Health & Science

Can Homosexuals Change to Heterosexuals? Masters & Johnson Said Yes

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

steve_and_irene_bennett.jpg Steve Bennett, a former homosexual, and his wife Irene, with their two beautiful children, are a wonderful testimony to the possibility of healthy change for homosexuals. So if we already know that men and women can leave homosexuality behind, why isn’t this phenomenon studied in the academy? What are “queer” activists and liberal researchers afraid will be discovered?

Check out this fascinating nugget from a near-three-decades-old Time Magazine article on (pro-“gay”) sex researchers William Howell Masters and Virginia Johnson. Note the high success rate of homosexuals seeking change. This begs the question: why isn’t the potential for change for homosexuals studied in the academy today, or the environmental factors common in the development of homosexual identity? Instead, all we hear about are studies — many funded through taxpayer dollars — seeking to prove that homosexuality is genetic.

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Message to Soulforce, Willow Creek Church and Young People on Homosexuality

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

willow_creek_security_guard_harasses_aftah.bmpWillow Creek Community Church’s chief of security (the man pointing and talking to police in the photo) became belligerent as he tried to deny Americans For Truth our First Amendment freedom to stand on a public sidewalk outside the entrance to the church grounds. Police informed him that he was wrong and that indeed we could stand with our banner on a public sidewalk. Our message responding to the homosexual activist (non-) “christian” group Soulforce was: “Homosexuality Is Sin. Case Closed — God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Photo: Dan Musick.

NOTE: we’ll have more on the Willow Creek-Soulforce story in upcoming posts. The following was posted on the Chicago Tribune religion reporter Manya Brachear’s blog, “The Seeker,” which contains a report on Willow Creek’s meeting last weekend with Soulforce homosexual activists.

By Peter LaBarbera

I wonder: is transcendent truth conditional on the age of the person receiving it? Either homosexual behavior is a changeable sin or it is not — 1,000 years ago, today, and 1,000 years in the future. The Word of God is clear that it is. I have met far too many EX-gays to believe that homosexuality is some fixed identity (“orientation”) into which people are born — and most of these FORMER gay men and ex-lesbians testify to the power of Jesus Christ in setting them free from homosexuality.

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LISTEN: Restroom Activism: Colorado’s New ‘Transgender’ Law

Friday, June 6th, 2008

gayterrorist-mini.jpgThis cross-dressing man — who gained worldwide attention as the subject of a “Gay Terrorist” joke email — has a right to dress this way, but should he be allowed to use the woman’s restroom?

Click HERE to listen to Concerned Women for America’s online radio show:

CWA writes: There is a new law in place in Colorado that prohibits discrimination against transgendered people in any and all public accommodations. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues speaks with Jim Pfaff, President and CEO of Colorado Family Institute and Colorado Family Action, about this new law that would allow people – regardless of their anatomy – to choose which restroom, locker room or similar accommodation they wish to use. While churches and religious organizations are exempt from this new law both public and private schools must comply, as well as small Christian-owned businesses and individuals making property available for rent. Listen | Download June 5, 2008

Translating the Democrats’ ‘Gay Pride’ Proclamation

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

astheworldturns_homosexual_kiss.bmpCelebrating homosexual “pride” and legal rights based on homosexuality and gender confusion are now “core” Democrat Party values. Photo at left is from a homosexual male kissing scene as it appeared on the CBS soap “As the World Turns” [contact CBS here]. You can contact the Democrat Party HERE.

By Peter LaBarbera

Here is Americans For Truth’s politically incorrect translation of the Democrat Party’s 2008 homosexual “PRIDE Proclamation,” issued June 3 and found HERE on the Democrat Party’s website. Of course, practicing homosexuality or bisexuality, or embracing gender confusion (transgenderism) is nothing to be “proud” of. Our comments are in black and red; the Democrats’ “Pride Proclamation” is in blue:


Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today joined Massachusetts Democratic Representative Barney Frank and Wisconsin Democratic Representative Tammy Baldwin in issuing the following Proclamation marking PRIDE Month:

“Today, on behalf of Democrats across America, we join together in celebrating the contributions that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans and their families make to our society ….

“Today, on behalf of Democrats across America, we join together in celebrating the contributions that the following Americans — women who engage in (immoral) sex with other women, men who practice (unnatural and destructive) homosexual behavior, men and women who have sex with both men and women, and men who feel they should have been born as women (even though they have male sex organs) and who like to dress, grow breasts and act like they are women — and their families make to our society ….

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LETTER: Hyatt Regency Chicago Defends Hosting International Mr. Leather in the Name of ‘Diversity’

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Yes, there was plenty of ‘diversity’ at IML …

See letter to AFTAH below


‘CONSENSUAL’ DEGRADATION: [Click photo to enlarge] Leatherman “doggie slave” poses on all fours for a photo at the sadistic-sex-glorifying International Mr. Leather (IML) convention, hosted by the Hyatt Regency Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. The “slave’s” older male “owner” stands nearby with a cane. TAKE ACTION: Call the Hyatt Regency’s General Manager, Patrick Donnelly, at 312-565-1234 to tell him that it is wrong to profit off of pornography and perversion and that you will never stay at the Hyatt Regency Chicago — where vile, homosexual orgies involving IML participants occurred in guest rooms. Tell Mr. Donnelly that you will tell others not stay there as well. To contact Hyatt Regency’s national headquarters’ consumer affairs department: click HERE or e-mail; or call: 800-323-7249. PHOTO: AFTAH

Beverly Bubb of Michigan writes (emphasis added):

Thank you for your recent communication about the IML \\\”celebration\\\” held at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Per your suggestion, I listened to the interview on CWA about this event and then called the General Manager; Patrick Donnelly. He was shameless in his defense of hosting this event in the name of \\\”diversity\\\”! Since I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and still have many friends and family there; I informed Mr. Donnelly that I would make sure they all knew about what the Hyatt was promoting at their hotel and tell them never to stay in their facility. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention and to the attention of God-fearing people everywhere.

Beverly Bubb, Canton, Michigan

Will PETA Respond to Frank Kameny’s Endorsement of Sex with Animals?

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

goat.jpgAFTAH’s story on “gay” icon Frank Kameny and his belief that bestiality is a “constitutional right” (“as long as the animal doesn’t mind”) is making the rounds. Funny how our “queer” blog critics — even the fanatical AFTAH-haters at Box TURTLE Bulletindon’t want to talk about it. The following story appeared in the conservative Canadian web newsite Canada Free Press:

Pro-family crusader looks to PETA to take a stand against bestiality promoter

Homosexual activist Frank Kameny says that bestiality is OK

By Judi McLeod Wednesday, June 4, 2008, Canada Free Press

Ingrid Newkirk, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Editor’s note: Some Canada Free Press readers may find the subject in this story objectionable.)

It seems that just about everyone has weighed in for his or her say now that homosexual activist Frank Kameny says that bestiality is OK if the animal approves.

Everyone that is other than the Ingrid Newkirk-led People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

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AFTAH Challenges WKMB Anchorwoman Lauren Rowe for MC’ing ‘Orlando Gay Days’ Event

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

LaBarbera urges return to ‘journalistic neutrality’ on controversial issues; event raises funds for Orlando “GLBT youth’ group

lauren_rowe_2_wkmg_orlando.jpgAmericans For Truth sent the following letter today to WKMB (Orlando, Florida) anchorwoman Lauren Rowe. You can reach Rowe through her web profile page, and WKMB’s News Director HERE (scroll down on the pull-down menu to “News Director”)


Dear Ms. Rowe [Anchorwoman, WKMB, Orlando, FL],

I’m writing as President of Americans For Truth and as a pro-family conservative opposed to the homosexual activist agenda, to express our concern about your decision to serve as “host MC” for the Orlando “Gay Days” Kickoff Party tonight. Here’s the web link citing your participation:

Pro-family advocates and conservatives are rightly concerned about escalating media bias surrounding the homosexual debate. It is difficult for a well-known newsperson like yourself to maintain a reputation for fairness and neutrality while simultaneously hosting a “Gay Days” event that celebrates homosexuality. You must know that homosexuality and related issues like “same-sex marriage” are deeply divisive issues in our culture, and I would hope that you see it as your role, as a professional journalist, to “play it down the middle” in this debate. Also, the fact that Orlando Gay Days centers around Disneyworld — a destination for children and families — makes this homosexual celebration all the more concerning to pro-family Americans.

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Homosexual Writer to AFTAH Says Animals Capable of Consenting to ‘Sex’ with People

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

dogs-can-theyconsent.jpgCan dogs “consent”? Frank Kameny, one of the godfathers of the “gay” movement, says bestiality is not a perversion and that it’s OK  “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.”

Richard, a frequent homosexual critic of Americans For Truth, writes us regarding “gay rights” icon Frank Kameny’s assertion that bestiality — sex with animals — is OK “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.” The question that Richard described as “silly” below refers to this line in our piece: “We have many questions for Kameny, the first being: how exactly does an animal signal his or her “consent” to have sex with a human?”

Richard writes:

Peter … I think interspecies sexual conduct is probably morally wrong. I have no intention of ever attempting sexual activity with any other species than human. However, you do ask some silly questions. Animals express consent rather plainly. Have you ever had a pet cat or dog? Ever been on a farm with cows and horses and pigs? An animal expresses consent with tooth and claw and hoof. My dog and cat and horse will let me know right away if they consent to the leash or harness or food of the day. With meows and toss of the head and baring of the teeth and growls and so forth. Animals communicate VERY well. I found your question about animals communicating consent rather silly. think about it.

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