Government Promotion

Trojan Horse ‘Bullying’ Bill in Michigan Loses 2nd GOP Sponsor

Saturday, March 29th, 2008

gary_glenn.jpgBelow, our good friend Gary Glenn of Michigan shows how to stop “Trojan Horse,” pro-homosexual “bullying” bills in state legislatures. Obviously, we share Gary’s view that all students can be protected from bullying, abuse and harassment without regard to any specific or special criterion. School administrators can and must protect all students, but they can do so without politicizing education by promoting the acceptance of homosexualism and gender confusion. — Peter LaBarbera

News Release
American Family Association of Michigan
Friday, March 28, 2008
CONTACT: Gary Glenn: 989-835-7978
Sen. Randy Richardville 517-373-3543

Trojan Horse “Bullying” Bill in Michigan Loses 2nd GOP Sponsor

Richardville: “I will in no way support” bills as written; further blow to bill following homosexual activists’ “lobbying day”

LANSING — Two days after homosexual activist groups gathered at the state Capitol to pressure lawmakers to support a bill purported to protect public school students from bullying, a second Republican state senator who originally co-sponsored the legislation announced that he no longer supports the bill and would vote against it as written.

Click HERE for the SB 107 original co-sponsors.

Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, one of only four Republicans listed among twenty co-sponsors of Democratic Sen. Glenn Anderson’s Senate Bill 107, said Friday in an e-mail to the American Family Association of Michigan that while he supports protecting students from bullying, he no longer agrees with the legislation’s segregation of students into special “protected class” categories.

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Sally Kern Rejects PFLAG Account of Meeting

Friday, March 28th, 2008

repsallykern2.jpgOklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) issued the following statement today regarding a 30-minute meeting she had yesterday with representatives from the pro-homosexual group PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Kern said PFLAG’s account of the meeting — which has been spread around on homosexual websites — misrepresented her statements and intent:

As a state representative who is always willing to meet with any and all of my constituents on any issue with an open and sincere dialog, it is apparent from the statement released by PFLAG that their “open dialog” was for the purpose of politicizing the conversation to their benefit.

While I did meet with PFLAG in what was a cordial and polite meeting, they have taken my statements and have spun them to make it appear that I am backing off my comments that homosexuality is a sin. As a Christian who believes in the authority of God’s Word, I will never retract my comments that homosexuality is a sin.

PFLAG has also spun my words to say that I am in favor of “sexual orientation” laws. I unequivocally do not support “sexual orientation” laws. While I do not advocate employers going on a witch hunt to fire homosexual employees who are performing their jobs in a manner just like any heterosexual employee, I do not support laws that would force employers to check their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, speech, and association at the workplace door.

Since PFLAG has shown their lack of integrity by misinterpreting my statements from our meeting to fit their agenda — thus revealing their purpose of open dialog to be just a means of seeking to weaken my position and strengthen theirs — I see no benefit in having future meetings with them.

God’s Word does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever [Hebrews 13:8]. His Word expresses His moral character. Therefore, my opinion also will not change.

State Rep. Sally Kern
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Oklahoma City, OK
March 28, 2008

Homosexual Activists Risk Your Life — Tolerate It!

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

joesolmonese2.jpg Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading homosexual pressure group, says the federal ban on accepting blood donations from “men who have sex with men” is “discriminatory.”

By J. Matt Barber

Modern science sometimes serves to validate timeless Biblical truths (not that objective truth needs validating). Romans 6:23 contains two such truths. It provides flip sides to a priceless coin, offering us both a blunt warning and an enduring promise: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Far too often we toss this coin, gambling heads-or-tails with our own best interests. We all sin, but because Christ willingly paid the penalty — suffering death on the cross in our stead — we are redeemed. We need only believe in Him and the gift of eternal life is ours. We can confess our sins, repent (which includes making every effort not to repeat those sins) and move on.

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‘Queer’ Quotes: Hating Jesus, and Selfishness Redefined

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

Will Ellen DeGeneres campaign against the virulent anti-Christian hate among her fellow homosexuals?

ellen-degeneres.jpgBy Peter LaBarbera

Memo to Ellen DeGeneres and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund: perhaps before you start lecturing conservative Christians like Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern about their alleged “hate,” you ought to deal first with the hatred and meanness of your own fellow homosexuals. (Citing the murder of Matthew Shepard and Lawrence King, the GLVF outrageously wrote an open letter to Kern, stating, “Your words give aid and comfort to those who would hurt, maim and even kill people who are different from you.”)

Click HERE to listen to a recent Concerned Women for America online interview with Kern in which I participated.

Homosexual haters are everywhere in the blogosphere, as a quick visit to lesbian activist Pam Spaulding’s “Pam’s House Blend” blog will attest. Commenters on her site put the “m” back in mean, especially when they’re bashing Christians; they even make “The Pam” seem moderate by comparison — no small feat.

Along those lines, check out this particularly nasty screed, “The Gay Agenda,” by pro-homosexuals-in-the-military activist Clinton Fein — which a friend sent us after seeing it on another wicked “gay” blog called “Back Door Boy in a Front Door World”. (WARNING: these blogs contain highly offensive language.)

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Keep Your Kid Home From School on the ‘Day of Silence’

Monday, March 10th, 2008

pastor_ken_hutcherson.gif Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington, is speaking out strongly against the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence” on Friday, April 25. A growing coalition of pro-family groups is calling for parents to keep their children home from school on that day.

TAKE ACTION: First, check the two Mission America lists to see if your local schools are participating in the Day of Silence. The best way to ascertain whether YOUR children’s school is promoting or enabling DOS is to call the school and ask this question: “Are you allowing students to go silent in the classroom on the upcoming pro-homosexual “Day of Silence” (Friday, April 25)? (Some schools say they are NOT endorsing D.O.S., yet still allow students to not participate in class — which disrupts the learning process.) If the school administrator answers “yes” (or cannot say “no”), then yank your child out of the school on April 25th to protest their capitulation to homosexual activism. Of course, many committed Christians, and groups like Exodus Mandate, would advise you to pull them out of the public schools for good.

NOTE: Please notify AFTAH at with information about the response of your local school authorities to your DOS inquiries, and to tell us if you are pulling your children out of school on April 25th. Thank you!

By Peter LaBarbera

Folks, the politicization of America’s schools — both public and private — in favor of the the proud homosexuality (and now transsexuality) agenda is a crisis that continues to spiral downward. There was a time — back in the days when “Gay Power” was more a dream slogan for sexual radicals than the liberal establishment reality it is today — when homosexual activists disavowed any interest in our nation’s schools or recruiting youth. (Meanwhile, they had yet to kick out NAMBLA — the North American Man/Boy Love Association — from their coalition; in fact, the notorious pederasty group once marched in big-city “Gay Pride” parades.)

Fast-forward to today: homosexual activists and their liberal allies are all over the schools — even grade schools. In that respect, they are not unlike other nefarious ideological movements in their utilitarian misuse of schools to sway young minds. The result is that today’s young people are more pro-homosexual yet more pro-life at the same time — a curious mix and one that testifies to the effectiveness of pro-homosexuality marketing tactics. (Pop culture and media elites have decided that the “gay” debate is settled and we lost.)

In my experience, many of today’s teenagers and twenty-somethings are profoundly ignorant of the larger homosexual activist agenda, and even Christian youth are severely truth-challenged on this issue (to which the poll-driven church movement responds by scolding the larger Church for being too “anti-homosexual”).

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Deerfield High School outside Chicago Offers Homosexual Pornography To Students

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students.”Lora Sue Hauser

Click HERE to read some disgusting excerpts from Tony Kushner’s play; WARNING: they are worse than you could imagine

Kudos to my friend and extraordinary pro-family school advocate, Lora Sue Hauser, for exposing this extreme case of educational malpractice, at Deerfield High School north of Chicago. The teachers and administrators responsible for allowing this travesty — which could be “payback” for Lora Sue’s effective advocacy at DHS on behalf of students and parents over the years — should be terminated.

How did we get to the point in America where such disgusting pornographic writing could be justified as a part of a lesson plan for teenage boys and girls in school? Overly “tolerant” liberalism is corrupting our children at a rapid rate, while busy parents barely know what’s going on. Enough is enough: take action today! — Peter LaBarbera

TAKE ACTION: Read the “Angels in America” excerpts and call or write Deerfield High School Principal Sue Hebson to express — with civility — your dismay that their school, or any school, would even consider exposing impressionable youth to this vile, anti-religious, homosexual “literary” pornography: 224-632-3011;; main office: 224-632-3000.

Write or call District 113 Superintendent George Fornero ( through the District 113 website, or call 224-765-1000. The District 113 Board of Education also can be reached through their website.

Our sources indicate the class where “Angels in America” will be used is AP Literature and Composition, by Deerfield HS English teacher Jeff Berger-White. You can reach him at or by calling 224-632-3125.

No matter where you live, let Principal Hebson, Superintendent Fornero and DHS hear from you regarding this incredible breach of educational trust. Send us your letter and/or any replies that you receive:


News Release

North Shore Student Advocacy

Deerfield High School Offers Pornography To Students

March 7, 2008

Contact: Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director, North Shore Student Advocacy
Telephone: (847) 651-8646;

DEERFIELD, Illinois — North Shore Student Advocacy has learned that Deerfield High School, in Deerfield, Illinois, is offering the books “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes” (Part One & Two) —- laced with graphic sexual content, including gay sex, pervasive expletives, religious denigration and mockery —- in English classes this spring.

Click HERE to read some disgusting excerpts from Kushner’s play; WARNING: they are worse than any normal person could imagine

“After almost 15 years of school advocacy and reviewing many objectionable books and curricula, I have never seen anything this vulgar and harmful to students,” says Lora Sue Hauser, Executive Director of North Shore Student Advocacy. “Parents, taxpayers and concerned citizens must force themselves to read these excerpts, as horrific as they are, so you know what kids are being exposed to. The school justifies this egregious choice because of its themes of hope. Evidently, all great literature with themes of hope have already been exhausted so teachers need to start offering pornography. We say – enough.”

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Excerpts from Pornographic ‘Angels in America’ Used in Deerfield High School Classroom

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

angels_in_america_not_appropriate_for_schools.jpg SURELY TO THE DELIGHT OF ‘GAY’ PORNOGRAPHERS EVERYWHERE, homosexual activist Tony Kushner’s pornographic, sodomy-celebrating and blaspheming play, “Angels in America,” has made it into a high school classroom (in Deerfield High School north of Chicago). You simply will not believe it after reading some crude excerpts below from the play. Take action by clicking HERE.

WARNING: Pornographic and Highly Offensive Excerpts Follow

Note to Readers: the following are sample excerpts from what surely is one of the most disturbing selections ever to be used or considered as a literary resource for use in a high school — or any — classroom. We understand that most readers will be shocked by this material and some offended that it has even found its way onto our website, but please consider that this will be made available to underage (teenage) children in a classroom setting.

Parents MUST be aware that the public schools are becoming pro-homosexual indoctrination and desensitization centers. How did America get to this point where outright perversion is introduced to students in the guise of studying literature? —Peter LaBarbera

Click HERE to take action by emailing or calling DHS and District 113 authorities and read the North Shore Student Alliance’s news release.

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If Liberals Have Been Offended, this Agency Could Help

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

They need an office like this to offer relief when a conservative who doesn’t know his place speaks out. 

mike_heath_ccl_capital_resized_5.jpgMike Heath was accused of “hate speech” for relating Jesus Christ’s warning in the Book of Matthew (18:6) of God’s punishment for those who cause innocent children to sin. Heath made his comment while opposing a middle school’s plan to dispense birth control pills without parental permission.

The following column ran Feb. 29 in the Portland [Maine] Press Herald. To read the entire column, click HERE. Mike Heath, in addition to being a truly Great American, is executive director of the Christian Civic League of Maine and Chairman of the Board of Americans For Truth:

By M.D. Harmon, Portland Press Herald

— The head of the state’s least-known government office pushed the intercom button summoning his chief assistant.

“Raul, come to my office, would you?” he asked. “We’ve just been handed a very important case and I need your advice on it.”

“Be right there, chief,” came the reply, and a minute later the top aide to the director of the Maine Bureau of Public Censure stepped into his superior’s office.

“Close the door, Raul,” said the director. “I need your discretion on this one.”

“What’s up, boss? Usually you let me handle most things on my own.”

“True, but this is a very special case. It’s a 502-AS.”

Raul let out a low whistle. “Gee, a Committing Christianity in Public complaint, boss? And elevated to Aggravated Status, too! We don’t get very many of those these days.”

With a sigh, the director settled back in his chair.

“You’re right, Raul, but this came from the highest possible outside source, and it’s particularly egregious. It’s Designated Offender No. 1 again.”

A dark look came into the aide’s eyes, and between compressed lips he spat out the hissed name, “Heath!”

“Yes,” his boss confirmed. “He really stepped over the line on this one, and we’ve really got to make an example of him once and for all.”

“I assume we can dispense with the usual assumption-of-innocence-until-proven-guilty garbage with him again this time, right? Boy, I wish we were in Canada, where people like this can be fined, or forced to take re-education courses, or even tossed in jail.” Continued…

Click HERE to read the rest of the column

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