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Physical Health
Friday, January 16th, 2009
HOMOSEXUAL ACTS ARE UNHEALTHY — Man demonstrates “rimming chair” technique for anal-oral sodomy in this covered-up photo taken from the website of the “pig sex” group (Fort Troff) organizing the orgy planned this Saturday night at the Doubletree Hotel Washington — located at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. N.W., in the nation’s capital just blocks from the White House. Call the Doubletree at 202-232-7000 and parent company Hilton’s Corporate Complaint Line at 310-278-4321. Will D.C. Public Health officials and the D.C. Police Department prosecute this obvious public health hazard if Doubletree and Hilton officials allow it to go forward?
Contact: jmattbarber@comcast.net
Lynchburg, VA – Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs with both Liberty Alliance Action and Liberty Counsel [and a Board Member of Americans for Truth], released the following statement today in response to news that the Hilton brand Doubletree Hotel near the White House (1515 Rhode Island Ave., NW – 202-232-7000) will be playing host to a homosexual orgy organized by the “Mid-Atlantic Leather Maneuvers” in at least three of its public banquet rooms this inaugural weekend. Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) broke the initial story [CLICK HERE]:
“It’s appalling that the Hilton Doubletree Hotel chain is apparently so beholden to the mighty dollar that it would facilitate – in banquet rooms used by the public – a homosexual orgy boasting some of the most vile sex acts imaginable. Despite initial denials by the hotel manager, I and other sources have verified with the hotel’s “Sales and Catering” and “Reservations” departments that, unbelievably, the hotel is in fact planning to go forward with the ‘gay’ orgy.
“It’s simply inexcusable that the Doubletree would place at risk the health of its staff and future guests by facilitating this orgy in rooms where food is served,” continued Barber. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics establish that men who have sex with men suffer infection from various forms of communicable disease, such as Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS, at an astronomical rate. Lower income hotel staff will be tasked – ostensibly under penalty of job loss – with cleaning up the various forms of potentially infectious biological waste left behind.
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Posted in BDSM, Gay Culture, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, Health & Science, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Hotels & Casinos, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Pornography, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sodomy |
Thursday, January 15th, 2009
Homosexual activists hate it when Americans For Truth exposes the extremely unhealthy and immoral behaviors that define homo-sexuality. At left are “rimming chairs” (see explanation here) of the sort that a homosexual “pig sex” group hopes to use in Washington, D.C., this weekend at an orgy they hope will be held at the Doubletree Hotel at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW — just a few blocks from the White House. Pro-homosexual websites such as The Body recognize that “rimming” — oral-anal sodomy — causes hepatitis A, but generally they refuse to come out and say: stop practicing this risky behavior. (Once you’ve rationalized anal sodomy, it’s difficult to condemn other perversions.) TAKE ACTION: Contact Doubletree Hotels and their parent company, Hilton Hotels, and urge them to cancel this wicked event and to stop profiting off of perversion.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Our e-mail today offers only a snippet of AFTAH’s exclusive story about yet another homosexual orgy, this one planned for the luxurious Doubletree Hotel at 1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW in Washington, D.C. hotel this Inaugural Weekend – a cornucopia of deviance that we hope will be closed down due to our reportage. It is a shocking expose that once again testifies to man’s capacity for extreme wickedness and debasement in the pursuit of sin. The “gay” movement to “normalize” homosexuality is evil, and so we should expect that astounding evils would emanate from it – which they do. Already, WorldNetDaily.com has picked up this story (“‘Pig sex’ orgy set for inaugural week”), and we hope other conservative news outlets will, too. Click HERE for our full story.
UPDATED CONTACT INFO FOR DOUBLETREE/HILTON: Please take a moment to call Doubletree Hotel Washington at 202-232-7000 (800-492-5195), or leave a comment on their online corporate feedback page. Also, contact Hilton Hotels, which owns Doubletree, at 310-278-4321 (they’re based in Los Angeles); here’s Hilton’s corporate PR page. Please know that we are not naïve and recognize that the hotel industry has been utterly corrupted by catering to perverse homosexual events like these all over the world. “For the love the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10).
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Posted in BDSM, Biblical Truth, Homosexual Pornography & Film Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Pornography, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Wednesday, January 14th, 2009
Hotel official says he is not aware of orgy planned for conference rooms
WARNING: Graphic descriptions of vile behaviors
WARNING: THESE REPULSIVE BEHAVIORS SHOULD NOT OCCUR IN PRIVATE, MUCH LESS IN CONFERENCE ROOMS AT A HOTEL USED BY THE PUBLIC: At left are images from an e-mail put out by a homosexual sadomasochistic group — showing what it plans to have available at the Doubletree Hotel Washington (1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW, just blocks from the White House) this weekend for a “pig sex” orgy scheduled to begin late Saturday night. At top are “slings” to assist sodomitic acts; in the middle are “rim chairs” to facilitate a “gay” perversion known as “rimming” (oral-anal sodomy: one man lies on the floor with his face pointing up into the other man’s rear); at bottom are large wood crosses for flogging and other sadistic punishments. A Doubletree Washington staffer said he was unaware that the conference rooms rented to the homosexual group were to be used for sexual orgies. TAKE ACTION: call the Doubletree Hotel at 202-232-7000 or 800-492-5195 and urge them to cancel this twisted event, which poses a danger to public health. Leave a comment at Doubletree’s corporate feedback page. Also call Hilton Hotels — which owns Doubletree — at 310-278-4321 and urge Hilton to get out of the perversion business altogether by no longer booking homosexual “leather” events at all their hotels. Here’s Hilton’s online corporate PR page with e-mail links. At least one Hilton hotel, the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, has a long history of enabling and profiting off of the hyper-promiscuous “leather” movement by hosting the annual sadomasochistic “International Mr. Leather” conference.
AFTAH Exclusive, by Peter LaBarbera
The swank Doubletree Hotel Washington in the nation’s capital, just blocks from the White House, is playing host to a sadomasochistic, homosexual “pig sex” orgy this weekend — days before Barack Obama’s Inauguration Day. But the hotel’s sales director says Doubletree knew nothing about the perversions planned for the event and that the sodomitic activities advertised by the organizers could not be held in the hotel’s conference rooms because it is a “public space.”
A source has provided Americans For Truth with a copy of a private e-mail intended only for “sex pigs” — sent out by a group called “Fort Troff” (as in pig troff). The e-mail touts the ultra-promiscuous “pig sex” event at Doubletree called “MAL Maneuvers” — for the purpose of pulling together “hard-core pig players” who want to “[F–K] [sodomize] our brains out.”
The “pig” orgy is being held in concert with the annual “Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend” (MAL) in D.C. — a three-day sadomasochistic celebration attended mostly by homosexual “leathermen.”
TAKE ACTION: Normally, the locations of sadistic sex orgies are kept from the public, as such events have been canceled in the past when pro-family advocates discover they are occurring and expose the hosting hotel. We at Americans For Truth hope that happens in this case, and urge readers to call the Doubletree Hotel Washington in D.C., (1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW) to urge them to cancel this event that seemingly redefines wickedness. Call the Doubletree Washington Hotel at 202-232-7000 or 800-492-5195 and urge them to turn away this uber-perverse “pig sex” event beginning Saturday night; leave a comment at Doubletree’s corporate feedback page. And call Hilton Hotels in Los Angeles (which owns Doubletree) at 310-278-4321 and ask them to get out of the perversion business entirely by refusing to host similar SM gatherings. Here’s Hilton’s online corporate PR page with lots of e-mail links.
The Fort Troff “MAL Maneuvers” e-mail obtained by AFTAH reads in part:
We’ve now got a KILLER line up of DEMOS, including super skilled rope bondage, sounds play, and flogging. LIVE Music and Sound is gonna be provided by THE BLACK PARTY DJ Rich King. So you can suck, fist, rim, and [f–k] TO THE BEAT. 15 Slings, Piss Tubs, Rimming Stations, a Bondage Cross, and a Flogging Station.
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Posted in BDSM, Gay Culture, Hilton, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, NCSF, News, Physical Health, Pornography, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008
More evidence that homosexuality and heterosexuality are not “equal,” as so many homosexual activists assert: a Massachusetts study finds people practicing homosexuality and bisexuality are more likely to suffer various health, emotional and other problems, including “sexual assault victimization.” To connect with the leading pro-family group in Massachusetts fighting the homosexual agenda, visit the MassResistance website and blog.
My good friend Brian Camenker of MassResistance provides more evidence of the health hazards associated with homosexual and bisexuality — the lavender elephant in the room that liberal, pro-“gay” advocates refuse to acknowledge and deal with.
Note to readers: Brian has just announced that MassResistance’s e-mail updates will now be available online at MassResistance’s website. He assures me that all past e-mails will be archived. This is great news for pro-family advocates as MassResistance does excellent work in exposing homosexual activism in all its perverseness — e.g., the shocking “Fistgate” scandal in 2000 in which Massachusetts teenagers were taught by homosexual activists and state employees how to perform a grotesque “gay” (hand-anal) act known as “fisting.” (I think I am correct in recalling that the leadership of Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, or GLSEN, never apologized for Fistgate; if they did apologize, I’ll gladly post it here. Notably, homosexual activist lawyers sued Camenker and another pro-family advocate following Fistgate for allegedly violating the students’ privacy by publicizing an undercover audiotape of the shocking lesson for “queer” youth.)
I also recommend Amy Contrada’s useful posts on the MassResistance blog. — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
“The health profile of gay/lesbian/homosexual residents was poorer than that of heterosexual/straight residents on: self-reported health; disability-related activity limitation; asthma; current and past tobacco smoking; anxious mood; 30-day binge drinking and substance use; and lifetime sexual assault victimization. In addition, lesbian/homosexual women were more likely to be obese than their heterosexual/straight female peers. Bisexual residents faired worse than heterosexual/straight residents in terms of: access to health insurance, as well as medical and dental providers; heart disease; anxious and depressed moods, 12-month suicidal ideation; current tobacco smoking, and lifetime and 12-month sexual assault victimization. In addition, bisexual women were more likely to report disability-related activity limitation, 30-day illicit drug use, and lifetime intimate partner violence victimization than heterosexual/straight women.” — “A Health Profile of Massachusetts Adults by Sexual Orientation Identity: Results from the 2001-2006 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Surveys,” Mass. Department of Public Health, p. 2.
MassResistance writes:
Mass. Department of Public Health “groundbreaking” report says homosexuality linked with health problems, destructive behavior
On November 21 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) released what it calls a “Groundbreaking Report on Health Disparities Based on Sexual Orientation”.
As the DPH press release describes:
“The report revealed significant disparities among people who identified as homosexual or bisexual in the areas of access to care, self-reported health status, anxiety, depression, suicide ideation, smoking, binge drinking, illicit drug use, sexual assault victimization, intimate partner violence, disability, obesity, asthma and heart disease . . . Lesbians were 2.2 times more likely than heterosexual women to be obese.”
Read entire DPH press release.
Read the Department of Public Health report HERE.
In other words, the DPH is forced to admit what everyone has known for a long time. Unfortunately, the extremely destructive nature of homosexual behavior – both medical and psychological – is usually not only suppressed, but is considered completely off-limits for discussion. But ultimately, some of the truth gets out, even in Massachusetts.
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Posted in Assaults, Boards, Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Drug Abuse, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, GLSEN, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Homosexual Rape, Massachusetts, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Suicide |
Monday, December 1st, 2008
300,000 men dead from homosexual sex; so why are gay bathhouses flourishing?
SHUT DOWN THESE PERVERSION CENTERS? With 300,000 men dead from AIDS due to homosexual sex, why are homosexual bathhouses and sex clubs flourishing in the United States? At left is an ad in a homosexual newspaper for the Crew Club, a Washington, D.C.-based bathhouse where men go to commit anonymous sodomies with other men (our editorial comment is in red). It’s time for American AIDS policy to stop indulging and encouraging male homosexual behavior, which is one of the main risk factors of HIV/AIDS. Click on ad to enlarge.
Linda Harvey writes on her excellent Mission America website:
On World AIDS Day, 12 Astounding Facts about AIDS in the U.S.
December 1 marks the annual observance of “World AIDS Day.” While we should rightfully mourn the passing of so many victims, let’s get real about what can be done to prevent future death and disability, not to mention the expenditure of billions of dollars.
In short, we need to recognize that HIV/AIDS is largely a male homosexual disease in the U.S., and it is highly preventable.
Here are some facts to consider:
1. Over 1 million people now have HIV in the U.S.(a)
2. Almost half of HIV cases (just under 500,000) are known to involve male homosexual behavior.(b) This is a highly conservative figure. Male- to- male sex is a contributing factor in other transmission categories as the Centers for Disease Control defines them. A more realistic actual figure is around 60-70%.
An estimated 300,000 males in the U.S. have died of AIDS as a result of male homosexual sex.(c)
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Posted in Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, News, Physical Health |
Monday, November 3rd, 2008
by Frank Turek, Townhall.com, 11-1-08
After my last column, I got an e-mail from retired FBI agent Bob Hamer. Bob’s the author of a riveting new book that takes you undercover with him into the world of drug bosses, hit men, and his last assignment, the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). After I sent him a copy of my new book on same-sex marriage, he wrote back:
“Thanks so much for sharing your book. It was powerful and I need to re-read it because it said so much. It actually brought back memories of the NAMBLA conferences I attended. I listened to men justify oral sex on 18 month olds. How often I listened to men claim their pedophilia was an inborn trait; it was natural, ‘this is the way God made me.’”
This “born that way” argument is fueling the case for same-sex marriage in California. Is it a good argument?
I know this is a difficult and emotional issue for many people, but I think the reasonable answer is no. Not only is the evidence for being “born that way” questionable, even if it were true, it should have no impact on our marriage laws.
First, after many years of intense research, a genetic component to homosexual desires has not been discovered. Twin studies show that identical twins do not consistently have the same sexual orientation. In fact, genetics probably explains very little about homosexual desires. How would a homosexual “gene” be passed on? Homosexuals don’t pass on anything because they don’t reproduce.
Click HERE to read the rest of Turek’s column on Townhall.com
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", Born that Way?, Health & Science, News, Physical Health |
Thursday, October 16th, 2008
‘Gay’ agenda not raised in three presidential debates — but don’t just blame the media …
By Peter LaBarbera
OK, now it’s official. In three presidential debates to help us decide which man – John McCain or Barack Obama – will lead this nation, the critical issue of homosexual “marriage” didn’t even come up.
Add to that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal “hate crimes” bill and Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), homosexuality in the military, how “gay rights” laws threaten religious and other freedoms, and homosexual adoption of children.
On each of these issues, Obama and McCain strongly disagree, but we never (or barely) got to hear them explain their positions on the same stage – in contrast to Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church debate where at least “gay marriage” was discussed. The only time that homosexuality was raised in the four official debates, including the vice-presidential debate, was when moderator Gwen Ifill asked a poorly constructed question about same-sex benefits and then “gay marriage” to Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Joe Biden.
The issue of judicial appointments did come up but certainly has received far less attention than it deserves since judges are setting now policy in this country.
Do you feel as gypped as I do by the combination of media bias, campaign jingoism and political correctness that resulted in one of the most important issues facing our nation — whether marriage should be radically redefined to accommodate “rights” based on homosexual behavior – not even being mentioned in the official debates?
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Adoption & Foster Parenting, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bathhouses, Biblical Truth, CBS, Democrat Party, DOMA, FOX News, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLAAD, Government Promotion, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Military, News, Pending Legislation, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Republican Party, Sodomy, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Virginia |
Friday, October 10th, 2008
Concerned Women for America writes regarding our interview with CWA’s Marth Kleder:
Folsom Street Fair: a Newcomer’s View
Despite entry signs stating that “nudity is illegal” public nudity and even sex acts were a common sight at this year’s Folsom Street Fair. Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth, and Linda Harvey, Director of Mission America, note that the perversion, darkness and anti-Christian bigotry that typify this annual street fair, is a sign of things to come for communities across our nation as the result of anti-discrimination laws aimed at protecting sexual choices and practices gain a greater foothold. While Peter has exposed this event twice in the past, Linda viewed it for the first time as an average citizen. She shares her perspective on the fair, its approval by civic leaders and its implications for future public safety and education policies. Click HERE to listen | Download by clicking HERE
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bathhouses, BDSM, Gay Culture, Government Promotion, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Leather, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sexual Revolution, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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