger and younger students are the target of this group. The younger, the better because they are easier to manipulate.

The Day of Silence goal is not, as I am told frequently by outraged emails from misinformed students, to help end all bullying. The goal is to exploit the tender sympathies of kids to promote approval of homosexuality and gender confusion. The agenda is everything; Judeo-Christian morality is the enemy; and sadly, kids are the tools.

GLSEN teaches students that homosexuals and gender-confused people are “silenced” and under persecution by those who object to this behavior, and that traditional moral beliefs cause bullying. No hard, objective data exists to support this contention, and the event itself causes hostility, confusion, and division.

Here are ten reasons I believe Christian students in particular should refuse to honor this event by school attendance and why Christian teachers should plan activities that require students to verbally participate:

1. A silent protest in support of immoral, God-dishonoring behavior is in itself profoundly deceptive. All sexual behavior outside man/woman marriage is sinful in God’s eyes. Why should Christian students and teachers be in the position of accommodating this flagrant violation of their principles? Teachers would not want polyamorous students to be bullied, but would schools permit students to participate in a classroom protest in support of polyamory?

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UNC-Chapel Hill Publicly Disassociates from Rush Limbaugh But Pays $18,500 in Speaker Fees to Hateful Homosexual Cyber-Bully Dan Savage

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Dan Savage's hateful web creation, "" Click to enlarge. On Feb. 2, UNC-Chapel Hill paid Savage $18,500 to speak to students. The same unversity publicly disassociated itself from Rush Limbaugh over his "offensive statements."

AFTAH-North Carolina

Press Release, March 27, 2012

Contact: Peter LaBarbera:

RALEIGH, NC – University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill paid $18,5000 to homosexual activist Dan Savage – creator of a vile hate-site “re-defining” Rick Santorum’s last name as the by-product of anal sex – as a guest speaker, just weeks before publicly disassociating from Rush Limbaugh over Rush’s “offensive statements” about Sandra Fluke.

Last week, UNC-Chapel Hill announced that it was banning a local “Rush Radio” station, WRDU, from mentioning Limbaugh’s show during broadcasts of Tar Heel basketball and football games. The university, citing Rush’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive statements” about Fluke, also prohibits WRDU from referencing UNC or the Tar Heel Sports Network during Limbaugh’s daily talk show.

Americans For Truth has written UNC-Chapel Hill officials to ask how they can justify paying a large sum to Savage, who once wished death on all Republicans and who regularly and crudely demonizes religious conservatives. AFTAH also asked UNC to repudiate Savage for his “offensive statements,” and invite a pro-family speaker to campus specifically to balance his appearance.

The following typifies Savage’s unique brand of conservative-Christian-bashing hate:

  • Savage said on HBO that he “wished [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead” (he later apologized).
  • Savage’s creation “Santorum[dot] com” (and “SpreadingSantorum[dot]com”) “re-define” Santorum’s surname as follows: “San-TOR-um, n. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.”
  • In contrast to Limbaugh, who quickly apologized for his remarks about Fluke, when AFTAH’s President Peter LaBarbera asked Savage to take down “Santorum[dot]com,” he responded : “I’m asking Peter LaBarbera to go [f- -k] himself.”
  • Savage mocked the pope as “the dope in Rome”;
  • So consumed was Savage with hatred for then-GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer that he traveled to Iowa to pose as a Bauer volunteer, then got sick himself and began licking campaign office doorknobs, staplers, etc., in an attempt to give Bauer a cold.

AFTAH also condemns Savage, a raunchy sex columnist, for his reckless sexual advice, which includes urging married couples to allow outside sex. AFTAH urges MTV to cancel “Savage U,” a new TV show debuting April 3, featuring Savage visiting college campuses — so as not to reward him for his cyber-bullying against Santorum and history of hateful acts against Christian conservatives.

UNC-Chapel Hill Distances Itself from Rush but Paid Anti-Santorum ‘Gay’ Cyber-Bully Dan Savage $18,500

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Dan Savage, creater of the hate-site, ""

I provided the wrong number in yesterday’s (March 22, 2012) AFTAH e-mail for University of North Carolina President Tom Ross. The correct number is 919-962-4622. His e-mail is  Sorry about that error.  Within the next few days, please contact Mr. Ross and UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp [] about UNC-Chapel Hill’s payment of $18,500 to perverted homosexual cyber-bully Dan Savage, creator of the vile “Santorum[dot]com.” [See yesterday’s AFTAH press release on Savage and MTV HERE.]  And please forward this e-mail to any friends you have in North Carolina.

Also, there is a new wrinkle to this story.  As you can read below, UNC Chapel Hill has just issued a statement disconnecting itself from theRush Limbaugh in response to offensive comments Rush made about Sandra Fluke (for which he quickly apologized).  Yet UNC paid $18,500 to Dan Savage, who once said, “I wish [Republicans] were all [f—king] dead.” [Watch it HERE.]  Isn’t it fascinating how the entire Left and many in the media are up in arms over Rush yet strangely silent about the vitriol and viciousness emanating from the Left?

AFTAH is educating UNC officials about Savage’s “rude, inappropriate and offensive” statements — which include his notorious creation, “Santorum[dot]com,” which “re-defines” Rick Santorum’s surname as follows:

santorum: (san TOR um) n. the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.
Now we’ll see if UNC-Chapel Hill will issue a statement anything like what it put out on Rush  [view AFTAH release on Savage HERE]. As sick and twisted as Dan Savage’s wicked anti-Santorum hate-site is, you wouldn’t believe the nasty e-mails and tweets I’m getting from fans of Savage!  The Libertine Left’s awful demonization of conservatives and especially Bible-believing Christians is finally coming home to roost — because when the Dan Savages and Bill Mahers of the world, and venomous homosexual bloggers like Joe Jervis (“Joe.My.God.”) are exposed, anyone who can think (and is not a hard-core liberal ideologue) sees who the real Haters and Bigots are.  We will notify you if UNC or Elmhurst College takes any action arising from their support of Dan Savage.  Have a great weekend. — Peter LaBarbera, [Action Steps after jump]

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