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Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals
Friday, September 19th, 2008
…But ‘Fair Use’ law is on the side of Americans For Truth
Now why would Folsom Street Fair organizers not want the world to know about (Democratic) Mayor Gavin Newsom’s effusive support for their (unbelievably depraved) event? Folsom’s attorney wrote AFTAH to demand that we take down this Folsom welcoming letter and a gross ad (see below) from the Sept. 28 event’s raunchy “Official 2008 Program Guide.” Are Mayor Newsom and the Democrats embarrassed about supporting Folsom?
By Peter LaBarbera
Well, I guess that despite those black-and-blue “Leather Pride” flags, the homosexual sadomasochists aren’t exactly “proud” of their perversions after all. At least they don’t want the world to know about what they do in places like San Francisco — just like the homosexual activists hate and mock AFTAH for exposing their very popular excesses (bathhouses, MSM promiscuity, etc.) and the consequences thereof.
On August 28, Americans For Truth received an intimidating letter from San Francisco attorney Jeffry Gibson of Goldstein, Gellman, Melbostad, Gibson & Harris, LLP, representing the Folsom Street Fair. Gibson wrote:
“[D]emand is made that you forthwith (within 48 hours of the date of this letter) remove from your website (and any other publications in which you have reproduced them) those two unpermitted properties which were illegally copied without permission. Failure to do so will result in no further warnings or demands, but legal action against you which will seek both the statutory penalties allowed by law as well as recovery of Folsom Street Fair’s attorney’s fees and costs.”
The two “unpermitted properties” in question are a grotesque ad in the Folsom Street “Official 2008 Program Guide,” and, curiously, an official letter from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D) — a public servant — that appeared in the same guide — extolling the Folsom fair to attendees. (Both are reproduced again here, with the ad’s nudity covered up.)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Democrat Party, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Friday, September 19th, 2008
MillerCoors’ ad in the official program guide of the vile and anti-Christian Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. Would Miller advertise at an Incest Rights gathering, or proudly sell beer at a Neo-Nazi rally?
AFTAH letter sent today to MillerCoors spokesman Julian Green [contact Green at green.julian@mbco.com or phone: 1-800-MILLER-6 or 414-931-2000.]:
Dear Mr. Green,
We are highlighting MillerCoor’s support of and advertising at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco [to be held Sunday, September 28]. I am president of a conservative pro-family group, Americans For Truth (www.aftah.org). The Folsom Street Fair is probably the most extreme and debauched public event in the United States. As you can see from below and through the links on our site, it features men walking around fully nude and engaging in public homosexual orgies on the streets of San Francisco (as the police stand idly by).
Moreover, Folsom directly promotes anti-religious bigotry through its association with the anti-Catholic “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” and sale of (“religious”) “sex toys” that mock the Christian faith.
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Posted in Coors, Corporate Promotion, Food, Beverage, & Household Brands, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Miller Beer, News, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco |
Thursday, September 18th, 2008
Harvey to join AFTAH in exposing Folsom Fair’s public filth in Nancy Pelosi’s district

PROFITING OFF OF PERVERSION: Miller Brewing Company took out a full-page ad (left) in the 2008 Folsom Street Fair Official Program Guide, on page 40. Five pages before that is this “StraightHell” ad that glories in the depraved and sadistic behaviors celebrated by this annual San Francisco “fair.” At least the gross Folsom ad has got one thing right: these boys are going STRAIGHT TO HELL if they don’t repent of this wickedness and accept Christ’s forgiveness. You can contact Miller though their spokesman Julian Green at green.julian@mbco.com or phone: 1-800-MILLER 6 or 414-931-2000.
Folks, AFTAH is organizing this event in America’s “queer” Mecca later this month to remind the rest of the country (and Californians voting on the marriage protection) about the downward spiraling trajectory of liberal “tolerance” and the homosexual activist agenda. My good friend Linda Harvey will be joining us in exposing this sure-to-be unbelievably evil spectacle occurring on Sept. 28 in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s city. Democrats with any sense of decency and “family values,” as they say, should be ashamed at what their party has become: enablers for the worst public perversions known to mankind (see Mayor Gavin Newsom’s welcoming letter to the Folsom Street Fair HERE). — Peter LaBarbera
PS. The organizers for Folsom tried to intimidate Americans For Truth from publishing graphics from their website and Program Guide — including the welcoming letter from Mayor Newsom, a public servant! It did not work: we have “fair use” rights to expose their filth. More on that in another post.
Mission America writes:
California ‘Corruption Footprint’ Not Wanted in Middle America
September 8, 2008
Contact: Linda Harvey, (614) 442-7998, lpharvey@missionamerica.com
(Columbus, OH) Traditional families, especially children, will be harmed if California forces its sexual deviance on the rest of America, says Linda Harvey of Mission America.
Harvey joins other pro-family groups later this month in San Francisco to protest and expose the Folsom Street Fair, a public street orgy which includes sado-masochism, full nudity and homosexuality. They will also discuss the urgent need to pass Proposition 8, the ballot initiative upholding traditional marriage.
The event falls on Sunday, September 28, following “Leather Pride Week.” The alleged crowd estimate of 400,000 has no age restrictions, merely warnings about the “adult oriented nature” of activities. Last year, children were observed in the crowd where they could witness, for example, bare-bottomed men being whipped.
“There ‘s one big question: why?” said Harvey. ”How can Mayor Newsom, city officials and even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who represents San Francisco) tolerate disturbed people publicly displaying this deviance as police stand by and do nothing to stop it?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Biblical Truth, California, Corporate Promotion, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, Miller Beer, News, Physical Health, Pornography, Pro-Family Quotes, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Tuesday, August 26th, 2008
Cites “diversity” and “inclusion” to welcome event featuring full male public nudity and public homosexual orgies on city streets
WARNING: Obscene Graphic of the Sort that Could Only Emerge from San Francisco
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear Readers,
The “mainstream” media have a double-standard when it comes to Republicans versus Democrats linked to radical fringe groups or events. Democratic ties to radical leftist groups like the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, or libertine extremist events like the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, rarely garner huge media attention — while GOP ties to extremists often create scandal. Perhaps this imbalance in coverage is lessening a bit (e.g., Jeremiah Wright) now that there is a powerful TV network (FOX News) and “new” web-based media outlets that do not follow the Left’s lead. Still, the liberal-left benefits tremendously from the media’s non-coverage of their radical wing.
Below is full-page ad on page 60 of the Folsom Street Fair 2008 official “Program Guide” (nudity and website address covered up). Mayor Newsom’s welcome letter to Folsom Street Fair participants is on page 16 of the same program (see below). It just doesn’t get any sicker or more extreme than Folsom, so why don’t Democratic politicians like San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (top photo) fear being associated with this vile event, and why does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) refuse to denounce it?
It would be hard to envision a more controversial event than the sadistic “leather” Folsom Street Fair — with its well-documented rampant public nudity and police-tolerated homosexual orgies on city streets — or so it would seem, anyway, if more Americans knew about it. The following welcome letter from San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D) appears in the newly-released official Folsom Street Fair “Official 2008 Program Guide.” The “street fair” will be held in San Francisco on Sunday, September 28, and Americans for Truth, Mission America, American Family Association and other pro-family groups will be on hand to document the public indecency and officially “tolerated” filth.
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Posted in Candidates & Elected Officials, Current State Law, Democrat Party, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Not with MY Tax money!, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Task Force |
Friday, July 25th, 2008
WARNING: GRAPHIC — AFTAH reporters troubled by many children exposed to homosexuality celebration
GAY SHAME DAY? Do homosexuals have special rights on “pride” days to engage in public indecency and other illegal behaviors? This exhibitionist running a booth in the pornographic “Freedom Zone” at the recent San Diego Gay Pride festival was masturbating and playing with himself in public as people looked on. No security officials were called in to stop him in the roughly half hour AFTAH reporters were there as he continued to fondle himself. (The Freedom Zone — it was actually called the “Freedom Xone,” suggesting its pornographic content — was blocked off from the rest of the festival area by black plastic divider walls.) Look for further photos on San Diego “gay pride” in the coming days. CLICK HERE to listen online to an interview by CWA’s Martha Kleder with Peter LaBarbera of AFTAH. Blocked Photo: Allyson Smith, AFTAH.
CWA writes:
Gay Pride and Parenting
Concerned Women for America, July 24, 2008 —
Efforts to enact same-sex “marriage” across the nation have also bolstered the number same-sex couples seeking to parent children. Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, just returned from California where he attended San Diego’s “gay’ pride festival. What he saw there was nearly the same level of public displayed perversity but this time with an increasing number of children in attendance. He spoke with CWA Policy Analyst Martha Kleder about what he saw. Listen | Download
Posted in GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News |
Friday, July 25th, 2008
The number of sites that come up on a Google search of “gay military pornography.”
The arrogance of the pro-homosexuality-in-the- military forces has escalated to unbelievable levels — a product in part of the huge political mobilization by anti-Don’t-Ask/Don’t-Tell forces compared to their pro-family opponents. Once again we see the play for sympathy based on the false and unproven idea that people are “born gay.” Get out your violins: the homosexual victims are coming … to Capitol Hill to demand more “rights” based on their aberrant sexual inclinations. Straight soldiers’ rights? Forget it! And no need to hire a PR agency for the “gay” side: the liberal media is taking care of that (more on Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank’s hit-piece against Donnelly later).–Peter LaBarbera
Tony Perkins of Family Research Council writes in his July 24 “Washington Update”:
Rude Congressmen Tell and Don’t Ask at Hearing
For the first time since Congress beat back Bill Clinton’s effort to bring homosexuals into the military in 1993, there was a hearing on the topic yesterday on Capitol Hill, which FRC’s Vice President for Policy Peter Sprigg and several Witherspoon Fellows attended. The Democrats in Congress are laying the groundwork for action next year, when they hope [a Democrat will be] president … to overturn the law which codified the military’s longstanding policy excluding homosexuals. Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, and Sgt. Major Brian Jones, a veteran of the Army’s elite Delta Force, ably defended the law in the face of shockingly disrespectful and even abusive questioning by members of the House Military Personnel subcommittee. Particularly egregious was the behavior of Rep. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.), who said that Donnelly’s concern about the impact of HIV-positive soldiers was “dumb” and that her testimony about behaviors common among homosexuals was “bonkers.” Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.) used the silly line, “When did you decide to be heterosexual?” The false assumptions that people are “born gay” and can never change, and that homosexuality is equivalent to race, permeated the questioning. Yet no one explained how it would benefit the military to recruit service members who plan to commit acts which are criminal under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Additional Resources
AP: Vigorous debate held on ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’
Posted in Born that Way?, Candidates & Elected Officials, Congress, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Military, News, Physical Health, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Vulgarity on display at Boston “Dyke March” June 13. All photos shown here were shot by MassResistance. Click HERE to see their complete photo-story and video on the obscene “Dyke March.”
Brian Camenker and Amy Contrada of MassResistance report on the vulgar Boston “Dyke March” June 13. (Lesbian activists evidently can call themselves “dykes”; for the rest of us that’s potential “hate speech.”) Somebody report Camenker and Contrada to the Gay Thought Police for using the phrase “normal people.” Actually, they make a valid point: this in-our-face “dyke” movement — a combination of radical feminism and homosexual militancy — has zero to do with “civil rights” and everything to do with attacking normality by promoting perversion. Worst of all, its front-line activists seem to glory in corrupting youth and especially young girls and women with their deviant, God-defying messages. How sad to see grown women involved in this immature spectacle. Click HERE to see the entire MassResistance photo-story and video.
We’re showing these MassResistance photos unedited so as to accurately convey the messages presented in front of children and the Boston public. — Peter LaBarbera
MassResistance writes:
“Gay Pride Week” Boston Dyke March: Parade of obscenity and weirdness through downtown streets.
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Posted in 02 - Lesbian, Adoption & Foster Parenting, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Homosexual Parenting, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Lesbianism, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Pornography, Public Indecency, Sexual Revolution, Stealing Civil Rights |
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
Yes, there was plenty of ‘diversity’ at IML …
See letter to AFTAH below

‘CONSENSUAL’ DEGRADATION: [Click photo to enlarge] Leatherman “doggie slave” poses on all fours for a photo at the sadistic-sex-glorifying International Mr. Leather (IML) convention, hosted by the Hyatt Regency Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. The “slave’s” older male “owner” stands nearby with a cane. TAKE ACTION: Call the Hyatt Regency’s General Manager, Patrick Donnelly, at 312-565-1234 to tell him that it is wrong to profit off of pornography and perversion and that you will never stay at the Hyatt Regency Chicago — where vile, homosexual orgies involving IML participants occurred in guest rooms. Tell Mr. Donnelly that you will tell others not stay there as well. To contact Hyatt Regency’s national headquarters’ consumer affairs department: click HERE or e-mail consumeraffairs@hyatt.com; or call: 800-323-7249. PHOTO: AFTAH
Beverly Bubb of Michigan writes (emphasis added):
Thank you for your recent communication about the IML \\\”celebration\\\” held at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Per your suggestion, I listened to the interview on CWA about this event and then called the General Manager; Patrick Donnelly. He was shameless in his defense of hosting this event in the name of \\\”diversity\\\”! Since I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and still have many friends and family there; I informed Mr. Donnelly that I would make sure they all knew about what the Hyatt was promoting at their hotel and tell them never to stay in their facility. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention and to the attention of God-fearing people everywhere.
Beverly Bubb, Canton, Michigan
Posted in BDSM, Chicago, Corporate Promotion, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Hyatt Regency, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Indecency, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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