Government Promotion

Exodus Mandate, Phyllis Schlafly and a Coalition of Christian and Pro-family Organizations Endorse Call for ‘Exodus’ From California Schools

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

New law ‘mainstreams sexual deviance among children’

Feb 7, 2008 

Contact: E. Ray Moore, Jr., Chaplain (Lt. Col.) USAR Ret, Director of Exodus Mandate or Dr. Bruce Shortt, 803-714-1744. California Exodus contacts:,

COLUMBIA, South Carolina, Feb. 7 /Christian Newswire/ — California Governor Schwarzenegger signed legislation mandating that public school children be indoctrinated to accept as normal the homosexual lifestyle and other forms of sexual deviancy. In the wake of the failed effort to obtain a referendum to repeal this legislation, a broad coalition of Christian grassroots organizations have endorsed the Campaign for Children and Families’ call for California families and churches to rescue their children from California’s public schools.

Read the rest of this article »

Clinton Appointee Judge Rejects David Parker Lawsuit against Homosexual Programs in Grade School

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Appeals Judge issues outrageous ruling embracing homosexual ‘tolerance’ lessons, ignoring Constitutional religious guarantees; links ‘same-sex marriage’ to homosexual instruction

judge_sandra_lynch.jpg Judge Sandra Lynch

Folks, it is astonishing how far the “gay agenda” (which some homosexual activists say doesn’t exist!) has come in the last 30 years. From defending homosexual bars to opposing parents who merely want to be informed about pro-homosexuality lessons in their young child’s class, the agenda moves on.  Massachusetts and California are the states to watch to see where the homosexual youth- and school agenda is headed. 

We recommend carefully studying the MassResistance website, and other sites like Linda Harvey’s to get engaged on this issue. 


The following is’s report on Judge Lynch’s decision, which the Parkers and Wirthlins are appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court:  

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal of David Parker Case

Judge issues outrageous ruling embracing homosexual “tolerance” lessons; uses notorious “1999 Curriculum Frameworks” in argument; Parker’s lawyers already preparing to appeal case to US Supreme Court

Federal Appeals Judge Sandra L. Lynch, a Clinton appointee, wrote the opinion 
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS (JAN. 31, 2008) — A three-judge federal appeals panel issued a bizarre and horrific ruling today denying the recent appeal  by David Parker, his wife Tonia, and Rob and Robin Wirthlin in their federal Civil Rights case against the Lexington school system. The ruling, written Judge Sandra L. Lynch, upholds the dismissal of the case by Federal Judge Mark Wolf, agrees with his reasoning (with some minor exceptions) and even goes a bit further.


Strange legal reasoning
Judge Lynch shows little interest in the major point made by Parker attorney Rob Sinsheimer that the basic Constitutional protections of religious belief are being trampled on by the school. Instead, she attempts to show how Massachusetts law makes it necessary. She digs pretty deep to do that. In her ruling references 1993 Massachusetts Education Reform Act as mandating that standards “be designed to inculcate respect for the cultural, ethnic and racial diversity of the commonwealth.” 

Lynch then uses the extremely controversial Massachusetts 1999 Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework to justify homosexual-oriented “tolerance” lessons in the lower grades. She quotes from its “measurable goals” in the lower grades, such as “define sexual orientation using the correct terminology.”  But Lynch completely ignores the fact that that document was clearly intended as a non-mandatory, informal set of guidelines.  That is why Planned Parenthood has filed bill H597 this year to make that document a legal guideline, not informal. (Even the resources listed in the document are from the radical fringe.)

Lynch also presents an interesting analysis of the state Parental Notification Law (Ch. 71, Sec. 32A) which succinctly explains that it is so watered down — and is particularly compromised by the Department of Education’s “advisory rulings” — that it is essentially useless in this situation.

Lynch then observes that the 2003 Goodridge decision held “that the state constitution mandates the recognition of same-sex marriage” and therefore, she implies, the schools must recognize it also.

Most of the rest of Lynch’s reasoning consists of a merry-go-round of excerpts from various “case law” decisions going back several years. That is always suspicious, as we’ve seen throughout this case, because one can cherry-pick language from past decisions (often out of context) almost forever.

Click HERE for the full article on Judge Lynch’s ruling by MassResistance

LISTEN ONLINE: Al Gore Backs Homosexual ‘Marriage’

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

AFTAH in the news

al_gore.jpg Is the Bible an “inconvenient truth” to the former Vice President? Click HERE to listen to the One News Now report on Mr. Gore’s latest capitulation to homosexual activism.

Jim Brown of the American Family Association news service One News Now reports on the latest from Al Gore. Click HERE to listen to the report online on the ONN website (click the “HEAR REPORT” button at the top right).

One News Now, Jan. 28. To sign up for ONN updates, click HERE

Al Gore, the most recent Democratic vice president of the United States, has announced his support for same-sex “marriage,” saying the legalization of such unions does not threaten heterosexuals. Conservative activist Peter LaBarbera says it was only a matter of time before Gore openly offered up such an endorsement.

Gore has joined New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and other leading Democrats in calling for the legalization of homosexual marriage. Commenting in a video featured on his Current TV network, the former Democratic member of Congress and nominee for president says it is wrong for the government to “discriminate” against individuals because of their sexual orientation.

“Gay men and women ought to have the same rights as heterosexual men and women to make contracts, to have hospital visiting rights, to join together in marriage,” states Gore, “and I don’t understand why it is considered by some people to be a threat to heterosexual marriage to allow it by gays and lesbians.”

According to the former VP, the “loyalty and love” that two men or two women feel for one another when they “fall in love ought to be celebrated and encouraged.”

“Shouldn’t we be promoting the kind of faithfulness and loyalty to one’s partner regardless of sexual orientation?” Gore asks. “Because if you don’t do that, then to that extent you’re promoting promiscuity — and you’re promoting all the problems that can result from promiscuity.”

Peter LaBarbera, executive director of the pro-family group Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, says Gore is asking the wrong question. “It’s not just how it affects my marriage,” LaBarbera responds. “First of all, it’s whether it’s right or wrong.”

The pro-family spokesman points out that Gore’s stance is inconsistent with biblical teaching. “I would have more respect for Al Gore if he announced, ‘I’m leaving my Christian faith and I’m embracing homosexual marriage’ — because then, at least, he would be consistent,” says LaBarbera. “But you don’t support marriage between men; that runs against all of human history up to these last few years …. It’s just a sad day.”

Still, LaBarbera is not surprised Gore wants to attach marriage to homosexual behavior. “We’ve been saying this for years, and we knew the day was coming when the liberals would make their move from domestic partnership and civil unions to outright homosexual so-called ‘marriage,'” he shares. “We knew the sellout was coming, because the distance between embracing homosexual relationships and not embracing them — as opposed to going from civil unions to gay marriage — is much bigger.”

The Americans for Truth leader explains his argument. “In other words … once you make the jump in saying that the state should endorse and sanction and bless homosexual relationships, that’s the big jump,” he says. “Once you’ve crossed that hurdle, these other things are not as big.”

LaBarbera says Al Gore is wrong to suggest homosexual marriage is not a threat to everyone else. He notes in Massachusetts, homosexual indoctrination has increased in that state’s schools since same-sex marriage was legalized. In addition, he believes Gore’s comments will likely increase the pressure on Democratic presidential candidates to follow suit. The top three contenders — Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards — currently support civil unions but not same-sex marriage.

Click HERE to go to the One News Now website, where you can listen to the report by clicking the “HEAR REPORT” button at the top right.

Homosexuals Squelch Facts About MRSA Outbreak

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

dr_john_diggs.gif Dr. John Diggs says male homosexual behavior should be discouraged for public health reasons. In 2002, Diggs authored a white paper on the “Health Risks of Gay Sex.”

The following is excerpted from an article in  

Homosexuals Squelch Facts About MRSA Outbreak, Conservatives Say
By Pete Winn Senior Staff Writer
January 28, 2008

( – Conservative groups say the truth about a new “multi-drug resistant microbe” prevalent among homosexual men is not being presented to the public because of political correctness.

Almost two weeks ago, researchers announced they have isolated a new form of MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, an infection that is spreading through San Francisco’s homosexual community and could spread to the general community.

“These multi-drug resistant infections often affect gay men at body sites in which skin-to-skin contact occurs during sexual activities,” said Binh Diep, the University of California-San Francisco scientist who led the team that made the finding.

In fact, the researchers determined that this variant of MRSA infection is 13 to 14 times more prevalent in homosexual men than for the general population.

But the media are now obscuring that fact, according to Matt Barber, director of cultural policy for Concerned Women for America (CWA).

“The real story here is the way that the media have whitewashed this outbreak,” Barber told Cybercast News Service. “It is amazing to see what they’ve done with this.”…

Internationally known infectious disease specialist Dr. John Diggs is siding with the conservatives. The Massachusetts-based physician said treating any infection in a politically correct manner could be dangerous. Treating MRSA that way could prove fatal.

“This outbreak is especially troubling because it is a community-based form of MRSA,” said Diggs, who is an executive committee member of the Physicians Consortium. “Until recently, MRSA has typically been confined to hospitals. The implications are very serious, because we don’t know exactly where this is going to go.”

Medically speaking, any break in the skin that is exposed to the organism can then set off an infection, which can destroy “a lot of tissue” before it’s brought under control, Diggs said.

“You can take something that was relatively isolated in a small place, and suddenly, when it spreads to the general population, things such as school wrestling matches, or football games or basketball games or other sporting events, can take on a specter – they can become deadly,” he added.

The fact is, the epicenter for this outbreak is among men who are having sex with men, Diggs told Cybercast News Service. Researchers identified the rates of drug resistance on the basis of ZIP codes, not ideology.

“The particular ZIP codes they looked at were ones that were associated primarily with men who were having sex with other men,” he said, “the Castro district in San Francisco and also a healthcare center called the Fenway, here in Massachusetts, in Boston.”

Diggs noted that the study itself pointed out that the infection manifests as “an abscess in the buttocks, genitals or perineum” and concluded that it “probably started out in San Francisco, and has been disseminated by the frequent cross-coastal travel” of homosexual men traveling from San Francisco to Boston.

“Men who practice anal sex, men who have promiscuous sex, men who have multiple partners in short periods of time are much more likely to spread this disease,” he said. “It’s not because of who they are. It’s because of that they do.”

“Now I know that a lot of people have attacked those who have brought this to people’s attention as being homophobic, but the real issue – and you have to face the facts – is that men who have sex with men have very high rates of sexually transmitted disease,” Diggs said.

“When you face that reality, then you have to start taking a serious look and deciding that the best public health intervention is to discourage behavior that causes the infection to spread.”

The biggest problem with this new strain – as with any variant of MRSA, Diggs said, is that it is increasingly difficult to find drugs that will effectively combat the problem.

Click HERE to read the whole article


Lesbian Camille Paglia Makes Sense on Harm of ‘Gay’ Promotion to Youth

Monday, January 28th, 2008

This is an oldie but a goodie from the brilliant, politically incorrect (lesbian) feminist Camille Paglia, from her 1998 online Salon Q&A column “Ask Camille.” Now, before you think we’ve sold our conservative souls and are ready to join the Wayne Besen Homosexual Hysteria Club so we can start smearing ex-gays, ridiculing common sense, and destroying traditional marriage — no, we are not sanctioning lesbianism by posting this piece. (Personally, my hope would be that Paglia would outgrow lesbianism, but that’s another essay.) She just makes some refreshing observations that, frankly, we wish more traditionalists would make. (And Paglia has always opposed the Gay Left’s totalitarian impulse by defending the free speech righs of opponents of homosexuality.) 

Of course, the problem Paglia addresses below has only grown exponentially worse in the decade since she wrote this.– Peter LaBarbera

Emphasis is added below:

Dear Camille:

I am a black, conservative female. I am proud to say that you are one of my heroes. I would like your opinion of the following press release, which I am forwarding to you. It’s regarding the Gay Youth Pride Day. Now, according to some, I may have no right to have an opinion about this, because of my heterosexuality. However, I think some in the so-called “gay community” take this pride thing a bit too far. As a 19-year-old, openly straight female, I really don’t understand the need for the self-anointed leaders of the gay rights movement to draw gay youngsters into their self-indulgent politics. Am I misguided or insensitive in my approach to the “young gay dilemma”?

Your conservative admirer in Va.
Dear Conservative:

The psychological turmoil of adolescents at sexual awakening cannot be underestimated. Everything is in flux — impulses, fears, dreams, with simultaneous longings for independence and for protection by adults. What I dislike about the push of organized gay activism into high schools is that it imposes a rigid political paradigm on a stage of life that is in rapid, painful transition for everyone, gay or straight.

As an equity feminist, as well as an open lesbian, I oppose special protections for any group, including my own. Teachers and administrators should obviously not permit physical harassment of any kind on school property, but verbal epithets, however offensive or hurtful, have First Amendment protection. The PC thought police, having been defeated on college campuses after the court-ordered banning of the fascist speech codes, are now oozing their way into high schools. “Hate” cannot be stopped by authoritarian manipulation but by slow social change, which may take generations.

The Internet has been a boon to lonely gay teens in geographically remote areas — but, of course, computers still remain largely a white middle-class luxury. I find very suspicious the statistics about teen suicides with which gay activists badger the media. If gay teens are indeed attempting suicide at a higher rate than straight teens, perhaps more questions need to be asked about the genesis of homosexuality. The intolerable sense of isolation may precede the homosexuality, rather than vice versa.

I have written repeatedly about my theory that homosexuality is an adaptation, rather than an innate trait, and that it is reinforced by habit. With its cant terms of “oppression” and “bigotry,” gay activism, encouraged by the scientific illiteracy of academic postmodernism, wants to deny that there is a heterosexual norm. This is madness. We need more art and history and less politics in primary education. Art gives the young the psychological and spiritual tools for authentic self-discovery. And art is where sexual dissenters have contributed the most to the human record.

In short, I agree with your concern about the Trojan Horse of gay activism, which is being dragged into high schools under the false flag of compassion. Young people who oppose homosexuality for any reason have a constitutional right to express their views, in or out of the classroom. Whatever they may privately believe as individuals, educators have a professional obligation to remain ideologically neutral in their treatment of students.

Judges Tosses Out Lesbian Lawsuit against Christian School

Friday, January 25th, 2008

california_lutheran_hs.jpg Cal Lutheran’s gym: the high school was sued for expelling two alleged lesbians. Their attorney argues that the Christian school should be treated like a business, and adhere to the state’s homosexual “nondiscrimination” laws.  

Note below how the alleged lesbians’ attorney calls the Lutheran school a “business” that must adhere to California’s pro-homosexual nondiscrimination laws. It is foolhardy to argue that such laws do not war against religious freedom — the litigious evidence is all around us. So it now becomes a battle over priorities: many “gay” activists believe their homosexuality-based “rights” — a trendy legal concept dating back a few decades, based on supposedly innate and unchangeable “orientation” — take precedence even over religious schools’ faith creeds. However, religious freedom dates back to the founding of this nation. Certainly, preserving America’s “first freedom” must take priority (the lesbians are free to form their own school if they wish).

Also, consider how a federal ENDA law (Employment Nondiscrimination Act) would open schools in states without “sexual orientation” laws to similar lawsuits in federal courts. — Peter LaBarbera, which is to be commended for its vigilance in covering these matters, reports (emphasis added):

Lesbian suit against Christian school tossed
‘No triable issues’: Academy’s right to expel 2 girls in ‘relationship’ confirmed

© 2008, Jan. 25, 2008

A California judge has ruled that Christian schools can set standards for behavior for their students, and impose penalties if they are not met.

The decision comes from Riverside County Superior Court Judge Gloria Trask, who found ‘no triable issues’ on claims that a Christian school discriminated against two girls because of their perceived sexual orientation, according to a report in the North County Times.

Trask recently dismissed the claims made against California Lutheran High School in Wildomar by the two girls and their parents.

The case developed in 2005 when the girls, members of the junior class, were expelled after school officials noticed behavior by the two that may have indicated a lesbian relationship.

Read the rest of this article »

LISTEN: Homosexuals Pressure Media and Researchers on MRSA Outbreak Story

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

We apologize: we initially posted to the wrong CWA interview in our initial post: 

Click HERE to listen to Concerned Women for America’s online interview yesterday between Matt Barber and Robert Knight. Less than a week after Reuters drew national attention to a study about an outbreak of the deadly MRSA staph infection among homosexuals engaging in risky behavior, follow-up articles started appearing that seemed to downplay the findings, attack the researchers and demonize pro-family groups that commented on it. Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, and Knight, Director of the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute, discuss these often-used tactics by radical homosexuals to avoid inconvenient truths. You can also go HERE to CWA’s website to listen to or download the interview.

Barber did a previous interview with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, which you can listen to by clicking HERE, or by connecting from this page on the CWA website.

CWA Invites Homosexual Groups to Work to Curb Spread of MRSA

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

6-25-2007-16.jpg Will homosexual groups like HRC, GLAAD and Lambda Legal take action against homosexual bathhouses like Steamworks, which make it easy for men to have anonymous sex with other men? Above, a float for the Chicago Steamworks bathhouse participates in the city’s 2007 “gay pride” parade. Does the homosexual lobby take “pride” in these perversion centers? Photo: AFTAH.

Well, folks, I’m not exactly expecting Human Rights Campaign and the rest of the “gay” lobby to hop on this request for cooperation from my good friend Matt Barber of CWA, but it sure would be progress if they did. It is unbelievable that 25 years after the outbreak of AIDS, homosexual bathhouses and other venues for anonymous sodomitic encounters are flourishing.

Over the years, we’ve heard from a few homosexual men and lesbian women who agree with us that the sex clubs should be closed down. They are the politically incorrect voices within their community. There are some things on which we can find common cause, and making it as hard as possible for men to hook up anonymously with other men to engage in dangerous sexual practices should be one of them. This is not rocket science, so why isn’t the CDC leading such a campaign? — Peter LaBarbera  

Concerned Women for America


JANUARY 22, 2008 

Concact: Natalie Bell: (202) 488-7000 ext. 126

Homosexual Groups Invited to Work to Curb Spread of MRSA

Washington, D.C. — Because Concerned Women for America (CWA) cares deeply for the health and well being of all Americans, CWA is sending letters inviting the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, GLAAD and Lambda Legal to put aside profound ideological differences with CWA — for the sake of the lives and health of their members — and to call for commonsense steps to help curb the spread of a potentially deadly strain of Staph infection. 

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA bacteria, is infecting men who have sex with men in major cities at an alarming rate.  A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, found that “gay” men are 13 times more likely to contract the infection. 

The study determined that the spread of MRSA, “among men who have sex with men is associated with high-risk behaviors, including use of methamphetamine and other illicit drugs, sex with multiple partners, participation in a group sex party, use of the internet for sexual contacts, skin-abrading sex, and history of sexually transmitted infections.”  But ultimately, the study warned that, “Having male-male sex seems to be a risk factor for [MRSA].”        

Dr. Binh Diep, the researcher who led the study, told Reuters, “Once this reaches the general population, it will be truly unstoppable.”  The study found that the “[MRSA] epidemic probably started in San Francisco and has been disseminated by the frequent cross-coastal travel of men who have sex with men.”

Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues, said, “We now have a wonderful opportunity for ideological opponents to come together for the common good.  Steps must be taken to keep this MRSA outbreak, which is occurring within certain segments of the homosexual community, from becoming a more widespread epidemic.

“HRC and other homosexual groups have a profound leadership role in their communities and a responsibility to protect their members from behaviorally related threats to their health and well-being.   Therefore, these groups should publicly condemn those specific ‘high-risk behaviors’ which this study has concluded are responsible for spreading MRSA among homosexuals. 

“We’re asking HRC and other groups to denounce, through word and deed, ‘sex with multiple partners,’ ‘group sex [parties]’ and to actively promote the notion that it is never okay to ‘use methamphetamine and other illicit drugs.’”

“In light of this behaviorally related MRSA outbreak,” said Barber, “we additionally ask HRC and other groups to call on local health agencies to shut down the many bathhouses and sex clubs around the country where men meet for anonymous sex with other men, often multiple partners, on a daily basis.  These places create the ‘perfect storm’ for infectious disease, including MRSA.

“Now’s the time for us all to come together,” concluded Barber.  “Let’s do what needs to be done to help curtail this regrettable MRSA outbreak.” 

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