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Mental Health
Thursday, August 7th, 2008
WARNING: Obscene (albeit covered-up) photos of government -tolerated San Francisco perversion

The secular website Zombietime has documented the incredibly heinous public “pig sex” perversions and nudity that were allowed to take place unfettered by police at the July 27 “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco, which AFTAH also exposed. You can see the UNCENSORED photos like this one (which we covered up) at the Zombietime site and then ask yourself: what have the liberal, pro-homosexual, pro-gay-“marriage” elites and politicians done to America? Why are homosexual perverts allowed to rule the streets and defy the law in a major U.S. city — represented by the woman who is third in line to be President? We must restore public decency in California and in big cities across the nation and stop pandering to radical sexual agendas — including “same-sex marriage” — that undermine U.S. law and God’s moral code. America began to see the ugly truth of abortion through documentaries like “Silent Scream.” Perhaps we will begin facing up to the threat of government-endorsed homosexuality by viewing the horrid public depravities tolerated by pandering police and politicians in San Francisco. Go HERE to the Zombietime site; you can choose between a blurred out version or one in which the photos are NOT COVERED UP as this one is.
Dear Readers,
Occasionally we at Americans For Truth are taken to task by well-meaning but — in my view — woefully naive pro-family people for using graphic (albeit censored) photos to expose the real-life depravities associated with the homosexual movement. Just the other day, I was chided in an e-mail by an evangelical who is well-known as a commentator on GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) issues. He was irritated at AFTAH’s “picture show” — as he snidely called it — exposing the July 27 “Up Your Alley” sadistic street fair in San Francisco.
I expect to take heat from Professional Homosexuality Defenders and fanatical “gay” websites like Pam’s House Blend, Good As You and ExGayWatch — but not “pro-family” people who don’t seem to understand that homosexual activists are serious about destroying America’s Judeo-Christian and moral foundations — and our religious freedom — if we let them!
Truth is, AFTAH’s “picture show” — provided thanks to the selfless efforts of some Californian men who gave up their Sunday to document state-sanctioned sexual anarchy in the City by the Bay — hardly conveyed the full extent of Up Your Alley’s public debauchery. But a secular observer and creator of the Zombietime website has done so. Like AFTAH, Zombietime seeks to document this (in our view, scandalous) toleration of anything-goes perversion and full nudity on city streets.
Zombietime states: “The images shown in the report below have been published here because they are essential documentary components of a news story; they are not intended as titillation or pornography. … I am only publishing these images for their evidentiary and journalistic value, and have no desire to run an X-rated web site. In order to prove that what I’m reporting is really true, I must necessarily post pictures that many will perceive as pornographic.”
AFTAH’s aforementioned, holier-than-thou critic wondered why we couldn’t have just offered a single photo of the nudity-filled street fair to make our point. He implied that we weren’t being “redemptive” in our work. Had we followed his advice, our “gay” detractors surely would have charged us with distorting and exaggerating the reality of it through one measly photo! Offering a message of hope to homosexuals is critically important, but so is exposing the full, radical homosexual agenda that the “mainstream” media is cynically hiding from the public.
Incidentally, Zombietime, like AFTAH’s own eye-witnesses, contradicts homosexual activist Jeremy Hooper’s ridiculous attempt (also belied by the crowd photo above) to discredit AFTAH’s report by falsely claiming that Up Your Alley “was actually not ‘public.’ This is a paid, closed-off event. Yes it takes place in the streets; but these are blocked off streets!” In contrast, Zombietime, who was actually there, writes (emphasis his):
“And remember that this fair is completely free, and open to the public without any admission charge, and is held on public city streets.”
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Posted in BDSM, Candidates & Elected Officials, Christian Persecution, Current State Law, Democrat Party, Evangelicals, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Physical Health, Police & Fire Departments, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco |
Wednesday, July 30th, 2008
Police-protected sadistic celebration reveals continuing lawlessness in America’s ‘gay-est’ city
CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE. Man whips another man’s back as crowd watches at the “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco. Consensual sexual violence, degradation and even “slavery” are part of the “leather” movement — which has its own “pride” flag just like the “gay” movement that birthed it.
By Peter LaBarbera
These photos were taken on Sunday, July 27, 2008, by amateur pro-family volunteers for Americans For Truth, at the “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco — one of the city’s two open-air celebrations of sadomasochism (euphemistically called the “leather” lifestyle by practitioners). It is telling to us that the same city whose mayor, Gavin Newsom (D), ignited the “same-sex marriage” crusade in California by illegally issuing “gay marriage” licenses — openly tolerates and celebrates gross perversions, nudity and sexual lawlessness on its streets. Last year, Newsom issued a congratulatory welcome letter to attendees of the “Folsom Street Fair,” the bigger S&M festival held in September that also runs and sponsors “Up Your Alley.”
These photos do not fit in with the slick, national “gay” marketing plan, to be sure. Nevertheless, this pathetic and debased spectacle is as much an offspring of the “GLBT” movement as the current quest for homosexual “marriage.” The latter radically redefines and corrupts an ancient institution created by God to order relations between man and woman as the basis for family life. Perverse events like “Up Your Alley” and “Folsom Street Fair” mock any notion of right and wrong — as the reckless pursuit of anything-goes “tolerance” leads governmental authorities to enable and promote evil, turning freedom into sexual anarchy while causing a breakdown in law and order.
Homosexual activists mock and deride Americans For Truth relentlessly for exposing sordid realities like “Up Your Alley” — and showing you what happens when sexual radicals come to dominate a major city. They don’t want Americans to see this side of their agenda, so they attack the messenger. But we must face reality and come to grips with the truth that “rights” based on aberrant sex are not genuine civil rights. In fact, they pervert the noble ideal of American freedom. (It’s no coincidence that the same San Francisco politicians who welcome these nudity- and perversion-filled festivals in city streets have moved to condemn ex-gays and Christian moral opposition to homosexuality.)
Like the pantless perverts wandering around in sneakers-only at “Up Your Alley,” the liberals’ pro-homosexual “tolerance and diversity” program is now fully exposed as a soulless and bankrupt ideology. According to its precepts, nothing can be judged as wrong (sexually-speaking) — except, of course, normal, historic Judeo-Christian mores. But common sense leads us to ask: if homosexualism is a good or benign force in society, why in San Francisco — the nation’s “gay” Mecca, its “queer” utopia — do we witness this progression into degrading and wicked public displays sanctioned by the government? Turns out, boundaries are good — they protect us; they even protect people (sinners, all) from themselves. But without God, there are no limits, and evil fills the void: if a once-Christian-infused culture can go from holding sodomy in contempt to embracing “Gay Pride,” then why not indulge “Leather Pride”?
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Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Gay Culture, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Police & Fire Departments, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Sodomy |
Thursday, July 24th, 2008
Virgins had ‘nothing to report’ to perverted ‘sexologist’
Alfred Kinsey fooled a nation by seducing the media to promote his junk science as straight facts about Americans’ sex lives. Kinsey’s interview subjects were disproportionately involved in criminality, promiscuity and sexual deviance (he even took revolting “data” from a pedophile). Kinsey himself was a secret sexual masochist since his youth–who inserted foreign objects up his penis.
Linda Love writes AFTAH regarding our May 30 piece on Alfred Kinsey and sadomasochism (“Bestiality Porn for Sale: Depraved IML Practices Recall Alfred Kinsey’s Masochistic Perversions’s Deviant Heirs”):
FYI, My mother, Vivian Bowen, was a student of Alfred Kinsey at Indiana University during World War II. She told me many years ago that she believed Kinsey’s research was flawed. She said her fellow students would jokingly ask her if she had agreed to be interviewed about her sex life since she was one of the best looking women on campus. Of course, she didn’t. She was a virgin until she married and had nothing to report. She said it was only the sluts and show offs (what we would call exhibitionists) who came in for interviews!
Linda Love
“Tame the Media Tiger Instead of Becoming Its Lunch!” (c)2000-2008
Posted in Alfred Kinsey, Celebrities, Health & Science, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Sexual Revolution |
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Prepping Kids for Sex Change
Dr. Norman Spack: profiting off of gender confusion, endangering kids’ health.
“Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to give them a few more years to make up their minds if they want to be male—or female.”
We highly commend Breakpoint’s website, which is loaded with useful information and commentaries like this defending a Christian, pro-truth worldview. Note the excellent additional resources offered following this article.
We also recommend a terrific expose on the “transgender” agenda by Amy Contrada of MassResistance: see her 125-page report, “The Coming Nightmare of a Transgender Hate Crimes Bill.” Don’t read it unless you are serious about understanding this bizarre, aggressive movement and the threat it poses to children and society. Emphasis added in the Church Colson’s Breakpoint commentary below:
It’s a Sick, Sick World
By Chuck Colson
Breakpoint Commentary, July 8, 2008
Prepping Kids for Sex Change
He has been called “demonic,” “barbaric,” and has been compared to Nazi doctors. And when you read about his work, it is easy to see why Americans are so outraged. Dr. Norman Spack is a pediatric endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. Not long ago, he opened a clinic for what he terms “transgendered” children. Incredibly, he is giving kids as young as seven drugs that delay the onset of puberty—the first step in sex-change surgery when they are older.
Spack injects children with hormone-blocking drugs to prevent them from developing secondary sexual characteristics, like breasts or facial hair. The idea is to give them a few more years to make up their minds if they want to be male—or female.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Born that Way?, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Promoting Gender Confusion |
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Vulgarity on display at Boston “Dyke March” June 13. All photos shown here were shot by MassResistance. Click HERE to see their complete photo-story and video on the obscene “Dyke March.”
Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada of MassResistance report on the vulgar Boston “Dyke March” June 13. (Lesbian activists evidently can call themselves “dykes”; for the rest of us that’s potential “hate speech.”) Somebody report Camenker and Contrada to the Gay Thought Police for using the phrase “normal people.” Actually, they make a valid point: this in-our-face “dyke” movement — a combination of radical feminism and homosexual militancy — has zero to do with “civil rights” and everything to do with attacking normality by promoting perversion. Worst of all, its front-line activists seem to glory in corrupting youth and especially young girls and women with their deviant, God-defying messages. How sad to see grown women involved in this immature spectacle. Click HERE to see the entire MassResistance photo-story and video.
We’re showing these MassResistance photos unedited so as to accurately convey the messages presented in front of children and the Boston public. — Peter LaBarbera
MassResistance writes:
“Gay Pride Week” Boston Dyke March: Parade of obscenity and weirdness through downtown streets.
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Posted in 02 - Lesbian, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Parenting, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Lesbianism, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Pornography, Public Indecency, Sexual Revolution, Stealing Civil Rights |
Wednesday, June 25th, 2008
‘Gay and Lesbian Outreach’ group set to march in bawdy Chicago ‘gay pride’ parade
UPDATE: We learned June 26 from a Catholic, pro-family advocate who contacted the Chicago Archdiocese that AGLO has now been denied permission to march officially in this year’s homosexual “pride parade.” Stay tuned for more on this story.
[Click on photo to enlarge.] Topless transsexual bares his (presumably hormone-induced) breasts at last year’s (2007) Chicago “gay pride” parade. The “man” rode exposed like this for blocks along the parade route, as the crowd lining the streets cheered him on. Faithful Catholics in Chicagoland are outraged that a church-affiliated group called AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) may march in this year’s homosexuality-celebrating parade. (AGLO is listed as #114 in the parade line-up.) Photo: AFTAH. Click HERE to contact the Archdiocese of Chicago regarding AGLO.
Folks, I cannot help but commend this brilliant response from my friend Gary Morella to the news that Chicago Cardinal George is allowing (at least for now) a so-called “gay Catholic”-oriented group called AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) to march in this Sunday’s “Chicago Gay Pride” parade. (AGLO is listed as #114 in the parade line-up.) Morella is a Catholic pro-family, pro-life activist and research mathematician at Penn State, who catches enormous flack for his stubborn insistence on proclaiming truth at that academic den of iniquity.
Gary as a Catholic and I as an evangelical disagree on some points of theology, but we are completely in accord on the need to combat all worldly attempts to transform the sinful yet changeable behavior of homosexuality into some kind of inherent and innocuous “identity.” — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
P.S. I learned from my friend Susan Jordan, a Chicagoland Catholic, that AGLO has marched in other Chicago “gay pride” parades.
Gary Morella (left) writes:
In regard to the report of a Chicago “AGLO” group marching in a “Gay Pride” parade, some seminal Catholic truths apply in regard to the “bottom line,” not the least of which is the following. The Chicago Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach is misnamed. There is nothing “gay” about being inclined to unnatural acts that are so revolting as to cause extreme revulsion when accurately described! We are talking about sexual perversion that has not evolved to sexual deviance to sexual preference to sexual orientation, which is the politically correct lie of those practicing same in order to anesthetize society that they must accept the vices of a radical fringe under force of law – to heck with the common good! Rather, we’re talking about aberrant behavior that remains sexual perversion, regardless of the devil’s packaging! Accordingly, there is nothing Catholic about celebrating such perverse behavior that is condemned by traditional Catholic teaching rooted in Sacred Scripture, PERIOD! This truth should be obvious to anyone who is Catholic in more than name only in the recognition that the common good leads ultimately to a supernatural good in accord with God’s Divine Plan for His Creation. To thwart the common good is to do the work of the devil!
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, Catholic, Chicago, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Gay and Christian?, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Religious Leaders, Sodomy, State GLBTQ Activist Groups - Illinois, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Saturday, June 21st, 2008
Women who want to be men march shirtless to display their flat chests after ‘transgender’ breast removal surgeries
CAUTION: VERY DISTURBING. This is a woman who had her (healthy) breasts removed to appear like the transgender “man” she wants to be. “Transgender” is the “T” to which homosexual activists refer when they promote “GLBT youth.” The pro-family organization MassResistance took this photo during a recent June 7 “transgender pride” parade in Northampton, Massachusetts. Click HERE for the full MassResistance report on this perverse parade.
The shocking photo-story by our good friends at MassResistance is one of the most tragic things I have ever seen. Once before at a transgender conference in Washington, D.C., I witnessed the pitiful spectacle of “transgender men” — that is, women who want to become “men” — showing off their flattened chests after their healthy breasts were removed in accordance with their perceived “gender identity.”
My heart aches for this poor woman — yes, woman — who is so deceived that she has permanently mutilated her own body to pursue a false “gender identity.” This is what happens when (wo)man’s “feelings” and confusion — and ideology — are elevated above nature itself, not to mention God.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Born that Way?, Boston, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Health & Science, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Indecency, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, June 11th, 2008
Steve Bennett, a former homosexual, and his wife Irene, with their two beautiful children, are a wonderful testimony to the possibility of healthy change for homosexuals. So if we already know that men and women can leave homosexuality behind, why isn’t this phenomenon studied in the academy? What are “queer” activists and liberal researchers afraid will be discovered?
Check out this fascinating nugget from a near-three-decades-old Time Magazine article on (pro-“gay”) sex researchers William Howell Masters and Virginia Johnson. Note the high success rate of homosexuals seeking change. This begs the question: why isn’t the potential for change for homosexuals studied in the academy today, or the environmental factors common in the development of homosexual identity? Instead, all we hear about are studies — many funded through taxpayer dollars — seeking to prove that homosexuality is genetic.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Academic Bias, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Media Promotion, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |

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