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Part One: Ten Culture-Engaging Resolutions for 2014 for Christians Fighting the ‘Gay’ Agenda

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

 Apply the “Sexual Sin Substitution” Test for Moral Clarity

Dan Hitz (left) went from being a homosexual, having grown up in a chaotic home, to a family man with a wife and five children.

OVERCOMING HOMOSEXUALITY: Dan Hitz (left) went from being a homosexual “terrified of true intimacy with a woman” — having grown up in a chaotic and dysfunctional home — to a family man with a wife and five children. Read his Christian testimony HERE and support the new ex-“gay” umbrella group, Restored Hope Network.

Part One (1-5)

By Peter LaBarbera

1) Decide Whether You are with God or Against Him … on the issue of homosexualism (out-and-proud homosexuality as a “civil right”) and sexual sin in general. These days there is no shortage of Secular- and Religious Left activists — and even self-professed “evangelical Christian” sellouts like apostate Jay Bakker — who will tell you that the Bible is ambiguous on homosexuality or even pro-homosexual. Nevertheless, the Word of God is crystal clear on this subject (see Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, for starters). No faithful Christian can make a “biblical” case for accepting homosexual behavior. Thankfully, Jesus Christ has helped many men [e.g., Dan Hitz] and women [e.g., Anne Paulk] overcome homosexual attractions (see Point 4 below). Two great websites refuting “gay Christianity” are Prof. Robert Gagnon’s at and (former homosexual) DL Foster’s “Gay Christian Movement Watch” at

2) Apply the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” (S3T): if you wonder what the proper Christian approach is to any homosexual-related question, simply plug in another egregious sexual sin – incest, pornography use, adultery – for homosexuality and gay and then see if it makes any sense. The theological basis for this test is Leviticus 18, where God (through Moses) lops all the serious sexual sins (including bestiality) in together. (Is God “hateful” for making this association, or does He rather “hate” sins like homosexuality and incest that rebel against nature and its Creator?) Also, don’t fall for the snarky “gay” spin that seeks to dismiss Leviticus by equating its condemnation of sexual sins with the book’s list of ceremonial and dietary laws for Jews. As former homosexual Joe Dallas writes in his book, A Strong Delusion: Confronting the “Gay Christian” Movement (p. 178):

A commonsense approach to the Bible shows that certain ceremonial and dietary laws in the Old Testament…aren’t necessary to follow today. Christians are not, thankfully, under the Mosaic law (Galatians 3: 17-25). But the biblical commandments against homosexual conduct do not appear in the same sections as the dietary and ceremonial laws; in Leviticus…they appear alongside other sexual sins forbidden in both the Old and New Testaments (Lev. 18:22; 20:13).

Applying the S3T approach will give you renewed moral clarity — for example: why is nobody ever accused of being an “incest-phobe” or suffering from “adultery-phobia”? Should President Obama issue a “Porn-Users Pride Proclamation” every June to match his annual “Gay Pride Month” proclamation? Should schools allow “porn-using student clubs”? (There are thousands of “gay”-affirming student clubs in public and private schools across the United States.) What about legalizing incestuous “marriages”? Or celebrating at bawdy Lusters’ Pride Parades in major cities every June? Clearly, homosexuality is the “special sin” that is indulged in our morally degraded society because it has been so well-marketed, to the point where it is now widely treated as an innocuous identity and “civil right.”

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WATCH: Evander Holyfield Latest Target of “Big Brother” Gay Thought Police

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

“Big Brother does not tolerate the use of offensive language”

Take a few minutes to view this video of retired boxing great Evander Holyfield on the U.K.’s “Celebrity Big Brother” reality show — in which he argues with another cast member about the nature and changeability of homosexuality. [Watch it on YouTube HERE.] Portions of the conversation are hard to make out, but essentially Holyfield compares homosexuality to a handicap and then commits the unpardonable sin — in the eyes of pro-homosexual ideologues — of saying it is a choice. The faceless “Big Brother” scolding at the end is priceless as the accusing British “Big Brother” producer plays the role of America’s GLAAD — dictating that Holyfield’s speech against homosexuality is unacceptable and will not be allowed. The episode hits close to home for what is happening in the Western world (e.g., Canada’s “hate speech” law), and we at AFTAH have no doubts that more than a few “gay” activists similarly would love to ban speech they deem “offensive.” — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

WVCY America Interviews AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera on Rose Parade’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Float

Friday, January 3rd, 2014
Our friends at WVCY — a Milwaukee-based Christian station that reaches throughout the Midwest and beyond — interviewed AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera Thursday. The following description of the interview is from the VCY America “Crosstalk” site [Click HERE to listen to the interview]. Homosexual activists quickly distorted the interview — more on that will follow, but see this report from People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch Report.
VCY America “Crosstalk” Show Information
Air Date: January 02, 2014
Host: Vic EliasonGuest: Peter LaBarberaListen: MP3OrderPeter LaBarbera is the founder and president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.

This edition of Crosstalk began with discussion about the Tournament of Roses parade. This year’s edition had a float parading two males involved in a so-called homosexual marriage, an activity that later in the program Peter described as symbolic of America’s decline.

The remainder of the program covered a wide range of points related to the homosexual agenda. For example:

  • The homosexual marriage movement as a platform to corrupt children.
  • Homosexuality and the folly of secular conservatives.
  • Demonizing Christians as haters and bigots.
  • Same-sex “marriage” in Utah
  • California preparing for a new transgender student law.
  • A Good Morning America news anchor [Robin Roberts] “comes out” about same-sex relationship.
  • Boy Scouts begin accepting openly homosexual boys into their organization.

…and much more including comments from listeners nationwide.

More Information

To communicate your thoughts regarding ENDA to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, call 608-266-1212.

To contact Speaker John Boehner about ENDA call 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121.

Bill Muehlenberg, Mark Steyn, John Hayward on GLAAD’s Duck Dynasty Defeat – A Culture of Bullying and Intolerance

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

By Bill Muehlenberg

Reprinted from [Muehlenberg is based in Melbourne, Australia and is one of that nation’s leading pro-family advocates]

We now know without the slightest doubt that the homosexual militants are a pack of bullies who thrive on intimidation, stand-over tactics, and thuggery. And they are clearly one of the most intolerant groups on the planet. They have declared war on every single person on earth who refuses to bow down before their agenda.

They have perfected the art of bullying, belligerency and brow-beating, and all opposition will face the wrath of the pink mafia. The examples of these are of course legion, with the most recent battle fought over a few guys who make duck calls for a living and happen to be forthright about their Christian faith.

For having the audacity to actually proclaim in public what the Bible says about the issue of homosexuality, all hell has broken loose, with the A&E network suspending Phil Robertson from his own show a few weeks ago. A storm of protest rightly erupted over this nasty bit of intolerance, and the network was forced to back down.

It all serves as yet another clear illustration of the culture of intolerance and bullying which has sprung up all over the West, primarily at the hands of the militant homosexual lobby. They think they own the world, and can push their agenda with impunity, and smash all dissent along the way.

But the public outrage at the homonazis in general, and the activist groups like GLAAD in particular (which launched this assault on Duck Dynasty), shows that for every action there is a reaction, and most folks in America at least have had a gutful of these bullies trying to coerce everyone else to embrace their perverted agenda.

There has been a mass of commentary on all this in the past few weeks, including my own take on the story:

Read the rest of this article »

Putting the ‘Sex’ Back in Homosexuality

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Holmberg exposes the sad reality of ‘gay’ male and lesbian “homosex”

By Eric Holmberg, reprinted with permission from The Apologetics Group website

WARNING: Graphic language describing the reality of lesbian and male homosexual sodomies

One of the things I most appreciated about Phil Robertson’s comments to the snoots at GQ was the manner in which he colorfully pointed out the anatomical absurdity of homosex. (WARNING: please read no further if you are a child, pietist, or are easily offended.) Like a red-neck version of Elijah (who may well have been considered a redneck himself circa 9th century BC) mocking the prophets of Baal and the potty habits of their pathetic god (1 Kings 18:27), the bearded one dared to compare the desirability of a certain female body part to its closest correspondent in males.

Various "dildos" including "fisting" dildos for hand/arm anal penetration -- for sale in a San Francisco Castro district sex toy called, "Does Your Mother Know?" (We suspect not.) Eric Holmberg argues that critics of the perversion of homosexuality need to find a way to discuss homosexuals' perverse practices themselves.

Various “dildos” including gigantic fake penises and  “fisting” dildos (mimicking the grotesque “gay” sexual perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm up the rectum of his “partner”)  — for sale in a San Francisco Castro district sex store called, “Does Your Mother Know?” (We suspect not.) Eric Holmberg argues that critics of homosexualism need to find ways to discuss the realities of “homosex” itself and its destructive, disease-causing consequences.  Note: some lesbian and hetero sadomasochists also practice a version of “fisting.” Photo: AFTAH. Click to enlarge.

In so doing Robertson pushed back against one of the key strategies of the architects of the LGBTQ putsch: that is to take the “sex” out of “homosexuality” – to redefine it as a simple orientation (like being left-handed) and disconnect it as much as possible from what people actually do to each other in bed (or in a bathroom or the bushes). For proof of this simply read After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s (Doubleday: New York, 1989) – the seminal book by homosexual, and Harvard educated, activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. See, for example, page 178:

“In the early stages of the campaign, the public should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex per se should be downplayed, and the issue of gay rights reduced, as far as possible, to an abstract social question,” Kirk and Madsen write in a section in After the Ball titled, “Strategy: Persuasion, not Invasion.”

Christians and anyone else concerned about the normalization of homosexuality and other perversions of God’s design for gender and sexual behavior should shake off the shackles of Newspeak and begin to graciously but firmly – using irony and shock where necessary – join Robertson in pushing back against this agenda. We need to make like Elijah and point out the absurdities inherent in the practice of homosex; how the wages of sin will not only surely be spiritual death, but can lead to physical sickness and death as well.

Three simple points I like to make, in order of increasing shock factor:

1. According to one peer-reviewed [1997] study done towards the end of the 20th century, the life expectancy for the average 20-year-old gay or bisexual man [assessing “vital statistics data … obtained for a large Canadian urban centre from 1987 to 1992”] was 8 to 21 years less than his heterosexual counterpart. (See the International Journal of Epidemiology.) Here [in 2001] the authors actually condemn as “homophobic” anyone who dares to point to their research as evidence that homosexuality carries with it certain inherent health risks. And yet they in no way deny the statistical evidence their research has uncovered. (This is one of the best examples of “professing to be wise and remaining fools” I have ever stumbled upon.) [Editor’s Note: Life expectancy for homosexual men is now much longer compared to when the original IJE study was done in 1997 — due mainly to AIDS antiretroviral drugs. Nevertheless, “men who have sex with men” (MSM) remain at the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic,” said a CDC specialist describing a Fact Sheet assessing 2010 infections and published by the CDC earlier this year. Read the original 1997 Canadian study on “gay” and bisexual men’s lifespan HERE and the authors’ short 2001 response (referenced by Holmberg above) to conservatives who used their data to criticize pro-homosexual activism HERE.]

Read the rest of this article »

Bottom Line Brought Home by Phil Robertson: Homosexual Sex Is Disgusting

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Here’s a short but good takeaway from the A&E/Duck Dynasty hubbub by Jason Salamone, Research Associate at Americans For Truth. We will also post the linked piece by Christian filmmaker  Eric Holmberg:

By Jason Salamone

Let this be a lesson to us who are afraid to point out the behavioral aspects of homosexuality. Phil Robertson’s comment of “man’s anus versus vagina” may be crude, but it reminded people of what “homosexuals” actually do in bed. On Piers Morgan’s show, Dr. Michael Brown was able to capitalize and drive that point home again when he stated, “The rectum is part of the disposal system. It’s not meant for sexuality.” Bottom line is, we have an inherent disgust about that, even those who claim to be proponents or the most sympathetic to homosexual causes. This article will explain better at what I’m getting at here…

Rose Parade’s Homosexual ‘Wedding’ Float Corrupts Children – AFTAH’s Seven Lessons for Christians

Monday, December 30th, 2013

AmericansForTruth Press Relase

GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM: The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a "live" homosexual "wedding" in its annual New Year's Day Rose Parade. The "gay marriage" movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image -- from a homosexual activist blog -- is blocked for decency.

GIVING PERVERSION A PLATFORM: The Tournament of Roses is making immoral history for America by including a float featuring a “live” homosexual “wedding” in its annual New Year’s Day Rose Parade. The “gay marriage” movement is becoming a huge platform from which to corrupt innocent children into accepting homosexualism as normal and good. This image is adapted from one posted by homosexual activist and GLAAD spokesman Jeremy Hooper on his “Good as You” blog. Hooper (right) chose to use his “marriage” for LGBT activism. We have blocked his image for decency.

Contact: Peter LaBarbera: 312-324-3787;; on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera

TAKE ACTION: to contact Tournament of Roses organizers about celebrating homosexual perversion in the storied parade watched by countless children, call (626)449-4100 or go HERE.

Read this release on Christian Newswire HERE


CHICAGO – Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera offers the following seven lessons from the first-ever homosexual “wedding” float at the annual Rose Parade in Pasadena on New Year’s Day — another tragic marker of America’s moral decline.

  • THE HOMOSEXUAL “MARRIAGE” MOVEMENT IS EVIL: Moral-minded Americans need to face the truth of what the homosexual “marriage” movement is: a social evil – anti-Christian to the core – that celebrates what the Bible calls an egregious sexual sin as a moral good. Homosexual activists’ are desperate to “normalize” their aberrant lifestyle; their movement has become the Left’s vanguard in undermining and redefining civilized Judeo-Christian principles. The LGBT Lobby has become what historian Paul Johnson calls a “Monster in our Midst,” trampling over and appropriating society’s wholesome traditions and institutions – even Christianity itself — to achieve its godless goals.
  • PLATFORM TO CORRUPT CHILDREN: The homosexual “marriage” movement corrupts impressionable children by teaching them that wrong is right (Isaiah 5:20) and that erotic “love” between two people of the same sex is “equal” to natural marital love as ordained by God. Jesus Christ had strong words for anyone who promotes sin and corrupts the souls of innocent children.
  • EVEN “CONSERVATIVE” ASPECTS OF LGBT AGENDA ARE RADICAL: The Rose Parade’s live homosexual “wedding” again illustrates that even the supposedly “conservative” side of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) agenda is revolutionary and destructive – primarily because legalized, “domesticated” homosexualism provides a very public platform from which to redefine God’s wonderful institutions of marriage and family. “Gay” activists and their liberal allies co-opt noble institutions like the Rose Parade and use them to indoctrinate children in the Big Lies that homosexuality is: 1) just another kind of love; and 2) a mere “civil rights” issue. Similarly, schools across America are being used to promote immoral same-sex conduct as an “equality” issue.
  • SYMBOLIC OF AMERICA’S DECLINE: The “gay wedding” float is symbolic of America’s ongoing moral disintegration: in the name of “tolerance,” “diversity” and “inclusion,” we proudly parade our sin down our streets – defying our Creator and aggressively corrupting the minds and souls of future generations. As historians have documented, sexual immorality, escalating fornication and the abandonment of fidelity in marriage bring about the collapse of civilizations; the United States will be no exception. No wonder developing nations like Jamaica don’t want to emulate us.
  • FOLLY OF SECULAR (PRO-“GAY”) “CONSERVATIVES: The homosexual “wedding” float clearly demonstrates the folly of secular “conservatives” (like atheist S.E. Cupp) and libertarians who argue that legalized homosexual “marriage” is a conservative proposition. Radically remolding God-given institutions to celebrate sin – and modeling such deviance and confusion as normal to impressionable children – is hardly “conservative.” In fact, it is the essence of the Left’s destructive Sexual Revolution. Republicans will seal their own demise if they foolishly embrace counterfeit “marriage” and other aspects of homosexualism, replacing their pro-family Platform.
  • Tournament-of-Roses-logoDEMONIZING CHRISTIANS AS “HATERS” AND “BIGOTS”: As the Phil Robertson/Duck Dynasty controversy shows, homosexual groups like GLAAD regularly smear moral and religious critics with malicious slurs like “Bigots, Haters, and Homophobes.” Opposing homosexualism (the ideology of proud homosexuality as a “civil right”) in all its forms is not “hate.” Rather, it is being faithfully obedient to our loving, holy Creator. True Christians should offer the hope of the life-changing Gospel – not counterfeit “marriage” – to homosexuals. Jesus has helped many people like Michael Glatze abandon homosexual sin.
  • FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS MUST SPEAK OUT NOW: The unbiblical “progressive evangelical” and liberal Catholic movement to affirm unrepentant homosexuals as “Christians” serves Satan’s agenda, not God’s. (Substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense: would the Rose Parade allow a live incestuous “union” atop one of its floats?) Bible-believing Christians must speak out against the agenda to normalize homosexuality — especially since children are its target. If Christians will not resist the evil specter of homosexual “marriage,” who will?


Educate Your Church and Social Network

Peter LaBarbera (on Twitter @PeterLaBarbera) has more than two decades experience fighting and exposing the powerful, well-funded homosexual lobby. He is available as a speaker on a number of topics surrounding the “gay/transgender” agenda and the promotion of biblical sexual morality, such as:

  • Gay Power vs. Religious Liberty;
  • Pro-Homosexual Indoctrination in Schools;
  • Reclaiming Uncompromising Biblical Sexual Morality;
  • Pro-“Gay” Media Bias;
  • Homosexual Activism and the “Criminalization of Christianity”; and
  • The Slippery Slope of  “Gay Rights”: From Tolerance to “Gay Marriage” to Criminalizing Opponents.

Write or call AFTAH at 312-324-3787 to book LaBarbera at your church or group event.

Merry Christmas from AFTAH – America Needs Jesus Christ

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send the His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” (John 3: 16-18)

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” (Romans 3:22)


Nativity scene in Chicago's Daley Plaza. An atheists' display is nearby -- offering a contrast between good and evil.

Nativity scene in Chicago’s Daley Plaza. An atheists’ display sits nearby — offering a contrast between God and secularism, and good and evil.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Blessed Holiday, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World!  Yesterday I had planned to bring you another AFTAH story that illustrates the depravity of man and the evil of organized homosexuality – but since it grotesquely blasphemed Jesus I could not bring myself to post it just days before Christmas.  (I will do so December 26.)

The other day I was reading a Christian book and the author named these as the most important words ever spoken:

“Jesus answered [Thomas], ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  Nobody comes to the Father except through Me.’” – John 14:6

As C.S. Lewis wrote, the man who uttered those words is either a lunatic, a liar, or the Son of God (Lord).  I believe He is the latter – and I want to know Him better and become more like Him through His grace in 2014.  I hope you do, too.

America is in dire straits, as we all know.  Good has become evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20), and apparently believers in Christ are the only group in society that it is OK to ridicule and malign.  (See our release on Phil Robertson, and read what the Duck Dynasty patriarch actually said about sexual sin.)  So many Americans are “wise in their own eyes,” and as a nation we have not just kicked God to the curb – but are in many quarters defiantly celebrating evils like abortion-on-demand, pornography, fornication and homosexual “marriage.”

And then there is the rise of the Religious Left (e.g., see the mischievously-named Faithful America), which promotes sin in the name of God.  Somehow we think that even while blatantly disobeying God’s moral law or relegating Him to the role of sentimental prop, America can remain “the greatest nation on earth.”  (We can’t.)

Perhaps like many of you, when I watch those some of the old Christmas movies like It’s a Wonderful Life, I am struck by how America was more innocent as a nation and more good – despite our many shortcomings – than we are today in all our supposed sophistication.  I realize that each generation says this about the one before, but no American generation ever approached the rebellion against Nature and its Creator of calling homosexualism “marriage”!

 “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death,” wrote the Psalmist (14:12).  This is as important a verse for homosexuals – and all of us dragged down by our sinful “orientation” – as Romans 1:24-27. For as the Apostle John wrote about Jesus: “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19)

Politics cannot save us (yet we must resist calls to pull away from it).  More conservatives won’t do it (especially when so many are secularists, libertarians – or worse, atheists like S.E. Cupp who crusade for homosexual “marriage”).  Republicans, too, fall short — how instructive is it that it is precisely God’s moral dictates that many in the GOP want to jettison (to win elections, they claim)?!

So what will save America?  More of Jesus, who turns lives around – lives like Michael Glatze, who went from being an up-and-coming “gay” activist to a maturing Christian and pastor who just married his bride Rebekah in October.  The Christ of Christmas is our hope!  Join me in making the pledge to get into your Bible in 2014 to pursue a righteousness that can only come from heaven above.

Thank you for standing with AFTAH!  We are so blessed to fight for God’s Truth alongside countless Americans like you who value God’s revealed wisdom on sexual morality over the sin-stained ideas and formulations of men.  Please pray for AFTAH, and help us with a year-end donation as you are able.

—  Peter LaBarbera,

PS. Your gifts to AFTAH are tax-deductible; to receive a tax deduction for 2013, your gift must be received [i.e., online donations] and/or postmarked before midnight on December 31.  Mail your donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.  Give online HERE.

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