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Beyond America
Saturday, April 10th, 2010
Will the United States become a magnet for foreign homosexuals?
 Pro-family Christian Julio Severo fled his home country of Brazil to avoid state prosecution and harassment on "homophobia" charges. Would Severo be granted U.S. asylum like Brazilian homosexual Augusto Pereira de Souza?
By Peter LaBarbera
Homosexual websites are celebrating that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has granted asylum to 27-year-old Brazilian homosexual Augusto Pereira de Souza, who claims he would face torment and violent attacks if forced to return to his country.
I wonder what would happen if Julio Severo (right), the outspoken Brazilian Christian advocate who fled his country due to escalating oppression against critics of homosexuality, were to apply for applied for U.S. asylum. An article in the “Queerty” blog claims that Brazil is “one of the world’s most violently anti-gay countries … with 180 reported LGBT murders in 2008 alone.” I do not know the accuracy of this information. But here is the problem: already Queerty and other pro-homosexuality activists are citing the case of Souza (whose asylum claim was secured by three students at Columbia Law School’s Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic,” Queerty reports) as good news for Ugandan homosexuals who might want to make similar claims.
Is the United States of America under President Obama going to become the magnet for foreign homosexuals and “queer” activists the world over? AFTAH has condemned draconian punishments against homosexuals (such as “solutions” prescribed by radical Islamists). However, America and the West have no right to impose their decadent, perversion-celebrating values on the rest of the world, and other countries certainly have the right to criminalize homosexual behavior just as it was criminalized in the United States prior to the Supreme Court’s activist Lawrence v. Texas decision. (Anti-sodomy laws remain on the books in many states and laws that do not solely ban homosexual sodomy have NOT been struck down; here is a Wikipedia article which — despite that website’s strong pro-homosexual bias — describes the sodomy law situation in all 50 states.)
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Abortion, Brazil, Criminalizing Sodomy, Hate Speech (Laws), Homosexual Blogs, Homosexual Hate Speech, International, News, Sodomy |
Wednesday, March 17th, 2010
Reprinted from American Family Association’s One News Now. To read the Associated Press article about Sidibe’s statements, go HERE (excerpts are at bottom).
[To listen to the ONN story online, click on “HEAR REPORT” button at upper right corner of the ONN story; to subscribe to ONN’s “Daily News Brief,” click HERE; to subscribe to ONN’s Web Alerts, click HERE. ]
LaBarbera: UNAIDS has ‘backwards’ thinking
By Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow – 3/17/2010
A United Nations Aids agency complains that homosexuals, drug users and prostitute don’t seek help because of laws that criminalize their practices.
Michel Sidibe of UNAIDS is quoted as saying it is unacceptable that 85 countries still make homosexual conduct illegal, but Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), does not accept that thinking.
“They’ve got everything backwards,” he contends. “Rather than have a campaign – for example an anti-sodomy campaign, an anti-prostitution campaign, an anti-drug abuse campaign that targets the bad behaviors themselves – instead they target countries that are trying to implement conservative policies that target homosexuality.”
In compatibility with his logic, Sidibe suggests that laws against the immoral behavior be changed.
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Posted in Abstinence, Africa, AFT In the News, Gay Sex Health Risks, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Promiscuity, Sodomy, Too Much Tolerance, United Nations |
Wednesday, January 20th, 2010
Knight exposes New York Times bias on Uganda Anti-Homosexuality law
 Grove City College professor Warren Throckmorton -- who is on record affirming homosexuality as "natural, normal and healthy" despite the College's biblical faith charter -- has joined homosexual activists in crusading against Uganda's proposed Anti-Homosexuality law. Perhaps Throckmorton, who has lost his faith in the ability of Jesus Christ to help "homosexuals" leave the lifestyle, could learn something from the more biblically faithful Ugandans.
TAKE ACTION: contact Grove City College HERE and GCC President Richard G. Jewell (rgjewell@gcc.edu; 724-458-2500) and request a written explanation as to why they employ an activist professor who undermines the Bible’s clear teachings on homosexuality as a changeable sin (and not a natural “orientation”).
Folks, I’ve been trying to avoid the Ugandan “Culture War” on homosexuality because I figure we’re busy enough with our own here in the USA. But that hasn’t stopped American homosexual activists and fellow travelers like Professor Warren Throckmorton of the “evangelical” Grove City College from insinuating themselves into the Ugandan situation. (Sadly, Warren has lost his faith in the ability of God to radically change homosexuals through Christ, and now busily works — even in Uganda! — to promote the faithless and disheartening message that most “gays and lesbians” cannot change their basic “orientation”; see his Uganda Independent column in which he makes that assertion HERE.)
Here’s the question I keep asking myself about the Uganda controversy: just what is it that qualifies the United States of America to lecture the Ugandans about homosexuality? Is it our public policy that enshrines immoral sexual behavior (oops: “sexual orientation”) and gender confusion (er…”gender identity and expression”) as a “civil right”? Is it our homosexual “marriage” laws that make a mockery of this divine institution (laws about which Prof. Throckmorton is curiously silent)? How about our pro-homosexuality educational propaganda in K-12 schools that corrupts young students’ minds in the name of “tolerance”? Or the 24/7 “gay bathhouses” and sex clubs that proliferate in urban centers across the United States to facilitate quick-and-easy (and anonymous) deviant sexual hook-ups? (“Come to America: where you can have all the safe sodomy you want! Discounts for students (no joke) and free condoms available for your perverted pleasure!”)
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Academic Bias, Biblical Truth, Christian Persecution, Corporate Promotion, Corrupting Children, Diversity Propaganda, Evangelicals, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Activist Hate Against Christians, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Hollywood Promotion, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Liberal Christianity, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Morality and Moral Judgments, Muslim opposition to homo'y, New York Times, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Sexual Revolution, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Sodomy, STDs, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Uganda, Useful Idiots, Warren Throckmorton |
Friday, August 7th, 2009
‘Gay’ Propaganda Tactics: In their 1989 book “After the Ball,” homosexual ideologues Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen advised fellow “gay” activists to show the public “images of ranting homohaters whose associated traits and attitudes appall and anger Middle America” — by equating pro-family opponents to Nazis, the Klan, etc. Twenty years later, homosexuals are using the same dirty tactics against people of faith — suggesting that Christian and church opposition to homosexuality causes violence against homosexuals. Such lies are part of the Gay Lobby’s ends-justifies-the-means campaign to win superior legal rights that undermine historic American religious freedoms.
Folks, below my friend Laurie Higgins ably rebuts the spurious, ongoing “gay” activist attempt to blame Christians and religious people for tragic, violent attacks on homosexuals, like the August 1 slaughter at a “gay youth” center in Tel Aviv. Many homosexual activists apparently are compelled by their rejection of Biblical morality to lie in such a way about Christians. (At the same time, they malign us for highlighting gay-on-gay violence and for pointing out the obvious: that homosexual practice threatens longevity.) The claim that Christian, conservative and religious speech causes “anti-gay violence” will continue to be used to advance a totalitarian homosexualist agenda, here and abroad. All lovers of freedom must fight this Orwellian agenda that has as its end game the very destruction of liberty as we know it — all in the name of “civil rights.” Please send this article to your friends. — Peter LaBarbera, www.americansfortruth.com
P.S. Unlike the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, I would support the death penalty for the Tel Aviv murderer (though Israel abolished the death penalty for such crimes). That would be far more effective than “hate crimes” laws in deterring such attacks in the future.
Higgins writes:
Are Christians Responsible for Anti-Homosexual Bloodbath in Tel Aviv?
By Laurie Higgins, reprinted from Illinois Family Institute, 8/3/09
Yet another tragic, horrific, and utterly unjustifiable murder of homosexuals has taken place, this time in Tel Aviv, Israel at a youth center for homosexual teens. Saturday night [August 1], two were killed and thirteen wounded when a gunman opened fire in a club where homosexual teens meet. The unspeakable carnage exposes how very dark the mind of fallen humans can become.
And this recent mind-numbing crime provides yet another occasion for homosexual activists and those who support their social and political goals to lay an unbiblical, unchristian, indefensible crime at the feet of all Christians who hold biblical views on the nature and morality of homosexuality and who deplore murder.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anti-Homosexual Violence, Beyond America, Biblical Truth, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Gay-on-gay violence, Hate Speech (Laws), Homosexual Hate, Israel, News, Politics of "Hate", Semantics/stealing words, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Violence Against Homosexuals, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009
Here’s an interesting “Global Update” from the New York Times — after decades of homosexual activists pointing to Africa to change the subject whenever the obvious causal link between male homosexual practices and HIV is brought up. Note the last line: can you imagine the Times‘ indignation if all affected African countries were to report that truth that “gay” male sex is far riskier than normal sex?
We presume based on the Times‘ summary that the Lancet article is rife with pro-homosexual political correctness, as Western elites generally yearn to bring their decadent “First World” attitudes to economically underdeveloped countries that still regard homosexuality as deviant. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
The New York Times reports (emphasis added):
Aids: Role of Gay Men in Spreading Virus Is Ignored in Africa, Study Finds
New York Times, July 20, 2009
The role of gay sex in the transmission of the virus that causes AIDS in Africa has been long ignored, say the authors of a new study in the medical journal Lancet.
While most transmission of the virus in Africa is heterosexual, 19 recent studies of African men who have sex with men show that they have “considerably higher” infection rates than other adult men in their respective countries, said the authors, who were from Oxford University and research institutions in Ghana and Kenya.
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Posted in Africa, Beyond America, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Physical Health |
Monday, March 16th, 2009
How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced sodomy?
The Ugandans are a thousand times better off inviting Scott Lively (left) to their country than pro-homosexuality, Christian-hating activists like Wayne (“Anything but Straight”) Besen.
DefendTheFamily.com Alert
The following was sent out March 10 by Scott Lively, founder of Abiding Truth Ministries and its affiliated website, www.defendthefamily.com. It has been fascinating to watch the homosexual activists — and their new, unexpected ally, Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College — seek to make a huge controversy over the illegality of homosexual acts in Uganda and the call at this conference to substitute reparative (ex-“gay”) therapy for incarceration. (Note in bold below how Lively says they distorted his advice to the Ugandans.) Perhaps the “queer” ideologues and their misguided fellow travelers ought to reflect on the massive crisis that legal and celebrated homosexuality has caused here in the United States of America — including hundreds of thousands of premature deaths linked to deviant sexual behavior — before lecturing the poor Ugandans, who are attempting to maintain a pro-Christian-morality public policy (what a concept).
At AFTAH, we preach Christian mercy and have denounced Talibanesque capital punishment for homosexuals in countries like Iran. But we also believe that if states and localities here in America (and governments abroad) wish to ban sodomy, they have every right to do so — notwithstanding polemical U.S. Supreme Court decisions inventing newfangled “constitutional rights” and influenced by inaccurate homosexual activist amicus briefs. We’ll have more on the Throckmorton controversy (see his Christianity-defying, pro-homosexuality 2007 interview quotes HERE) in the coming days, including Lively’s public call on Throckmorton to repent. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.com
P.S. I wish Warren would cease his gossipy, online correspondence with activists committed to aberrant, ungodly sexuality and think about the answer to this: How many American men would still be alive today had they never practiced the sin of sodomy?
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian, Health & Science, News, Physical Health, Sodomy, STDs, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Uganda |
Friday, February 13th, 2009
Folks, we received this from our Canadian friend, Robert Jason, who daily updates people worldwide on the politically correct follies in that multicultural basket case to America’s north:
Parents for Democracy in Education Society
Len Remple, President; Marc Gravelle, Vice President
Well, it is true and it is alarming.
The British Columbia school curriculum from K to 12 has been revised to present a favourable portrayal of homosexuality and the homosexual life style.
First they wanted “tolerance”, then they wanted “acceptance”, now they want to teach “celebration” of that lifestyle.
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Posted in Beyond America, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Canada, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, News |
Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
International AIDS funding massively disproportionate to other diseases
There is no precedent in history for such myth-driven “democratization” of a disease, nor for the abominable unfairness in allocating funds away from so many curable illnesses. — Michael Fumento
The full New York Post column by Michael Fumento appears HERE. Emphasis added below:
A Myth that Kills
By Michael Fumento
New York Post, July 3, 2008 –THE Senate is near to passing a massive $50 billion Emergency Plan for HIV/ AIDS Relief — a bill whose priorities are based on myth, just like virtually all anti-AIDS efforts worldwide.
The world’s top AIDS bureaucrat recently admitted the truth: “It is very unlikely that there will be a heterosexual epidemic” outside Africa, Kevin de Cock, director of the World Health Organization, told London’s Independent newspaper. His bosses at the United Nations issued an official denial — but couldn’t truly challenge his science.
The effort to “democratize” AIDS dates back to the mid-1980s, when the media and health officials began a desperate and concerted effort to divert attention and make it seem everyone was at risk. The 1985 Life magazine cover, blaring “NOW NO ONE IS SAFE FROM AIDS” in huge red letters, represents this effort. Surgeon General Everett Koop coined the term “heterosexual AIDS explosion” in 1987, while in 1993 HHS Secretary Donna Shalala told Congress that AIDS may leave “nobody left.”
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Posted in Africa, CDC, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, International, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Physical Health, Pro-Homosexual Media, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |

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