Homosexual Hate

Gay Liberation Network Applauds Wright State University’s Ban on Christian Bible Group

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Schwartz defends state action against “bible based bigotry against gays”

bob_scharz_solo.jpg Bob Schwartz of the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network supports Wright State University’s ban against the Campus Bible Fellowship. The Christian campus group opposes Wright’s “nondiscrimination” code, which would force it to abandon its faithfulness to Scripture by allowing unrepentant homosexuals as members. Schwartz previously claimed to oppose laws criminalizing Christian speech — yet he favors banning groups because he  considers them “bible bigots.” Would Schwartz and GLN (which AFTAH considers to be an anti-Christian hate group) allow a tax-supported public university to dictate ITS membership standards if it operated on a college campus?

AFTAH was copied on the following e-mail letter from Bob Schwartz of the left-wing Gay Liberation Network, based in Chicago, to Wright State University President David Hopkins. Schwartz sent his letter following Americans For Truth’s reprint of a press release by the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) , which is fighting to overturn Wright State’s oppressive policy of forcing Campus Bible Fellowship to violate its faith creed in order to stay on campus. Note at bottom Schwartz’s clarification in response to a question from this writer.

Please study this series of e-mails and links [Wright State story HERE and Schwartz’s previous statement against censorship HERE] and see if you can comprehend how Schwartz can simultaneously hold two seemingly contradictory positions:

  1. he “opposes” government censorship against Christian speech (for which AFTAH wrote that “we are pleasantly surprised that the GLN leader is not an outright advocate of censorship”);
  2. while he supports a government-funded school banning a Christian group for, effectively, sticking to its Biblical faith creed.

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MSM=Three-Ways — ‘Thruple’ Defined

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

joe_my_god_blogger.jpgAtheist homosexual blogger Joe Jervis and his “Joe My God” blog do more to illustrate the deviance of male homosexuality than AFTAH ever could. HERE Jervis writes matter-of-factly about his meet-ups with a “thruple” (that’s gay slang for three-way relationship). And HERE Jervis and his perverted followers accuse Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera of wanting “sweaty mansex” because Joe was mad that Americans For Truth exposed a sadomasochistic homosexual “Pig Sex” orgy at a D.C. hotel, leading to the event’s cancellation. We’ll have more on one of Jervis’ favorite events — a twisted New York City spectacle known as the Black Party — in coming posts.

By Peter LaBarbera

I found this homosexual slang word — “thruple” — perusing atheist homosexual leatherman Joe Jervis’ “Joe. My. God.” website. Jervis is the New York City blogger-perv who, in a fit of pique after AFTAH exposed and helped cancel a homosexual “pig sex” orgy in a Washington, D.C., hotel, wrote an especially nasty piece (even by “gay” standards) attacking me under the title: “Peter LaBarbera wants to have sweaty mansex with every single one of you.” (I’m not kidding.) How does one respond to such demented and malicious (not to mention self-hating) tripe?

Anyway, it got me thinking: the reaction of most normal people to the mere mention of “pig sex orgy” is outrage and shock that such a vile thing even occurs at all. (It’s like NAMBLA — which used to march in “gay pride” parades: conservatives couldn’t make this stuff up if they tried.) But Jervis and like-minded deviance defenders react by lashing out in cruel, kill-the-messenger fashion at me and AFTAH for writing about it (with their favored theme being, of course: “LaBarbera is a homo”). It’s all very bizarre for the uninitiated, but no less so than “thruples,” fisting, twinks, rimming, M-2-Fs, “power bottoms,” “fag hags,” “daddy-boy relationships,” “transphobia” or countless other twisted behaviors and ideas lurking under the “queer” umbrella.

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Professional Homosexual Wayne Besen Uncovers Sinister Right-Wing … Metaphor

Friday, March 20th, 2009

“This kind of overheated rhetoric creates a climate where hate crimes can occur … We demand that The Family Policy Council of West Virginia apologize and take down this violent ad. This video is reckless, wrongheaded and irresponsible.” –Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out (TWO), a militant homosexual group, describing the alleged horrific effects of the West Virginia pro-marriage video [click Youtube video directly below] that used a target graphic to illustrate the point that homosexual activists are targeting traditional marriage for redefinition. See article by Laurie Higgins following the video:

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By Laurie Higgins
First published Feb. 25, 2009 by Illinois Family Institute


Wayne Besen said this visual target graphic representing homosexual activists targeting traditional marriage — in a video produced by the Family Policy Council of West Virginia — turned the video into a “violent ad.” At bottom is an excerpt of the narration of the video surrounding the portion with the “target” graphic.

Wayne Besen, former spokesman for the subversive homosexual activist Human Rights Campaign and founder of the hate organization Truth Wins Out, apparently can’t make a distinction between a domestic terrorist threat and — a metaphor.

Besen has a West Virginia marriage initiative in his sights. He sees in this utterly benign video by The Family Policy Council of West Virginia a nefarious sniper threat. Please watch the video that has so terrorized Besen and that is more like an episode of The Waltons than 24http://www.wvformarriage.com/ [Click on YouTube above to watch video.]

His claim is both idiotic and comical. In one frame of this video, we see the nuclear family through the sight of a gun, which is a commonplace metaphor that means that someone or something is taking aim at or opposing something.  Is Besen actually claiming that society should prohibit the use of this metaphor? Will society tolerate this kind of intrusive censorship? And is Besen claiming that he and his collaborators don’t have traditional marriage and the natural family in their crosshairs?

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AFTAH Urges FOX’s Bill O’Reilly to Expose the Real Wayne Besen — Homosexual Extremist

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

wayne_besen.jpgFOX Enabling Besen’s Bigotry? AFTAH’s web category “Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays” was practically created for Wayne Besen — whose mischievously named organization “Truth Wins Out” pursues a flat earth-like campaign to deny that people can overcome homosexuality. (Besen has a difficult time explaining away the happy lives of countless former homosexuals — like Janet Boynes, Stephen Black, Charlene Cothran, Stephen Bennett, and Yvette Schneider.) Besen practically stalks some ex-“gay” leaders like Greg Quinlan (see below), and he joined the leftist anti-Christian group Gay Liberation Network in smearing Dr. James Dobson as “hateful” — and falsely accusing him of fomenting “hate violence” against homosexuals. Despite his fanatical anti-religious bigotry, Besen is an occasional guest on FOX’s “The O’Reilly Factor” (e-mail oreilly@foxnews.com), where he comes off as far more moderate than he is in real life. Besen was on “The Factor” tonight and attacked the Pope as having a “credibility problem.” Thankfully, he was easily bested by an able opponent representing the Catholic TV network EWTN.

Americans For Truth sent the following e-letter today to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, and cc’d to pro-family leaders across the country. Homosexual militant Wayne Besen (left) is once again attacking the Pope — one of his many targets among those who espouse traditional Judeo-Christian morality. Tonight Laura Ingraham subbed for Mr. O’Reilly:

Dear Mr. O’Reilly, why are you helping gay extremist Wayne Besen project a false “moderate” image?…

… Dear Mr. O’Reilly, homosexual activist and “Truth Wins Out” founder Wayne Besen plays nice and respectable on your show, but he is one of the most hateful, anti-religious bigots in the overall homosexual activist movement. I write today because I believe that if you were aware of his full record, you might not want him on your program – except perhaps in one of those interview segments in which you expose the hard Left. Besen regularly lies about pro-family advocates, cynically equates sincere defenders of historic, Judeo-Christian sexual mores (such as Dr. James Dobson) with “hate” and vile prejudice — and practically stalks ex-gay leaders like Greg Quinlan (cc’d above) in his fanatical campaign to discredit the well-observed reality that homosexuals can change and leave that lifestyle.

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Letter and AFTAH Response — LaBarbera Never Struggled with Homosexuality

Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Dear Mr. Walters,

Mr. LaBarbera never was a homosexual, and never struggled with homosexual urges. Your letter is based on homosexual activist misinformation and various ad hominem (and, frankly, childish) attacks against Mr. LaBarbera’s character. We do find it curious that apparently one of the worst charges that “gay” activists can level against their opponents is that they are … homosexuals. Thanks for writing.

— Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, www.aftah.com

Letter from J. Walters via the AFTAH website

From: j walters
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 11:54 AM
To: americansfortruth@comcast.net
Subject: [AFT Web Site] peter

The following message was sent from the Americans for Truth Web site:


when did mr labarbera renounce his homosexuality? has he successfully kept his urges at bay? does he think he’s playing with fire by placing himself in temptation’s path, or does he trust the Lord to keep him safe from his lust?

TAKE ACTION: ‘Thought Crimes’ Legislation Predicted to Move Fast in U.S. House

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

ralph_ovadal.jpgNot the Right Kind of “Hate” Victim.  In 1996, pro-family activist and pastor Ralph Ovadal was punched in the left ear from behind by a homosexual activist while protesting a pro-“gay” school event in Madison, Wisconsin. Ovadal was knocked unconscious and taken to the hospital with serious injuries from the blind-side assault. Although police first charged the attacker with “substantial battery,” Dane Country prosecutors did not attempt a “hate crimes” conviction and Ovadal’s assailant ultimately was not even charged with a misdemeanor (he received a mere ordinance violation). Pastor Ovadal continues to suffer neck and leg pain from the brutal attack, which is fully documented with police reports. Now imagine that the circumstances were reversed and Ovadal — a vocal opponent of organized homosexuality — had assaulted a well-known “gay” activist. Most likely he would have been charged with a “hate crime,” the media would have lavished coverage on the case, and Ovadal would have served jail time. To paraphrase George Orwell, in the politically correct world of “hate crimes,” some victims are more equal than others. Call Congress at 202-224-3121 to protest two “Thought Crimes” bills, HR 256 and HR 262 today. Click on photo to enlarge.

From our good friend and youth advocate Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. TAKE ACTION by calling your Congressman and U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or through www.congress.org; politely urge them to oppose all new “Thought Crimes”(Hate Crimes) legislation.

HATE CRIMES BILLS predicted to move fast in U.S. House

There are two bills now in U.S. House of Representatives on so-called hate crimes, and both need to be OPPOSED for lots of reasons but the most egregious element is the “sexual orientation” language and opportunities for violation of religious freedom and further legitimizing of ‘gay’ behavior. They are also  pork-laden, social engineering bills that are unnecessary in a time of what should be budgetary conservatism.

Just remember,the key problem with hate crime legislation is that the crimes supposedly only covered through such bills are, in fact, already crimes, and can already be prosecuted under current laws. All the “sexual orientation” category does is add extra penalties if opposition to homosexuality (the “wrong” attitude) is determined to be a factor.

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Log Cabin Republican Jamie Ensley Comes Out of his Bigot Closet

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Homosexual lobby’s “tolerance” hypocrisy laid bare: Higgins

jamie_ensley_log_cabin.gif The Georgia Republican Party has distanced itself from homosexual activist and Georgia Log Cabin Republicans president Jamie Ensley’s vicious comments calling Americans For Truth a “domestic terrorist group” and comparing us to Nazis, WorldNetDaily.com reported Friday. Conservatives and pro-family Republicans across the nation have expressed outrage at Ensley’s bigoted remarks, but some homosexual groups like the leftist Gay Liberation Network have commended them.  

[UPDATE ON THIS STORY: WorldNetDaily.com reports that the Georgia Republican Party has issued the following statement on the Jamie Ensley-Log Cabin Republicans controversy: “While a healthy debate on the issues can help strengthen us as a party, to use the word ‘terrorist’ to describe those that disagree with you is not appropriate.” Georgia GOP spokesman Doug Reineke emphasized to WND that the Log Cabin Republicans “are an independent group not officially associated with the Georgia Republican Party.” See the full WND story HERE and the AFTAH article containing Ensley’s hateful e-mail to GOP Chairman Michael Steele HERE.]


Log Cabin Republican Jamie Ensley Comes Out of his Bigot Closet

By Laurie Higgins, reprinted from the Illinois Family Institute website.

An un-righteously indignant James Ensley, President of Georgia Log Cabin Republicans, has sent a vitriolic tirade against Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth to the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele. For those unfamiliar with Log Cabin Republicans, they are a homosexual political action group that is committed to subverting the Republican Party position on issues pertaining to “gay rights.”

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Georgia ‘Gay’ Republican Activist Calls AFTAH ‘Domestic Terrorist Group,’ Compares Us to Nazis

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Abe Lincoln was right: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”

jamie_ensley_log_cabin.gifUnhinged Anti-Christian Bigotry: Homosexual activist Jamie Ensley, President of the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans and a Georgia GOP official, smeared Americans For Truth as a “radical christian domestic terrorist group” and compared AFTAH to Germany’s Nazi Party. Call the Georgia Republican Party and GOP Chairman Michael Steele (contact info below) and ask that disciplinary action be taken against Ensley. Photo taken from Log Cabin Republican website.

TAKE ACTION:  Respectfully request that the Georgia Republican Party (404-257-5559; info@gagop.org) and the Fulton County (Ga.) Republican Party (www.FultonGOP.org) take appropriate disciplinary action against Jamie Ensley, president of the Georgia “Log Cabin Republicans” (and Fulton, County, Georgia Republican Party member) — after Ensley compared Americans For Truth to Germany’s Nazi Party and labeled AFTAH a “radical christian domestic terrorist group” (see letter below). Ensley was reacting to our call last week to GOP Chairman Michael Steele not to bend to the Log Cabin’s homosexual activist agenda (which includes “same-sex marriage” and the attempt to overturn Proposition 8, passed by California voters on Nov. 4, through the courts). Calls opposing the homosexual Log Cabin agenda have poured into Steele’s office following our appeal.

Also, please write or call Mr. Steele (chairman@gop.com; 202-863-8700) and graciously urge him to work hard keep the GOP a pro-traditional-marriage party that does not promote homosexuality in the guise of “tolerance.” Congratulate Mr. Steele on winning the GOP’s chairmanship and send him a copy of Ensley’s slanderous letter (below) as evidence of Log Cabin’s bigoted, anti-Christian agenda that will cost the party support if promoted by the GOP. (If you are a Democrat, contact the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000) and/or President Obama (202-456-1414) and urge them to reverse the Party’s growing collusion with radical homosexual activists.)


Dear Readers,

Someone smart once said that the first person in a debate to accuse his opponent of being a “Nazi” automatically loses the argument. If this is true, then the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) — a homosexual activist group — has just telegraphed the bankruptcy of its “Homosexuality-First” agenda. In the e-mail below sent Saturday by Georgia LCR President Jamie Ensley to GOP Chairman Michael Steele and copied to Americans For Truth, Ensley compares AFTAH to “a mainstream Nazi Germany organization” and calls us a “radical christian domestic terrorist group.”

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