Homosexual Deviant-Sex Leather Event in Cleveland – CLAW – Raises Funds for LGBTQ Education Group GLSEN

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

Pornographic “leather” perversion-fest features “educational” meetings on “fisting,” “scat,” “mummification.” Critics cite public health hazards, urge host hotels Westin, Hampton Inn to cancel event

Unspeakable Perversions–and Public Health Hazards: This device that looks like an elevated toilet seat (minus the porcelain bowl) is a “rim seat” used by homosexual men to perform revolting and high-risk oral-anal deviant acts like “rimming” on other men. Rimming is a practice that one “gay” writer described as a “highly efficient [way] of transmitting disease.” (See the MassResistance book, “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”) The CLAW perversion-fest celebrates “fisting,” rimming, various acts of consensual sexual violence (eroticizing pain), as well as men living as “puppies,” “master-slave relationships” and various other degradations. CLAW is renting “rim seats” like this for $50 to facilitate heinous and dangerous acts that expose men to fecal matter–a factor in diseases like Shigella. CLAW is being held April 26-29, 2018 in The Westin Cleveland Downtown and Cleveland Hampton Inn Hotels. CLAW raises funds for  GLSEN, the leading group pushing for the acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism in schools. Photo: CLAW site. 

Article in progress — Part 1 — This situation is in flux as CLAW organizers apparently are already responding to critics and health complaints: 

WARNING: This and future articles on CLAW exposes vile, horrific and extremely unhealthy sexual perversions practiced by a segment of homosexual men (and some heterosexuals) known as the “leather community.” It contains graphic, verbatim descriptions of seminars and is not meant for children.


By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH  Exclusive

Thousands of homosexual “leathermen” (sadomasochists) plan to gather in Cleveland, Ohio for the annual CLAW (Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend) BDSM (Bondage/Discipline, Dominant/Submissive, Sadism/Masochism) conference next week. AFTAH has acquired documents from CLAW’s organizers that describe a potpourri of perversions so extreme and depraved that they are surely unimaginable to the average person. Those workshop descriptions are reprinted below.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Info:

Concerned citizens are contacting the following to complain about the CLAW perversion-fest:

  • [Call/Email Here First:] Commissioner of Health, Cleveland Department of Public Health (Ms. Persis Sosiak): 216-664-7414; email: psosiak@city.cleveland.oh.us;
  • The Westin Cleveland Downtown: 216-771-7700. Special instructions: Westin is owned by Starwood Hotels, which was bought out by Marriott International Hotels; call 301-380-3000 and ask for a Supervisor to make a formal complaint about Westin Cleveland Downtown hosting CLAW. 
  • National Westin Hotels Corporate Office: 888-201-4482
  • Hampton Inn Downtown Cleveland: 216-241-6600
  • Hampton Inn Hotels Corporate Office (hit “5,” then ask for “Guest Assistance”): 800-426-7866
  • Cuyahoga County Board of Health: 216-201-2000


  • CLAW is an annual homosexual sadomasochistic “conference”/orgy in Cleveland April 26-29–hosted this year by The Westin Cleveland Downtown and the Hampton Inn Downtown Cleveland. It will draw up to 3,000 “leatherman” from across the world, organizers say. See AFTAH’s article on the über-perverse 2016 CLAW event HERE.
  • CLAW is one of dozens of predominately “gay” male leather gatherings held annually in various cities worldwide that celebrate the most heinous perversions invented by mankind. See past AFTAH exposés on International Mr. Leather (Chicago: 20162008); the Folsom and the Dore Alley Street Fairs in San Francisco (2009; 2014); and “Folsom Street East” (New York CIty).
  • CLAW features more than 100 “educational seminars” on such topics as: “An Intro to Fisting” (a perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his  sex partner); mummification; “Adult Baby Diaper Lover (ABDL) 101″ (an “infantalism” fetish in which adults wear diapers like babies); “cock and ball torment”; “Erotic Humiliation“; and “Scat: Beyond Brown“; “scat” is a perversion eroticizing feces in which men defecate on one another for sexual pleasure.
  • Some of these events apparently will feature actual demonstrations of the “kinky” activities–or at least originally planned to–and are being held [or were scheduled to be] in conference rooms in the two hotels (as well as outside venues where presumably the larger orgies and most extreme activities will take place). For example, at press time, the planned “Scat” “educational seminar” was to be held in the “Second Floor Ontario Room of the Hampton Inn.”
  • CLAW, a 501c3 organization, considers itself a “charity.” The annual deviant sex-fest raises funds for  mostly “gay”-oriented, organizations. In 2017, CLAW reportedly gave $3,000 to the Northeast Ohio chapter of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, the leading LGBTQ pressure group promoting homosexuality and transgenderism in schools.

CLAW Sessions: Sexualizing Feces

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Homosexual Perversion-fest – Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend – Returns to DC and Hyatt Regency

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

WARNING: Offensive descriptions of extreme homosexual perversions

By @PeterLaBarbera

[In Progress…]

Folks, if homosexuality truly is a perversion, and an abomination especially detestable in the eyes of God, you would expect it to spawn other perversions, like men play-acting as sexual “puppies,” or occupying whole hotels for a weekend of deviant orgies. This is exactly the case in the LGBTQ movement. Such depravities are proudly on display this weekend in America’s capital, Washington, D.C., as the Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend (MAL) returned to the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill this weekend.

Below is the photo of the homosexual magazine Metro Weekly describes how the Hyatt becomes “Grand Leather Central,” with a photo of a man in a “puppy” mask. “Leather” is the slang for sadomasochistic “lifestyle” that celebrates various and sundry extreme and unnatural behaviors under the rubric of BDSM (bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism):

Homosexual publication Metro Weekly’s story on the 2018 “Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend.” Click HERE to read another MW story describing the homosexual “leather” perversion of “Puppy Play.”

“Leather pride” flag.

MAL is covered, or rather promoted enthusiastically, by all the D.C. “gay” media, including the Washington Blade. It is difficult for the Average Joe to even conceive of the sick and debauched goings-on in the homosexual “leather” world — “fisting” parties, sodomitic orgies, whippings and beatings and various modes of extreme consensual sexual violence (all for pleasure). For goodness’ sake, the “leather flag” (their equivalent of the “rainbow” flag) is black-and-blue.

And now, we behold men debasing themselves by becoming human “mutts” with other men as their “handlers.” The same perverse movement has resurrected “slavery,” with men “possessing” other men as sexual “slaves”–but the mainstream media, protector of all things LGBTQ, never expose these evils. [See this AFTAH “slave” photo from San Francisco.]

When a society reaches this level of moral and spiritual breakdown, it is difficult to know what to say, how to react. Clearly, America has jettisoned its Judeo-Christian identity when a major hotel chain like Hyatt Regency now openly hosts such a demented celebration within blocks of the U.S. Capitol. (And I wonder: does the hotel cleaning crew get combat pay for having to clean up and sanitize the rooms soiled by the horrific and filthy homosexual orgies that take place in them?)

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Southwest Airlines Attempts to Disassociate Itself from ‘Gay Jesus’ Documentary, but Defends Sponsorship of Radical LGBTQ ‘Creating Change’ Conference

Friday, February 27th, 2015

LGBTQ Task Force gave “Leather Leadership” award to owner of Dallas homosexual bar that hosts monthly gathering for men who play-act as “dogs” in bizarre BDSM “puppy” fetish

The Leather Pride Movement: Men Play-acting as dogs.

Human Degradation 101–Men as “Dogs”–Celebrated by the LGBTQ Task Force: Men play-acting as dogs in the twisted world of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism). The above graphic (click to enlarge) is from the website of a homosexual “leather bar,” the Dallas Eagle, co-owned by Mark Frazier. The “DFW ” in “DFW Pups” stands for “Dallas-Ft. Worth.” The recent LGBTQ Task Force “Creating Change” conference honored Frazier with its “Leather Leadership” award [see p. 40 on the CC  program PDF]. Southwest Airlines (SWA) is a “National Corporate Partner” of the Task Force, which puts on Creating Change every year. So far SWA is refusing to distance itself from CC or the LGBTQ Task Force. Contact SWA HERE or by phone at 214-792-4000.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Southwest Airlines: Dallas HQ (CEO Gary Kelly): 214-792-4000 (hit ‘0’ and make your opinion known to the operator before you get routed to Customer Relations). Email SWA: SWACustomerRelations@wnco.com

SWA is proud to sponsor THIS?! View the extreme “Creating Change” program: [click here]


“We will not support Southwest or any sponsor of this conference until they apologize to all Christians and change their stance on this situation.  Southwest and other corporate businesses chose to support a segment of the U.S. population that comprises less than 2% while managing to offend no less than 20% of the population.” – Kim Eith, AFTAH Reader

Folks, we have heard back from a few of you who have contacted Southwest (and other major corporations) that sponsored a radical LGBTQ conference in Denver February 4-8. The “Creating Change” conference for homosexual, transgender and other sexual activists screened the documentary, “Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption,” celebrating a play in which the Jesus Christ character is cast as a homosexual who once committed sodomy with Judas and who performs a homosexual “marriage” between two of his male “disciples” [see AFTAH story HERE].

Apparently, Southwest representatives are telling people that AFTAH gave out false information and that SWA did not (directly) sponsor the “Gay Jesus” documentary, only the larger “Creating Change” conference. This is a classic dodge, although it is also a tacit admission by SWA that the “Corpus Christi” documentary is highly offensive to people of faith.

Of course, as AFTAH wrote earlier, the blasphemous film was just one item in a conference filled with the celebration of extreme behaviors—ranging from “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual unions); to “kink” (sadomasochism); to extreme gender confusion; to the “queering” of Christianity (including a talk on the “biblical case for same-sex marriage”). You can read for yourself the full “Creating Change 2015” program HERE.

AFTAH reader Kim Eith (read her excellent correspondence with SWA below) has it exactly right: “sponsorship of that conference equates to sponsorship of all activities occurring at that conference.” Southwest needs to own their role in the “Creating Change” event in all its perverseness–including “Creating Change’s” honoring of a sadomasochist (Mark Frazier), who owns a “gay leather bar” in Dallas that caters to a perversion known as “puppy play” (see graphic above). Below is one of those weird, nonjudgmental descriptions in left-biased Wikipedia of “Puppy Play”–a perversion which, by the way, I witnessed firsthand last year at the San Francisco “Dore Alley” street fair:

In puppy play, or dog play, at least one of the participants acts out canine mannerisms and behaviors, which is sometimes associated with leather culture. If there is a dominant role it can be taken by a “handler”, “trainer”, “master”, or in the case of someone who still identifies as canine, an “alpha”. If there is a submissive this may be considered by a “pup” or a “dog”. …Other elements rooted in BDSM play involve bondage and restriction with collars, leashes, cages, and hoods, the pups hands are often covered in mitts, both sexual and non-sexual services are requested, and “training” may take place in order to teach commands. [Wikipedia entry on “Animal Roleplay”]

Sick stuff, to be sure–and glorified by the same National LGBTQ Task Force that proudly screened the “homosexual Jesus” documentary. Sadly, Southwest Airlines, based in Dallas, has not even come close to apologizing for its role in this uber-perverse, Christianity-bashing conference. Do the execs at SWA think we’re stupid, that we can’t read? Do they even know what sort of radical “Change” is advocated at the Task Force conferences? We must keep up the pressure on Southwest, Comcast/NBC, Wells Fargo and the other sponsors [contact info HERE].

We are indebted to Kim Eith for her smart advocacy below. Please read this correspondence and contact Southwest Airlines yourself using the contact info above. Thank you. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; americansfortruth@gmail.com.


Kim Eith’s Letter of AFTAH Describing her Complaint to Southwest Airlines [SWA online contact form HERE]:

To whom it may concern,

My husband and I sent separate emails to Southwest today. We also cancelled an upcoming flight with this airline today. I called Southwest on this date and received this response from the lady I spoke to:  ” There has been a misunderstanding. A Southwest corporate officer informed us today that there has been false accusations about Southwest and the LGBTQ conference. Southwest did not sponsor the documentary or film shown at the conference.”  My reply; “Southwest is a corporate sponsor, which is clearly indicated on the Create Change LGBTQ conference materials and therefore, any sponsorship of that conference equates to sponsorship of all activities occurring at that conference.”

As we stated in our email, we will not support Southwest or any sponsor of this conference until they apologize to all Christians and change their stance on this situation.  Southwest and other corporate businesses chose to support a segment of the U.S. population that comprises less than 2% while managing to offend no less than 20% of the population. People’s sexual preferences are personal and while my love of my fellow citizens, family and friends is not based upon personal views and practices, I will not stand by and watch others attempt to obliterate my Christian values, and especially my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This was absolutely vile and despicable.

Kim Eith


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