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This 7th-grade photo of Jesse Dirkhising is from the Lincoln (Middle) School yearbook in 1999 — the same year he was killed after being sadistically raped and sodomized by homosexuals (and lovers) David Don Carpenter and Joshua Macave Brown. Dirkhising’s murder was largely ignored by cultural elites — while homosexual Matthew Shepard’s murder was given extraordinary, worldwide media coverage (based on a false “hate crime” narrative).
Update 9/26/2014: Fifteen years ago today, a 13-year-old Arkansas boy, Jesse Dirkhising, was sodomized to death by two older homosexual men who used him as their “sex toy.” This account by my friend and AFTAH adviser Allyson Smith gives the sordid and astonishing facts of his sadistic rape-killing.
Both of Jesse’s assailants, the more sinister (and older), David Don Carpenter, who planned the sickening, penetrative assault on Jesse, and his (their) lover, Joshua Macave Brown, were friends of Jesse’s mother, Tina Yates, who naively allowed the boy to go away with the men and stay the night in another town. Tragically, Yates’ “pro-gay” attitudes contributed to the cruel death of her son.
We remember this Victim of Homosexuality today. Jesse would be 28 and in the prime of his life today were that life not robbed from him by sadistic “gay” predators who used him for their deviant sexual pleasures. More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera. AFTAH
The Homosexual Rape-Murder of Young Jesse Dirkhising
No National Cathedral memorial event for Arkansas boy — while “progressives” continue to stoke Matthew Shepard “hate crime” myth shattered by new Stephen Jimenez book
The following article by my good friend and AFTAH writer Allyson Smith is adapted from her definitive 2002 WND.com article on the horrific and gruesome murder of a 13-year-old Arkansas boy, Jesse Dirkhising — who died from asphyfixiation and drugging after being brutally and sadistically sodomized by a homosexual man, under the twisted guidance of another (his much older “gay” lover). As WND reported,
“Dirkhising was found by police unconscious on the floor of a Prairie Grove, Ark. residence around 5 a.m. Sept. 26, 1999, his hands bound with duct tape and his mouth gagged. Police later determined Dirkhising had been repeatedly raped over a period of hours, including with foreign objects, by [Joshua] Brown, then 22, and Davis Don Carpenter, then 38….[A]uthorities said after the last rape he was left bound and gagged while his attackers ate a sandwich. He died of suffocation, a coroner’s report found.”
The two homosexual lovers who sexually tortured the boy — Joshua Brown and his older partner, Davis Don Carpenter — were both friends of Jesse’s mother, who reportedly was happy to let her son hang out with the men and even stay over the weekend in their apartment in a town 32 miles away. [Go HERE to read a PDF facsimile of the initial police report of the crime.] In 2000, AFTAH’s flagship newsletter, Lambda Report, reported:
“Evidence from the Jesse Dirkhising case suggest the Arkansas boy’s killers were following bondage and sodomy rituals of the type laid out in scores of books and magazines fueling the growing “leather” subculture — popular among “gay” men — that eroticizes pain, dominance and humiliation.”
As fate would have it, only a year and a few days separate the anniversary dates of the rape-murder of Dirkhising (September 26, 1999) from that of the assault on murdered Wyoming homosexual college student Matthew Shepard(October 6, 1998). But only one murder — with its contrived, convenient and politically-correct “hate crime” story-line — became useful to pro-homosexual “progressives” and the liberal media, while the other was largely ignored.
Shepard’s 1998 murder (condemned by this writer and many pro-family groups and leaders at the time) drew worldwide coverage as a supposed “anti-gay hate crime.” It is still commonly commemorated as such — despite the publication of homosexual author Stephen Jimenez’s new book, The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard, which shatters that the longstanding media and LGBT activist narrative that Shepard was targeted and murdered “because he was gay.”
Jimenez, building on his groundbreaking 2004 ABC News 20/20 expose showing that Shepard’s death was largely a drug robbery, demonstrates conclusively that Shepard not only knew his killer, Aaron McKinney — who like him was a methampthetamine dealer — but partied with him and may even have been involved sexually with him. (In his murder trial, McKinney attempted a “gay panic” defense, claiming that he sought to punish the supposed stranger Shepard because the latter came on to him at a bar.) Jimenez interviewed ten sources who testified that McKinney knew and associated with Shepard.
National Cathedral marks Matthew’s death, not Jesse’s
Seemingly oblivious to the well-researched revelations in Jimenez’s book, the Washington National Cathedral, in the nation’s capital, held an anniversary event last weekend in remembrance of the Shepard murder in the context of “honoring gay youth.”
In contrast, there were no national commemorations last week of Dirkhising’s 1999 murder. Conservatives have attempted with little success over the years to get the “mainstream” media to acknowledge that the pedophilic, sadistic-sex killing of young Dirkhising by two homosexual lovers deserved as much coverage as the brutal beating of Shepard. But the response that often came back was that the Shepard case (as an alleged “hate crime”) had something to teach America (i.e., about “hate” and tolerance) while the Dirkhising case was merely another sordid sex crime.
Symbolizing the media double-standard, TIME magazine essayist Johnathan Gregg wrote back in 1999:
“The reason the Dirkhising story received so little play is because it offered no lessons. Shepard’s murder touches on a host of complex and timely issues: intolerance, society’s attitudes toward gays and the pressure to conform, the use of violence as a means of confronting one’s demons. Jesse Dirkhising’s death gives us nothing except the depravity of two sick men. There is no lesson here, no moral of tolerance, no hope to be gleaned in the punishment of the perpetrators. To be somehow equated with these monsters would be a bitter legacy indeed for Matthew Shepard.”
In a courageous work, openly homosexual author Stephen Jimenez has laid bare the many media myths surrounding the Matthew Shepard murder — which was a drug crime and not a “hate crime.”
Now the evidence continues to mount that the entire foundation of the Shepard story underlying Gregg’s tendentious thesis is bogus and its true lessons have nothing to with hate or “gay tolerance” — but rather the dangers of meth addiction, drug and alcohol abuse, family breakdown, reckless living and even the effects of homosexual molestation. (Ironically, the Dirkhising story teaches some of those same lessons.) Jimenez documents (HIV-positive) Shepard’s repeated sexual aggressions, and the book ends with this shocking revelation:
“Matthew Shepard was a victim of sexual abuse and molestation as a boy and as a teenager…Apparently, his wounds from being sexually victimized also manifested in another common, but tragic pattern: The victim becomes a perpetrator himself….At age fifteen Matthew was arrested for molesting two eight-year-old boys in his Casper [Wyoming] neighborhood…Matthew’s juvenile arrest record had been quietly concealed.”
Not all crime victims are equal
Unfortunately, there is a politically-correct hierarchy of victims in the United States — and (white, middle class) “gay” victims are at the top while, perhaps, boys seduced and abused by homosexual pedophiles are at the bottom. Most Americans have never heard the basic facts surrounding Jesse Dirkhising’s troubled upbringing and the savage sexual assault that cruelly cut short his life as a young teenager. On the other hand, most Americans have heard a false and grotesquely simplified ‘spinning’ of the Shepard murder that just happens to fit the needs of the “Gay” Lobby and the liberal media who have come to be its most important allies. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
PS. Americans For Truth has obtained firsthand materials surrounding the prosecution of Dirkhising’s murderers and will have more on this story. We will also lay out in greater detail some of the startling facts about the Shepard murder brought forth by Stephen Jimenez in his The Book of Matt. [Allyson Smith’s article is after the jump]
I just talked with our lawyer Michael Weber (part of Tom Schuck’s NSWB lawfirm). The trial date for Peter LaBarbera and I for witnessing at the University of Regina will be October 29, 2014. We were charged with Mischief after we set up abortion signs and one sign saying “Sodomy is a sin,” on the public walkway at the University of Regina back on April 14th. Approximately 20 or so pro-abortion and pro-homosexual protesters set up a counter protest across from us. Notwithstanding that I have two Court of Queen’s Bench decisions affirming my right to protest on public university campuses, Peter and I were arrested and charged and the pro-abortion/pro-homosexual protesters were allowed to continue with their demonstration unmolested.
On May 11, 2013, I spoke at a pro-family rally and posed the question, “Do you fear God or man?” on the issue of homosexual “marriage–which, of course, is not truly marriage in the eyes of our Creator. The rally was sponsored by Illinois Family Institute and was held outside of (Republican) State Rep. Jim Durkin’s district office in Western Springs, Illinois. At the time, Rep. Durkin was undecided on a pending homosexual “marriage” bill but he ended up voting “No.” The bill ultimately passed the Democrat-dominated Illinois General Assembly and was signed into law by Gov. Pat Quinn (D). It goes into effect June 1, although unnatural “gay marriages” are already allowed in Chicago and surrounding Cook County due to legal action. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [Watch this on YouTube here: http://youtu.be/Y4t3bzYkc0c]
Gay Activists Stay Vocal; Christian Leader Goes Silent:Chick-fil-A’s new CEO, Dan Cathy (right), befriended homosexual activist and Campus Pride executive director Shane Windmeyer in the wake of the media hubbub over Cathy’s defense of natural marriage. Now Cathy has heeded Windmeyer’s advice to pull back from publicly from the homosexual “marriage” debate. Photo: Huffington Post.
By Peter LaBarbera
Dear AFTAH Reader,
As usual, the Culture War over sexually immoral same-sex behavior is hot, and AFTAH is in the thick of it. We will have more on the regrettable backpedaling by Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, who says it was a “mistake” for him to speak out for natural marriage. The Atlanta Journal Constitution, which interviewed the chicken fast-food exec, reports:
“Cathy said he decided to step back from the gay marriage debate after prayer and conversations with co-workers and friends, including Shane Windmeyer, a gay supporter of marriage equality who helped Cathy understand why marriage was important to the gay community.”
Talk about snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!
NOTE:Shane Windmeyer is a homosexual activist and the founder and executive director of Campus Pride, which aggressively pushes for the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism on college campuses. Gee, what a shock that Windmeyer wants his friend, Dan Cathy, to SHUT UP about homosexual “marriage”….Lesson for pro-family advocates: in my experience, when Christians “dialogue” with homosexuality activists, the “gay” activists usually end up winning the most concessions and biblical values are compromised.
I wish I could say I’m stunned, but I’ve grown used to Christians and “pro-family conservatives” selling out in the Culture War over homosexualism. As I told American Family Radio talk show host Bryan Fischer Thursday, the “Gay” Lobby is playing hard ball, and Christians are playing tee-ball. Click HERE to view a “Right Wing Watch” clip of my interview with Fischer. And go HERE to view a story in Huffington Post(“Huff Post Gay Voices”) about my comments. (Yes, HuffPo has its own “gay cheerleading” section–No Moral Voices Allowed!)
I told Bryan that Cathy “sold out” all those good Americans who–after all–had rallied by the hundreds of thousands to support his RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT for God’s natural design for marriage as between a man and a woman. I mean, isn’t that why so many people showed up on “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day”–because we were sick and tired of people of faith being silenced by homosexual militants and their pro-LGBT media enablers?
Also, the Journal-Constitution reports, “Progressive website Think Progress earlier this month reported that Chick-fil-A’s foundations — WinShape Foundation and its namesake Chick-fil-A Foundation — “dramatically” cut donations to groups gay marriage supporters consider anti-gay.” AFTAH will be checking into this as well. How sad if this is true.
One last thing: isn’t it interesting that PRO-homosexual-“marriage” execs like Starbuck’s CEO Howard Schultz don’t retreat from publicly speaking out FOR counterfeit “marriage”? In fact, liberal corporations are more sold out than ever in publicly supporting–and funding–All Things “Gay”–so once again it’s the Christian, “pro-family” side that is engaging in unilateral surrender in the battle for Truth on homosexuality and marriage. Meanwhile, the Homosexual Lobby is louder and more aggressive than ever in pushing its lies and demands!
AFTAH will have much more on this story and other examples of Christian defeatism in the Culture War….
P.S. AFTAH Needs Your Support: Help us out if you can because we cannot take on the well-funded, media-backed “Gay” Lobby without getting funding ourselves. Donate online to AFTAH HERE or use the blue “DONATE ONLINE” button above right. Or send your tax-deductible donation to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522. Thank you for standing with us!!
NOT HIRED. TOO CHRISTIAN:Coach Dave Daubenmire with his trademark Christian cap that he wears as a no-nonsense, politically incorrect, Christian pro-family advocate. Despite his stellar coaching record of turning around failing high school football programs, Coach Dave was voted down 3-2 for head football coach at Lakewood [Ohio] High School–after pro-LGBT activists (e.g., “Change.org” and People for the American Way’s “Right-Wing Watch”) targeted the Lakewood, Ohio School Board with a pressure campaign.
“In America, only Christians can be discriminated against. Homosexual teachers and coaches would be welcomed with open arms.”–Coach Dave Daubenmire
Folks, the bad guys in the Culture War just won another one yesterday, and a very good guy, Coach Dave Daubenmire, lost–after getting cyber-smeared by a hateful social media campaign by the “Gay-KK” (or “Gay-stapo,” or “Gay Thought Police,” or “Homo-fascists,” or whatever you call today’s uber-intolerant, anti-Christian homosexual militants who target dissenters for retribution and recognize NO legitimate opposition to homosexualism).
Last night, the Lakewood, Ohio School Board voted 3-2 against hiring Coach Dave–despite the recommendation of Daubenmire by Lakewood Superintendent Jay Gault [mailto:jgault@laca.org; 740-928-4552; ext. 2]. Coach Dave is a bold, outspoken, politically incorrect Christian–pro-life, pro-real-marriage, anti-pornography. But he is also an accomplished coach with a an outstanding record for turning around failing high school football programs:
He coached at Heath High from 1982 to 1988 before taking over at London [(Ohio) High School], where he coached for the next 11 seasons, guiding that team to the playoffs five times between 1992 and 1999. Most recently, he started the football program at Fairfield Christian Academy in Lancaster in 2008, going 23-8 with two playoff appearances in his final three seasons.
Daubenmire also was recommended for hire by the Lakewood superintendent, but no matter, because he was branded “anti-gay,” “hateful” and “homophobic” by LGBT militants who spread lies and half-truths about him using a high-tech online lobbying website (Change.org) that targeted the School Board.
Of course, guess who will suffer most from this Politically Correct vote: a bunch of teenage boys who now have been denied an outstanding Coach and motivator–but more importantly, a great Christian role model.
We will have much more on this story, but the bottom line is that the pro-homosexual Left–which has gotten very good at getting Bible-believing Christians fired or punished [see my WND Whistleblower piece]–is saying that you cannot be a role model for youth if you are publicly “anti-gay.” Our society is now completely upside-down: a college football star (Michael Sam) is treated like a hero for going public with his homosexuality (i.e., his besetting sin)–while a God-fearing, Christian family man (Dave Daubenmire) is denied a coaching job at his alma mater–a job for which he is superbly qualified–merely because he holds views on sexual morality that are despised by the LGBT Lobby. More coming… — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Lakewood, Ohio Local School Board: In rear (left to right): Judy White; Trisha Good. In front (left to right): Tim Phillips; Forrest Cooperrider; and Bill Gulick. Superintendent Jay Gault (not shown) recommended Coach Dave for the coaching job at Lakewood high–but Board members started wavering after being inundated with protest letters against Daubenmire by a homosexual activist social media blitz.
Here is a clip from a recent episode of The Disney Channel show Good Luck Charlie, featuring a lesbian couple coming over with their adopted child, Taylor, for a play date. Note how the main mother character, Amy (Leigh Allyn Baker) is nonchalant about exposing her daughter (Charlie) to homosexual parenting. (Amy goes on to call the lesbians a “great couple” [go to 1:45 in the longer video segment]. Also note how she apparently never discussed the “lesbian moms” visit with her husband Bob (Eric Allen Kramer–of course, the dumber one). Get the message? A visit by homosexual parents is so inconsequential it doesn’t even merit a family discussion!
TAKEAWAY: if you are a Christian and/or moral-minded parent who wants to teach your children that homosexuality is aberrant and wrong behavior–i.e., you don’t want to model sinful relationships as normative to your kids–YOUR morality and faith, and your child’s innocence, are being undermined by Disney. TAKE ACTION: Call Disney Channel at 818-460-7477 (hit #4), or email support@disneyonline.com.
Watch this same short video on YouTube HERE — and the longer, full video segment of the “lesbian moms” episode HERE. This is probably The Disney Channel’s first “baby step” into more aggressive homosexual advocacy — which is not unexpected given America’s moral decline, but tragic just the same. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Homosexual activists have used a law designed to protect the innocence of Russian children to make themselves the victims — engaging in wild distortions that demonize civil opponents of homosexualism. See, for example, the homosexual pressure group Truth Wins Out’s screeds against the “anti-gay pogrom” in Russia. (TWO is known for its vicious and dehumanizing attacks against ex-“gays” and pro-family advocates.)
Laurie Higgins cuts through the hyperbole surrounding Russia’s law banning homosexual propaganda directed at minors:
Russia’s Anti-Propaganda Law Riles Pro-Homosexuality Crowd
The cacophonous voices of homosexual activists and their ideological allies are getting louder as the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia approach. They’re protesting Russia’s new federal law pertaining to homosexuality. Surely, this law must be draconian, reasonable people think, to generate this degree of heat from the ever-fevered “LGBTQQIAA” (that is, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally”) community.
What is often reported in the mainstream press is simply that the law is “anti-gay” followed by reports of anti-“gay” brutality. Few articles include any details of the text of the law and its inoffensive—some would argue wholly appropriate—content. The omission of the text of the law with the concomitant reporting on already illegal physical attacks is a strategic decision intended to distract attention from the actual intent of the law.
In order to put into perspective this newest manifestation of outrage from homosexual activists, let’s look at the pertinent parts of the actual law (emphasis added):
The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences… shall be amended as follows:
Propaganda of homosexualism among minors –
is punishable by an administrative fine for citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials –forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities – four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles”;
…Propaganda of homosexualism in Russia took a wide sweep. This propaganda is delivered both through the media and through active social actions that promote homosexualism as a behavioral norm. It is especially dangerous for children and youth who are not yet capable of a critical attitude to the avalanche of information that falls upon them every day. In this regard, it is necessary to primarily protect the younger generation from the effects of homosexual propaganda, and the present bill pursues this goal.
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is radically pro-homosexual in its ideology, but the data it produces on the extraordinary health risks of homosexual sex make a strong case for discouraging immoral “gay, lesbian, and bisexual” behaviors.
By Peter LaBarbera
WARNING: graphic descriptions of homosexual perversions
Here is Part Two of our 2014 Resolutions for Christians Fighting the Homosexual/Transgender Lobby. Part One — link to it HERE — included the following:
Decide Whether You are with God or Against Him
Apply the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” (S3T) — substitute another sexual sin for “gay” and see if it makes sense. [This was by far the most popular based on the feedback we received! – Editor]
Get Off the Sidelines and Start Speaking Out!
Publicize Ex-”Gays” — the “Greatest Story Never Told” (by the Media)
Reject LGBT Hate-Slurs (“Bigot, Hater and Homophobe”)
6) Jesus Judged Sin, So You Can, Too (and You’re Judging Behavior): Regarding judging, first remember that we judge BAD BEHAVIORS all the time. It’s OK to judge! – as long as you’re not a sanctimonious, hypocritical jerk violating your own judgments and lacking God’s love and grace toward sinners. “But who am I to judge people who happen to be gay”? you ask. Answer: you are a follower of God, who reveals righteousness in His Word, the Bible. Besides, nobody just “happens to be gay” – and nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality recognized as a personal “identity” (see Point 7). The evil genius of the “gay” movement is that it turned a changeable sin into a proud, personal identity — one often embraced due to difficult or dysfunctional environmental circumstances in one’s childhood (including predatory sex abuse). Bottom line: God calls us to make right judgments on sin. The Secular- and Religious Left scream, “Judge Not!” but Jesus preached forgiveness of sin through humble repentance, such as when He told the adulteress, “Go and sin no more.” If Jesus didn’t approve of making righteous judgments, why did He praise John the Baptist as the greatest man every born – the same John the Baptist who publicly preached repentance from sin and even called out King Herod for his sexual sin? [See this interesting essay on King Herod and John the Baptist.] And isn’t it odd that the same pro-LGBT critics who scold us for judging “gays” JUDGE Bible-believing Christians all the time?! Here’s a terrific video by Frank Turek — a Christian who has suffered in the corporate world for opposing homosexual “marriage” — on proper “judging.”
7) Sodomy and Homosexual Behaviors Are Worthy of Judgment: Homosexuality is about “what people do,” not “who they are” (hence the existence of ex-“gays”; see point 4 in Part One). Perhaps you are ignorant of just how high-risk unnatural homosexual behaviors are: did you know that:
A “gay” doctor, Stephen Goldstone, described homosexual sodomy this way: “Think of his penis as a battering ram, one for which your internal sphincter is no match.”
The book HIV Essentials, written by “world renowned [HIV] experts,” reports, “The incidence of anal cancer in gay men is approximately 80 times that of the general population.”
Homosexual activist Jack Hart writes that “some practices common among gays – especially rimming [oral-anal perversion] and anal intercourse – are highly efficient ways of transmitting disease.”
Bisexual men (including secretly homosexual men on the “down low”) are the main conduit for HIV to women in America — yet if a bisexual man transmits HIV to his girlfriend or wife, the CDC misleadingly classifies that as a “heterosexual” transmission;
Many lesbians mimic male homosexuals by engaging in anal perversions like “rimming” and “fisting” — and/or inserting “sex toys” like dildos (fake penises) into their partner’s anus (or vagina). Deviance begets deviance, and the godless “invent ways of doing evil” (Romans 1:30). Moreover, many lesbians report having sex with men.