VIDEO: Will Fox News with Openly ‘Gay’ Shep Smith Become Even More Pro-Homosexual? Kincaid Interviews LaBarbera

Monday, October 24th, 2016

FOX anchor Shep Smith never squabbled with being “outed” by OUT, a leading homosexual magazine. Above is an entry for Smith in the magazine’s “Power 50” list of influential homosexuals. Click to enlarge.

In the video below, I am interviewed by my friend Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, about the not-unexpected revelation that Fox News daytime anchor Shepard (“Shep”) Smith is homosexual. We discuss Fox’s steady abandonment of “fair & balanced” coverage of the LGBTQ agenda, and the GOP’s abandonment of serious opposition to it. [Read my in-depth 2014 report for A.S. on Fox News’ growing pro-homosexual bias HERE.]

We also discuss how homosexual-agenda-related issues and even religious liberty (freedom of conscience vs. “gay rights”) have barely been raised in this presidential election, thanks in part to Republicans not bringing it up. Kincaid says conservatives need more networks to compete with Fox News. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera 

Here is Cliff’s YouTube description of the program, released today:

Cliff Kincaid and Peter LaBarbera discuss the decline of Fox News, in the context of Shepard Smith coming “out” of the closet, and the unwillingness of the channel to promote or even mention the importance of traditional values.

Brent Bozell Slams Presidential Debate Moderator Lester Holt’s Bias Against Donald Trump

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

“Lester Holt failed in his role as a moderator. Period,” says prominent media critic

I completely agree with Brent Bozell III, founder and president of the conservative Media Research Center, on NBC journalist Lester Holt’s egregious bias in moderating the first Trump-Clinton presidential debate last night. Stuff like this is why everyday Americans distrust the liberal media as much or more than they distrust politicians. You can read more on Holt’s lopsided performance here. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  [click to enlarge graphic]



Transcription of the above tweet by Brent Bozell:

Here is my official full statement on tonight’s #debate moderated by Lester Holt. #TTT16 [MRC campaign confronting media bias in election coverage: “Tell the Truth 20116]

MRC’s Brent Bozell slams NBC’s Lester Holt’s performance as debate moderator:

“Lester Hold clearly heard the cries of his colleagues in the liberal media to be tough on Trump and ease up on Hillary loud and clear. Holt continually challenged, fact-checked, and interrupted Trump and not once challenged Hillary. Holt pounded Trump repeatedly on the birth certificate controversy, his position on Iraq, his tax returns, and whether or not Hillary looked presidential. Where were the quesions on the Clinton Foundation or Benghazi or her email server? These are the questions that drive right to the heart of whether Hillary is ready to be president and yet viewers tuning in heard nothing about these important issues. Lester Holt failed in his role as a moderator. Period.”

VIDEO: ‘Free Kim Davis, Fire Shepard Smith’ – AFTAH’s LaBarbera on America’s Survival TV

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Fox News host dumps on Kentucky clerk; Kincaid questions “Rule of Law” assertions–including by Donald Trump

Fox News' Shep Smith Joins the Kim Davis-hating Left:

Fox News’ Shep Smith Joins Kim Davis-haters on the Left: see his comments in the video below at the 8:00-min. mark, and at 12:45. To see Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth 2013 report on Fox News’ growing pro-homosexual bias. go HERE.

Folks, I appeared last week (Sept. 4, 2015) as a guest on America’s Survival’s Roku show with my friend Cliff Kincaid–who does yeoman’s work in exposing the freedom-threatening homosexualist agenda [see America’s Survival’s website HERE and the AS report I wrote in 2013 about Fox News’ pro-homosexual bias HERE]. Please note the rally in support of Kim Davis today (Sept. 8) at 3:00 PM Eastern Time at the Carter County Detention Center in Grayson, KY. Please share this video. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @Peter LaBarbera;

Subject breakdown: In the 41-minute program we discussed:

  • 4:00 – Kincaid and Peter LaBarbera (PL) on how the Supreme Court itself violates the “Rule of Law,” most recently with its anti-Constitutional Obergefell ruling;
  • 7:00 – Background on Kim Davis case and rally on her behalf today (Sept. 8) at 3;00 ET at the Carter Co. Detention Center in Grayson, KY
  • 8:00 – Shep Smith’s comments on Fox News disparaging Kim Davis and her past life (without mentioning her Christian conversion four years ago (shows Fox clip);
  • 9:45 – PL on the Left as the “New Pharisees” — with their harsh judgment of Davis and her past sins;
  • 12;45 – Christians like racists? More on Shep Smith: his comments on Fox News comparing Christians seeking exemptions to pro-homosexual laws to southern, pro-segregationists seeking Civil Rights exemptions: (shows second Fox clip)     …   [more time breakouts follow after jump and beneath video]:

Read the rest of this article »

Megyn Kelly’s Loaded ‘Gay-Marriage’ Question and John Kasich’s Pandering Answer Show Why the Left Is Winning the Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Debate

Friday, August 7th, 2015

Question and answer fit homosexual activist narrative; Kelly’s and Fox News’ pro-“gay” evolution continues


Fox News’ Pro-Homosexual Bias: America’s Survival’s 90-page report on the “conservative”-leaning network’s pro-“gay” bias, authored by Peter LaBarbera. Photo on cover is of Fox News prime time star Megyn Kelly posing for a photo at the — annual fund-raiser of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. To download a PDF copy of the report, go HERE. For an HTML version, go HERE. See a transcript of the debate HERE. See the video of LaBarbera discussing the report with Michael Voris below.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Fox News and urge the network to stop promoting homosexual “marriage” and the rest of the LGBT agenda (as Megyn Kelly, Dana Perino and other on-air personalities are doing). Call 888-369-4762 or use their Online Contact Form. Or e-mail Fox News at Download a PDF of the author’s in-depth 2013 report on Fox News’ pro-“gay” bias HERE.


By Peter LaBarbera; @PeterLaBarbera

In a nation that professes to be “under God” but is teetering on the edge of moral collapse, perhaps it was inevitable that–in the most watched U.S. primary political debate ever–the opportunity for candidates to defend marriage between a man and a woman would get short shrift.

Fox News prime time star Megyn Kelly, one of the three debate moderators at the Fox-sponsored Republican presidential primary debate August 6, may be known as a tiger for her tough questioning of guests, but when it came to her team’s debate question on homosexual “marriage,” she was a pussycat for the LGBT Lobby, asking a hypothetical that evoked sympathy for the homosexual cause. Sadly, this has become a trend with Kelly and Fox News, which, as this writer has documented (see report HERE or at right), increasingly has a pro-“gay” bias.

According to a Pew Research study in 2013, Fox News ran more stories that were biased towards homosexual “marriage” rather than against it (see Page 2). And Fox News also funds the advocacy-oriented National and Lesbian Journalists Association (NLGJA) every year; Kelly and other Fox journalists have attended NLGJA fund-raisers in support of the homosexual organization.

In the days leading up to Thursday’s prime time debate in Cleveland, Fox News anchors had been telling us how hard they were laboring to prepare penetrating, specific questions that would prevent their GOP targets from being evasive.

Electoral politics led by media pundits is pretty much a “biblical morality-free zone”–at least on the issue of homosexuality–as journalists obsess over the political “horse-race” rather than right versus wrong. Many journalists and even some conservatives have become cheerleaders for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender) cause, while others simply bow to the prevailing political correctness.

So I was prepared for the worst as I sat down Thursday night to watch the main Fox News GOP debate, and, well…here is an excerpt of the key prime time exchange on same-sex “marriage,” posed to Ohio Gov. John Kasich by Kelly:

KELLY: Governor Kasich, if you had a son or daughter who was gay or lesbian, how would you explain to them your opposition to same-sex marriage?

KASICH: Well, look, I’m an old-fashioned person here, and I happen to believe in traditional marriage. But I’ve also said the court has ruled —

KELLY: How would you — how would you explain it to a child?

KASICH: Wait, Megyn, the court has ruled, and I said we’ll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn’t think the way I do, doesn’t mean that I can’t care about them or can’t love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them.

Who knew that the toughest question that the Fox News brain trust could come up with on homosexual “marriage” could have been penned by the Media Department of the Human Rights Campaign?! Some LGBT activists and liberals must have been checking their TV remotes to make sure they weren’t watching MSNBC.

It was telling that the Fox team directed its “gay’-sympathetic query not to a strong social conservative candidate like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, or Dr. Ben Carson–who likely would have vigorously defended traditional marriage and religious freedom, and assailed the SCOTUS Obergefell ruling—but to “moderate” Kasich, who pathetically boasted about attending a friend’s “marriage” ceremony based on a sexual sin. Coincidentally (or not), Ohio’s U.S. Senator, Rob Portman, a Republican, changed his position in 2013 and backed homosexual “marriage” to support his homosexual son–a theme echoed in Kelly’s debate query to Gov. Kasich.

Now, it goes without saying that parents should love their children unconditionally–Kasich got that part right. But the governor offered no reasons behind his stated opposition to homosexual “marriage”–typical of GOP politicians who avoid discussing immoral homosexual behavior like the plague.

A close friend of mine shared my observation about Fox News’ strange priorities, and astutely noted regarding Kasich’s weak answer:

Kasich’s three-part answer, which resulted from a carefully planted question by Megyn Kelly, could have been drafted by the Human Rights Campaign:

  • “I’m old-fashioned….”   This makes natural marriage merely a matter of personal preference, one that could be eclipsed by time and reason.  Anytime a pol starts this way, he is selling out a traditionalist moral stance. Right up there with “I’m personally opposed to abortion, but….”
  • “Love everybody”  —  If you don’t go along with the fiction of a brideless or groomless “wedding,” you don’t love people.
  • Attended a “gay” wedding – See how tolerant I am, as opposed to all those bigots who voted for the 31 state constitutional amendments protecting natural marriage?

No wonder liberal praise has been pouring in for the Fox News debate moderators (and Kasich)–although the moderators’ aggressive questioning of Donald Trump has drawn most of the commentary and public criticism.

To be fair (and balanced), Kelly followed up her Kasich question with one from Facebook sent in by a social conservative. It dealt with people’s religious freedom NOT to support same-sex “marriage,” and was directed to libertarian Sen. Rand Paul, who hardly hit it out of the park. (See questions and answers in “gay marriage” debate excerpt at bottom.)

But the damage had already been done by the Fox News star’s emotion-laden question and Kasich’s rambling, Chamberlain-esque response, in which he simultaneously extolled his own Christian faith and his willingness to attend a blasphemous, homosexuality-based “wedding.” The one-two punch of Kelly’s “gay”-sympathetic hypothetical and Kasich’s guilt-ridden reply perfect illustrates how conservatives and Christians have lost on homosexuality-based “marriage.”

Megyn Kelly: growing ally of “gays”


Not Always Fair & Balanced (or Unafraid): Fox News’ Republican debate moderators (left to right): Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier. Each has demonstrated pro-homosexual bias in their reporting or actions in recent years. In 2011, Kelly berated Dr. Keith Ablow for suggesting that parents need to guard their children from media celebrations of “transman” “Chaz” (Chastity) Bono. In January of this year, Baier, a Catholic, cancelled a scheduled speaking appearance at a meeting held by the Catholic organization Legatus following criticism from an online homosexual activist of the organization as “anti-gay.” Baier said he did so at the request of his employer, Fox News. See a YouTube of Kelly’s unprofessional interview with Dr. Ablow below, or read about it in pages 25-30 of the author’s Fox News-“gay” biased report.

First, representing the media—which is easily the most powerful force driving the “gay” revolution–is Kelly, a professed Catholic, the prime-time star of Fox News who seems to be a “conservative feminist.” In a rather creepy 2010 interview with perverted shock-jock Howard Stern, Kelly declined to label herself and said she is conservative on some issues and liberal on others.

As this writer has documented in a 90-page America’s Survival report on Fox News’ pro-homosexual bias—Kelly is increasingly public as an LGBT “ally” who uses her considerable TV power to defend gay/transgender positions. In 2011, she grilled psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow and recklessly accused him of “adding to the hate” for daring to question whether female-to-male “transman” “Chaz” (formerly Chastity) Bono is an appropriate TV role-model for kids (who might want to imitate Bono’s transgenderism). Homosexual activists heaped praise upon Kelly for her agenda-driven interview berating Dr. Ablow. [Read about it on pages 25-30 in my Fox News-pro-homosexual-bias report, or watch a YouTube of the interview below.]

It deserves mentioning that Megyn Kelly and Fox News–unlike more liberal media networks–still give voice to Christian conservatives. She welcomes Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on as a frequent guest of her prime time show “The Kelly File”–even as Perkins has been targeted by intolerant, pro-LGBT leftists who demand that he be banned from TV talk shows due to his supposed “anti-gay hate.” Kelly was invited as a speaker at FRC’s upcoming annual “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, D.C., but she is not now on the list of scheduled presenters.

Nevertheless, Kelly’s sympathies on homosexual and transgender issues are not hard to discern. Recently, she took on the role of straight ally/“protector”* of Guy Benson, a newly “out” young, homosexual conservative and political editor of In Benson’s “coming out” interview with Kelly [see YouTube below], she describes Benson as “very brave” for revealing his homosexuality on national TV, and says her show is a “safe space” for Benson amidst (mostly “progressive”) criticism of him. In a subsequent June interview with Benson–who himself is a Fox News Contributor–after the Supreme Court imposed homosexual “marriage” on the entire nation, Kelly seemed quite taken with the youthful Benson, who applauded the SCOTUS ruling and described himself as “someone who’s gay and Christian.” [See Dr. Michael Brown’s column dealing with the “gay Christian” controversy.]

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Bret Baier Confirms Fox News Asked Him to Pull Out of Catholic Legatus Event

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

Fox News-enforced Political Correctness: Anchor Bret Baier confirms that Fox News requested that he pull out of a Jan 28-29 conference for the Catholic group Legatus. Baier cited Pope Francis

Fox News-enforced Political Correctness: Anchor Bret Baier [e-mail:] confirms that Fox News requested that he pull out of a Jan 28-29 conference for the Catholic group Legatus. Baier chided a Legatus writer for not being “loving” enough, and for calling homosexuality a “disorder.” Yet the Catholic Catechism teaches that both homosexual behavior and inclinations are “disordered.” Meanwhile, FOX News funds a “gay journalists” group that promotes sexual behavior condemned by the Catholic Church and the Bible. [See Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth report on Fox’s pro-homosexual bias and funding of an activist-minded homosexual journalists association HERE.]

[E-mail: special@FOXNEWS.COM]

  • Anchor cites Pope Francis in agreeing with network decision to withdraw as speaker;
  • Baier says Legatus writer not “loving” enough; criticizes calling homosexuality a “disorder” even though that is Catholic teaching;
  • Gov. Mike Huckabee, Austin Ruse sign up as new Legatus speakers, defying “Gay Thought Police”
  • Do Bret Baier, Gary Sinise and Pete Coors owe Legatus and Catholics an apology?

By Peter LaBarbera

The following e-mail note was sent Friday by Fox News’ “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier [E-mail: special@FOXNEWS.COM] in response to an AFTAH newsletter subscriber who wrote him expressing concern over Baier’s decision to pull out as a scheduled speaker from a conference later this month by the Catholic group Legatus. [See previous AFTAH story on Legatus HERE.]

As you can read below, as justification for abandoning his commitment to Legatus, Baier criticizes a Legatus writer who wrote about “same-sex attraction disorder” for not being “loving” and “accepting” enough–e.g., for referring to homosexuality as a “disorder.” However, Baier, who describes himself as a “lifelong mass attending Catholic,” might want to study up on his own Church’s moral teachings. The Catholic Church Catechism describes the homosexual “inclination” as “objectively disordered,” and same-sex acts as “intrinsically disordered.”

The good news is that Legatus has had no trouble filling the politically correct speakers’ void, with former GOP presidential contender Mike Huckabee–a former Fox News host himself–sending a powerful message by leading the pack of new speakers advertised for the January 28-29 summit. Joining Huckabee are Catholic pro-family activist Austin Ruse and ex-CEO and professor Harry Kraemer.

Also, as AFTAH reported, Louisana Gov. Bobby Jindal never buckled to “gay” activist pressure by remaining as a speaker [call Gov. Jindal at 225-342-7015], and New York Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan will say a Mass at the Legatus event.

Bottom Line: Fox News’ Values Upside-Down

Here is the bottom line of this controversy: Fox News directly finances and sponsors pro-“gay” media events that promote homosexual behavior and ideology–including same-sex “marriage”–condemned by the Catholic Church. They also recruit at these activist-oriented events: see their sponsorship of last year’s National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) conference in Chicago, attended by this writer, and my in-depth special report on Fox News pro-“gay” bias and ongoing funding of the NLGJA.

At the same time, Fox News apparently discourages its on-air talent from participating in wholesome, faith-based events that uphold traditional sexual morality, e.g., those espoused by longstanding Catholic Church teachings on sex and marriage.

What a shame. The good news is that more and more Americans despise the upside-down world of political correctness and the emerging “gay activist hecklers’ veto” that demonizes pro-family leaders and groups with the loaded accusation of being “anti-gay” and falsely smears them as being “hateful” merely because they uphold historic Judeo-Christian morality.

Fox News recruiting table at  homosexual journalists (NLGJA) convention, held last year in Chicago. Click to enlarge.

Fox Recruits at “Gay Journalist” Event: Fox News recruiting table at homosexual journalists (NLGJA) convention, held last year in Chicago. Photo: Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Click to enlarge.

Enough is enough. Thank you, Mike Huckabee and Austin Ruse (Center for Family and Human Rights) for defying the intolerant “Gay” Censors! [Contact Huckabee HERE and Ruse at (202)393-7002.]

Personally, I believe Fox News and Bret Baier–as well as actor Gary Sinise and businessman Pete Coorsowe an apology to Legatus and all faithful Catholics–and defenders of biblical morality everywhere. Here is Legatus’ gracious media statement on the speakers situation. AFTAH will have more on this story. Full contact information to reach Baier and the others can be found HERE.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

PS. It is hard to reach Fox News’ higher-ups, but you can send a letter to Fox News President Roger Ailes here:

Fox News Channel
Attn: Roger Ailes
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036


Following is Baier’s note followed by the short note to him sent by an AFTAH reader:

From: Show -Special [special@FOXNEWS.COM]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 2:37 PM
To: [xxxxxx]
Subject: RE: Legatus cancellation


Thank you for the email.  

I pulled out of the speech at Fox’s request — because of the controversy surrounding some of these articles and editorials that have been published in the Legatus magazine.

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Fox News Throws Catholic Group Legatus Under the Bus – Anchor Bret Baier Pulls Out as Speaker

Friday, January 16th, 2015

Actor Gary Sinise, beer exec Pete Coors join Baier in withdrawing as speakers from Catholic businessmen’s group after homosexual blogger says Legatus is “very anti-gay”

Fox News' pro-homosexual bias continues: Some are speculating that the "conservative" network pushed Baier to pull out of his speaking engagement at the Catholic Legatus event.

Fox News’ pro-homosexual bias continues: A homosexual activist blogger charged the Catholic group Legatus with being “very anti-gay,” and within days Fox anchor Bret Baier pulled out as a speaker at a Legatus event scheduled for Jan. 28-29.  Did the “conservative” network push Baier to pull out? In contrast to Baier (and actor Gary Sinise, who also cancelled as a speaker), Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ignored political correctness and is fulfilling his promise to speak at the same Catholic event. Call Fox News at 888-369-4762 (ext. #3); contact Baier HERE. Commend Gov. Jindal HERE (225-342-7015). And read Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth report on Fox News’ growing pro-homosexual bias HERE.

[Update: in an email sent to a subscriber to AFTAH’s e-newsletter, Bret Baier confirmed that his employer, Fox News, had asked him to pull out as a speaker at the Legatus summit. Baier said he agreed with the decision (story upcoming….)]

[Correction: we failed to note that Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York joined Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal as among the original “big-name” speakers who did NOT pull out of the Legatus event.]


TAKE ACTION: Liberty Is At Stake:

1) Contact Fox News and Bret Baier: Call 888-369-4762; hit ext. #3. Contact Page (no form) HERE. E-mail: Contact Bret Baier [web page HERE] at Express your deep concern at Fox and Special Report anchor Baier buckling to pro-homosexual activists by pulling out of the Catholic businessmen’s group Legatus’ Jan. 28-29 conference following a homosexual activist blogger’s report that the group is “very anti-gay.” AFTAH is speculating that Fox News—which annually gives sizeable donations to a homosexual journalists association—pressured Baier to withdraw from the Legatus event.

2) Thank Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: Call 225-342-7015 [Contact page form HERE.] Of the big-name [secular] speakers invited by Legatus, Jindal is the only one not to cave in to the “Gay Thought Police.” Commend him for honoring his commitment and not capitulating like the others:

3) Contact Gary Sinise through his foundation: [Click HERE; Sinise’s Facebook page is HERE.] Sinise does wonderful work raising support for America’s veterans and defending freedom—but what good is liberty if Americans cower before Political Correctness and morality-phobic (and often anti-Christian) “gay” activists?

4) Contact Pete Coors through Coors Brewing:  [Contact Page HERE] Coors was once known as the favorite beer of conservatives, but self-censorship and in the face of leftist pressure campaigns—rather than standing up for one’s beliefs–is hardly conservative.

5) Read my in-depth 2013 report on Fox News’ growing pro-“gay” bias“Unfair, Unbalance & Afraid: Fox News Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias” –which I wrote for America’s Survival. The report documents Fox News’ troubling drift away from providing even balanced coverage on homosexual issues like —as well as the pro-homosexual remarks of Fox News contributors like Bernie Goldberg–who wrote an awful piece saying Jesus would probably support homosexual “marriage.” Read the report on PDF HERE and in standard web (HTML) format HERE.


Fox News Throws Catholic Businessmen’s Group Legatus Under the Bus

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Dear AFTAH Readers,

It grieves me to report that Fox News “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier—of whom I am a fan–has pulled out of a speaking engagement for the conservative Catholic businessmen’s group Legatus–following a report by a homosexual activist blogger who labeled the organization “very anti-gay.”

Joining the Fox News “Special Report” anchor in withdrawing from the annual Legatus summit January 28-29 in Naples, Florida were conservative actor Gary Sinese and Coors Brewing Company Pete Coors. Louisiana Gov. Unlike these three men, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is honoring his commitment to address the Legatus summit [thank Jindal HERE; call him at the Louisiana governor’s office at 225-342-7015].

Legatus is a national Catholic businessmen’s organization with many local chapters across the nation, devoted to fostering “spiritual growth, formation and commitment” among its members. “Legatus” is the Latin word for “ambassador,” and the group seeks to help its members become “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

The Catholic Canadian pro-family website, which broke the story on the Fox News/Baier/Sinise capitulations, reported this about Legatus:

Legatus, which was begun by Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan in 1987 to network Catholic business leaders, is faithful to the Church’s Magisterium and therefore upholds the Church’s teachings on all moral matters including homosexuality.

But none of that mattered to New York City homosexual blogger and GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) writer Jeremy Hooper. What concerned Hooper as a professional “gay” activist is that Legatus upholds the longstanding Catholic teachings that homosexual behavior is “intrinsically disordered” and “contrary to the natural law.” The Catholic Church Catechism cites “Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity.” Such acts “do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity,” it states. “Under no circumstances can they be approved.” Regarding marriage: “Holy Scripture affirms that man and woman were created for one another.”

Hooper’s “Good As You” web post cites two Legatus writings: one opposing homosexual “civil unions,” the other defending ex-“gay” therapy for people trying to overcome homosexual feelings and temptations. Both of Hooper’s examples align with traditional Catholic teachings, and are reproduced at the bottom of this story.

Fox: Baier “unaware” of “controversy”

Fox News issued the following statement on behalf of Baier, as reported Tuesday by the website Raw Story (note the odd Raw Story headline intended to make the Legatus meeting look extreme):

“Bret Baier has withdrawn his participation as a speaker at the upcoming Legatus Summit due to the controversy surrounding some editorial stances in the organization’s magazine,” a statement from Fox News said. “Bret accepted the invitation to speak about his book, his faith, and his son’s congenital heart disease. He was unaware of these articles or the controversy surrounding them.”

Like many conservatives, I am an avid consumer of Fox News, and a fan of Baier’s evening show “Special Report,” with its “all star panel” including Charles Krauthammer—having watched easily over a thousand episodes. However, I have also exposed and documented the growing pro-homosexual bias at Fox News—in contradiction of its slogan (repeated nightly by Baier) to be “Fair, Balanced and Unafraid.” [See my report for America’s Survival HERE.]

Why would a professional journalist like Baier be “afraid” to honor his commitment to speak at a conservative Catholic event—especially since Baier himself is conservative and Catholic? And what do these latest capitulations say about the “Gay Thought Police’s” ability to intimidate people from living out their faith or moral worldview in the Public Square.

Read the rest of this article »

Fox News – and CNN, ESPN, CBS & NBC – Sponsor and Recruit at Biased ‘Gay Journalists’ (NLGJA) Convention

Friday, August 29th, 2014

AFTAH exclusive: FOX, CNN, NBC, CBS, ESPN fund conference where mainstream journalists heard highly partisan, pro-“gay” presentations

Fox News recruiting table at  homosexual journalists (NLGJA) convention.

Recruiting Homosexual Journalists: Fox News’ recruiting table at homosexual journalists (NLGJA) convention, at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The event featured one-sided presentations by speakers in favor of “gay rights,” with no countervailing advocates of traditional morality. To read Peter LaBarbera’s in-depth 2013 report for America’s Survival, Inc., on the NLGJA’s long record of advocacy and Fox News’ emerging pro-“gay” bias, go HERE. Click on photos to enlarge. Credit:


By Peter LaBarbera

CHICAGO–As it has year after year, Fox News Channel served as a major sponsor of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association (NLGJA), providing a $10,000 grant for its 2014 annual convention, which recently concluded here (August 21-24). The conservative-leaning network also recruited at the homosexual journalists event.

Fox signed on as a “Feature Sponsor” for the convention–which included several one-sided presentations in favor of homosexual and transgender activist goals, and zero speakers advocating against LGBT goals such as the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” I attended a day and a half of the three-day conference, which was held at the swank Palmer House Hilton hotel in the downtown Loop. As in the past, NLGJA organizers allowed me (a critic, and not a homosexual journalist) to attend, but only after paying a “non-member” registration fee ($330/day).

Other media and corporate sponsors of the event included: CNN; CBS; ESPN; Comcast-NBC; Bloomberg; Gannett; Coca-Cola (the largest sponsor at $25,000); JetBlue airlines; Eli Lilly & Co.; Toyota; Nissan and the homosexual lobby organization Human Rights Campaign.

A natural bias?

Proud 'Gay' Christianity? Openly homosexual Lutheran (ELCA) Bishop Rev. Dr. Guy Erwin (far left) and former Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson (second from right) pose for photo following their presentation at the NLGJA convention. Robinson, who gained international fame as the first openly homosexual bishop of a major Christian denomination, criticized Christians who do not wish to participate in homosexual "weddings." Robinson said there is something "profane and sacrilegious" about "religious people arguing for the right to discriminate." No opposing orthodox Christian viewpoint was included on the panel.

Proud ‘Gay’ Christianity? Openly homosexual Lutheran (ELCA) Bishop Rev. Dr. Guy Erwin (far left) and former Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson (second from right) pose for photos following their joint presentation at the NLGJA convention. Robinson, who gained international fame as the first openly homosexual bishop of a major Christian denomination, criticized Christians who do not wish to participate in homosexual “weddings.” He said there is something “profane and sacrilegious” about “religious people arguing for the right to discriminate.” No opposing orthodox Christian viewpoint was included on the homosexual journalists association panel.

What I found at the Chicago conference is what I have observed at every other NLGJA convention I have attended in the last two decades: the natural bias that one would expect from an organization whose members view homosexuality personally and mainly through a “civil rights” prism.

The prevailing viewpoint at the conference–surely shared by most secular media professionals these days–is that “gay, lesbian and transgender” journalists are a legitimate sexual (or gender) “minority,” not unlike racial and ethnic minorities, deserving solicitous attention in newsrooms. That would include allowing LGBT journalists to guide coverage on homosexual-bisexual-transgender stories in culture and politics.

Even the NLGJA panel on religion and “gay rights” was bereft of a traditionalist perspective, while the two openly homosexual speakers—former Episcopal Church bishop V. [Vicky] Gene Robinson and new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA) Bishop Rev. Doctor Guy Erwin—were heralded in the program as leaders of “this next wave of the civil rights movement.”

Both Revs. Robinson and Erwin compared opposition to homosexuality and Christian businessmen’s principled refusal to participate in “gay weddings” to racist bigotry (see below).

Perhaps it is asking too much of “mainstream” journalists who consider homosexuality part of their intrinsic identity (“who they are”) to cover LGBT-related issues impartially. Nevertheless, intellectual diversity and ‘opposing’ viewpoint inclusion—the watchwords of this conference and pro-LGBT advocacy in general—were in short supply at the NLGJA convention. That is a peculiar and glaring deficit for a profession that ideally is supposed to cover “both sides” of controversial issues.

To quote the famous Fox News’ slogan: the NLGJA religious panel was hardly “Fair and Balanced” regarding the controversial question of (pro-) “gay Christianity”: who could argue that openly homosexual bishops advocating for rights based on homosexuality is not a divisive issue?

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WATCH: Video of Walkout at Sinclair Community College Proves Professor Kate Geiselman Lied in Salon Hit-Piece

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014
Tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a quotation by speaker Peter LaBarbera to make him look like an angry "homophobe."

LYING PROF DOUBLES DOWN: April 17 tweet by Sinclair Community College professor Kate Geiselman, who made up a preposterous “effing” quotation by guest speaker Peter LaBarbera to humiliate him and make him look like an angry “homophobe.” LaBarbera said “effing” only to relay to the audience that one of its members had angrily used the real F-word to attack his speech. Pro-family attorney Charles LiMandri has written Geiselman and Salon Magazine to demand an apology and retraction. 

In this post:

  1. 2-minute video of Sinclair Community College professor-led “walkout” [begins at :16 point of video];
  2. Part One and Part Two of YouTube videos of Peter LaBarbera’s talk at SCC, sponsored by the Traditional Values Club;
  3. Copy of April 24 web post by SCC professor Rebecca Morean on, backing up the “effing” lie told by fellow SCC prof Kate Geiselman in her Salon hit-piece against LaBarbera;
  4. Go HERE to read AFTAH attorney Charles LiMandri’s letter to Geiselman and demanding a public retraction and apology.


Dear AFTAH Readers,

Refuting a leftist lie is hard work, but it must be done.

Below is the video of the Sinclair Community College walkout on my speech at the Dayton, Ohio college April 9, 2014–provided by the Traditional Values Club, which sponsored the talk. As you can see, the professor-led walkout began right after I started speaking–and ironically, after I had commended the audience for demonstrating true tolerance by listening to a dissenting viewpoint!

Note that I did not come even close to uttering the quotation absurdly attributed to me by SCC writing professor Kate Geiselman in the liberal online magazine Salon. Geiselman accused me (the “antigay bigot” in the headline) of responding recklessly to the walkout: “You’re leaving? Are you ‘effing’ [substituting for the F-word] kidding?”

Below is a transcription of my remarks at the podium as the professor-led walkout begins–painstakingly produced by pro-family writer Gina Miller [see Miller’s excellent piece on the controversy on HERE]:

“I suppose this is a walk-out. Well, this is, this is what I say, not, not even people willing to hear from the other side. I think this is, this is regretful. [heckler interjects F-word] ‘Your message is ‘effing’ garbage,’ that guy just said. Yeah, yeah this is a shame, but, well, those of you who remained are exhibiting true tolerance… I mean this is—this is the Left in action; I’m sorry. You know, tolerance for me but not for you. Don’t even want to hear a viewpoint. That’s their right, and I just think it’s immature…”

[See my attorney Chuck LiMandri’s letter demanding a retraction and apology from Geiselman HERE.]

Constructing a bogus narrative

Honestly, I think the admittedly hard-of-hearing Geiselman heard me say “effing”–I was merely relaying a barb from a man in the audience who hurled the real F-bomb to denounce my talk–and then used that to concoct a bogus narrative casting me as the angry “homophobe.” Later, Professor Rebecca Morean, who can be seen leading the walkout in the video below, repeated the Geiselman’s lie [see graphic at bottom of this article]. Morean has boasted about her role in the walkout.

What these politicized professors–who greatly dishonor their noble profession–fail to appreciate is that real tolerance and diversity were on display at their college that day, between conservatives like me and the few liberals (including some students) who did not take part in Morean’s cowardly exercise in leftist groupthink. We went back and forth on the homosexual issue, and perhaps emerged with the same views with which we came–but also with greater understanding of the other side’s position. In other words, we had a civil, lively, yet respectful discussion at an institution of higher learning. Imagine that. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

Read the Traditional Values Club’s description of their YouTube video of the professor-led “walkout” below. The walkout begins at :16 point of video; notice Prof. Morean standing up and signaling the mass exodus:


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