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Mental Health
Sunday, November 11th, 2018
So do biological gender differences matter, or is any reference to “biological sex” bigoted?
 Now biological men can get periods? In this tweet, “Trans Women” means biological men who are “identifying” as “women” through the modern “transgender” cult. The tweet links to an article in the leftist, pro-trans website “Everyday Feminism,” in which the writer links the effects of “HRT” (Hormone Replacement Therapy) drugs to menstrual symptoms of real women. This sort of idiocy results from a reality-denying movement that uncouples one’s sex (gender) from his or her biology. Note the responses to the initial tweet: “Nausea and cramps and mood swings and other generic symptoms can be a sign of LOTS of things. Most likely drug side effects in trans case.” … “How would trans women get period symptoms if they lack the organs responsible for menstruation?”
“Teaching children they might be born in the wrong body is psychological child abuse.”
By Cathy Ruse
First published in The Stream, 11-7-18
One of the most liberal school systems in the country wants parents to know that boys and girls are built differently. Except when that truth is not politically convenient.
The Fairfax County (Virginia) School Board announced an upcoming workshop for parents. It’s called “Jack’s Brain, Jill’s Brain: Gender Differences and Why They Matter.” The workshop will feature child psychologists discussing how “girls and boys learn differently.” Apparently, “rapidly emerging research” shows that “the brains of females and males are developmentally, structurally and functionally different.”
But, do they really mean this? After all, this is the school board that voted to teach children that biological sex is meaningless.
A Search-and-Destroy Mission
Last spring by a vote of 10-2, the nation’s 10th largest school system made a search-and-destroy mission through its 80 hours of Sex Ed (per student). Every reference to human beings having a “biological sex” of male or female was removed. Children are now taught that “sex is assigned at birth” and subject to change.
Parents and taxpayers in Fairfax County tried to stop them. When the proposal was open to public comment, over 1,000 comments came in and 83% opposed the change. But the school board had no interest in the views of parents and people who pay their salaries. Only in pushing their brand of sex politics on the children under their control.
No one is born a boy or girl. Some girls have penises. Don’t be a hater.
It’s impossible to square the curriculum changes with the upcoming parent workshop. The school board is either lying to the children or they’re lying to the parents.
Well, they’re lying to the children; but it’s even worse than that.
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Posted in "Gay" Subversion of Institutions, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Diversity Propaganda, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Sex Reassignment Surgeries, Sex-change Operations, The Folly of PC, Too Much Tolerance, Transgender-General, Victims of Transsexualism |
Thursday, April 19th, 2018
Pornographic “leather” perversion-fest features “educational” meetings on “fisting,” “scat,” “mummification.” Critics cite public health hazards, urge host hotels Westin, Hampton Inn to cancel event
 Unspeakable Perversions–and Public Health Hazards: This device that looks like an elevated toilet seat (minus the porcelain bowl) is a “rim seat” used by homosexual men to perform revolting and high-risk oral-anal deviant acts like “rimming” on other men. Rimming is a practice that one “gay” writer described as a “highly efficient [way] of transmitting disease.” (See the MassResistance book, “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”) The CLAW perversion-fest celebrates “fisting,” rimming, various acts of consensual sexual violence (eroticizing pain), as well as men living as “puppies,” “master-slave relationships” and various other degradations. CLAW is renting “rim seats” like this for $50 to facilitate heinous and dangerous acts that expose men to fecal matter–a factor in diseases like Shigella. CLAW is being held April 26-29, 2018 in The Westin Cleveland Downtown and Cleveland Hampton Inn Hotels. CLAW raises funds for GLSEN, the leading group pushing for the acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism in schools. Photo: CLAW site. Article in progress — Part 1 — This situation is in flux as CLAW organizers apparently are already responding to critics and health complaints:
WARNING: This and future articles on CLAW exposes vile, horrific and extremely unhealthy sexual perversions practiced by a segment of homosexual men (and some heterosexuals) known as the “leather community.” It contains graphic, verbatim descriptions of seminars and is not meant for children.
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive
Thousands of homosexual “leathermen” (sadomasochists) plan to gather in Cleveland, Ohio for the annual CLAW (Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend) BDSM (Bondage/Discipline, Dominant/Submissive, Sadism/Masochism) conference next week. AFTAH has acquired documents from CLAW’s organizers that describe a potpourri of perversions so extreme and depraved that they are surely unimaginable to the average person. Those workshop descriptions are reprinted below.
TAKE ACTION: Contact Info:
Concerned citizens are contacting the following to complain about the CLAW perversion-fest:
- [Call/Email Here First:] Commissioner of Health, Cleveland Department of Public Health (Ms. Persis Sosiak): 216-664-7414; email: psosiak@city.cleveland.oh.us;
- The Westin Cleveland Downtown: 216-771-7700. Special instructions: Westin is owned by Starwood Hotels, which was bought out by Marriott International Hotels; call 301-380-3000 and ask for a Supervisor to make a formal complaint about Westin Cleveland Downtown hosting CLAW.
- National Westin Hotels Corporate Office: 888-201-4482
- Hampton Inn Downtown Cleveland: 216-241-6600
- Hampton Inn Hotels Corporate Office (hit “5,” then ask for “Guest Assistance”): 800-426-7866
- Cuyahoga County Board of Health: 216-201-2000

- CLAW is an annual homosexual sadomasochistic “conference”/orgy in Cleveland April 26-29–hosted this year by The Westin Cleveland Downtown and the Hampton Inn Downtown Cleveland. It will draw up to 3,000 “leatherman” from across the world, organizers say. See AFTAH’s article on the über-perverse 2016 CLAW event HERE.
- CLAW is one of dozens of predominately “gay” male leather gatherings held annually in various cities worldwide that celebrate the most heinous perversions invented by mankind. See past AFTAH exposés on International Mr. Leather (Chicago: 2016; 2008); the Folsom and the Dore Alley Street Fairs in San Francisco (2009; 2014); and “Folsom Street East” (New York CIty).
- CLAW features more than 100 “educational seminars” on such topics as: “An Intro to Fisting” (a perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his sex partner); mummification; “Adult Baby Diaper Lover (ABDL) 101″ (an “infantalism” fetish in which adults wear diapers like babies); “cock and ball torment”; “Erotic Humiliation“; and “Scat: Beyond Brown“; “scat” is a perversion eroticizing feces in which men defecate on one another for sexual pleasure.
- Some of these events apparently will feature actual demonstrations of the “kinky” activities–or at least originally planned to–and are being held [or were scheduled to be] in conference rooms in the two hotels (as well as outside venues where presumably the larger orgies and most extreme activities will take place). For example, at press time, the planned “Scat” “educational seminar” was to be held in the “Second Floor Ontario Room of the Hampton Inn.”
- CLAW, a 501c3 organization, considers itself a “charity.” The annual deviant sex-fest raises funds for mostly “gay”-oriented, organizations. In 2017, CLAW reportedly gave $3,000 to the Northeast Ohio chapter of GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, the leading LGBTQ pressure group promoting homosexuality and transgenderism in schools.
CLAW Sessions: Sexualizing Feces
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Health & Science, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Health, Rimming, Sadomasochism, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Revolution, Sexual violence--Intimate Partner Violence, Sodomy |
Friday, March 30th, 2018
 Yours with any gift of $100 or more to AFTAH. Give online HERE.
Learn the hard truth, help AFTAH: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is offering a copy of the MassResistance book, “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals,” for your gift to AFTAH of $100 or more.
This is not a book for the faint of heart, nor for those who seek to deny the politically incorrect reality about destructive homosexual behaviors. (That includes most “progressives” and the LGBTQ Cheerleading Squad otherwise known as “the media.”) Its nearly 600 pages are loaded with CDC data and medical reports about the dangers of homosexual practices–i.e., the disturbing, unmentionable facts that lie beneath the “gay”-affirming veneer used to sell homosexuality to youth and the larger culture. That’s why sexual perversion activists HATE this book and don’t want you to read it. We need to get it into every library in the world.
Yours with $100 donation: Give safely online HERE (request “Health Hazards” book in Comments section on form) or send your check for $100 or more to: Americans For Truth (AFTAH), P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, and we will send you a copy of “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”
I challenge you to do what I’m doing: read this well-researched book by the end of the year. Then you will be better armed as a truthful change agent in our deceived culture. If you have further questions, ask for Brad Wallace by calling AFTAH at 312-324-3787 or write him at connops@yahoo.com. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com.

Posted in Anal Sex, CDC, Changing Societal Attitudes, Corrupting Children, Gay Activist Hypocrisy, Gay Sex Health Risks, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homo-Promiscuity, Homosexual Hate, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Saturday, February 11th, 2017
 Not Politically Correct, but True: One thing the “gay”-cheerleading media refuse to discuss is the connection between homosexual behavior and disease. Order HERE for 29.95 or as an e-book for 9.95 HERE. Click on graphic to enlarge.
Folks, if you care about answering the absurd “gay” narrative that God’s design for sex and marriage is “equal” to sexual perversion, buy this book. If you want to support pro-family warriors who are on the front lines of defending what’s right–like the great people at Mass Resistance–buy this book. If you want to educate an LGBTQ-brainwashed friend or millennial, buy this book! C’mon, everyone: the truth matters, and the truth is homosexual behavior is destructive and unhealthy.
TAKE ACTION, Get Informed: Buy the new paperback HERE for 29.95, or as an e-book HERE for 9.95.
–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/homosexuality-health-book/paperback-here.html [Table of Contents is after the jump]
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Posted in Anal Cancer, Anal Sex, Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros, Born that Way?, Gay-on-gay violence, Gonorrhea, Health & Science, Health Care, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Sodomy, Suicide, Syphilis |
Thursday, April 11th, 2013
 One would expect the world’s most famous “gay” Mecca to be perverse, and it surely is. Photos: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.
Folks, it’s street scenes like this one — in the heart of San Francisco’s “gay” Castro district — that led the city’s suffering citizens to push successfully last year for a qualified ban on public nudity. But as the saying goes, old habits die hard.
I shot these photos on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013, near the corner of Market and Noe streets. (I ventured to the “gay” Mecca to cover the homosexual drag queen group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s uber-blasphemous “Hunky Jesus” contest, which was cancelled and later rescheduled due to rain.) San Francisco’s prohibition of public nudity — which exempts baudy street festivals like the city’s annual “Folsom Street Fair” — went into effect Feb. 1 and is being challenged in court by nudists.
The ban doesn’t seem to be tightly enforced, as these bare-bottomed man-bunnies were ‘hanging around’ for quite awhile in plain view — on Easter Sunday, no less. They were standing outside a venue hosting a “Zombie Christ” dance party/”haunted house” timed to mock Christ and bash Christianity on the most important Christian holiday of the year. AFTAH will have more on that in another post. (Permission granted to use photos provided credit given to “Americans For Truth.org”) — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
More photos after jump…
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Posted in Gay Culture, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Health & Science, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Homosexuality 101, Mental Health, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Promiscuity, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups |
Thursday, December 20th, 2012
Single gay man in his thirties compares “flakey” homosexual men to shallow, vicious 14-year-old girls…
Folks, here is a fascinating eight-and-a-half-minute YouTube video that reminds me of how — despite 20 years of monitoring the “gay” movement — AFTAH has only skimmed the surface in exposing the tragic reality of the homosexual lifestyle. AFTAH is excoriated by “gay” activists for allegedly exaggerating homosexuality’s downsides, but the reality is quite the opposite: as outsiders (I am not nor have I ever been homosexual or homosexually-tempted), we fail to convey how dysfunctional, superficial, and destructive it actually is.
The anonymous author of this video is no fan of AFTAH, to be sure. On Dec. 18, he tweeted: “My video is not meant for hetero[sexual] bigots. [It] is meant for other gay men who have to deal with the same things I do.” But that only makes the video more authoritative, not less. God only knows how representative and accurate this fellow’s bitter assessment of male homosexuality is. However, the video is a necessary and frank rebuttal to the ubiquitous cheerleading for homosexuality, as typified by the thousands of videos inspired by homosexual militant Dan Savage’s youth-oriented “It Gets Better Project.”
Few could doubt that LGBT advocates — desperate to rationalize their own (or a friend’s or relative’s) homosexuality, tend to downplay its many negatives. And of course the media and Hollywood — pressured by GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) — glamorize homosexuality. Think of this presentation as a lone, politically incorrect — and well documented — counterpoint to all the “gay”-affirming buzz. Following the video is research provided by the author to back up his claims. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
[WARNING: Video contains vulgar language and sexual references]
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Posted in Dan Savage, Gonorrhea, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Suicide, Syphilis, YouTube videos |
Sunday, February 19th, 2012
Penile lesions, anal warts, anal tearing, epididymitis, gay-on-gay violence found in records
Special to Americas For Truth About Homosexuality
Editor’s Note: each of the cases Ms. Melton describes were identified by physicians as homosexual males for the medical transcriptions for which she was responsible.
By Lara Melton†

- Anal warts: just one of the many maladies for which men practicing homosexual sex are at higher risk relative to the general population.
It’s heartbreaking at times being a medical transcriptionist, typing the medical and psychiatric illnesses of those admitted to hospitals, emergency rooms, mental health units and seen in clinics. People’s pain is what we see every day. Many can be cured, many can’t. Many are in pain or have illness because of lifestyle choices or practices that they will not change. That may be their “right,” but those choices unfortunately have a ripple effect to those around them.
In my 20-plus years typing acute care medical records, at times I have almost ceased to be shocked at what I see. At other times, I continue to be shocked. For those who don’t know what a medical transcriptionist does: Every patient who is admitted to a hospital, seen in an emergency department, or seen by a doctor in a clinic, has a medical chart with the summary of each visit dictated by a physician and transcribed by a medical transcriptionist.
The hospital records consist of documentation which includes a history and physical examination summarizing the patient’s chief complaint, history of the present illness, past medical history, family history, social history, review of systems (what the patient has complaints about throughout their whole body from head to toe not necessarily related to the chief complaint), physical examination (what the doctor’s own findings are on a head to toe exam), laboratory work; the doctor’s impression or diagnosis that he/she determines from the data gathered and his/her plan or recommendation.
Similarly, there are consultations, operative reports (transcription of the surgical procedure), discharge summaries describing the patient’s hospital course and condition on discharge, psychiatric reports, emergency department reports, radiology reports and a myriad of diagnostic and lab procedures that are transcribed. With that history, you can imagine what truths medical transcriptionists are exposed to.
What disturbs me most is the extreme disconnect between what you hear and see in media and in movies, and what children are taught in schools, and what real-life, indisputable medical reports prove. For purposes of this article, we’ll deal with the horrifying physical and emotional maladies and domestic abuse that takes place amongst practicing homosexuals. These patients are seen in all aspects of hospital care including emergency rooms, mental health units, rehabilitation (Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy[PT/OT]) units, surgery and clinics.
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Posted in Anal Cancer, Gay Sex Health Risks, Gay-on-gay violence, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, News, Physical Health |
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
A Special Appeal by Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth
 Walt Heyer, here shown as he is today living as a man, is helping gender-confused men and women avoid the mistake he made of undergoing "gender reassignment surgery." AFTAH's four-part interview with Walt greatly expanded awareness of his ministry.
Dear AFTAH Supporter,
In this David-and-Goliath fight against the Homosexual Lobby – which is 1,000 times better funded and organized than the ragtag band of pro-family warriors fighting the normalization of homosexuality — you might wonder if supporting an organization like Americans For Truth really does any good. You bet it does! Please read below for two examples of how YOUR gifts to AFTAH make a big difference.
1. Make you gift of $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can give to www.americansfortruth.com/donate/, or mail your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
2. Sign up for our dinner-banquet Saturday, Oct. 15th – at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL — featuring revered Moody senior pastor Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Tickets are just $10/person (and $20/person at the door). Buy 5 tickets ($50) or 10 tickets ($100) for your friends and family so they too can attend this exciting Truth Telling event! (RSVP to americansfortruth@gmail.com.)
3. Send this e-mail to your network of family, friends and co-workers, introduce them to AFTAH, and ask them to consider supporting our life-changing work;
4. Pray for AFTAH as we prepare for some big changes that will lay the foundation for the long-term health of our VITAL ministry.
Transsexuals Need Christ, NOT “Sex Change” Surgery
Recently I had the pleasure of doing an in-depth, four-part radio interview with Walt Heyer, a Christian man and FORMER transsexual who once lived as a “woman” named “Laura” (see before-and-after photos above). Walt had the Gender Reassignment Surgery – yes, the one that makes men wince at the mere thought of it. (It is frequently called a “sex-change” operation even though, as Walt stresses, a person cannot change their biological sex.)
Walt discovered too late that finally “becoming Laura,” as it were, through a body-disfiguring operation didn’t solve his severe “gender” problem. But thank God he ultimately DID find healing through the grace of the Lord — who labored through faithful and loving Christians who stood by Walt and helped restore him to the man he was created to be. Now Walt has dedicated the rest of his life to helping others avoid this awful surgery and the “sex-change regret” that he had; instead, he directs them to the healthy CHANGE available through Jesus Christ.

- Walt Heyer as “Laura,” his former fantasy-female identity. Heyer underwent radical “gender reassignment surgery” but now warns others not to undergo the disfiguring operation.
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Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), C - Heroes for Truth, Gay-Pedophile Associations, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GOProud, Gospel evangelism, Health & Science, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Mental Health, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Promoting Gender Confusion, Sex-change Operations, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Transgender-General |

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