Homosexual Hate Speech

San Francisco ‘Gaystapo’ Tries to Shout Down Pro-Family Press Conference

Friday, September 26th, 2008

Homosexual militants defend public sex, nudity on city streets; say children (with parents) should be allowed to attend X-rated Folsom Street Fair

By Peter LaBarbera


Anthony Gonzalez of the St. Joseph’s Men’s Society speaks at pro-family press conference at the San Francisco City Hall — denouncing the uber-perverse Folsom Street Fair, which will occur Sunday in the “gay” Mecca. Earlier, homosexual militants led by veteran “AIDS activist” Michael Petrelis sought to disrupt our press event. Petrelis and other “queer” advocates defended public sex on city streets and even said parents should be allowed to bring their young children to Folsom — despite the rampant public nudity and street orgies at the annual sadism-celebrating fair.

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 26 — Well, folks, this is what it boils down to in the nation’s “queer” Mecca: the same homosexual activists who have no problem tolerating public nudity, sex acts and sadomasochistic whippings on their city streets could not tolerate a simple pro-family press conference on the steps of City Hall.

Yes, the “Gaystapo” tried to shout down our press event this morning — prancing in front of our speakers, chanting that we were “bigots” and shouting over us throughout. Right off the bat, veteran homosexual “AIDS activist” Michael Petrelis jumped in front of me and our big banner that read, “Stop Public Nudity & Street Orgies” — demanding an answer as to whether I oppose “gays being hanged in Iran.” When I said yes, I oppose that, Petrelis was not appeased, and continued to jump in front of me and generally be obnoxiously disruptive (a “gay” militant specialty, it seems).

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AFTAH Questions MillerCoors on Participation in Heinous, Anti-Christian Folsom Street Fair

Friday, September 19th, 2008

miller_ad_folsom_08.JPGMillerCoors’ ad in the official program guide of the vile and anti-Christian Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. Would Miller advertise at an Incest Rights gathering, or proudly sell beer at a Neo-Nazi rally?

AFTAH letter sent today to MillerCoors spokesman Julian Green [contact Green at green.julian@mbco.com or phone: 1-800-MILLER-6 or 414-931-2000.]:

Dear Mr. Green,

We are highlighting MillerCoor’s support of and advertising at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco [to be held Sunday, September 28]. I am president of a conservative pro-family group, Americans For Truth (www.aftah.org). The Folsom Street Fair is probably the most extreme and debauched public event in the United States. As you can see from below and through the links on our site, it features men walking around fully nude and engaging in public homosexual orgies on the streets of San Francisco (as the police stand idly by).

Moreover, Folsom directly promotes anti-religious bigotry through its association with the anti-Catholic “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” and sale of (“religious”) “sex toys” that mock the Christian faith.

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A Terrific Defense of a Wronged Woman – Elaine Donnelly Under Fire

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Dear AFTAH Readers,

Please take the time to read carefully this superbly crafted column by my friend (and former boss) Bob Knight of the Culture & Media Institute. Bob is an expert in dissecting the lies of the Left, but I particularly enjoyed this piece setting the record straight on the Democrats’ and the Washington Post’s shameful mistreatment of Elaine Donnelly, a national leader in keeping radical sexual agendas out the military.

Post columnist Dana Milbank’s snideness is answered below by Bob’s classy — and very instructive — piece. As you know, AFTAH has been on the receiving end of a mountain full of cheap, spurious and ad hominem attacks of the sort leveled at Elaine — who deserves our thanks for decades of faithful service to the nation. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

TAKE ACTION: Spread the word by asking your family, friends and contacts to call their Congressman and U.S. Senators to voice their opposition to homosexualizing the U.S. military. Call 202-225-3121 (House) or 202-224-3121 (Senate); or go to www.congress.org.

A summary of Donnelly’s testimony and the statement of Brian Jones is available on the Center for Military Readiness’ website. Her full-length statement, with supporting footnotes and links, is posted on the House Armed Services Committee website. (Question: where were all the Republican men who should have been defending Donnelly?)


Bob Knight writes:

A Lady Under Fire

A Washington Post columnist claims a supporter of the ban on gays in the military exhibited “rage” in Congressional testimony — but The Hill reveals that the rage was on the other side.

By Robert Knight
Culture and Media Institute
July 25, 2008

Elaine Donnelly reported for duty Wednesday. She went to a battlefield where most men who agree with her were AWOL.

Like her mentor, Phyllis Schlafly, she did not let others’ cowardice or indifference interfere with what she needed to do. Mrs. Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, told the truth at risk of ridicule or worse, keeping the faith that telling the truth matters no matter what.

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Another ‘Gay’ Activist Says LaBarbera Is Repressed Homosexual

Thursday, June 19th, 2008

Sent today via the AFTAH website: “gay” e-mail No. 13,479 suggesting that Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera is a secret homosexual because he criticizes homosexual activism. “Ralph” writes:

My God, what a dreadful website this is. Full of misinformation about Gays & Lesbians. Dearest Peter, you\’re a repressed self-hating homosexual. It\’s painfully obvious: It\’s just a matter of time when when you\’ll be outed. Remember basic high school psychology? Anyone who obsesses about something like homosexuality is probably feeling guilty or ashamed about something they\’ve done in the past. So fess up Pete, what are you ashamed of?

As with so many of such emails that we receive at AFTAH, our e-response to “Ralph” (“How illogical and silly, but thanks for regurgitating this cliche”) bounced back. Apparently anonymity really brings out the tiger in these homosexual harassers.

Media Ignore Impending Collision: Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

brian_fitzpatrick_2.bmpFolks, this is an excellent piece on the escalating pro-homosexual totalitarianism abroad by my good friend Brian Fitzpatrick of the Culture & Media Institute (a branch of Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center). I like to think that here in America, we would not tolerate such lunacy, but that doesn’t mean that our Boy-Scout-hating “gay” militants won’t try. For a sampling of the bureaucratic language underlying Canada’s anti-Christian oppression, click HERE to read the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission’s information sheet on the Alberta Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act’s “sexual orientation” codePeter LaBarbera

By Brian Fitzpatrick

Culture & Media Institute, June 10, 2008

Thank God for the alternative media.

Unlike the big newspapers and TV networks, small conservative online news sites are reporting the growing threat posed to religious liberty by the burgeoning homosexual rights movement.

Two indispensable Web sites, Canada’s LifeSite News and [American Family Association’s] One News Now, have carried a stunning series of articles in the past few days about critics of homosexuality being attacked by the governments of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Belgium and Canada.

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Translating the Democrats’ ‘Gay Pride’ Proclamation

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

astheworldturns_homosexual_kiss.bmpCelebrating homosexual “pride” and legal rights based on homosexuality and gender confusion are now “core” Democrat Party values. Photo at left is from a homosexual male kissing scene as it appeared on the CBS soap “As the World Turns” [contact CBS here]. You can contact the Democrat Party HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera

Here is Americans For Truth’s politically incorrect translation of the Democrat Party’s 2008 homosexual “PRIDE Proclamation,” issued June 3 and found HERE on the Democrat Party’s website. Of course, practicing homosexuality or bisexuality, or embracing gender confusion (transgenderism) is nothing to be “proud” of. Our comments are in black and red; the Democrats’ “Pride Proclamation” is in blue:


Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today joined Massachusetts Democratic Representative Barney Frank and Wisconsin Democratic Representative Tammy Baldwin in issuing the following Proclamation marking PRIDE Month:

“Today, on behalf of Democrats across America, we join together in celebrating the contributions that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans and their families make to our society ….

“Today, on behalf of Democrats across America, we join together in celebrating the contributions that the following Americans — women who engage in (immoral) sex with other women, men who practice (unnatural and destructive) homosexual behavior, men and women who have sex with both men and women, and men who feel they should have been born as women (even though they have male sex organs) and who like to dress, grow breasts and act like they are women — and their families make to our society ….

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Boston ‘Gay Youth Pride’ Day Includes Hardcore Anti-Christian Propaganda

Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Youth walk in Boston’s annual “Gay/Straight Youth Pride March” holding a banner for BAGLY, the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth. The group is run by a cross-dressing, male-to-female transsexual activist adult. Kudos to MassResistance for exposing the corrupting influences on Massachusetts youth.

Brian Camenker of MassResistance.org writes:

We’ve just found out that the [Massachusetts] Senate Ways and Means Committee will be meeting tomorrow – Wednesday, May 14 – to decide on the 2009 budget appropriations. This includes the $750,000 now earmarked for homosexual activism targeting children in schools. Click HERE to contact the Ways and Means Committee to oppose the use of Massachusetts taxpayer dollars for this agenda.

Massachusetts citizens: want to know where your tax money is going? Read on:

1. Homosexual “Youth Pride Day” includes hardcore “gay” anti-religious propaganda. Speaker incites crowd to attack photographers.

This past Saturday was homosexual “Youth Pride Day” in Boston, run by the tax-funded Massachusetts Commission on Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth. It included a “celebration” on the Boston Common followed by a parade past the State House and a “transgender prom” that evening at Boston City Hall.

Kids were bussed in from all over the state. Homosexual activists were everywhere.

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Hateful Homosexual Spin Machine Ramps up Against Brett VanAsdlen

Monday, May 12th, 2008


Will “gay” militants sacrifice Brett VanAsdlen to advance their agenda?

TAKE ACTION: 1) E-mail or call Champaign Co., Illinois State’s Attorney Julia Rietz and ask her to drop the government’s one-sided felony “hate crimes” prosecution against 18-year-old student-athlete Brett VanAsdlen. Email: jrietz1@gmail.com or statesatty@co.champaign.il.us

2) Listen to CWA’s online audio interview on the trumped-up VanAsdlen “hate crime” case with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera, Bob Knight of the Culture and Media Institute and CWA’s Matt Barber. Click HERE for the AFTAH link or HERE to listen online:


By Peter LaBarbera

I sent homosexual activist blogger Tim Kincaid this note after reading his latest fulmination on the pages of Box Turtle Bulletin (the first paragraph of which we’ve reprinted below):

“[T]hanks for your nasty little piece on [Box Turtle Bulletin], Tim. Par for the course. The issue isn’t David Duke (whose website I only saw for the first time Friday) or Ted Pike (no, I wouldn’t use the phrase “Jewish media” [as Pike does]) but whether this kid, [Brett VanAsdlen], is being railroaded. If you called me a “breeder” and then we got in an argument ending in you pushing me down (perhaps after I aggressively got in your face after you hurled your insult), NO, I definitely would not want you to face a felony “hate crimes” charge. It’s ridiculous — especially if accounts are true that the prosecution has already dropped the aggravated battery charge [against VanAsdlen].”

I cited Ted Pike in my original article on this case because, as one who has crusaded against “hate crimes” laws, Pike was the first to bring the VanAsdlen story to national attention (in a mass email) — not because I agree with the thrust of his website (or Duke’s). Like most evangelicals, I abhor anti-Semitism and in fact am quite the hawk on defending Israel. I also decry racism and, of course, white nationalism, “white pride,” etc.

In their continuing effort to steal the legacy of the real civil rights movement, homosexual activists and their allies posit an analogy between racism and “homophobia” — their smear term of choice to denigrate traditionalists. It is a deeply flawed comparison: what does unchangeable skin color and ethnicity have to do with aberrant, immoral and changeable sexual behavior?

Nothing, unless you can produce an ex-African American.

janet_boynes_headshot.jpgMoreover, the homosexualists are in the uncomfortable position of making actual descendants of slaves — like Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church and ex-lesbian Janet Boynes (pictured at right) — the target of their opprobrium. Men and women of color (like Crystal Dixon, a Black woman who recently was suspended from the University of Toledo after publicly making points similar to these) are mere “religious anti-gay bigots,” according to the homo-fundamentalists’ warped formulations.

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