AFTAH Reaches Out with Truth to Deviant Homosexual ‘International Mr. Leather’ Convention at Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016

“They invent ways of doing evil…” (Romans 1:30)

“Repent…and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…” (Acts 3:19, NIV)

IML_2016_Man_with_Dog_on_leashWARNING: graphic and offensive descriptions of vile homosexual acts

TAKE ACTION: Corporations Profiting Off Perversion: The homosexual perversion celebration known as “International Mr. Leather” (IML) 2016 was sponsored in part by Miller Lite Brewing Co. (312-496-2700), and Orbitz, a subsidiary of Expedia. Contact Orbitz at (844) 663-2266. Contact Expedia at 800-319-4834. To reach Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, which hosted IML, call 312-427-3800 or email:

And Please Pray: …for Lee, Eamon, Allen, Brendan and Alex–five men who attended IML and who discussed the Gospel and morality with us Saturday night outside IML.


By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive

Part One

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) held a peaceful Christian truth outreach against the homosexual “International Mr. Leather” (IML) conference Saturday night (May 28, 2016), across the street from the Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, which hosted the perversion-fest.

Every year, on Memorial Day weekend, IML draws thousands of mostly homosexual “leathermen” from all over the world to a swank Chicago hotel to party, celebrate sadomasochistic deviance and practice some of the most heinous sexual acts invented by men–as well as everyday sodomies. In concert with IML, several orgiastic dance parties such as the “Black & Blue Ball” (sponsored in part by Miller Lite) are held in various Chicago venues. Here is the banner we used in our truth outreach:

Congress Plaza Hotel Profits Off Perversion

Homosexual “Mr. Leather” conference glorifies vile & dangerous behaviors


Protesting Perversion and Sharing the Gospel: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera (left) and Rob share truth Saturday night outside the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago, as it hosted the annual “International Mr. Leather” homosexual perversion-fest. The banner reads, “Congress Plaza Hotel Profits Off Perversion: Homosexual ‘Mr. Leather’ conference glorifies vile & dangerous behaviors.” The smaller yellow sign is taken from Acts 3:19: “Repent…and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…” The two men had many interesting conversations with IML attendees, in a spirit of civility. Click to enlarge.

My compatriot Rob and I walked through the IML “Leather Market” Saturday [more on that in the next article], then stood across the street from the Congress Plaza Hotel on the city’s famed Michigan Avenue for about five hours, leaving at midnight. The fact that we were not angrily shouting at the attendees softened the reaction to our message, although there was plenty of hostility to us.

A man named Lee wearing a “golden shower” t-shirt–that’s slang for the perverse fetish in which a man urinates on (or in) another man (or men) for sexual pleasure–approached us and we began bantering back and forth with us on various points of morality and theology. A smart, fast-talking man and an agnostic of sorts, Lee said he embraced homosexuality several years ago after being married and having children. He strongly opposed our message that homosexual behaviors are immoral but he appreciated our non-confrontational, friendly tone and several times stepped between us and IML attendees who might have harassed us or worse.

Strangely, Lee took it upon himself to serve as our “protector” throughout the night. At one point he even laughingly yelled “bad homos” to some people gathered across the street at the hotel who were shouting chants against us. Here he can be seen on the right with his perverse t-shirt; that’s a “Sister of Perpetual Indulgence” drag queen in the center behind the autho:

An IML attendee named Lee

An IML attendee named Lee (at right) took it upon himself to protect AFTAH’s two Truth emissaries from overly hostile homosexual activists. In the cap holding the sign is Peter LaBarbera. Behind him–the man in drag with white face and a cross–is a member of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a homosexual “troup” of drag-queens who mock Catholic nuns and Christianity in general while raising funds for various “gay”-related causes. See the Sisters’ wicked “Hunky Jesus” contest–mocking the Resurrection and held every Easter Sunday in a San Francisco. Click to enlarge.

We had many people praying for our protection at the IML outreach, so Rob and I took Lee’s presence as an answer to those prayers. Please pray for Lee and the others with whom we had discussions, including this wretched soul of a man wearing only a diaper and a leather harness:


Satan Is Laughing… But we wanted to cry: this young man (“Eamon”) wearing a diaper and a leather harness walked across the street from Congress Plaza Hotel with some others, and spoke briefly with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. Pray for this lost soul, that God in His mercy will rescue him from the ravages of deviance and exploitation.

I spoke briefly with this pitiful fellow in a diaper–I think he said his name is Eamon–and urged him to read the Gospel of John in the New Testament. My heart was breaking as I tried to tell him above the surrounding noise that God has a better plan for his life, that He does not want to see people–made in His image–degraded and exploited. But Eamon was obviously drunk or high on something so I’m not sure if he will even remember our encounter. Pray that somehow the Lord in His infinite grace and mercy will rescue him.

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Holiday Inn Cleveland-South and Embassy Suites Hotels in Independence, OH Host ‘CLAW’ Homosexual ‘Leather’ Perversion-Fest – Features ‘Fisting’ Class

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

Hotels now openly host vile homosexual sadomasochistic events; “Fisting A to Z” workshop features “hands-in” demonstration–in conference room; CLAW “charity” funds LGBT groups

WARNING: Graphic descriptions and revolting photos of horrifying homosexual perversions–after page jump. Not for children. 


Profiting Off Perversion: Twitter announcement for CLAW annual sadomasochistic deviance sex event. Note both Holiday Inn Cleveland South (Phone: 216-524-8050) and Embassy Suites [Rockside] -Independence, OH (Phone: 216-986-9900) are listed as hosting this orgiastic event celebrating the most vile sexual perversion invented by mankind.

 “A good man will be ashamed to speak of what many wicked men are not ashamed to do.”Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the New Testament Book of Ephesians, Chapter 5:3-14


TAKE ACTION: Contact the Holiday Inn-Cleveland So (216-524-8050); ask for Gen. Manager Tom Moore. Call Holiday Inn’s parent company, International Hotel Group, at 800-621-0555. Also contact the Embassy Suites-Rockside hotel at 216-986-9900. [Embassy Suites is owned by Hilton: call them 800-362-2779; online form HERE]. Lastly, contact the Westin Cleveland Downtown — the host of next year’s (2017) CLAW leather convention: phone: 216-771-7700; ask for Gen. Manager Bob Megazzini].


By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH exclusive

Summary: Part One:

  • Two Cleveland hotels, Holiday Inn Cleveland-South and Embassy Suites, both in Independence, OH, jointly sponsor homosexual “leather weekend” conference called CLAW. Holiday Inn also hosted the deviance celebration last year;
  • CLAW rented the entire Holiday Inn hotel, for three days, April 28-May 1–even closing the bar and restaurant (like the rest of the hotel) to the public for this private perversion-fest;
  • CLAW celebrates the most extreme and vile sexual behaviors invented by sinful men–including Fisting, Rimming, Scat, Watersports (involving urine), Master-Slave “relationships,” and a twisted “Puppy” fetish in which men become human “dogs” for their “masters.” This is sexual anarchy and as sick and satanic as it gets;
  • One CLAW workshop, “Fisting A to Z,” instructs homosexual men on how to “fist”–a bizarre and dangerous sadomasochistic perversion in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his fisting partner [see below];
  • The “fisting” workshop advertised a “hands-in” demonstration–i.e., the disgusting act apparently was performed in the Holiday Inn conference room advertised for the session [see below];
  • CLAW, like other homosexual male “leather” conventions, features deviant-sex orgies–and apparently not just in hotel rooms–which the poor maids are forced to clean up;
  • Another CLAW workshop, titled “Down in the Brown,” was about the “scat” fetish–essentially eroticizing poop (feces). It was held in the Embassy Suites Con 1 meeting room [see below]
  • The non-profit CLAW calls itself a “charity” and raises money for homosexual activist groups like GLSEN, PFLAG and Equality Ohio.
  • Next year’s CLAW is advertised as being held at the Westin Cleveland Downtown [Phone: 216-771-7700; ask for Gen. Manager Bob Megazzini]



‘Fisting’ Perversion Class at the Holiday Inn: Page from the CLAW (Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend) website shows a “Fisting A to Z” class at the annual deviance sex celebration. Note (circled in yellow) the host Holiday Inn Cleveland South – Independence, OH as a sponsor of CLAW. A hotel employee described the private sadomasochistic all-hotel event to a caller as an “All Men’s Leather Convention.” Click to enlarge.

One of the features of post-Sexual Revolution and LGBT-friendly America is that the most vile misbehaviors invented by mankind increasingly are committed out in the open–with the full cooperation of corporations, which profit off of the organized perversion. Apparently no deviant behavior act or group is too vile not to be accommodated by big businesses in sexually “liberated” America.

Such was the case in Cleveland over the weekend, where an event featuring the most heinous deviant sex-fetishes ever conceived–including “fisting”–was not only hosted but sponsored by the Holiday Inn Cleveland South, in Independence, Ohio. The annual event is called CLAW: Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend–and it drew mostly homosexual “leathermen” from across the country and beyond. (The same Holiday Inn hotel sponsored last year’s CLAW, drawing around 1,500, according to organizers.)

CLAW organizers rented the entire Holiday Inn hotel–with 363 rooms–closing it to the public for three days. The event was co-hosted by the nearby Embassy Suites Cleveland-RocksideThese hotels allowed some of their meeting rooms and (I suspect) pools to become orgy spaces—-as the above graphic for the CLAW 2016 “Fisting A-Z” class held in a Holiday Inn conference room above shows. (“Fisting” is a bizarre fetish invented by homosexual men in which a man inserts his hand and forearm into the rectum and lower colon of his “partner.”

The “Fisting A to Z” class advertised a “hands-in” (as opposed to a “hands on”) demo (demonstration), held in the Hercules 277 meeting room at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South. Here is the “class” description:

Fisting A to Z

In addition to covering the basics of a fisting session and fisting play parties, we will cover as many letters of the alphabet as time allows — Anatomy, Breathing, Cleaning, Dildos, Eating and so forth.

And we will have a hands-in demo.

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Statements by Hackett, Costello and Komaniecki on Chicago S&M ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives

Friday, June 12th, 2015

Joyce Kilmer Elementary School (right) is located on Greenview Ave., just three blocks from the deviance-honoring “museum,” Leather Archives (left), which sits at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in  Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood. Two other public schools are also within walking distance of the mainly homosexual-oriented sadomasochistic perversion “museum”–which celebrates “fisting’ and other depraved homosexual acts, including porn that eroticizes adult-child sadistic sex. See AFTAH PDF Flier about the despicable “museum” HERE.

The following statements were issued by Illinois pro-family leaders at the Americans For Truth press event held May 22, 2015 directly in front of the Leather Archives & Museum at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., down the street from Joyce Kilmer Elementary School, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Links to related stories on the LA&M S&M “Perversion Musuem” are at bottom:

Mary Anne Hackett, President, Catholic Citizens of Illinois:

“We were shocked to hear that there is a museum in a Chicago neighborhood, Leather Archives & Museum, dedicated to celebrating obscene and offensive sexual practices. Does tolerance have any limits? Are families supposed to welcome a museum dedicated to perversion in their neighborhood? Can parents protect the innocence of their children from exposure to behaviors that should not even be practiced or celebrated in private? The Leather Archives & Museum is located in a neighborhood of families. Children walk to the Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and the Roger C. Sullivan High School within blocks of the ‘Museum.’

“This weekend, the annual International Mr. Leather convention will take place in Chicago and it is anticipated that thousands of homosexuals will arrive in our city to ‘celebrate’ this event. We call upon the Mayor of Chicago and the people of Chicago to stand against the degradation of our communities and to uphold standards of decency to protect families and children.”


Nick Costello, Board Member, Catholic Citizens of Illinois:

“The ‘cultural’ underpinning the Leather Archives & Museum reflects the general disintegration of our sexual sanity as a nation. Of course, proponents of this “leather” deviance (rooted in sadomasochism) will present it with a smile as harmless sexual expression, while hiding the harmful effects spiritually, psychologically, and physically on those who practice it. This museum should be nowhere near Joyce Kilmer Elementary School and area parents must be put on notice. If the proprietors do not have the decency to close this ‘museum’ or relocate to an area unfrequented by children, then area parents have every right and duty to demand it. May God’s Holy Spirit lead us to a just and peaceful resolution to this pitiful situation!”

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Chicago’s Homosexual S&M ‘Perversion Museum’ – Leather Archives – Features Pedophile Porn, Incest Fantasies and ‘Man-Boy Love’ Advice from NAMBLA

Friday, June 5th, 2015

AFTAH Exclusive: Perversion “museum” — part of Chicago’s “gay community” — sits near three schools and a day-care center; houses BDSM works eroticizing adult sadistic sex with minors

WARNING: Some stories about the homosexual movement are so grotesquely perverse that they are difficult to report. This article by necessity describes some deeply disturbing sexual “fetishes” involving homosexual adult sadistic sex with children and teenagers–and vile, unnatural acts like “fisting” practiced for decades by by sadomasochistic homosexual “leathermen.” One book cover below contains an obscenity, another a highly offensive image. Keep in mind that the “Leather Archives & Museum” in Chicago that houses and celebrates these depraved works is located in the middle of a residential neighborhood within a short distance of three public schools and a day-care center. 

“[S]landerers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil….” (Romans 1:30, NIV)


EVIL IN THEIR MIDST: Young children evidently attending a nearby day-care center file by the Chicago “Leather Archives & Museum” (see “LA&M” building in the center of the photo). [Take Action: view and distribute the AFTAH flier alerting the local Rogers Park neighborhood to this deviant institution HERE.] The BDSM “museum”–which is listed in the official Chicago “Visitors Guide”–houses some of the most vile sadomasochistic material imaginable–including pornography centered around adult-child sadistic sex. Other works glorify vile S&M perversions such as “fisting” and “watersports.” One “gay sex” book housed in the Leather Archives gives advice from NAMBLA to adult male “boy lovers” on how to avoid entrapment by police (see graphic in story below). The “museum” also caters to heterosexual BDSM enthusiasts, but it is a product of the “gay” sexual revolution, which has deep roots in the Windy City. We have blocked the faces of the children in this AFTAH photo; click to enlarge.


TAKE ACTION: Download the AFTAH PDF flier alerting residents to this “Perversion Museum,” the Leather Archives & Museum, at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., near Devon Ave., in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. [Click HERE for flier.] Contact the Chicago Alderman in whose ward the “Leather Archives” sits, Ald. Pat O’Connor: 312-744-6858; e-mail:


“The wicked strut about on every side when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” (Psalm 12:8; NASB)

By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

If you need convincing that the homosexual (LGBTQ) movement is about immoral, unnatural behaviors rather than innate “identities” and “civil rights,” keep reading this article.

Chicago’s Leather Archives & Museum–a de facto “museum” of mostly homosexual sadomasochistic perversions–contains numerous works that eroticize adult sex with underage children–including man-boy sodomies and parent-child incest, AFTAH has learned. One book even offers advice from NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man/Boy Love Association, for adult “gay” men on how not to get entrapped by police in their “boy-love” pursuits.

The “museum” sits in the middle of a residential neighborhood in the heavily homosexual north side Chicago neighborhood of Rogers Park–within a half mile of three public schools (two elementary schools and a high school), as Americans For Truth previously reported. [See AFTAH’s PDF flier, which we distributed last week alerting residents to this perverse establishment.] There is also a day-care center nearby and young children evidently in its care are walked by the Leather “Museum” as part of their daily activities (see photo above).

The "Leather Archives" has prominently displayed the lesbian S&M book "Macho Sluts," which includes a fictional short story about a 40-something mother who sadistically tortures her own young daughter.

Sadism, Incest & Pedophilia on display: The “Leather Archives” has prominently displayed the lesbian S&M book “Macho Sluts,” which includes a fictional short story about a 40-something mother who sadistically sex-tortures and beats her own young daughter, who doubles as a her slave “lover.”

The homosexual “leather” world is so hellishly twisted and perverse that it is difficult to research and describe it without corrupting minds and souls. I venture to say that the uber-deviant fetish depravities honored and carefully documented by this “museum”–celebrating “fisting,” “watersports,” body-punishing “sex play,” masters-and-slaves, etc.–are simply inconceivable to the average human being. However, as depraved as BDSM (mostly homosexuals “Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) acts between consenting adults are, their wickedness and horror are magnified exponentially when involving children. In this case, that includes fictionalized pornographic fantasies glorifying adult sexual domination of minors, as in “Macho Sluts” –a work this writer saw on display when I toured the “museum” several years ago. The younger the child, the greater the evil.

Because AFTAH has been tracking the homosexual movement with its “leather” subculture for many years, we had some knowledge about the depraved and disturbing works possessed and made available by this “museum.” The mostly “gay” BDSM “erotica” opens a window into the history of modern homosexuality and its overlap with pedophilia and ephebophilia (adults who pursue sex with adolescents)–as well as other extreme behaviors once dubbed, in saner times, as anti-social and deviant. Ironically, the “leather” archivists and other homosexual historians have helped preserve and document this creepy, predatory reality of “gay history”–and LGBT perversions in general–for the wider public.

“Chicken” and chicken hawks

So pervasive is adult homosexual male lust for teenage boys that–through “gay liberation”–it earned its own slang category: “chicken” is “gay” slang for highly desired teen boys and “chick hawks” their adult sexual pursuers. (Boy Scouts of America: beware.) AFTAH will post future articles on the sickening and outrageous “gay” phenomenon that dehumanizes boys as “chicken” to be sexually devoured.

The following are brief descriptions of a sampling of selections from the Leather Archives & Museum; the items are available for perusal to patrons of the museum’s library. I apologize in advance for describing such awful deviance but it is our role to document and shed light on behaviors that are not only tolerated but honored, as it were, in the larger homosexual “community.” More will follow in future pieces:

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Southwest Airlines Attempts to Disassociate Itself from ‘Gay Jesus’ Documentary, but Defends Sponsorship of Radical LGBTQ ‘Creating Change’ Conference

Friday, February 27th, 2015

LGBTQ Task Force gave “Leather Leadership” award to owner of Dallas homosexual bar that hosts monthly gathering for men who play-act as “dogs” in bizarre BDSM “puppy” fetish

The Leather Pride Movement: Men Play-acting as dogs.

Human Degradation 101–Men as “Dogs”–Celebrated by the LGBTQ Task Force: Men play-acting as dogs in the twisted world of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism). The above graphic (click to enlarge) is from the website of a homosexual “leather bar,” the Dallas Eagle, co-owned by Mark Frazier. The “DFW ” in “DFW Pups” stands for “Dallas-Ft. Worth.” The recent LGBTQ Task Force “Creating Change” conference honored Frazier with its “Leather Leadership” award [see p. 40 on the CC  program PDF]. Southwest Airlines (SWA) is a “National Corporate Partner” of the Task Force, which puts on Creating Change every year. So far SWA is refusing to distance itself from CC or the LGBTQ Task Force. Contact SWA HERE or by phone at 214-792-4000.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Southwest Airlines: Dallas HQ (CEO Gary Kelly): 214-792-4000 (hit ‘0’ and make your opinion known to the operator before you get routed to Customer Relations). Email SWA:

SWA is proud to sponsor THIS?! View the extreme “Creating Change” program: [click here]


“We will not support Southwest or any sponsor of this conference until they apologize to all Christians and change their stance on this situation.  Southwest and other corporate businesses chose to support a segment of the U.S. population that comprises less than 2% while managing to offend no less than 20% of the population.” – Kim Eith, AFTAH Reader

Folks, we have heard back from a few of you who have contacted Southwest (and other major corporations) that sponsored a radical LGBTQ conference in Denver February 4-8. The “Creating Change” conference for homosexual, transgender and other sexual activists screened the documentary, “Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption,” celebrating a play in which the Jesus Christ character is cast as a homosexual who once committed sodomy with Judas and who performs a homosexual “marriage” between two of his male “disciples” [see AFTAH story HERE].

Apparently, Southwest representatives are telling people that AFTAH gave out false information and that SWA did not (directly) sponsor the “Gay Jesus” documentary, only the larger “Creating Change” conference. This is a classic dodge, although it is also a tacit admission by SWA that the “Corpus Christi” documentary is highly offensive to people of faith.

Of course, as AFTAH wrote earlier, the blasphemous film was just one item in a conference filled with the celebration of extreme behaviors—ranging from “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual unions); to “kink” (sadomasochism); to extreme gender confusion; to the “queering” of Christianity (including a talk on the “biblical case for same-sex marriage”). You can read for yourself the full “Creating Change 2015” program HERE.

AFTAH reader Kim Eith (read her excellent correspondence with SWA below) has it exactly right: “sponsorship of that conference equates to sponsorship of all activities occurring at that conference.” Southwest needs to own their role in the “Creating Change” event in all its perverseness–including “Creating Change’s” honoring of a sadomasochist (Mark Frazier), who owns a “gay leather bar” in Dallas that caters to a perversion known as “puppy play” (see graphic above). Below is one of those weird, nonjudgmental descriptions in left-biased Wikipedia of “Puppy Play”–a perversion which, by the way, I witnessed firsthand last year at the San Francisco “Dore Alley” street fair:

In puppy play, or dog play, at least one of the participants acts out canine mannerisms and behaviors, which is sometimes associated with leather culture. If there is a dominant role it can be taken by a “handler”, “trainer”, “master”, or in the case of someone who still identifies as canine, an “alpha”. If there is a submissive this may be considered by a “pup” or a “dog”. …Other elements rooted in BDSM play involve bondage and restriction with collars, leashes, cages, and hoods, the pups hands are often covered in mitts, both sexual and non-sexual services are requested, and “training” may take place in order to teach commands. [Wikipedia entry on “Animal Roleplay”]

Sick stuff, to be sure–and glorified by the same National LGBTQ Task Force that proudly screened the “homosexual Jesus” documentary. Sadly, Southwest Airlines, based in Dallas, has not even come close to apologizing for its role in this uber-perverse, Christianity-bashing conference. Do the execs at SWA think we’re stupid, that we can’t read? Do they even know what sort of radical “Change” is advocated at the Task Force conferences? We must keep up the pressure on Southwest, Comcast/NBC, Wells Fargo and the other sponsors [contact info HERE].

We are indebted to Kim Eith for her smart advocacy below. Please read this correspondence and contact Southwest Airlines yourself using the contact info above. Thank you. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH;


Kim Eith’s Letter of AFTAH Describing her Complaint to Southwest Airlines [SWA online contact form HERE]:

To whom it may concern,

My husband and I sent separate emails to Southwest today. We also cancelled an upcoming flight with this airline today. I called Southwest on this date and received this response from the lady I spoke to:  ” There has been a misunderstanding. A Southwest corporate officer informed us today that there has been false accusations about Southwest and the LGBTQ conference. Southwest did not sponsor the documentary or film shown at the conference.”  My reply; “Southwest is a corporate sponsor, which is clearly indicated on the Create Change LGBTQ conference materials and therefore, any sponsorship of that conference equates to sponsorship of all activities occurring at that conference.”

As we stated in our email, we will not support Southwest or any sponsor of this conference until they apologize to all Christians and change their stance on this situation.  Southwest and other corporate businesses chose to support a segment of the U.S. population that comprises less than 2% while managing to offend no less than 20% of the population. People’s sexual preferences are personal and while my love of my fellow citizens, family and friends is not based upon personal views and practices, I will not stand by and watch others attempt to obliterate my Christian values, and especially my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This was absolutely vile and despicable.

Kim Eith


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Homo-Promiscuity: Queerty’s Perverse ‘Age 30 Goals’ for Homosexual Men – Including Having a Non-Sexual Guy Friend

Monday, December 8th, 2014

Many friendships between homosexual men “were born of casual sex,” says “queer” website, which also recommends S&M and threesomes to young “gay” men

The #LGBTQueer website "Queerty" advises homosexual men to engage in sadomasochism or a sexual "threesome" by the time they reach 30.

A THREESOME BY 30? The LGBTQueer website “Queerty” advises homosexual men to engage in sadomasochism or a sexual “threesome” by the time they reach the age of 30. Click on graphic to enlarge.

WARNING: Offensive descriptions of perverse behaviors

By Peter LaBarbera

When it comes to promiscuity and perversion, homosexual men are in a league by themselves. Here are some examples of what I’m calling “homo-promiscuity” covered by AFTAH over the years: go [HERE: San Francisco “leather” street festival]; [HERE: Chicago “International Mr. Leather” deviant-sex convention]; and [HERE: “Monogamish” homosexual activist and adoptive parent Dan Savage’s three-ways].

Homo-promiscuity-graphic-colorThe phenomenon of male homo-promiscuity–which is routinely denied by LGBTQueer activists–makes sense, if you accept the presumption that men are more sexually aggressive than women–or at least civilized by women and genuine monogamy and marriage. As homosexual writer Jack Hart said, “Gay men have the opportunity to engage in sex with more people than do most heterosexual men.” Put two (or more) guys together in relationships that are deviant by definition and you are asking for trouble (and higher rates of sexual disease, to be sure).

Here is a recent post (11/15/14) in the edgy website “Queerty,” which is geared to homosexual men. The article is titled, “Thirty Thing Every Gay Man Must Do before Turning 30,”Number 30 reads:

30. Make friends with someone you haven’t slept with

Any guy guy who says he hasn’t hooked up with at least 50 percent of his male friends is either lying or exhibits amazing self-control. Many a [sic] lifelong friendships between gay men were born of casual sex. But by the time you’re 30, you should have at least one close gay friend who you have not touched below the waste.

Below is the actual Queerty graphic:


QUEER INDEED: Queerty web article advises homosexual men to have at least one non-sexual friendship with another guy by the age of 30. Translation for the non-“hip”: “hooked up with” means ‘had a sexual encounter with.’

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AFTAH Adopts ‘LGBTQueer’ Designation to Replace ‘LGBT’ – Applauds Homosexual Task Force for Adding ‘Q’ to its Name

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

LGBTQueer_GraphicUPDATE: most major homosexual organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, have now followed the Task Force in adding “Queer” to their group’s name or mission. — Peter LaBarbera, Oct. 2017

A Special Announcement from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:

Warning: Some descriptions of unnatural homosexual acts and an offensive photo



  • National Gay & Lesbian Task Forces becomes “National LGBTQ Task Force”
  • The “Q” stands for “Queer”
  • “Queer” is an appropriate catch-all term for the myriad of LGBTQ sexual and gender perversions, including extreme transgenderism (even for young children), polyamory and sexual sadism
  • What used to be called the”gay agenda” is getting ‘queerer’ every day. Confident of victory, homosexual groups like the National LGBTQ Task Force and Human Rights Campaign are aggressively pushing ever more radical agendas in the false name of “equality”–e.g., laws banning pro-heterosexual change therapy and taxpayer funding for grotesque transsexual “sex change” operations
  • AFTAH will use “LGBTQueer” to designate homosexual-bisexual-transgender-“queer” activist agendas


By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Recently, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)–the nation’s oldest homosexual activist organization–announced a name change to accommodate the never-ending permutations of out-and-proud “gayness” and gender confusion (our term for transgenderism). Their new name is “National LGBTQ Task Force” with the “Q” standing for “Queer”–a slang term once and sometimes still used against homosexuals that has been “reclaimed” by “gay” and “transgender” activists to defiantly describe their revolutionary movement.

“The new more inclusive name adds bisexual, transgender and queer to lesbian and gay in the form of LGBTQ,” the Task Force said in an October 8 press release. [Watch an accompanying Task Force video HERE.]

We at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) rarely have anything good to say about the Task Force–a far-left organization that maligns defenders of Judeo-Christian morality as “haters” and celebrates all kinds of sex and gender perversions, including “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual relationships) and sadomasochism. (Every year, the Task Force gives out a “Leather Leadership” award to honor its favorite sexual sadist.) However, in this instance we applaud the Task Force for taking a step toward semantic accuracy.

Above is the new logo of the grassroots leftist "gay" organization formerly known as the "National Gay and Lesbian Task Force." The "Q" stands for "Queer."

QUEER INDEED: Above is the new logo of the grassroots leftist “gay” organization formerly known as the “National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.” The “Q” stands for “Queer.” In addition to promoting homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism, the Task Force promotes a “Sexual Freedom” agenda that includes “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual unions) and sadomasochism.

Henceforth, Americans For Truth will use the descriptor “LGBTQueer” instead of merely “LGBT” or even “LGBTQ” for the homosexual-bisexual-transgender-queer movement. For example, whereas in the past we would have described Human Rights Campaign–whose founder and (former) Board Member Terry Bean was arrested recently for allegedly sodomizing a 15-year-old boy–as an “LGBT lobby group,” we will now describe HRC as an LGBTQueer lobby organization. (For the record: a 65-year-old man sodomizing a 15-year-old boy is well beyond “queer.”)

By writing out “Queer” in the acronym, we mean to accentuate how that word is the best catch-all term to identify a movement that increasingly embraces any and all types of sex- and gender nonconformity (e.g., “genderqueer” as a self-identity; look it up HERE). At the same time, we avoid the sterile acronyms–however long they become–that serve to hide the radicalism and desensitize us to the extreme nature of the expanding LGBTQueer agenda.

Think about it: how often do we think of homosexual activist groups championing “Bisexuality”–the “B” in LGBT–when we hear that politically correct acronym? Most people don’t consider the wisdom of promoting “bisexual” identities as normative to schoolchildren, yet that is certainly a part of the “LG-Bisexual-T” education agenda.

On the other hand, even though the most accurate thing we could do is to write out “Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer,” that is far too cumbersome for daily use. Even the modern Greek-Latin construct “homosexual” is unwieldy, especially when used as a noun, compared to the popular and oversimplistic term “gay.” And while most LGBTQueer activists despise the word “homosexual” as anachronistic and “homophobic” (another manipulative LGBTQueer invention), we at AFTAH have used it because at least the H-word reminds us that we’re talking about sexual misbehavior, not some innocuous “gay” identity.

The late Anthony Falzarano, a former homosexual, used to say: "We're here. We're EX-queer. Get used to it!" Somehow the LGBTQueer movement has room for all kinds of sexual/gender "diversity," yet it campaigns against EX-"gay" change.

NO DIVERSITY FOR EX-‘QUEERS’:  The late Anthony Falzarano, a former homosexual, turned around a defiant homosexual activist protest chant, by saying: “We’re here. We’re EX-queer. Get used to it!” Even as the “gay”/bi/trans movement makes room for all kinds of sexual/gender identities and fetishes under the rubric of  “diversity,” it campaigns viciously against EX-“gays”–even lobbying lawmakers to ban pro-heterosexual change therapy. The new Gay Task Force slogan is “Be you,” but LGBTQueer activists routinely dehumanize former homosexuals rather than accept and affirm their life and identity choices. See the testimony of another successful EX-“gay,” Christopher Doyle, HERE.

Homosexualism and gender rebellion are not about “civil rights” but rather the practice of engaging in, justifying and celebrating immoral and perverse behaviors–which we on the side of Nature and Nature’s God rightly understand are not the basis for inherent, healthy identities. Sinful and confused behavior patterns are changeable–as testified by the many happy and successful ex-“gays” like Christopher Doyle, who give the lie to the LGBTQueer myth that “being gay” is “who you are.”

As the late ex-homosexual activist and my friend Anthony Falzarano used to say, taking liberties with a “Queer Nation” chant:

“We’re here. We’re EX-queer. Get used to it!”

Thus “LGBTQueer” seems to strike the appropriate balance of being easy to use–while highlighting the reality that the aberrant “L,” “G,” “B” and  Transgender “T”–and whatever other letters of the alphabet are appropriated by Big Gay Inc to designate some new sexual/gender fad or fetish. They all fall under the rubric of “Queer” behavior, especially by historical Western, Judeo-Christian moral standards. AFTAH will encourage other organizations, leaders and blogs to join us in using and popularizing “LGBTQueer.”

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San Francisco AFTER the ‘Public Nudity Ban’ – AFTAH Exposes Depraved and Nudity-Filled ‘Up Your Alley’ Street Fair

Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Perverse event in world’s “gay-est” city features “daddy-boy” master-slaves, human “puppies,” “Naked Twister” and lots of bared body parts

WARNING: Rear nudity, offensive photos and graphic descriptions; as always, AFTAH will block frontal nudity but we will publish photos with rear nudity. Our goal is to convey the “gay” Mecca’s radicalism and perverseness as realistically as possible without being pornographic.

“They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.” (Romans 1: 29-31; NIV)


Even though San Francisco adopted a "public nudity" ban in 2013, it exempted the street fairs like the "Up Your Alley" event Sunday. The event featured hundreds of men (and some women) in various states of undress, including full nudity.

SAN FRANCISCO, POST-“NUDITY BAN”: San Francisco adopted a “public nudity” ban in 2012. However, it exempted annual nudist events and homosexual-oriented street fairs like the “Up Your Alley” held in the city Sunday. The event drew thousands and featured hundreds upon hundreds of men (and some women) in various states of undress, including full frontal nudity. “Up Your Alley” also promoted condom-less “barebacking” sodomy (condemned by the CDC) despite the presence of AIDS groups; and celebrated human degradation (“slaves”); and consensual violence, e.g., whipping people to the point of bleeding as an S&M ritual (see photos below). All Photos: Americans For Truth, Peter LaBarbera. Fair use allowed as long as “” is credited. Click on photos to enlarge or view in a separate window.


By Peter LaBarbera; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

SAN FRANCISCO, California– Dear AFTAH Readers:

I was curious to see what out-and-proud San Francisco was like AFTER the city council passed its 2012 “public nudity ban”–which, curiously enough, exempts massive street fairs celebrating nudity and perversion. (This is San Francisco, after all.) So I ventured out to the world’s most sexually deviant city last weekend (Sunday, July 27) to cover its annual “Up Your Alley” street fair, also called “Dore Alley“–put on by the same proud perverts (er…sadomasochistic “leathermen”) that annually stage the notorious Folsom Street Fair.

Organizers of the “Up Your Ally” fair call it “Folsom’s Dirty Little Brother,” which, considering Folsom’s unbridled debauchery, is quite a recommendation for boundary-defying libertines and tourist gawkers who are there for the freak show. [See previous AFTAH stories on Folsom HERE (2007); HERE (2008) and HERE (2009).]

Below is the first installment of a several-part photo-story on the twisted event and the bizarre ethos of San Francisco; the next installment will document the fair’s promotion of “barebacking” (anal sex without a condom)–thus violating the CDC’s longtime, basic recommendation for HIV prevention to “men who have sex with men”: always use a condom. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH

P.S. How ironic that the path of “Sexual Liberation” ended up at “Bondage and Discipline”…

THIS BOY IS NOT PLAYING HOCKEY PLAYER: Grown man poses with boy "slave" at Up Your Alley Fair in San Francisco. I saw more than a few "Master/Slave"  "couples" in which the master was much older than the boy.

THIS BOY IS NOT PLAYING HOCKEY: Perhaps the spikes on his face mask give it away. Grown man poses with his boy love “slave” for a photo at Up Your Alley Fair in San Francisco. The young man had a little white “tail” protruding from his shorts in the back. I witnessed dozens of “masters” walking around with their “slaves” attached to a leash (like a dog). And I also saw more than a few “Master/Slave couples” in which the master was much older than his boy slave(s). There were also heterosexual “Master/Slave” duos at Up Your Alley.

As the Bible says, “they invent ways of doing evil” (Ephesians 1:30). Here is one of the BDSM women at the street fair: 

This is a woman with a strap-on "dildo" (fake penis). She was seen

PENIS ENVY? This is a woman with a strap-on “dildo” (fake penis). It is attached to her groin area with a harness. She was seen earlier in a groping situation with a man. Sexual and gender confusion reign in San Francisco. It should be noted here, strange and comical as it may seem, that some lesbians use dildos to simulate heterosexual sex and/or anal sodomy. There are many attempts to imitate heterosexuality (i.e., normalcy)–some cruder than others–in the LGBT world. 

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