Homosexual Hate

VIDEO: Brit Hume Rips Left-wing ‘Habit’ of Equating Disagreement with Liberalism with Hate

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

Left’s rhetoric following Tucson murder recalls Homosexual Lobby’s exploitation of Matthew Shepard murder

For years, liberal, pro-homosexual activists have been using the cynical and dishonest tactic of blaming the Right and conservative rhetoric for horrific acts of violence: remember when the “gay” lobby organizations blamed the “Religious Right” for the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard — supposedly by creating a “climate of hate” against homosexuals? [See Human Rights Campaign quote in the jump, following video.] Kudos to Brit Hume for supplying his usual dose of common sense, which has a much wider application than the Giffords case:

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Here is the statement about the Shepard murder by then-HRC spokesman Kim Mills; note her obvious allusion to Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family:

“The savage beating and burning of Matthew Shepard did not occur in a vacuum.  Crimes such as these arise out of minds twisted and misinformed about lesbian and gay people.  The leaders of the most powerful religious political organizations — some of which have headquarters right here in Colorado — have made a strategic, political decision to target gays and lesbians,” said Mills at the press conference.

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with John Biver & Matt Barber – Part One

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

John Biver (left) and Matt Barber in the WYLL-Chicago studio taping the Americans For Truth Hour.

This AFTAH interview [Click HERE] with Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs for the Liberty Counsel, and John Biver, editor at www.ChampionNews.net, aired New Years Day 2011. They discuss with Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera — among other issues — the Southern Poverty Law Center’s politicized classification of AFTAH and other pro-family groups as “hate groups.” In the first part of the interview, LaBarbera discusses how homosexual activists manipulated a photo of Matt taken at a pro-family protest to try and make him look “limp-wristed.” (Barber, a former heavyweight boxer, ably describes the “queer” activists’ penchant for putting down their foes by calling them …. homosexuals.) See the hateful Joe Jervis’ embarrassingly sophomoric use of the trick Barber photo HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file. Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

1-1-11, John Biver & Matt Barber, All

VIDEO: FOX News’ ‘Red Eye’ Host Greg Gutfeld Smears AFTAH as ‘Gay-Haters’

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

FOX News "Red Eye" host Greg Gutfeld joked that AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera and other pro-family advocates are secret homosexuals (our meetings are "shirtless"...) because they oppose homosexual activism as immoral. Gutfeld called AFTAH and other pro-family groups "gay-haters."


1) Please contact FOX’s “Red Eye” and Greg Gutfeld and challenge them for their “hit piece” ridiculing Americans For Truth and moral opponents of the pro-homosexuality agenda. Red Eye’s e-mail is redeye@foxnews.com, and their phone is 212-462-5050. Ask Red Eye to stay true to the FOX network’s “fair and balanced” slogan rather than belittle pro-family advocates using liberal, mocking talking points. Suggest that they allow an AFTAH representative on the show to defend against Gutfeld’s cheap shots against AFTAH and pro-family organizations.   

2) Please also contact Fox News (general) HERE or by phone at 888-369-4762. This contact page contains e-mail addresses for all the FOX programs. Urge FOX hosts NOT to abandon opposition to homosexuality as a conservative issue (FOX hosts were largely AWOL in the recent debate over lifting the ban on open homosexuals in the military).


Folks, you know it’s a bad sign for the future of a “conservative” network like FOX News when a homosexual atheist and anti-Christian bigot like Evan Hurst joyously circulates a Fox News program segment — as AFTAH-hating Hurst did in highlighting FOX News’ Red Eye’s recent hit-piece against AFTAH.

Yes, I said FOX News. In the YouTube below, Greg Gutfeld, host of the late-night show “Red Eye,'” tees off on Americans For Truth (and Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America) as “gay haters” using all the liberal, elitist talking points on homosexuality (including that yours truly and other opponents of the pro-homosexuality movement are secret homosexuals ourselves).

Note how FOX analyst-lawyer-babe Kimberly Guilfoyle — ex-wife of San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom — joins the fray, laughing at and agreeing with Gutfeld’s putdowns, and arrogantly dismissing the pro-family boycott of CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference). I would have hoped that Guilfoyle, with all her legal training and Catholic schooling, would have at least challenged Gutfeld’s sophomoric thesis of Moral-Opposition-to-Homosexuality = “Hate” — even if only as a sop to FOX’s millions of faith-based viewers — but apparently that’s too much to ask. Please take the time to contact FOX about not selling out on homosexuality.  — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Stop the Hate – Give to AFTAH; Two Days Left for Year-End Matching Gift

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

All givers to AFTAH of $100 or more will receive a hard-cover copy of the late Dr. Charles Socarides' book, "Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far." Gifts must be made online or postmarked by midnight Friday, Dec. 31st to receive a 2010 tax deduction.

“You are a worthless dishonest lying hypocritical piece of excrement, and your God is going to have words with you someday.”
“You have “gay face”. Gay face is a certain look that some gay people have. your face is perfect to have a [XXX] inserted into your [XXXXX] and [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] across your eyeballs.”
— Two of the hundreds of hate missives sent by pro-homosexuality activists to Americans For Truth in 2010 


The Real “Haters” Hate AFTAH?  Folks, Americans For Truth is on the receiving end of an incredible amount of real HATRED from homosexual activists — evil and vile letters like the above that neither we nor any pro-family advocate I know would ever even consider sending to a homosexual or a “gay” organization.  And yet WE are dubbed a “hate group” — because we actively oppose the Homosexual-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transsexual movement.  Please help us at www.americansfortruth.com/donate

Year-End Gifts to AFTAH: Americans For Truth has received a generous $10,000 matching gift that we hope to completely match in this vital, year-end giving period.  Your donation must be received online or postmarked by midnight Dec. 31st (Friday night) to be counted as a tax deduction for 2010!   Please make your year-end “Match” donation of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or whatever you can give to: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/ — or mail your gift to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

FREE BOOK with $100 Gift: If you send a tax-deductible gift to AFTAH of $100 or more, you will receive a free hard-cover book, Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far, by the late Charles Socarides.


Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Targeted in Biased FOX-Chicago TV Report on SPLC’s Fraudulent ‘Hate Group’ Classification

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

DePaul law student and AFTAH critic Maria Pahl offered a grossly distorted description of AFTAH's three-day Truth Academy held last August. FOX-Chicago relied on Pahl's inaccurate account to buttress its story on AFTAH's alleged "hate."

TAKE ACTION: Watch video [click HERE] and contact FOX Chicago News; e-mail news@foxchicago.com, or use their online form HERE.

Dear Readers, once again we see the Left and the pro-homosexual media (which too often are one and the same) conflating disagreement with homosexual behavior with “hate.”  Chicago-FOX News went to elaborate lengths to “expose” AFTAH is a “hate group” — per the classification by the left-wing ideologues over at the Southern Poverty Law Center.  But it seems the best they could come up with is that we joked about Congressman Barney Frank and made some common-sense observations about pat-downs by “gay” TSA agents! (If normal male TSA agents don’t frisk women, why should homosexual male TSA agents frisk men, or lesbians frisk women?)

How interesting that FOX Chicago’s “spies” at the recent Americans For Truth banquet came up empty-handed on examples of “hate.”  That’s because our keynote speaker, Ken Hutcherson — who received AFTAH’s “American Truth Teller” award for 2010 — spoke the truth about homosexuality in the love of Christ.  And at the three-day AFTAH Truth Academy, when we discovered that a young man (“Eric”) — a “spy” for homosexual activist Wayne Besen — was recording it against our wishes, we didn’t mistreat him or expel him from the conference.  Instead, a few of our attendees ended up having long conversations with Eric about homosexuality — respectfully hearing his views and sharing our Christian perspective on this lifestyle.  Eric even ended up joining everyone for dinner, and later admitted that he saw no “hatred” for homosexuals at the Academy.
Pastors and Christians — can you see it?  The Homosexual Lobby and their liberal allies seek ultimately to label your biblical beliefs as the hateful equivalent of the KKK.  Don’t let them get away with it!  God bless you. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org 


Fox-Chicago News Does Hit-Piece on AFTAH as Alleged ‘Hate Group’

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality was the target of a biased FOX-Chicago TV report last night, pegging off the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) controversial classification of AFTAH, the Family Research Council, American Family Association, Illinois Family Institute, and other mainstream pro-family organizations as “hate groups.” The report — which was really more of a dishonest hit piece — [watch it online HERE] relied on twisted characterizations of AFTAH’s Truth Academy, held at the Christian Liberty academy in August. I don’t know which Truth Academy DePaul law student and FOX source Maria Pahl attended but in her zeal to defame AFTAH she grossly skews what the Academy was all about.

The Truth Academy was three full days of lectures on many aspects of the homosexual activist agenda and its implications for larger society. I think Pahl attended a large part of it, yet here’s how she describes it to FOX, as reported by a website of an atheist high school teacher with whom she was aligned [listen about the two-minute mark HERE]:

“They think that gay people want to force HIV blood into the blood supply, they think that gay people want to recruit straight people, they think that homosexuals have training camps where they’re all taught the same sob story so straight people are sympathetic to them,” Pahl said.

Training camps? AFTAH’s audiotapes of the Academy — including of Cliff Kincaid’s talk, which discusses the continuing FDA ban on “men who have sex with men” donating blood are available to the public, and to FOX [see Truth Academy info HERE]. But rather than examine the veracity of Pahl’s take on the conference (or put her claims in context), FOX ran with her jaundiced and ridiculous description. Sadly, this is what passes for “news” and investigative reporting in Chicago.

Mark Saxenmeyer, the FOX reporter who interviewed me and Christian Liberty pastor Calvin Lindstrom for the story, is himself an open homosexual — which he told me and Pastor Lindstrom during the interview with us for the story. Saxenmeyer said he is not a “gay” activist, but based on our conversation he clearly is a strong advocate of homosexuality. (Saxenmeyer does not reveal his homosexuality on air, which is typical of homosexual reporters working on homosexuality-related stories; the news consumer rarely is informed of the reporter’s “special interest” in stories like these.)

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Is AFTAH a ‘Hate Group’? — Higgins on the ‘Morality Police’ at the Southern Poverty Law Center

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Biased, leftist SPLC has never reported hateful homosexual groups like ACT UP

The SPLC's Mark Potok oversees the organization's de facto "campaign of defamation" painting groups like AFTAH that oppose homosexuality as "hate groups." Potok admits that the SPLC has never identified a single "gay" group as hateful even though militant homosexual organizations like ACT UP and Bash Back! have targeted churches with vicious attacks.

TAKE ACTION: Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee (members listed HERE; Senate Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121) — and the House Committee on Homeland Security (202-226-2616; members listed HERE; House Switchboard: 202-225-3121) and urge them to investigate the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) working relationship with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. The leftist SPLC is now slandering conservative, Christian and Tea Party groups by mislabeling them as “hate groups” on a par with genuine, fringe hate groups like the KKK.  American taxpayers should insist that the federal government have no role in legitimizing the SPLC, which has politicized “hate” and turned it into a fund-raising business to demonize conservatives — including mainstream pro-family groups that oppose homosexual activism. To read an in-depth report exposing the SPLC’s unethical practices, go HERE.


Below is a useful article by Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute — on the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) preposterous smear-job against mainstream pro-family groups (including AFTAH, IFI, Family Research Council, and AFA) as “hate groups” because we oppose homosexuality and LGBT (“gay”) activism. Technically, the SPLC would argue that AFTAH and the other groups opposed homosexuality in the wrong way, but let’s be honest: ideologically speaking, the SPLC is so deeply committed to pro-“gay” advocacy that it considers suspect any organization that opposes pro-LGBT activism. Predictably, the left-wing, pro-homosexual echo chamber is using the SPLC’s “findings” to discredit pro-family groups.

Indicative of the SPLC”s tendentious and polemical “hate reporting” is its description of this writer as a “longtime gay-basher.” Using such semantics, that would make SPLC staffers like Mark Potok “longtime Christian bashers.” To read an excellent set of reports on the SPLC’s escalating “campaign of defamation” against conservatives and traditionalists, read this special Social Contract Journal edition.

As Barb Anderson of the (potential future “hate” group?) Minnesota Family Council and I discussed in Part One of our AFTAH Radio Hour interview [click HERE to listen], the SPLC’s cynical “hate” dragnet is growing so wide that we have almost reached the point where if a pro-family group is NOT INCLUDED on the SPLC’s “hate” list, it must be slacking off in resisting the destructive homosexual agenda. I write “almost” because some of our good friends such as Liberty Counsel and Campaign for California Families have not yet officially been designated “haters”; their time will come. Of course, the truth is, nobody “hates” like the American Left — especially militant homosexual activists.

I like Laurie’s reference to the “Morality Police”; how ironic that the Left has become the mirror of what it hates:  the societal “moral” scold. Remember that the dogmatists on the Left once screamed against the “Religious Right”: “Don’t impose your morality on the rest of us!” Now it’s the pro-“queer” Left that works diligently to “impose its immorality” on America using every dirty tactic ever conceived by Saul Alinsky (e.g., “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”; see this piece). I half expect Potok or SPLC co-founder Morris Dees to show up in Wheeling, West Virginia, claiming to “have in my hand the names of 57 newly designated anti-gay hate groups….”

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Did Barney Frank Find More Fulfilling Work at TSA?

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Folks, needless to say, countless irrational homosexual hissy fits were had over our common-sense observation that if the TSA is not allowing men to frisk women at airports, then it should not allow homosexual men to frisk other men, nor lesbians to frisk women. (“Bi” TSA agents? You figure it out….) It seems even homosexual activists can’t take seriously the logical implications of their own definition of homo-sexual “sexual orientation” (defining oneself as being sexually attracted to the same sex). As we noted, that doesn’t mean every “gay” male TSA agent is going to get his jollies frisking a man (or a boy…?), but neither would every hetero male TSA agent get over-excited frisking a woman (or a girl). Nevertheless, for propriety’s sake, men are not permitted to frisk women or girls — and rightfully so. Hateful and angry “gay” activists (how’s that for an oxymoron?) are so caught up in victim-politics and pseudo-civil rights — even as they vilify and de-humanize their foes and work to undermine religious freedom — that they’ve forgotten that their movement is based on (perverse) sexual desires.

Now this is funny, from the conservative The Union News website (an outstanding anti-Left resource). AFGE is the American Federation of Government Employees; see this post on their attempt to unionize the TSA. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

Barney Frank Resigns from Congress

AFGE organizing gig more fulfilling than House minority sweatshop

LISTEN: AFTAH Interview with Barb Anderson — Discusses Radical Sex Ed and School Promotion of Homosexuality

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

WARNING: Graphic and Offensive Topics

Why doesn't the media -- or the SPLC -- call homosexual activist Dan Savage a "hater" given his history of hate-filled attacks against Christians?

This interview [click HERE to listen] with Barbara Anderson of the Minnesota Family Council aired Nov. 27, 2010. Anderson is a writer and researcher for the MFC specializing in education issues. Here she discusses some of the incredible abuses that have gone in the name of education — including teaching young children about anal sex and other homosexual practices in the name of being “inclusive.” Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera and Anderson discuss the privileged role that the liberal group SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.) plays in American sex education — while the vast majority of parents remain ignorant of SIECUS’ radical agenda. We’re not going to give it away: you simply have to listen to this interview to believe the incredible things that are being taught to kids in the name of safety, diversity and tolerance. This is the first of three interviews.  

In the opening monologue, LaBarbera discusses an incredibly hateful stunt done several years ago by homosexual activist Dan Savage against Pennsylvania’s Republican former U.S. Senator, Rick Santorum. The discussion on “Savage Hate” is in the context of AFTAH now “officially” being labelled a “hate group” by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center. Savage created an obscene definition for “Santorum”  — a gross byproduct of anal sex — and then set up a website with that creation, Santorum.com [Warning: graphic content].  Anderson says Savage’s deviant definition “truly is a reflection of the kind of perverted thinking of these people … They are not only trying to silence the opposition; they are trying to destroy the opposition.”  LaBarbera asks why the likes of Savage “aren’t ever called haters by the media?”  

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file.  Left click once on the link below to play.  (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.) OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show. 

11-27-10, Barb Anderson, All

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