Health & Science

FRC Takes on Colorado Transgender ‘Bathroom Bills’

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

autumn_sandeen.jpgShould this very confused man, “transgender” activist Autumn Sandeen, be allowed to use the female restroom?

From Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ May 30 “Washington Update”:

Congress may be adjourned for the Memorial Day recess, but a series of misguided state bills aren’t providing any relief for pro-family groups. Just ask the residents of Colorado, where locals are bracing themselves for an “anti-bias” law that is actually changing where people use the restroom. Yesterday, over the protests of thousands of families, Gov. Bill Ritter (D) signed SB 200 into law. The legislation blurs the sexual lines by making all public accommodations, including locker rooms and restrooms, “gender-free.” In other words, anyone–regardless of their biological identity–will be welcome in the men’s or ladies’ room, including cross-dressers, men who self-identify as women, women who self-identify as men, and people who haven’t made up their minds. To make matters worse, Colorado defines “public accommodations” as everything from malls, restaurants, and schools to small and even home businesses. The other side says this is about discrimination. But the chance of offending a few people hardly justifies putting everyone else at risk, which is exactly what SB 200 does.

For every transvestite who takes advantage of this law, there are a dozen sexual predators who will see this as a chance to put women and children into a vulnerable situation. Focus on the Family launched a statewide awareness campaign, but in the end, even Colorado’s largest Christian ministry couldn’t compete with Ritter’s desire to pay off liberal financier Tim Gill, who sank serious dollars into the governor’s election campaign in 2006. From here all eyes will turn to Montgomery County, [Maryland], where a November ballot initiative will determine the fate of its bathroom bill. [See for information about the Maryland battle.–Ed.]

To sign up for Family Research Council’s “Washington Update” and other e-mail publications, click HERE.

Bestiality Porn for Sale: Depraved IML Practices Recall Alfred Kinsey’s Masochistic Perversions

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Bestiality,”scat,” barebacking porn videos part of IML scene

“They invent ways of doing evil.” (Book of Romans 1:30)

See article below


By Peter LaBarbera

The above is a photo of videos sold at one of the many pornographic booths at the International Mr. Leather 2008 convention, held in the Hyatt Regency Chicago Hotel (Patrick Donnelly, Gen. Man.: 312-565-1234) over the Memorial Day weekend. Click HERE to listen to an online CWA interview with this writer. (I walked through the IML “vendors market,” open to the public, in a lower-level conference room at the Hyatt, where I shot this photo. )

Note that we’ve covered up the pornographic images. The bestiality titles (e.g., “Goat Fever,” “Amateur Animal 1,” speak for themselves. “Scat,” according to one online (and sexually explicit) “Robert Scott’s Gay Slang Dictionary,” refers to “A gay male who gets sexual gratification from acts involving faeces.” That is, excrement, which to us at Americans For Truth is proof that Satan is alive and well in this world.

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LISTEN ONLINE: Hyatt Regency Chicago Hosts ‘International Mr. Leather’ Perversion

Friday, May 30th, 2008

WARNING: Interview contains highly graphic content describing twisted behaviors; NOT for children iml-waterboys-covered-up-2007-06.JPG

Sadistic homosexual men attending an “International Mr. Leather” convention took over the Hyatt Regency Hotel (Patrick Donnelly, Gen. Man.: 312-565-1234) in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. Click HERE to listen to the CWA online interview with Peter LaBarbera of AFTAH. LaBarbera reports that the most vile pornography videos imaginable, including bestiality porn, were on sale in abundance in a large conference room at the Hyatt Regency. Above is a (blocked out) photo from last year’s IML (held at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago) of the “Water Boys,” a group that advocates orgies involving men urinating on and in one another. At this year’s IML, the “Water Boys” advertised the “Biggest Piss Party on the Planet” in Palm Springs, CA July 11-13. Hard-core sodomitic pornographic videos depicting this and other depraved acts showed on screens throughout the Hyatt Regency ballroom hosting the IML venders’ market.

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Civil Wrongs in the Name of Civil Rights — the Crystal Dixon Firing

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

crystal_dixon.jpgConcerned Women for America, May 13, 2008
By J. Matt Barber

Take Action

Don’t let this egregious and discriminatory action by the University of Toledo be ignored. Please contact University of Toledo President Lloyd Jacobs and respectfully request that he immediately reinstate Crystal Dixon (pictured at left) and issue a public apology to her, the African-American community and to Christians worldwide. (e-mail: or phone him at 419-530-2211 / Fax: 419-5304984)


The University of Toledo (UT) has sent a message: African-American Christians need not apply.

The University of Toledo (UT) has sent a message – loud and clear – to potential employees and students: African-American Christians need not apply.

UT President Lloyd Jacobs has betrayed his own anti-Christian bigotry and intolerance in what amounts to a prima facie violation of the U.S. Constitution, Ohio’s state constitution and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Recently, Jacobs, who portrays himself as a bastion of “tolerance” and “diversity,” overtly and shamelessly discriminated against Crystal Dixon, a black, Christian employee, because of her constitutionally protected, factually based and popularly held viewpoint relative to — ironically — civil rights. Understandably, many in the Christian and African-American communities are outraged.

Dixon, who was Associate Vice President of Human Resources at UT, has been arbitrarily fired from her job because she publicly defended the integrity of African-American civil rights struggles and further expressed her sincerely held religious beliefs relative to those struggles.

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U. of Toledo Fires Crystal Dixon over Column on Homosexuality

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

crystal_dixon.jpgCybercast News Service reports:

College Official Fired for Column on Homosexuality
By Pete Winn Senior Staff Writer
May 12, 2008

( – Cybercast News Service has learned that a University of Toledo administrator has lost her job because she wrote a newspaper commentary that questioned whether homosexuality is a civil rights issue.

Crystal Dixon, the associate vice president of human resources at the state university, had earlier been put on paid administrative leave for the Apr. 18 column published in the Toledo Free Press, as detailed in a previous report.

“She has been fired,” said Brian Rooney, spokesman for the Thomas More Law Center, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based legal-defense group which is representing Dixon.

Rooney told Cybercast News Service that the university had offered Dixon “another position, in a different part of the university, not in human resources” because she had argued in her editorial that sexual orientation is not an immutable characteristic like race or sex and should not be afforded the same protection under civil rights laws.

“She said no, that’s when she was fired,” Rooney said. “We are going to do everything we can within the law to try to show that the firing was improper and potentially illegal.”

Click HERE to read the entire CNSNews article

God Drew Janet Boynes OUT — of Lesbianism

Monday, May 12th, 2008

janet_boynes.jpgThe following is excerpted from ex-lesbian Janet Boynes’ website, To read Janet’s full testimony and learn more about her ministry, click HERE:

For fourteen years I lived the lesbian lifestyle, moving from one relationship to the next. My old habits came back as well and I struggled in and out of treatment, even getting in to trouble with the law. Throughout all of those years, I always knew that I would one day return to God, that He was calling me, but I wasn’t ready to come back.

Finally I met a woman at a grocery store who invited me to church. I went a few Sundays later and recommitted my life to Jesus Christ. Soon, all of my habits began falling away. It wasn’t easy, but with the help of the Holy Spirit and with the support of those around me, I gave up drugs, alcohol, and smoking. I joined a women’s Bible study and began to feel God calling me out of the homosexual lifestyle as well.

Prof. Gagnon’s Open Letter to U. of Toledo re: Suspension of Crystal Dixon

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

rob_gagnon.jpgNOTE: In AFTAH’s email version of this story, we erroneously cited the “firing” of Crystal Dixon. She has been suspended only and we apologize for the mistake.

The Open Letter below (emphasis added) is simply too informative not to pass on. Rob Gagnon is one of the world’s leading authorities on homosexuality and the Bible; Having heard him speak, I highly commend him as a visiting speaker at your church, synagogue or place of worship. The pro-homosexual theological revisionists — you know, the ones who make outlandish claims like that David and Jonathan in the Old Testament were “gay lovers” — are afraid to debate Rob. No wonder. You can learn more about Prof. Gagnon’s important work at — Peter LaBarbera

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Rob Gagnon’s open letter to the President of the University of Toledo, who suspended Ms. Crystal Dixon, Associate Vice President of Human Resources at the University, for rejecting an equation of homosexuality with ethnicity

(WND news story at; Lifesite story at

“I take great umbrage at the notion that those choosing the homosexual lifestyle are ‘civil rights victims.’ Here’s why. I cannot wake up tomorrow and not be a black woman.” — Crystal Dixon

TAKE ACTION: Read this letter, send it to all your friends and associates to educate them on the homosexual issue, and contact University of Toledo President Lloyd Jacobs ( at: President Dr. Lloyd A. Jacobs, University Hall, Room 3500, Phone: 419.530.2211; Fax: 419.530.4984

From: Robert Gagnon (

Sent: Tue 5/6/2008 5:04 PM

Dear [U. of Toledo] President Jacobs,

I have read of your action in connection with Ms. Crystal Dixon, Associate Vice President of Human Resources at the University of Toledo ( Your suspension of Ms. Dixon for rejecting an equation of homosexuality with ethnicity constitutes, in my view, a gross injustice and an expression of the very intolerance that you claim to abhor. It is also predicated on a lack of knowledge and, as such, an abundance of prejudice.

Ms. Dixon is absolutely right that sexual orientation is not akin to race or sex. Unlike a homosexual orientation, race and sex are 100% congenitally predetermined, cannot be fundamentally changed in their essence by cultural influences, and are not a primary or direct desire for behavior that is incompatible with embodied structures.

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The Face of Intolerance: Lesbian Riot Shuts Down Sorba Speech at Smith College

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

By Peter LaBarbera

sorba_riot_lesbian_with_frying_pan.jpg Beware lesbians with frying pans (if you care about free speech). Lesbian activists at Smith College stormed the “Born Gay Hoax” talk by Ryan Sorba, shutting it down. Photo:

Lesbian activists at Smith College just couldn’t stand by and let a young critic explain his views about the supposed innateness of homosexuality — so they stormed Ryan Sorba’s speech on the “Born Gay Hoax” and forced him to end it prematurely. Thus they decided for everyone in the room — supporters, foes, the curious and the undecided — whether Sorba’s arguments would be heard. Stalin would be proud.

Brian Camenker, Amy Contrada and the dedicated folks at have captured the totalitarian episode on film for the world to see. Kudos to MassResistance for once again chronicling the anti-democratic antics of the “gay” Left for the record. It is absolutely shameful that Smith College and Massachusetts authorities would allow Sorba’s First Amendment rights to be neutralized in — of all places — the academy, which is supposed to be a place where opposing ideas can be debated freely.

Homosexual activists are afraid of critical ideas — e.g., ex-“gays” and facts about the immense health risks linked to same-sex practices — a sure sign that they are on shallow intellectual footing. Meanwhile, we have learned that the American Psychiatric Association has canceled a symposium, slated for Monday, on “Homosexuality and Therapy: the Religious Dimension,” featuring Grove City College’s Warren Throckmorton — after homosexual activist Episcopal Bishop (Vicky) Gene Robinson pulled out of the discussion. The homosexual newspaper Washington Blade reports that Robinson “canceled his plans to attend because he came to believe that making an appearance would validate the concept that sexual orientation can be changed.”

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