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Friday, August 17th, 2007
… It’s Not a Joke Anymore!
Should transsexual and transvestite (cross-dressing) men get legal “rights” based on their gender-confused “identity” and behavior? Above, a man who has become a “she-male” using female hormones rides “topless” for blocks atop a float in this year’s Chicago’s “gay pride” parade. Police did nothing. Photo: Americans For Truth.
When [CNN’s Larry] King asked [male-to-female transgender activist Steve Stanton] if he stands up when he goes to the bathroom in a woman’s restroom, he replied: “No, I don’t. No, I sit down in the woman’s bathroom.” — Traditional Values Coalition report
By Peter LaBarbera
Remember that joke about a lesbian trapped in a man’s body? … It’s not a joke anymore! Folks, it just doesn’t get any stranger than the “transgender” movement. We pity the men and women who struggle with gender issues and rebel against their God-given sex, but the gender-bending warriors (activist groups like GenderPAC) are serious about radically changing our culture. They’re even promoting “gender nonconformity” among our youth. Do not underestimate them.
The “transgender” lobby has copied aggressive “gay” activist tactics and is on the verge of creating federal “civil rights” based on gender confusion. Their top goal? Passage of the “Thought Crimes” and “ENDA Our Freedom” bills. If these become law, we’re talking about federal “rights” — and that means federal lawsuits — for “she-males” — biological men who act as if they are women and even demand to use female restrooms (see our story, “The Transg-ENDA: Man in Purple Suit Invades Ladies’ Restroom in Md.”).
When gender-twisting groups are publishing papers titled, “Peeing In Peace: A Resource Guide For Transgender Activists And Allies” (click HERE for TVC’s analysis of the paper), you know “civil rights” is being contorted beyond recognition.
- Read the reports at bottom by this message by Traditional Values Coalition — a leading pro-family group on Capitol Hill opposing the homosexual- and transsexual activist movements. See the related the AFTAH links as well.
- Contact your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative (e-mail: www.congress.org; phone: 202-224-3121). Tell them to oppose the ENDA (Employment Nondiscrimination Act), which would subject businesses to lawsuits by homosexual and “she-male” (“transgender”) activists;
- Also ask your senators to vote against the S. 1105, the so-called “Hate Crimes” bill, which passed the House and is expected for a vote in the Senate soon. This “thought crimes” bill will make it easier for homosexual- and transgender activists — working hand-in-hand with liberal prosecutors — to harass conservative businessmen and Christian/pro-family advocates by falsely claiming themselves as victims of “hate.”
TVC reports:
Larry King Shills For Transgender Movement
Traditional Values Coalition website
August 14, 2007 — Larry King’s August 10 show featured a panel of men and women who think they’re the opposite sex. Some have already undergone so-called “sex reassignment” surgery, while others have not.
King let them tell their stories about feeling like they were the opposite sex, and he interviewed two sons of a father who decided he was a woman. The teens expressed support for their father, even though he now looks like a Hollywood actress. Their father, who now calls himself Jessica, told King that he’s a lesbian and dates women. He told King, “I identify as lesbian, yes, absolutely.”
King also interviewed Steve Stanton, the former city manager of Largo, Florida. Steve decided he was a woman and currently dresses like one. He has not had a sex-change operation but is scheduled for one. When King asked him if he stands up when he goes to the bathroom in a woman’s restroom, he replied: “No, I don’t. No, I sit down in the woman’s bathroom.”
TVC’s reports, “A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream” and “Will Transgender Activists Come To Your School?” explain how the transgender activist movement is seeking to destroy the idea of male and female. In addition, transgender activists are seeking to have their “gender identity” given federally protected class status under three key bills being considered in Congress: ENDA, Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and the Clarification of Federal Employment Protections Act.
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Chicago, CNN, E - Praying for the Lost, Equality of Maryland, Freedom Under Fire, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GenderPAC, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Media Promotion, Mental Health, National Transgender Advocacy Coalition, News, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Saturday, July 14th, 2007
Neurosyphilis in gay men: Review of 170 possible cases sheds new light on risks
Published in the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Times, Thursday, July 12, 2007
By Bob Roehr
The increase in syphilis cases among gay men, particularly among those who are HIV positive, has been a concern for years. Most troubling is the occurrence of early neurosyphilis, when the infection spreads to the central nervous system and the brain.
Now a review of 170 possible neurosyphilis cases in four cities – Los Angeles (74), New York (47), Chicago (32) and San Diego (17) – has shed new light on the risks for HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). The review was published in the June 28 issue of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.”
The report looked at cases over a 30-month period, January 2002 to June 2004, and narrowed them to 99 patients who had evidence of syphilis in their blood and physical symptoms compatible with neurosyphilis. Of the total, 57 self-identified as MSM, while 49 were HIV positive.
About 75 percent of the patients reported visual disturbances or new onset of headaches, while 12 percent had symptoms of acute meningitis. About half had no other clinical symptoms of the infection, while almost a quarter did not know they were infected with HIV.
The findings come as no surprise to Christopher Hall, chief of clinical affairs for the California Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Branch of the Department of Public Health. He sees them as an indictment of medical providers for not routinely screening gay men for syphilis. That practice would catch syphilis soon after infection, before it could develop more serious manifestations in the brain.
“Gay men who are sexually active with more than one partner should be screened for syphilis at least every six months, and those who are more active should be screened as frequently as every three months,” he says, citing guidelines issued by the CDC…
…About half of the cases of syphilis in California are among persons who are HIV positive. Hall sees three major reasons for this. First is serosorting: Persons who are HIV positive seek out sexual partners of the same status and decide not to use condoms. This facilitates the transmission of all sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis.
This feeds on itself, creating a higher prevalence of the infection within a relatively closed pool of people having sex with each other. Finally, there is the likelihood that these persons have more sex with different people and hence increase their risk of exposure.
Gonorrhea is a localized infection but syphilis is a systemic one that can affect all parts of the body. Hall says syphilis can be found in the central nervous system and brain of about 30 percent of recently infected persons, regardless of their HIV status.
Oral sex is a route of infection that many people often do not consider. A 2004 study from Chicago attributed 13.7 percent of syphilis infections to oral sex, as the participants claimed to only engage in that practice. Most persons have a wider sexual repertoire, and so the true number of transmissions through oral sex is likely to be higher.
Click HERE to read the full article in the San Diego Gay & Lesbian Times
Posted in Chicago, Health & Science, Mental Health, New York, News, Physical Health |
Friday, July 6th, 2007
Former lesbian Linda Jernigan was asked to speak at a Chicago-area public school suffering from lesbian assaults on innocent girls, but she had to turn it down because the school wanted her to ‘de-Christianize’ her testimony.
By Peter LaBarbera
Lesbian gangs are raping and bullying girls and engaging in criminal activity, but you probably haven’t heard about this story, right? Now a Memphis TV station and FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly have broken the silence:
Click below to watch two video links that homosexual activists with the group GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) desperately tried to prevent the public from seeing:
- The original Memphis TV news report on lesbian gang violence, including school washroom rapes of female students;
- O’Reilly’s follow-up report on the lesbian assaults
Lifesite.net news — an excellent, Canada-based pro-family website that we highly recommend — has picked up on the Bill O’Reilly segment with the story below.
I heard about this lesbian bullying phenomenon from former lesbian turned Christian evangelist Linda Jernigan, who a few years back was contacted by a teacher about speaking at Rich East High School in Park Forest, Illinois (a south suburb of Chicago), where this sick behavior was occurring.
Jernigan said she was told that lesbian girl gangs would drag a targeted female into the school restroom, hold her down, and perform oral sex on her to “turn her out” — i.e., forcibly “seduce” the poor girl through lesbian rape.
‘Vagina Monologues’ condoned lesbian predatory rape
Maybe the young lesbian thugs got some inspiration from “Vagina Monologues,” the vulgar feminist-lesbian play celebrated by liberal elites and performed by many female Hollywood stars. Did you know that the original Vagina Monologues book by Eve Ensler contains a chapter about a 24-year-old lesbian woman who plies a 13-year-old girl with alcohol to seduce her? Ensler turns this pedophile rape into a sort of feminist-lesbian “moral good” by having the girl victim end up as a happy lesbian who says, “I’ll never need to rely on a man” — don’t you just love liberal morality?
Please take a few minutes to watch both the Memphis TV video and the O’Reilly video and ask yourself: where is the rest of the media on this story? We hear from the pro-homosexual Left about “bullying” in schools — as if it’s mainly an “antigay” phenomenon. Now we learn that lesbians are doing the bullying — is the educational establishment taking action to prevent this? Have politically correct, pro-“gay” pandering and the ubiquitous glamorization of homosexuality — in the schools, media, and in pop culture — contributed to this crisis?
How many liberals have joined lesbian “conservative” Tammy Bruce in condemning “Vagina Monologues'” pedophile lesbian rape-seduction chapter? Evidently not enough to stop this lewd play from being celebrated by the cocktail set and from now moving from colleges to high schools. I suppose rape and pedophilia are vile crimes except when performed by lesbians on girls….
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Assaults, Bullying & Victimhood, Chicago, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, FOX News, GLAAD, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Rape, News, School Plays, Youth and School Related Organizations |
Saturday, June 30th, 2007
Whoever heard of a sex club float at a parade? Proud homosexuals, that’s who. Above, a bus float for “Steamworks,” a 24/7 bathhouse in Chicago’s (“gay”) Boystown neighborhood — where men go to commit anonymous sodomies with other men — rides in the Chicago homosexual “pride” parade June 24. Many young children watched or participated in the Chicago parade.
The lawless hate God. The name of Jesus is an affront to sinners. The [Columbus “gay pride” parade] crowd cheered the apostate churches as they displayed their man-made signs declaring their man-man opinion of Jesus’ acceptance of sin. They cursed and spat upon those who held a sign that displayed the Word of God, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.”
Christian men are afraid to stand up for Jesus. They act just like women, striving to be “nice” to everyone. They won’t fight for their communities, won’t protect their children from indoctrination, and won’t storm the gates of hell.
— Coach Dave Daubenmire, “Have You Visited a Gay Pride Parade?”
TAKE ACTION: Send Americans For Truth a $10 donation (postpaid) or make a $10 gift online and we will send you a “Truth Packet” that reveals some cold, hard realities about the homosexual agenda — including our booklet, “The Homosexual Agenda Targeting Children.” The Truth Packet will guide you on simple steps you can take to start standing up for truth against the pro-homosexual issue in your community. You’ll be shocked to see how the “GLBT” lobby is converting the next generation to their ungodly cause. Send $10 (postpaid) to AFTAH, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, or go online to give HERE.
By Peter LaBarbera
I’d like to call your attention to a wonderful call-to-arms from Coach Dave Daubenmire, who is a great American and a spiritual treasure for this deeply troubled nation. As one who has observed a bunch of “Gay Pride” parades over the years — they now call them just “pride” parades to mask their real purpose: celebrating homosexuality (perversion) — I echo Coach Dave’s call for Christian men to get off their comfortable keisters and observe firsthand the moral disintegration of this country.
Coach Dave is a man’s man, and his frank observations are, well, too gut-real for some even in the “pro-family” movement. American Christianity has been feminized, or perhaps emasculated — or even “psychologized” — to such a degree that we shy away from bold truth-telling. We rationalize our withdrawals from the culture wars, sometimes using theology to justify our cowardice. In his article, “Have You Visited a Gay Pride Parade?”, the Coach shows us the end-game of “tolerance” and “diversity”: the glorification of sin, churches parading in support of behavior that God condemns, and the promotion of ungodly lifestyles to innocent kids.
Do we hate sin?
It’s funny. Guilt-ridden Christians talk a lot about how they don’t hate “gays.” That should be a given: we are commanded to love sinners supernaturally — even to suffer for the sake of the Gospel, as my friend Dan Musick and Joe Christopherson did at Chicago “Pride” last Sunday. But I’m wondering: do we hate homosexual behavior like God does? (Can I say that? — alert the Thought Police immediately.)
No, we don’t. The result is that men who should be out contending with the evils of the day — and surely this is one — are instead fretting over not appearing “intolerant,” overly “judgmental,” or too radical. Or they withdraw into the business world and reading their stock reports, to prepare for a retirement in which they can retreat even further from the culture wars that we are already losing, badly.
Why is it that the wicked (in this case, homosexual activists) can give 150 percent to their their cause, but we who claim the “Truth” adopt a defensive posture and are saddled with doubt and apathy in the fight for godly values?
Guys, Jesus was radical. He was a man’s man. If you can’t bring yourself to join Americans For Truth in confronting the homosexual lobby in the culture and public policy, then get out on the streets and witness the Gospel to people headed for hell in the name of “pride” (oops, I said the H-word: another speech code violation…).
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bathhouses, Candidates & Elected Officials, Chicago, Christian Persecution, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Freedom Under Fire, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, Pending Legislation, Politicians & Public Officials, Religious Leaders, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, June 28th, 2007
So much for the First Amendment. Bob Schwartz of the leftist Chicago homosexual group Gay Liberation Network, who opposed government censorship in a previous AFTAH story, defends a vigilante type of oppression — of ideas and religious speech — in typically nasty fashion below. Schwartz compares the two peaceful Christian men assaulted by a mob of “gay pride” celebrants in Chicago Sunday to “racist scum,” the KKK, and fascists, while commending the mob that set upon them (for details of the “pride” day assault, click HERE).
Sorry, Bob, Christians are not “hate merchants,” but it seems pretty clear that what you’re selling here isn’t even close to the tolerance that you demand of others. — Peter LaBarbera
Here’s Schwartz’s Stalinesque rant:
Bigots were “bullied,” and subjected to “sinister laughter and jeering” but they get out alive. What would happen to the KKK if the racist scum tried to protest at the Bud Billiken parade at 43rd and King Drive? Wouldn’t this threat be met by Malcolm’s dictum, “Liberation by any means necessary.”
Why do Chicago Pride parade organizers defend the “free speech” rights of bigots, rather than advocate for those who object to their presence? Three years ago when anarchists protected the parade from fascist street thugs, Richard Pfeifer condemned the anarchists and praised the cops who arrested them! This year Pfeifer was quoted as saying that our “diversity” allows for bigots expressing antigay messages.
Those LGBTs and others who stood up to the fascists this year, whether at Cambridge and Diversey, or before the two hate merchants quoted below [reprints AFTAH story about mob attack] are to be commended.
Those who dare to come onto our streets to preach hate should face the consequences meted out to them by lesbians and gays who will not stand by and be degraded by bigots masquerading as kindly people of god.
Posted in Assaults, Chicago, Christian Persecution, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Liberation Network, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexual Quotes, News |
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007
Do Chicago homosexuals have special rights to go nude in public and bully critics?
Topless transsexual bares his (presumably hormone-induced) breasts, blocked out in this photo, at Chicago’s homosexual “pride” parade on Sunday. The “man” rode exposed like this for blocks going down Broadway Avenue atop the “Hamburger Mary’s” float. The crowd lining the streets cheered him/her on.
The following are firsthand accounts from two Christians who passed out Gospel tracts and preached at Chicago’s “Gay Pride” parade Sunday in the “Boystown” section of the city. I witnessed plenty of tolerance at the parade for all sorts of debauchery — such as one pink-haired (biologically male) transsexual who bared his (presumably female-hormone-induced) breasts as he rode block after block on atop a float (see photo above) — but little for a Biblical message against sin.
Sadly, some churches and synagogues marched in the “pride” parade, effectively blaspheming the Creator they purport to serve. The word for that is ‘shame,’ not ‘pride.’
The first testimony below is from Americans For Truth volunteer Dan Musick, who did not street-preach but passed out several hundred tracts containing former homosexual Steve Bennett’s testimony, titled, “I WAS Gay.” (Tracts can be ordered through Steve’s ministry at http://www.sbministries.org/tracts.html.)
The second testimony is from Joe Christopherson, who met Dan while street preaching at the parade. Together, they encountered trouble after the parade had concluded and people were milling about in “Boystown.” We’ll have more firsthand reports on the Chicago and New York City “gay pride” parades in future posts. As you read this, imagine the liberal media’s outrage — all four major local Chicago TV stations fielded floats in the parade — and that of “gay” activists had two homosexuals been assaulted and humiliated in the same manner. — Peter LaBarbera
Dan Musick’s testimony:
I went to the parade armed with 500+ tracts and my camera. My prayer was for God to show me what He wanted me to do. Before the parade I passed out some tracts. At the parade I took lots of pictures and video, and passed out a few tracts. The sidewalk and area behind the barriers was packed.
After the parade there was a steady flow of crowd traffic so I started passing out the “I Was Gay” tracts. I did this for about an hour, and passed out about 300. Many ended up on the sidewalk.
I experienced every form of mockery you could imagine, but only from one or two at a time at the most. At one point two lesbians were circling me and warning others not to take my tracts. One tore up a tract and threw it at me. Another knocked the tracts out of my hand.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Assaults, Chicago, E - Praying for the Lost, Gay Culture, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, Public Indecency |
Friday, June 22nd, 2007
Americans For Truth is joining with two other national pro-family organizations that are working together to form a multi-state outreach this weekend, designed to confront “gay pride” parade participants with the truth that Jesus Christ can set them free from the sin of homosexuality.
“Gay pride” parades in Chicago, Atlanta and Columbus, Ohio, this weekend will receive the hopeful message.
“The truth is, homosexuality is nothing to be proud of,” said Americans For Truth president Peter LaBarbera. “Christ has helped set free thousands of people from this destructive lifestyle (see Yvette Schneider’s story HERE), and we hope that those who have not closed their minds to God’s truth will go to HopeforHomosexuals.com and open their hearts to the life-changing Gospel truth on its pages.”
The Virginia-based Family Policy Network (FPN), in an alliance with Naperville, Illinois-based Americans for Truth and the Ohio-based Mission America, will fly airplane banners over so-called “gay pride” parades in Georgia, Illinois and Ohio this weekend that read, “JESUS CHRIST: WWW. HOPE FOR HOMOSEXUALS.COM.” (Click HERE to see a mock-up of the banner.)
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Chicago, E - Praying for the Lost, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, May 31st, 2007
Truth in labeling from one comic book vender at IML 2006.
Graphic photos below with offensive depictions of real-life homosexual depravities
By Peter LaBarbera
1) MOST IMPORTANT: Contact Hilton Hotels Corporation World Headquarters in Beverly Hills, California, and Hilton CEO Stephen Bollenback (stephen_bollenbach@hilton.com; 310-278-4321) and politely express your dismay that Hilton would allow its good name to be associated with the sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as “International Mr. Leather.” If you feel so led, tell them that you will certainly never stay at the Palmer House Hilton — who would knowing that disgusting homosexual orgies have gone on in their rooms? — and you also will not be staying at other Hilton hotels while this deviant association continues.
I also spoke with a nice Hilton HQ executive, Trina Owens (trina_owens@hilton.com; 901-374-5041), to whom you can also express your concerns over Hilton promoting perversion. Here’s the full contact information: Hilton World Headquarters, CEO: Stephen Bollenbach: Fax: 310-205-7655; phone 310-278-4321), Brand Performance & Franchise Development, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills , CA 90210; Development Hotline: 800-286-0645; or call 1-800-HILTONS.
Sign reads: “Due to the entire hotel being reserved for a private convention [International Mr. Leather], all hotel facilities are closed to the general public until Tuesday, May 29th. Thank you for your cooperation. The Palmer House Hilton.”
2) Write or call Palmer House Hilton General Manager Peter Lynn (peter_lynn@hilton.com); phone 312-726-7500 (ask for Peter Lynn’s office); ask him how they sterilize their rooms after the perverse IML orgies, and express your outrage that they would profit off this sadism spectacle through 2009. Fax: 312-917-1707; 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago , Illinois , United States 60603.
3) From now on, book your hotel through www.cleanhotels.com (hotels that are porn-free), so you can rest easy knowing that you are not rewarding the pornography industry through your stay.
The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at International Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held on Memorial Day weekend (both years) at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The photos were taken by this writer, walking through the IML vendor fair, which was open to the public:

Man gets tied up in IML 2006.

This man at IML 2006 was bound and gagged and bounced around with bunny ears on from one Palmer House room to another, to satisfy some twisted fetish.

Diaper fetish. The “orientation” of this grown man in a diaper and sucking on a baby pacifier is “infantilism.” He was photographed in the lobby of the Palmer House Hilton at IML 2006.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in Bathhouses, BDSM, Chicago, Gay Culture, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, Miller Beer, News, Physical Health, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |

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