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Folks, this is the debut episode of our new daily AFTAH webcast, “Americans For Truth Live.” It will air live Monday through Friday at noon Central Time (1:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific, 11:00 AM Mountain) right here on the AFTAH website. As you can see, we are still ironing out some wrinkles in the show, but I am super excited about it.
Americans For Truth Live will feature tons of hard-hitting, politically INcorrect analysis and interviews with some of the leading front-line happy warriors fighting Big LGBTQ, in America and across the globe. There will be more than a little laughter, and lots of God’s honest Truth. This video explains how AFTAH and our message is different: we’re hopping off the “Always on Defense” pro-family train, and are not afraid to speak tough truths, even if that means criticizing the Republican Party or (brace yourself!) Fox News.
Please spread the word about this new webcast. Share it everywhere. Tell your family and friends. Join the counter-revolution against the reckless Sexual and Gender-Rebelling Left–you know, the LGBTQueer activists and their “progressive” allies who think we all should celebrate an 11-year-old boy who identifies as a “drag kid” and performs at “gay” bars where men throw dollar bills at him.
Send me your feedback at americansfortruth@gmail.com, and please pray for and support this show if you are able [donate safely online HERE] so we can begin setting men and woman to freely and aggressively defend Truth against the secular-Left lies all around us. Because it’s God’s Truth to defend, not ours. God bless. –– Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
No Criticism of Trans-Insanity Allowed: Facebook cited the above 2016 post as the reason for banishing the private account of AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for 30 days. The post advertises the 2016 AFTAH banquet presentation by pro-family Christian advocate Linda Harvey. The picture is from the Twitter feed of Alex Matheny, a beautiful young woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed two years ago in her tragic quest to identify as a man. Just days ago, Facebook “unpublished” Americans For Truth’s FB page, citing similar “hate” violations.
UPDATE, 11-26-18: Today I received this notification from Facebook that my “appeal” had been rejected, so my 30-day “jail” sentence remains. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Well, what do you know? Just a few days after Americans For Truth’s Facebook page was “unpublished” due to ridiculous alleged “hate” violations [See articles in LifeSiteNews, WND and AFTAH], my private Facebook page (Peter LaBarbera) was just put on 30-day “Facebook jail” notice for the attached post advertising Linda Harvey speaking at the AFTAH banquet–way back in October 2016!
That means for 30 days from Saturday, Nov. 24, I will be unable to post on Facebook or communicate using Facebook’s Messenger service. I clicked the “appeal” button, but don’t count on the nameless, corporate bureaucrats and “social justice warriors” at this social media giant to admit that they made a mistake.
Take a look at my allegedly “hateful” FB post above. So now it’s OK for a severely gender-confused young woman (in this case, Alex Matheny) to have her healthy breasts surgically removed (essentially a medically unnecessary double-mastectomy), but it’s “hate” for us to criticize it and warn parents and youth that this is destructive and wrong? How absurd. Pro-LGBTQueer “Progressives” hate truth.
Christ Helps ‘Homosexuals’ Change: Stephen Black, who once lived as a “gay” man before accepting Christ and leaving the homosexual lifestyle, is among the speakers at the God’s Voice conference Feb. 22-23 in Oklahoma City. Black leads First Stone Ministries, which helps others overcome sexual brokenness. God’s Voice will be responding to “Revoice,” a July conference and movement that seeks to recognize (chaste) homosexuals as a “sexual minority” in the Christian Church. AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera, a speaker at God’s Voice, was disinvited and banned from attending Revoice by its organizer, Nate Collins. Black was also banned by Revoice.
I will be speaking on how trendy “LGBTQ-inclusive Christianity”–even if well-intended–merely puts a Christian facade on the revolutionary “gay” idea of an aggrieved homosexual “minority” deserving affirmation in their aberrant self-identity. That notion, first championed in the U.S. by one-time Communist Harry Hay, is built on the idea that there is a separate group of humanity (the “gay” minority) who live by different sexual rules than the rest of us, as opposed to all people living under the same God-given, universal moral code.
We now see clearly the expanding chaos that this subversive “gay” ideology has engendered: if “identity” and “minority” status are derived essentially from one’s subjective feelings, and then awarded full “civil rights” status under the law, how can we as a society say no to new identities and minorities, such as “pansexuals,” “asexuals,” “non-binaries” and “genderqueers”? And mustn’t we affirm “gay” and LGBTQueer youth in their “identities”? If “truth” is subjective and judging is wrong (except judging “bigoted” Christians, of course), then how can we affirm one sexual/gender “minority” and not the other(s)?
Now this chaos threatens the Church itself. I wonder: why is there no discussion of recognizing and affirming other sin-based “minorities” in the evangelical Church–say, lustful men (which I suspect is a rather common “orientation”)?
Christians are called to deny themselves, and especially their flesh (sins), for Jesus’ sake and to please God. Our identity is in Christ. But the “LGBTQ+ Christian” movement demands that the Church sympathetically recognize their non-biblical “identities,” even though they are rooted in sinful desires and self-deception (Romans 1/Jeremiah 17:9)). Invariably, the next step will be to demand, with ever greater zeal and vociferousness, that all “compassionate” Christians do the same, while shaming those who refuse to indulge homo-trans ideology.
It goes without saying that we should preach the Gospel and reach out with truth in the love of Jesus to all sexual strugglers. But LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) ideology–though seductive in our victim-mongering culture like the Sirens of Greek mythology–is an ungodly, incrementalist agenda that Christians must reject in toto.
Please consider making plans to come to the “God’s Voice” conference in Oklahoma City February 22-23, to gird yourself in biblical truth so that you can better withstand the serious and growing threat of “LGBTQ Christianity.” More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
P.S. Unlike the “LGBTQ Christian” Revoice conference, God’s Voice will not be preemptively banishing potential critics from attending. (I was disinvited by Revoice’s organizer, Nate Collins, after paying and signing up to attend; see AFTAH story HERE.)
God’s Voice Media Release
God’s Voice Conference to Equip Christians to Stand Against ‘LGBTQ+ Christianity’ Inside the Church
Contact: Don Otis, 719-275-7775
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Nov. 6, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — In response to recent attempts to “revoice” God’s Word on the critical issues of human sexuality and identity, First Stone Ministries is pleased to announce the GOD’S VOICE Conference, taking place Feb. 22 and 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church in Moore, OK.
Subtitled: “A Biblical Response to the Queering of the Church,” the GOD’S VOICE Conference will be the Scriptural counter to a new “LGBTQ+ Christian” effort called Revoice, which has affirmed “gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other gender and sexual minority Christians,” “mixed-orientation marriages” and the concept of “redeeming queer culture.”
Organizer and conference speaker Stephen Black, executive director of First Stone Ministries, says, “it’s imperative that biblically faithful Christians, churches and denominations awaken to the threat of this new ‘LGBTQ+’ narrative, which radical activists and psychologists are pushing on our congregations.” In a continued response, Black says, “the church must once again listen only to the eternal, unchanging voice of God, whose Word alone conveys the truth about biblical sexuality and human identity.”
“We are living in a day when Bible-believing churches are being hit with a tsunami of an ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ narrative,” Black said. “Many are being lied to by this messaging that LGBTQ+ people have a fixed orientation and that grace covers their same-sex attractions, leaving people stuck in sin and broken identities. This movement has a form of religion, but denies the power of the Holy Spirit, who transforms souls through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!”
Co-organizer and conference speaker Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, says “it is time for the church to take a firm and unwavering stand against the encroaching, unbiblical message of ‘sexual minorities’ and ‘sexual orientation.'”
LaBarbera continues by saying, “Standing on God’s infallible Word, our team of experts will dissect the web of lies that hold subversive ‘queer Christianity’ together. We will show how Revoice and the expanding, cunning ‘LGBTQ+ Christian’ network are rooted not in the Bible, but in the same homosexualist ideology that has turned truth and God’s created order on their heads in our culture. We cannot stand by and allow this same LGBTQ+ ideology to be advanced in the name of Jesus Christ!”
Other GOD’S VOICE Conference speakers include Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, professor of humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; the Rev. Thomas Littleton, Southern Baptist pastor and evangelist; the Rev. Al Baker, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America; Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder and CEO of Christian Concern & Christian Legal Centre in the UK; and Janet Mefferd, host of the nationally syndicated, daily Christian radio talk shows “Janet Mefferd Today” and “Janet Mefferd Live.”
Black added that above all, the GOD’S VOICE Conference is designed to share the love of God and the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone who attends. “This conference will be filled with the Word of God and His testimonies of transformation to bless the believer and unbeliever alike,” Black said.
The GOD’S VOICE Conference is set for Friday evening, Feb. 22, and Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019, at First Moore Baptist Church, 301 Northeast 27th Street, Moore, OK.
First Stone Ministries is a 501(c)3, non-profit and non-denominational organization that ministers, educates and helps lead people to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord.
For more information, interviews or media please contact Don Otis at: 719.275.7775 or you can use the contact form at First Stone Ministries www.firststone.org/contact-us.
WARNING: Offensive graphic (created by hateful homosexual militant)
Dan Savage’s “Progressive” Hate: When it comes to dishing out “progressive” hate, few activists on the Left can match the antics of Dan Savage, homosexual-bisexual-transgender activist, sex columnist, author and pornographer. Here is a graphic from Savage’s hate-site, Santorum.com–which he created to demonize and literally destroy the name of Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania. Dan and his left-leaning fans came up with this mean-spirited, grotesque “definition” after Savage was offended by something Santorum had said. It is telling that Savage decided the best way to punish Santorum was to associate his name with a disgusting by-product of homosexual sodomy. Despite his hateful stunts and anti-Christian rhetoric–including “flu terrorism” against GOP presidential contender Gary Bauer and an “Impeach the Mother-[F–k-r] Already (ITMFA)” campaign against President Trump, most media, and apparently Democrat politicians like Sean Casten in Illinois, treat Savage like a cultural hero. See video showing Savage’s anti-Christian bigotry below, and the Breitbart story on Casten HERE.
Folks, the Democrats have become the Party of Homosexual-Bisexual Transgender activism and the Abortion Lobby. Here in Illinois (in Congressional District 6), we witness the incredible spectacle of Sean Casten, the Democratic challenger to Rep. Peter Roskam (R), refusing to take back his stated admiration of homosexual activist and proud cyber-bully Dan Savage. AFTAH readers will recall that Savage is the creator of the vile hate-site depicted above, Santorum.com–demonizing and mocking former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Breitbart has the story:
Democrat Sean Casten Refuses to Disavow Anti-Christian Bully Dan Savage in Debate Against Peter Roskam
By Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart News, Oct. 22, 2018
Democrat Sean Casten embraced anti-Christian bully Dan Savage in a debate Monday evening against incumbent Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) over the seat for the 6th congressional district of Illinois.
Casten, challenged to defend some of the harsh rhetoric he has used in his campaign, and some of the controversial figures he has embraced, refused to dissociate himself from Savage (at 9:27 in the Facebook video of the debate).
“The person I embraced — and I will stand to this day — is Dan Savage, who has been a voice for the LGBT community, and particularly for the It Gets Better project, of teens who were considering suicide.”
Savage, a talented sex advice columnist, founded the “It Gets Better” organization to help gay and lesbian teenagers overcome bullying by peers.
Ironically, Savage then became a bully himself, publicly shaming Christian teenagers at a high school journalism conference in April 2012, abusing his position at the podium to mock their beliefs.
In a video of the event (below), Savage trashed the Bible as “bullshit”:
The Bible — we’ll just talk about the Bible for a second. People often point out that they can’t help with the anti-gay bulling, because it says right there in Leviticus, it says right there in Timothy, it says right there in Romans, that being gay is wrong. We can learn to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about gay people the same way we have learned to ignore the bullshit in the Bible about shellfish, about slavery, about dinner, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation — we ignore bullshit in the Bible about all sorts of things.
Some students cheered, but others walked out in protest. Savage later taunted those who left: “So you can tell the Bible guys in the hall that they can come back now, because I’m done beating up the Bible.”
He went on to call the students “pansy-ass” for protesting, then offered a fake “apology” for hurting anyone’s feelings, adding, “I have a right to defend myself and to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible and insisting we must live by the code of Leviticus on this one issue, and no other.”
Casten justified his support for Savage by suggesting that Roskam, in his sixth term, is not pro-LGBT.
“Mr. Roskam has been a horrible advocate for that community. Maybe he doesn’t like that I support them, but I do.” …. [Article continues at Breitbart News]
Ex-“gay” leader Stephen Black also booted from Revoice conference that affirms celibate homosexuals as “sexual minority” in the Church
Limiting Dissent? Letter from Revoice founder Nate Collins to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera. Click to enlarge.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Over the many years I’ve been booted out of various “gay” activist conferences–though I’ve never sought to disrupt them–but never from a self-styled “Christian” conference. Yet that’s what happened June 17 when I received the following email note (see graphic at right) from Nate Collins, founder of “Revoice,” a new movement that seeks to reconcile the recognition of LGBT “identities” with faithful Christianity:
From: nate@revoice.us [Nate Collins, Revoice]
To: me [Peter LaBarbera]
Date: [June 17, 2018]
Dear Mr. LaBarbera,
Based on publicly available information, we believe that your presence at the inaugural Revoice conference would work against the stated mission and purpose of Revoice. We are refunding your registration fee in full, and would be happy to answer any further questions you might have.
Grace and peace,
Nate Collins, PhD
President and Founder of Revoice
Author of All But Invisible
Revoice defines celibate LGBT-identified Christians as a “sexual minority” (more on that later). Its mission for the debut July 26-28 conference is: “Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.”
I emailed the following email letter June 18 responding to Collins. At presstime (June 23), I had received no response back, despite Collins’ statement that he would be “happy to answer any further questions you might have.”
From: Americans For Truth [Peter LaBarbera]
To: nate@revoice.us
Date: June 18, 2018
Dear Dr. Collins (is it OK if I call you Nate?),
I am troubled by your decision, although it is not unexpected. Though of course I am on the more “orthodox” (conservative) side of things surrounding this debate, I was deeply interested and intellectually curious about your conference, and was looking forward to attending. I had no plans to disrupt it in any way but wanted to learn more. I think banning a smattering of “dissenting” voices (on the Right) at the outset is a bad idea, hurts your credibility among Christians and the wider public, and encourages the suspicion among critics that yours is an ideological (“pro-gay”), rather than a spiritually faithful, endeavor. So I hope you reconsider, and I would like to keep the lines of communication open. You can call me at [312-324-3787].
For the record, if yours was billed as an explicitly “gay activist” or “gay advocacy” event, I could better understand your expelling conservative critics (it has happened to me at various LGBT events), but that is not how you define Revoice. You say it is a “Christian” enterprise, yet you are keeping Christians who defend age-old biblical teaching against homosexuality out, which seems problematic.
Along those lines, I do have some questions regarding access to Revoice:
1) Will you allow LGBTQ activists to attend Revoice who do NOT share your belief against acting out homosexually (e.g., religious activists with groups like Human Rights Campaign)? Have any registered to attend?
UPDATE: The AFTAH 2018 Banquet has been postponed. We hope to host Walt Heyer for a banquet in the Spring. Stay tuned and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Folks, you’re not going to want to miss this year’s AFTAH dinner-banquet, featuring Walt Heyer, a man who once identified as a “woman,” so much so that he went through body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries” to match his body with his delusion. But the Lord had other plans for Walt, and you will be blessed to hear his astonishing story in person!
The AFTAH event is POSTPONED….,
Walt is the author of several books and the website, SexChangeRegret.com. God is using him worldwide in amazing ways to respond to the “transgender insanity” that is all the rage in the leftist media, Hollywood and academia. Back in 2011, AFTAH was one of the first pro-family groups to interview Walt about his compelling life story, so we are very excited to have him now as our speaker. Please plan to be there! — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; @PeterLaBarbera
PS. Here is a short video of Walt being interviewed by the conservative Heritage Foundation’s online publication Daily Signal:
AFTAH in the News: assails teen “coming out” film as product of decades of Hollywood pro-LGBTQ activism
The following is reprinted from One News Now, the news service of American Family Association. We’ll have more on this film, Love, Simon (view trailer below, after the jump), which represents the first major box office hit of a movie about a same-sex romance with a homosexual teenager as its lead character (played by actor Nick Robinson, who is straight).
I saw this film in the theater and it pushes all the right buttons for a generation already way over-exposed to anti-biblical messages celebrating All Things Gay & Trans. It’s a pretty effective piece of Hollywood propaganda that hits on some of the simplistic LGBTQ activist themes of recent decades–most importantly, that being “gay” is “who you are.” (No moral or spiritual counterpoint is presented.) Teens and adults should never accept that false premise, which posits sinful behavior as the basis for one’s identity and denies the possibility of wholesome change away from homosexuality. (See ex-“gay” Christian Stephen Black’s video presentations at AFTAH’s 2017 banquet HERE.)— Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH: Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com
Christian parents are being advised to be ready for a conversation with their children about a movie that opened this weekend that could have them talking.
Love, Simon (PG-13) is billed as a trendy romance – but in fact it’s the first “gay” romantic movie with a full-throated Hollywood marketing campaign. This movie was not made for LGBT audiences; instead, it’s a subtle message movie for the straight world:
From the movie trailer: “My name’s Simon. For the most part, my life is totally normal. I have a family that I actually like, and there’s my friends. So I’m just like you, except that I have one huge secret: nobody knows I’m gay.”
The story line focuses on how Simon “comes out,” or announces to the world that he’s gay. The characters are relatable, sympathetic, and loveable. The producers are hopeful audiences will yearn for Simon to be accepted and find his true love – and if data from the Barna Group and Impact 360 Institute is to be believed, many children from Christian homes are ready to get on board in today’s environment of moral relativism.
But Pete LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality warns young moviegoers to look closely. “If kids could see that this is the product of years and years and years of activism, [they’d understand] it’s not quite as innocent as it seems,” he tells OneNewNow.
He advises parents, during that conversation with their children, to lean on God’s Word.
“We need to really go back to the Word of God and ask our children and their friends and everybody we talk to about this, Who are you going to trust? Are you going to trust this movement which is really built on feelings – or are you going to trust the Word of God.“
And to those youngsters who truly love their gay friends, “you need to tell them Look, you can’t base your whole life, your destiny on feelings, because feelings lead people astray,” LaBarbera offers.
And he quotes a clear warning from Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. (NKJV)
“Thank the Lord,” LaBarbera writes, “that we can rise above the culture and its politically correct lies by trusting in God and his inerrant Word, the Bible.”
“Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon is running in the Democratic primary for governor of New York, against two-term incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Nixon is an open lesbian, but a politically incorrect one, as she has long affirmed that she chose to be lesbian. She told the New York Times:
“I’ve been straight and I’ve been gay, and gay is better…for me, it is a choice… I understand that for many people it’s not, but for me it’s a choice, and you don’t get to define my gayness for me.”
For more, see this 2016 HuffPo story. I abhor Nixon’s selfish and God-defying lifestyle choice but I respect her honesty about it. Of course, people choose to embrace sexual perversion, or any sin. She would call me a “bigot,” so I’m calling her what she is: openly and proudly immoral.
Let’s stop cavalierly using the LGBTQ activists’ strategic term-of-choice, “gay,” which implies that homosexuality is an innocuous, inherent (inborn) trait rather than a chosen behavior, thereby undermining spiritual and moral truth. Every person is responsible before God for their sexual behavior and their volitional thought life: what they choose to think (and fantasize) about.
P.S. Please pray for Cynthia Nixon, that she repents and leaves this proud, addictive sin behind, as countless women (and men) have, many through a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ. He can wipe her slate clean, although surely she would pay a hefty worldly price. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera