WARNING: Offensive video and San Francisco public lewdness photo below
By Peter LaBarbera
Some lowlights from soon-to-be former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. No need to comment on this prediction:
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Christian PersecutionNancy Pelosi Classics: Odd Predictions, Wacky Quotes, and Enabling PerversionThursday, November 4th, 2010Dude, Obama: Here are Some Less Hip Questions We Wish Jon Stewart Had Asked You on the Daily ShowFriday, October 29th, 2010President Obama degraded the Office with liberal Stewart’s help
Read liberal Washington Post writer Dana Milbank’s slam on Obama and his appearance (“On Comedy Central, the joke was on President Obama Wednesday night”) HERE, and watch the “dude” reference in context starting at about 1:45 on Part 3 of the videos of the Daily Show interview HERE. I agree with this comment responding to a YouTube critical of Obama’s Daily Show disaster: “Obama has diminished himself so many times enough already that even liberals don’t treat? him with presidential respect.” We at AFTAH are not nearly as cool as Jon Stewart, and don’t have anything approaching his cultural sway (especially with young people), but here are some questions and comments we wish he would have delivered to the Dude-in-Chief:
Read the rest of this article » LISTEN: Part Three – Interview with Ken HutchersonTuesday, October 26th, 2010Here is Part Three of our interview with Pastor Ken Hutcherson — the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s annual fundraising banquet Saturday, Nov. 13. This aired on Oct. 23. (Click HERE to listen.) Hutcherson describes how he was harassed by pro-homosexual activists after he took a stand against the promotion of homosexuality in local schools. Death threats and vandalism in his neighborhood — this is what happens to a man who takes on the “tolerance” movement to normalize homosexuality. But “Hutch” remains undeterred and says effective pro-family advocates are known by their enemies. Hutcherson also discusses how his church would treat unrepentant homosexuals. Go to the AFTAH Radio Hour Archive page HERE for Part One and HERE for Part Two to listen to the other two segments of this interview. HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. ‘Gay’ Fascism in Europe, ‘Gay’ Extremism in USAThursday, October 21st, 2010There has always been a “disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism,” writes Hari![]() The late British neo-Nazi skinhead Nicky Crane was just one of many fascists in Europe who lead a secret double life as a practicing homosexual. Click to enlarge. By Peter LaBarbera Warning: offensive language To nobody’s surprise, homosexual activist Evan Hurst of ‘Truth’ Wins Out supported fellow “gay” blogger Joe Jervis’ sophomoric hit-piece against AFTAH — which draws a crude link between this writer and the KKK. Jervis was just “stating fact,” protests Hurst, in writing that since the Klan opposed discrimination against a Christian student at Augusta State, and AFTAH also opposes this injustice, then the KKK and I are “on the same side.” (Juvenile, I know….). [Click HERE to read AFTAH’s story on Jennifer Keeton, a victim of homosexualist anti-Christian discrimination.] OK, Evan, here’s another fact: Jervis, Lambda Legal, you and practically the entire “gay” activist movement are on the same side as NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, with regard to the Boy Scouts of America’s ban on homosexual scoutmasters. (NAMBLA opposes the ban — for obvious reasons.) To paraphrase Hurst:
Obviously, such argumentation says nothing about Jervis’ and Hurst’s real attitudes toward NAMBLA (I’m assuming they both oppose the vile outfit), so pointing out that Evan, Joe and NAMBLA are on the same side on the Boy Scouts would be a cheap shot. But since these two homosexual writers attempted to make a connection between AFTAH and odious racists, perhaps they can help us understand why so many homosexuals actually have found their home in the fascist movement. British homosexual writer Johann Hari’s 2008 piece, “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists” in the liberal Huffington Post is quite an eye-opener in that regard. Read the rest of this article » Pathetic: Joe Jervis Tries to Link LaBarbera to KKKSaturday, October 9th, 2010By Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Wow. The analytical powers of atheist, homosexual perversion-defender Joe Jervis’ (of the Joe. My. God. blog) are in full display as he exposes the sinister, long-concealed “truth” that AFTAH has been trying to hide for decades — that we are aligned with the … KKK … yeah, that’s it … the KKK! Joe alone had the analytical skills to pull together the story: AFTAH (and by extension FRC, AFA, Liberty Counsel, ADF, PFOX, etc.) have partered with the Klan to stop gay equality!! I jest, of course. But Joe is serious–that’s the sad part. (Apparently he didn’t get the memo that the first one to call the other guy a “Nazi” in a debate is the automatic loser — that is, unless your opponent, like Wayne Besen, is actually behaving like a Nazi.) Try to focus so you can comprehend at least a portion of GLBT-award-winning Jervis’ sophisticated political equation:
Jervis ends his piece: “Peter LaBarbera and the KKK, both on the same side of hate. Feels like a perfect match.” Such finely-honed logic. Such depth of reasoning and discernment. The nuances alone are worth pondering and studying for years to come. Joe, here’s the deal: your hatred of Americans For Truth and this writer (but more important, for the God who lovingly created you) is getting the best of you. Next time you set out to discredit AFTAH, try using a line of argumentation that wouldn’t embarrass a smart 5th-grader if he or she tried it. Read the rest of this article » Rainbow Cookie Scandal Strikes Indianapolis — Update from AFA-Indiana’s Micah ClarkSunday, October 3rd, 2010![]() This perverse rendition of the iconic Iwo Jima WWII photo replaces Old Glory with the "gay" rainbow flag, and Marines with shirtless "gay" men. It represents all that's wrong with selfish homosexual activism. American fighting men died to preserve freedom, here and abroad -- not for their fellow citizens to be forced by government and activist courts to subjugate their religious and moral beliefs to the celebration of homosexuality as a newly discovered "civil right."
The Tyranny of Forced Homosexual Affirmation is wrong and against the principle of God-given liberty that defines America. A Christian cookie-maker shouldn’t be forced to make cookies celebrating homosexuality in violation of his creed not to abet sin — in the same way that a “gay”-activist-owned bakery shouldn’t be forced to make cookies for Americans For Truth or AFA. This is why the homosexual agenda presently is a greater threat to American freedom than Sharia Law, as I said on Facebook. (Homosexual bloggers typically responded with emotional attacks on me and AFTAH rather than deal with the freedom-vs.-“gay rights” issue.) Are men and women across America being forced to deny their Christian beliefs to get an education and even getting fired due to aggressive Muslim activism and pro-Islam “special rights’ laws? No. Are Christians from California to Massachusetts being forced to deny their beliefs or face government or corporate punishment for NOT affirming homosexuality? Yes they are — and it’s time for the media to take this civil rights crisis (anti-religious discrimination in the name of a false tolerance) seriously. How gratifying it is to see Indiana citizens getting it — and saying “No!” to “superior rights” for homosexuals. Please support Micah Clark’s and AFA of Indiana’s important work. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org Read the rest of this article » Will Our Military Stay Moral? Judge Orders Lesbian Reinstated to Air ForceMonday, September 27th, 2010Dear Readers, We hate to rely on a story by AP (Always Politically Correct), but our friends at AFA’s OneNewsNow did so and we will as well. I have not yet read the details of this latest homosexuals-in-the-military case. But I do know this: as with the rest of society, when everyday officers and servicemembers imbibe the “new” American morality (which is at its core merely a rejection of God and true, biblically-based morality) and defend open homosexuality in the ranks, it undermines the preservation of a noble military. That is just another way of saying that a degraded military reflects a degraded society. When the practice of homosexuality — once widely regarded as sinful and abhorrent, deviant, and a sign of bad character — becomes a trivial matter, it is not surprising that efforts to disconnect it from punishment will gain in popularity. These efforts will be abetted by corrupt, liberal judges who yearn to make law — not interpret it — because … well, because they think they’re smarter than the rest of us, and even smarter than lawmakers. Hence the successful “gay” campaign to decriminalize anti-sodomy laws. (Cunning homosexual activists took it up a notch by making their favored perversion the basis for a new brand of “civil rights” — one that apparently even supersedes the rights of moral citizens to act based on their disagreement with this disordered lifestyle.) America does not need a post-moral military, but it may be what we deserve. The irony is that if President Obama and his determined “queer” allies succeed in turning our Armed Forces into a driving force for immorality, it will only hasten the deterioration of our culture to the point, ultimately, where weapons and soldiers cannot save us from oblivion. If America rejects God, her prospects are dim. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org See story after the jump Read the rest of this article » Most Important Gay Vote ever: Reid, Democrats Go ‘Gaga’ for ‘Gays’ in the MilitaryTuesday, September 21st, 2010Sexual radical Lady Gaga gets serious when it comes to promoting open homosexuality in the military![]() Lady Gaga poses naked and with a simulated bloody mouth on the cover of OUT, a homosexualist magazine. Gaga is using her pop culture power to overturn the ban on homosexuality in the Armed Forces. See article for resources for understanding the military's common-sense homosexual exclusion policy, and Lady Gaga's Senate lobbying video. Click on photo to enlarge. TAKE ACTION NOW: Call your U.S. Senators immediately [202-224-3121; www.senate.gov] and urge them to vote against the Defense Authorization Act (SB 3454) containing an amendment repealing the military’s common-sense homosexual exclusion ban. The vote, orchestrated by Majority Leader Harry Reid, is this afternoon. This is perhaps the most important homosexuality-related congressional vote in U.S. history. Urge support for Sen. John McCain’s filibuster of this radical change in military policy that would lead to the exodus of good men and women from the Armed Forces — and result in the persecution of chaplains and people of faith, merely because they oppose homosexual behavior or do not think homosexuality and “gay” politics belong in the military. You must let your voice be heard as homosexual groups and sexual radicals like Lady Gaga — encouraged by the liberal media — are flooding the Senate with calls in favor of allowing open homosexuals in the military. Educate yourself on the common-sense Homosexual Exclusion Ban: Below are resources to educate yourself on the implications of today’s vote:
_________________________________ Sen. Reid Goes ‘Gaga’ over Homosexuals in the MilitaryBy Peter LaBarbera Folks, you know as well as I that the media — and apparently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — are absolutely “ga ga” over “gays in the military.” (Reid recenly ‘tweeted’ in support of pop mega-star Lady Gaga — freakishly photographed nude on the cover of the “gay” magazine OUT above — after she urged her millions of followers to lobby the Senate to support homosexuals in the military.) This is what we’re up against — not just for today’s critical vote on homosexuals in the military (commonly misnamed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”) but in trying to preserve truth for younger Americans who are, in effect, brainwashed on homosexuality. (And that is hardly an overstatement given the level of ignorance about the LGBT agenda that we’re seeing, even among Christian and pro-life youths.) Read the rest of this article » |
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