The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality

VIDEO: Dan Savage Crudely Assails Pope on ‘Gay Marriage’ at Elmhurst College

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Warning: Offensive Language (after all, this is Dan Savage…)

Homosexual activist and atheist sex-columnist Dan Savage crassly attacks the pope and Christianity as a speaker at Elmhurst College, April 29, 2012, at the college’s historic Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel. This amateur video was shot by John Kirkwood, pastor of Grace Gospel Fellowship, in Bensenville, Illinois. AFTAH will be providing further excepts of Savage’s speech at Elmhurst. The college shot video of the speech, but had not posted it as of May 1, 2012. We will add a transcript at the bottom. Also, note AFTAH’s new website button, “Savage Hate” (, which will document Savage’s troubling record. — Peter LaBarbera,

Link on AFTAH YouTube page:

Dan Savage Video – Chides ‘Pansy Ass’ Attitude of Offended Christian High School Students

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

“We can learn to ignore the [bullsh*t] in the Bible about gay people,” says homosexual activist

Dan Savage — creator of the pro-homosexual-youth “It Gets Better Project” and the vile anti-Rick-Santorum hate-site “Santorum[dot]com” — was invited to speak as a keynote speaker at NSPA/ JEA’s annual High School Journalism convention, Journalism on the Edge. For the most comprehensive response to Savage’s attacks on the Bible, see Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Rob Gagnon’s site: Savage later apologized for the “pansy ass” comment, but not for his tirade against the Bible. This video was published on YouTube Apr 27, 2012 by bandroadie95.

Citizen Link article:

YouTube link:

Two Manly Men – Mike Heath and Paul Madore – Battle ‘Sodomy-based Marriage’ in Maine

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Bucking political correctness, they say the battle is ALL about the “morality of homosexuality”

Why haven't America's Christian men (and women) risen up in anger over the promotion of homosexual perversion even to teenagers, on primetime TV? This photo of the infamous, extended homosexual kiss on the FOX program "Glee" is blocked for decency's sake.

Folks, how did we get to the point in our society where opposition to homosexuality became more “controversial” than homosexuality itself? (See Isaiah 5:20.) You might be shocked by what the Coach writes below, but then again: you need to be shocked. — Peter LaBarbera,


Two Manly Men in Maine

By Coach Dave Daubenmire, of Pass the Salt Ministries

 April 26, 2012
Reprinted from [to learn more about “NewsWithViews” and subscribe to their e-mails, go HERE.]

The boys are back in town.

Not that they ever went anywhere. But Mike Heath and Paul Madore are teaming up once again to take on the sodomites in Maine.

That is bad news for the gay-rights thugs, and they know it. Heath and Madore are like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Batman and Robin, or the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

They are the homosexual movement’s worst nightmare.

For the seventh time in recent history, there is an attempt by the deviant-left to foist “sodomy-based marriage” onto the grandchildren of the citizens of Maine. When does “no” mean no?

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LISTEN: AFTAH Interviews Barb Anderson and Laurie Higgins on ‘Day of Silence’ – Part One

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Higgins guides parents on how to pull child from activist schools on Friday, April 20th

Barb Anderson of the Parents Action League.

This is Part One of our interview [click HERE] with Barb Anderson of the Minneapolis-based Parents Action League and Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute. (This pre-recorded interview aired April 14, 2012.) The discussion centers on the upcoming, annual homosexual activist event in schools known as the “Day of Silence” (this Friday, April 20th). Higgins urges a “walkout” of the Day of Silence and guides parents on the proper questions to ask when calling their child’s school. For more information on the Day of Silence Walkout (endorsed by Americans For Truth and other pro-family groups), go HERE. Each child pulled from a school that is encouraging this pro-homosexual event — which disrupts the learning of non-participating students — costs the school money because school funds are allocated based on attendance.

Anderson also discusses the escalating LGBT campaign against the Anoka-Hennepin school district, outside Minneapolis, in which outside forces — including the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center and the Obama Administration — are using the “anti-bullying” rally cry to force an intrusive and one-sided pro-homosexual program into district schools.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

4-14-12, Barb Anderson & Laurie Higgins, Part One


Ten Reasons to Walk Out April 20 on the Pro-Homosexual ‘Day of Silence’

Friday, April 13th, 2012

This confused young woman had her healthy breasts surgically removed to appear like the "man" she wants to be. Today's youth are inundated in schools and pop culture with pro-gender-confusion and pro-homosexual messages -- while not being exposed to the downsides of these destructive and immoral lifestyles. Photo: Mass Resistance.

We thank my friend Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America, for her tremendous work on behalf of America’s “LGBT-brainwashed” youth. — Peter LaBarbera.  Linda writes:

By Linda Harvey of Mission America

A broad coalition of pro-family groups recommends that students stay away from school on Friday, April 20, 2012, the national “Day of Silence,” if the school is officially recognizing and/or allowing students and teachers to observe this event during instructional time by a silent protest. High schools and even some middle schools are now the targets of this event.

The Day of Silence is supposedly led by students, but actually led by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which describes itself as “championing LGBT issues in K-12 education since 1990.” Did you catch that– “K through 12”? Younger and younger students are the target of this group. The younger, the better because they are easier to manipulate.

The Day of Silence goal is not, as I am told frequently by outraged emails from misinformed students, to help end all bullying. The goal is to exploit the tender sympathies of kids to promote approval of homosexuality and gender confusion. The agenda is everything; Judeo-Christian morality is the enemy; and sadly, kids are the tools.

GLSEN teaches students that homosexuals and gender-confused people are “silenced” and under persecution by those who object to this behavior, and that traditional moral beliefs cause bullying. No hard, objective data exists to support this contention, and the event itself causes hostility, confusion, and division.

Here are ten reasons I believe Christian students in particular should refuse to honor this event by school attendance and why Christian teachers should plan activities that require students to verbally participate:

1. A silent protest in support of immoral, God-dishonoring behavior is in itself profoundly deceptive. All sexual behavior outside man/woman marriage is sinful in God’s eyes. Why should Christian students and teachers be in the position of accommodating this flagrant violation of their principles? Teachers would not want polyamorous students to be bullied, but would schools permit students to participate in a classroom protest in support of polyamory?

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AFTAH Interviews Christian Activist Steve Noble on North Carolina Marriage Amendment

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

North Carolina Christian activist Steve Noble is guardedly optimistic about the upcoming May 8 vote in his state on the Marriage Amendment. He tells how he got active in pro-family advocacy in his book, "The Making of a Christian Wacko."

After a brief hiatus, Americans For Truth Radio is back featuring in-depth interviews with front-line, pro-family activists. This interview [click HERE to listen] by AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera is with Steve Noble, a Christian activist and talk show host in Raleigh, North Carolina. This was pre-taped and aired on WYLL-Chicago (1160 AM) April 7, 2012. Noble hosts a daily talk show, “Called2Action,” on 1030 AM Truth Radio in Raleigh (4:00 PM Eastern). Steve discusses the upcoming May 8 vote in North Carolina for the Marriage Amendment — which if passed would codify in the state’s constitution the preservation of marriage as one-man, one-woman. He notes how North Carolina’s homosexual activists are not affirming theirright to “marry,” but rather throwing up disinformation against the Amendment.

On April 2, Noble interviewed LaBarbera on his program on the same subject [go HERE to the archive page and download the April 2nd podcast: “A ‘Gay Marriage’ North Carolina?”]. Noble is also the author of, “The Making of a Christian Wacko,” about his path to becoming a Christian pro-family activist. You can order the book HERE.

HOW TO LISTEN: This is an mp3 file, supported in most operating systems by Windows Media Player, Quick Time and/or I-Tunes.  Real Player is not supported and there may be difficulty when attempting to listen with it.  Left click once on the link below to play. (Please be patient, depending upon the speed of your internet connection it may take a moment or two to load.)  OR right click the link then “save target as” to download the whole show.

4-7-12, Steve Noble

VIDEO: Chris Matthews Tells Pro-Homosexual Activists: ‘You Want to Silence People’

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

[To watch the Chris Matthews “ambush” video on YouTube, go here:]

By Peter LaBarbera

It’s rare when I agree with (pro-homosexual-“marriage”) Chris Matthews, the fast-talking host of the MSNBC program “Hardball” — but here he hits the nail on the head. At a March 24 book signing in Framingham, Mass., Matthews was “ambushed” by video-camera-wielding activists with the pro-homosexual, leftist group Faithful America. They badgered him about having Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, on as a repeat guest on “Hardball.” Here’s Matthews’ response [more commentary after the video]:

Silencing “hate”?
Needless to say, Faithful America justifies its blacklisting campaign against Perkins on the basis of Family Research Council being (mis)labeled a “hate group” — by fellow left-wingers at GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and the Southern Poverty Law Center.  [See Faithful America’s Youtube comments HERE.] Perkins is a good man who ably and articulately defends the historic Judeo-Christian sexual and marriage ethic, for which he is rewarded with the usual vitriol by embittered homosexual activists and bloggers. Anyone who has seen Perkins debate on TV can see he is not “hateful” in the least — nor is the respected family organization FRC (where I once worked as a cultural analyst).

Do you see what is happening? The intellectual cowards on the Left — puffed up by a compliant media and suffused with enough “gay pride” and arrogance to presume that their aberrant sexual/gender ideology has NO LEGITIMATE OPPOSITION — are busier than ever trying to bully the media into joining their “Pro-Gay-Only” crusade. It is despicable, but worse: it is a grave threat to American liberty. Because when the media en masse kowtow to censorious activists — a road on which they are quite far along with the Homosexual Lobby — accountability, reason and fairness are jettisoned, paving the way for ever more reckless and extreme pressure campaigns against the dreaded “haters.” (That would be you, me and just about anyone who takes a public stand against homosexual behavior or “gay” agenda goals like same-sex “marriage.”)

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When Truth Becomes a ‘Crime Against Humanity’

Monday, March 26th, 2012

By Pastor Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.

Scott Lively

This column was posted on Lively’s website,, March 18, 2012

I am a Bible-believing Christian Pastor and as such I oppose homosexuality and the now global movement to legitimize it in society. The Bible teaches that homosexuality is s sin specially condemned by God as an “abomination” destructive to both individuals and society (Leviticus 18:22f). It is the only sin which prompted the destruction of a city by fire and brimstone (Genesis 19). It is the only sin chosen to epitomize the “reprobate mind,” meaning the mind given over completely to darkness and deceitfulness (Romans 1).

My job as a pastor is to preach this truth without apology or hedging so that people who suffer with a homosexual “orientation” can repent and be delivered from their bondage (Ezekiel 3:18), and society can be spared the damaging consequences of affirming that sin (Jude 1:7). Many homosexuals from the very beginnings of Christianity have been healed of this affliction (1 Cor 6:9-11).

I also preach against the hatred and violence that some direct toward homosexuals. That too is a sin (Matt 22:39).

History affirms the Bible. This homosexual movement does in fact exemplify the conduct described in Romans 1, so much so that since its rise to power it has silenced or destroyed nearly every opponent that once stood against it. Nearly everyone, including a significant number of my fellow clergy, are now afraid to speak against homosexuality for fear of retaliation.

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