Homosexual Hate

What’s Wrong with ‘Gay Pride’? Radio Essay by New SPLC Target Linda Harvey

Friday, March 9th, 2012
Linda Harvey has been viciously slandered by homosexual activists for taking a leading role in exposing the Homosexual Lobby and especially its corruption of American youth.

Folks, my good friend Linda Harvey’s organization, Mission America, has recently been added to the (bogus) list of “hate groups” created by the leftist, pro-homosexuality scam-artists over at Southern Poverty Law Center (welcome to the club, Linda!). Translation: Linda is an effective truth-teller and principled opponent of the homosexual activist lobby. She and her husband, Tom, are wonderful Christians who use their many talents to selflessly serve the Lord, and as such are models for citizen action. It was an honor for AFTAH to co-sponsor with Mission America our second Truth Academy, last year in Columbus [Audio-CD ordering information HERE].

As a reward for telling the truth about the (changeable, unhealthy) sin of homosexuality and those who celebrate it, Linda has been on the receiving end of some of the most vile and nasty e-mails and blog posts you can imagine. (She just forwarded me a few rancid e-mails from the Forces of Tolerance.) Yes, we all know who the real hateful bigots are — so isn’t it queer how the SPLC has never labeled a homosexual activist organization as a “hate group” (even one like the Chicago “Gay Liberation Network,” which explicitly REFUSED to condemn a pro-homosexual brick attack against Americans For Truth)? Press on, Linda, you’re in good company! — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

TAKE ACTION: The “gay” lobby is corrupting and endangering our young people by promoting deviant identities and harmful sexual/gender behaviors to them in the nice-sounding name of “equality.” Get connected with Mission America and make a donation to advance Linda’s fine work; send regular mail checks to: Mission America, P.O. Box 21836, Columbus, OH 43221-0836. (Currently there is no online giving option.) 

AFTAH ‘March Money-Bomb’: While you’re at it, make a small gift (or a large one) to Americans For Truth to help AFTAH reach our “March Money-bomb” goal of $10,000 by the end of the month: www.americansfortruth.com/donate/. Regular mail gifts: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.

Here is the transcript of a radio commentary by Linda Harvey for the Columbus, Ohio radio station WRFD from last June dealing with so-called “gay pride month”:


Mission America Commentary, June 2011

What’s Wrong with “Gay” Pride?

June used to be a month for weddings, graduations, Father’s Day and the beginning of summer. Unfortunately in recent years, it is also a time when all over the nation, many cities sponsor homosexual “pride” events. But I think these events are a time for shame and sorrow, not pride.

Columbus will hold a gay pride parade on Saturday, June 18th, Cleveland’s will be Saturday, June 25th, and Cincinnati’s is on July 10. Dayton already held a parade on June 4th.

For the third year in a row, our President issued an official White House Proclamation declaring June  “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender” Pride Month.

Read the rest of this article »

AFTAH Interviews Pro-Family Warrior Jim Finnegan – Part One

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Pro-life/pro-family advocate Jim Finnegan has fought long and hard in Illinois for "Choose Life" specialty license plates, which would raise funds for adoption. Democratic politicians, influenced by pro-abortion lobbyists, have stalled the plates for years.

This is Part One of AFTAH’s interview [listen HERE] with Jim Finnegan, a longtime pro-life and pro-family Catholic advocate in the Chicago area who is active with Defend Marriage Illinois. Finnegan is also leading the campaign for “Choose Life” specialty license plates in Illinois — thwarted for years by liberal Democrats. This interview was pre-recorded and aired February 18, 2012. Finnegan and AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera discuss the radical group Gay Liberation Network’s ongoing attacks on Cardinal Francis George, due to George’s and the Catholic Church’s opposition to homosexual “marriage” and homosexual acts.

LaBarbera describes the GLN’s hateful protest Feb. 12, 2012, directly in front of Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral, with signs mocking George as “Archbigot.” He also notes GLN’s refusal to condemn a pro-homosexual brick attack against a Christian school hosting AFTAH’s October 2011 banquet — and says that if he had refused to condemn such an assault on a homosexual group he would legitimately be called a “hater.” (See AFTAH report on GLN’s record of hate HERE.) Both men discuss a newly introduced “same-sex marriage” bill [more info HERE] introduced by three openly homosexual Illinois legislators — and how House Speaker Mike Madigan (himself a “Catholic”) has blocked pro-family bills in Springfield while allowing pro-homosexual bills to be considered.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

2-18-12, Jim Finnegan, Part One

Hateful Homosexual Protesters Slam Cardinal George as ‘Archbigot’ at Sunday Morning Church Protest

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

AFTAH in the News: real ‘hate’ comes from ‘Gay Liberation Network’

Gay Liberation Network protester marches with sign smearing Chicago Card. Francis George as an "Archbigot" -- in Sunday morning protest directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. Homosexual activists are pushing hard for legalizing homosexual "marriage" in Illinois. Click on photo to enlarge. PHOTO: Americans For Truth

TAKE ACTION: Illinois Residents: call your state representative and senator (www.ilga.gov; 217-782-2000) and urge them to OPPOSE the “same-sex marriage” bill, HB 5170, that was just introduced by three openly homosexual lawmakers in Springfield. (Also, ask them to REPEAL the “Civil Unions” bill passed enacted last year.) The Civil Unions law quickly became a tool of anti-religious oppression against Christians, and now it is revealed as a mere stepping-stone for the Homosexual Lobby’s real goal: the revolutionary redefinition of marriage — using the State to advance the absurd idea that sinful “unions” based on (changeable) homosexuality should be awarded equal status with natural marriage.

Religious Freedom? Also please note the audacity of liberals calling the new bill the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act” — similar to their artful name for the Civil Unions bill — even though both legal “civil unions” and “gay marriage” would force employers to subsidize immoral homosexual relationships (the very antithesis of “religious liberty”).


Dear AFTAH Supporter,

Click on the photo above right to enlarge it.  How would you like to have to walk past THIS to get into church Sunday morning?  I was there to witness Gay Liberation Network protesters marching directly in front of Holy Name Cathedral in downtown Chicago on Sunday morning (Feb. 12, 2012) during the main church service. (At least two GLN signs smeared Cardinal Francis George as “Arch-bigot”; one showed his photo and mocked: “Archbigot of Chicago… is intrinsically disordered + needs reparative therapy.”)

Read the rest of this article »

Press Conf.: Black Pastors Confront Southern Poverty Law Center for Smearing as ‘Hate Groups’ Pro-Family Organizations Opposed to Homosexual Agenda

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Americans For Truth Press Release

January 16, 2012

Contact: Peter LaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com

Raleigh pastor Dr. Patrick Wooden rejects the comparison of black civil rights to sinful and unnatural homosexual behavior.

MONTGOMERY, Alabama – A coalition of African American pastors and pro-family Christian and Jewish leaders is holding a press conference at noon tomorrow (the day after Martin Luther King Day) outside the headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center — to protest the SPLC’s smearing of pro-family groups that oppose homosexual activism as “hate groups”:

WHERE:  Outside the SPLC headquarters, 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery, Alabama

WHEN:  Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012, noon, Central Standard (Montgomery, AL) Time

WHO:  Scheduled speakers:

  • Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), Chicago, IL (the SPLC has smeared AFTAH as a “hate group”);
  • Dr. Patrick Wooden, pastor, Upper Room Church of God in Christ (COGIC), Raleigh, NC;
  • DL Foster, founder, Gay Christian Movement Watch, Atlanta, GA;
  • Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs, Liberty Counsel, Lynchburg, VA;
  • Tim Johnson, Fredrick Douglass Foundation, Washington, D.C.;
  • Rachel Conner, representing Abiding Truth Ministries (smeared by SPLC as a “hate group”)
  • Pastor Glen Sawyer, New Mt. Zion Church of God in Christ, Elizabeth City, NC
  • Pastor Wil Nichols, Victorious Praise Fellowship COGIC, Durham, NC
  • Pastor Jon Robinson, Kingdom C.O.M.E. Ministries, Clairton, PA
  • Pastor Kenneth Jefferson, Greater Harvest COGIC

The following pro-family leaders and groups will issue supporting statements:

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, which is sponsoring the press event, recently interviewed Pastor Wooden, who said that the SPLC’s gambit of labeling mainstream pro-family groups that oppose homosexual activism as “hate groups” is seriously damaging the SPLC’s credibility. Wooden also debunked the “civil rights” analogy used by “gay” activists, saying it is wrong to compare “my beautiful blackness” with homosexual perversion.

LaBarbera said the SPLC is engaged in a thinly-veiled, one-sided campaign to demonize adherents of traditional Judeo-Christian morality. He noted that despite the considerable hatred and anti-Christian bigotry emanating from homosexual activists (e.g., Dan Savage’s vile hate-site, Santorum[dot]com), the SPLC has never labeled a “gay” organization or website as “hateful.”

Dan Savage Angrily Rejects AFTAH’s Appeal to Take Down Santorum.com Hate Site

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

WARNING: Graphic language

Folks, homosexual activist and sex columnist Dan Savage is not taking kindly to AFTAH’s attempt to call him out on his vicious hate-site, Santorum.com [see our story HERE]. Here is Savage’s response on Twitter to my request to him that he take down the site that “redefines” GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s last name as “The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.” [See my Twitter page HERE] – Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org :

Homosexual activist Dan Savage's obscene response on Twitter to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera's request that Savage shut down his vile website, "Santorum.com."

LaBarbera Asks Homosexual Activist Dan Savage to Take Down Cyber-Bullying Site ‘Santorum.com’

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Press Release, January 5, 2012; contact: Peter LaBarbera: americansfortruth@gmail.com

WARNING: Offensive description

Dan Savage's evil creation. This graphic appears on the website, Santorum.com. This graphic was creaed in April 2011, reflecting fewer "likes." the number as of Jan. 5, 2012 reached 52,274.

CHICAGO – Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), today urged homosexual activist and writer Dan Savage to take down his notorious and vulgar anti-Rick Santorum website — Santorum.com — which diabolically “redefines” the presidential candidate’s last name as follows:

“Santorum: 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.”

LaBarbera issued the following open appeal to Savage and the media:

Today, I appeal to homosexual activist Dan Savage: take down your anti-Rick Santorum hate-site, Santorum.com.

Admittedly, it seems ludicrous to appeal to man who would go to such hateful lengths to sabotage religious conservatives that he would intentionally try to give a Republican presidential candidate a cold (Gary Bauer, 2000), or use Google to demonize an opponent in such a despicable way. Nevertheless, I make the appeal because bullying is bullying, and it must stop.

We get it, Dan, you HATE Rick Santorum, and you want to punish him for comments he made about the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing sodomy. But as a prolific writer and advocate, surely you have abundant opportunities to address Santorum’s arguments civilly — without resorting to cruel, twisted campaigns designed to destroy a man’s name and reputation by associating it with perversion.

“Santorum.com” (like its malevolent cousin, “Spreading Santorum”) is advanced cyber-bullying, pure and simple. You are a role model for “gay” youth, and your “It Gets Better” video campaign to help kids overcome bullying in their teen years has gained international attention. Yet bizarrely, with apparent ends-justifies-the-means rationale, you yourself have employed heinous bullying methods to malign Mr. Santorum – tactics you would strongly condemn if used against a self-identified “gay” kid. [AFTAH opposes all bullying of youth without regard to special criteria; we disagree with the “It Gets Better” campaign because it seeks to normalize homosexuality and celebrate immoral LGBT identities.]

Is this the lesson you want to teach young people? That if they encounter a person who disagrees with homosexual behavior, it’s OK to use the slimiest tactics imaginable to go after that person?

You and your homosexual partner have an adopted son. What did or will you tell him about Santorum.com? Have you no compassion for Rick Santorum’s wife, children and extended family, who too must bear the brunt of your high-tech smear?And to the media I ask this: please hold Dan Savage and his homosexual and liberal supporters accountable for this heinous and malicious web slander. Stop joking about it, and do not act as if Rick Santorum’s “Google problem” just appeared out of nowhere. This is calculated character assassination engineered by a “gay” activist who, ironically, crusades against hate. Do not reward Savage with media appearances. In fact, treat him as you would, say, a deranged, far-right activist who had created “BarbaraBoxer[dot]com” and “redefined” her name in a similarly evil manner.

Dan Savage

AFTAH Interviews Paul Blair and Matt Barber after Death Threats in OK City – Part One

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Pastor Paul Blair of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, OK received death threats and vile threats against his wife after Blair testified against a pro-homosexual law in OK City.

Maybe the “T” in the homosexuals’ and transgenders’ LGBT formula also stands for “Terrorize” — because that’s how at least a portion of America’s radical pro-homosexual activists treat their public opponents.  (See story on the recent paver brick attack against AFTAH’s banquet host Christian Liberty Academy HERE.) This interview — Part One of a two-part interview with Paul Blair, pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, and Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs at Liberty Counsel — aired Dec. 10, 2011. Blair recently was on the receiving end of some scary death threats and vile hate calls targeting his wife – which were phoned in to his church right after he’d testified against a pro-homosexual “Sexual Orientation” ordinance in Oklahoma City. Here he tells the story which — unlike the pro-“gay” attack in liberal Chicago — rec.eived some major TV news coverage in OK City. (You can listen to a few of the actual recorded threats HERE.) Barber discusses the pattern of homosexual activist aggression that aims to intimidate Christians and others into silence on this critical moral issue. Blair, a former lineman with the Chicago Bears, is also Chairman of Reclaiming America for Christ. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

12-10-11, Matt Barber & Paul Blair, Part One

LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Scott Lively – Part Five

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Scott Lively addressing the AFTAH banquet in October. Lively received AFTAH's "Americans Truth Teller" award for 2011.

Part Five of the AFTAH interview [click HERE to listen] with Scott Lively of Defending the Family International.  This was pre-recorded and aired Dec. 3, 2011. Go to the AFTAH Radio Hour Archive for the rest of this very informative interview. In the course of AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera’s interview with Lively, the two discussed:

  • The dire state of the American Christian Church vis-a-vis the aggressive movement to normalize homosexual behavior and gender confusion in the culture;
  • The “terror” tactics and aggressive campaigns used by homosexual activists to intimidate good people into silence on this issue;
  • Lively’s personal experience with the dirty tactics and lies used by radical LGBT activists against pro-family leaders attempting to stop the “gay” revolution (including one notorious fake “anti-gay hate crime” in Oregon). Lively more than almost any pro-family conservative alive today has experienced these tactics firsthand in more than 20 years of working on the front lines (here and abroad) against the homosexualist agenda;
  • The futility of relying on politics and the courts to contain the advance of government-backed homosexuality — and how many “ministry-minded” or apathetic believers are woefully naive about the Culture War raging on this issue;
  • The campaign of lies used by pro-homosexual militants (and repeated by the media) to smear Lively and others as allegedly supporting the murder of homosexuals in Uganda;
  • The corruption of words by the pro-homosexual Left, including “gay,” “sexual orientation” and “marriage equality”;
  • The appearance of PRO-homosexuality “evangelicals” like Grove City College’s Warren Throckmorton and Chicago’s Andrew Marin — who confuse Christians and undermine biblical truth on the issue by capitulating to pro-“gay” ideology and semantics;
  • The connection of homosexuality and sexual deviance to the Nazi Party in Germany. (See Lively’s book, The Pink Swastika);
  • The very real threat to religious liberty posed by the tremendous rise of homosexual (“gay”) power in the United States.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

12-3-11, Scott Lively, Part Five

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