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Thursday, June 2nd, 2016
“They invent ways of doing evil…” (Romans 1:30)
“Repent…and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…” (Acts 3:19, NIV)
WARNING: graphic and offensive descriptions of vile homosexual acts
TAKE ACTION: Corporations Profiting Off Perversion: The homosexual perversion celebration known as “International Mr. Leather” (IML) 2016 was sponsored in part by Miller Lite Brewing Co. (312-496-2700), and Orbitz, a subsidiary of Expedia. Contact Orbitz at (844) 663-2266. Contact Expedia at 800-319-4834. To reach Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, which hosted IML, call 312-427-3800 or email: reservations@congressplazehotel.com.
And Please Pray: …for Lee, Eamon, Allen, Brendan and Alex–five men who attended IML and who discussed the Gospel and morality with us Saturday night outside IML.
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive
Part One
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) held a peaceful Christian truth outreach against the homosexual “International Mr. Leather” (IML) conference Saturday night (May 28, 2016), across the street from the Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, which hosted the perversion-fest.
Every year, on Memorial Day weekend, IML draws thousands of mostly homosexual “leathermen” from all over the world to a swank Chicago hotel to party, celebrate sadomasochistic deviance and practice some of the most heinous sexual acts invented by men–as well as everyday sodomies. In concert with IML, several orgiastic dance parties such as the “Black & Blue Ball” (sponsored in part by Miller Lite) are held in various Chicago venues. Here is the banner we used in our truth outreach:
Congress Plaza Hotel Profits Off Perversion
Homosexual “Mr. Leather” conference glorifies vile & dangerous behaviors
 Protesting Perversion and Sharing the Gospel: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera (left) and Rob share truth Saturday night outside the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago, as it hosted the annual “International Mr. Leather” homosexual perversion-fest. The banner reads, “Congress Plaza Hotel Profits Off Perversion: Homosexual ‘Mr. Leather’ conference glorifies vile & dangerous behaviors.” The smaller yellow sign is taken from Acts 3:19: “Repent…and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…” The two men had many interesting conversations with IML attendees, in a spirit of civility. Click to enlarge.
My compatriot Rob and I walked through the IML “Leather Market” Saturday [more on that in the next article], then stood across the street from the Congress Plaza Hotel on the city’s famed Michigan Avenue for about five hours, leaving at midnight. The fact that we were not angrily shouting at the attendees softened the reaction to our message, although there was plenty of hostility to us.
A man named Lee wearing a “golden shower” t-shirt–that’s slang for the perverse fetish in which a man urinates on (or in) another man (or men) for sexual pleasure–approached us and we began bantering back and forth with us on various points of morality and theology. A smart, fast-talking man and an agnostic of sorts, Lee said he embraced homosexuality several years ago after being married and having children. He strongly opposed our message that homosexual behaviors are immoral but he appreciated our non-confrontational, friendly tone and several times stepped between us and IML attendees who might have harassed us or worse.
Strangely, Lee took it upon himself to serve as our “protector” throughout the night. At one point he even laughingly yelled “bad homos” to some people gathered across the street at the hotel who were shouting chants against us. Here he can be seen on the right with his perverse t-shirt; that’s a “Sister of Perpetual Indulgence” drag queen in the center behind the autho:
 An IML attendee named Lee (at right) took it upon himself to protect AFTAH’s two Truth emissaries from overly hostile homosexual activists. In the cap holding the sign is Peter LaBarbera. Behind him–the man in drag with white face and a cross–is a member of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a homosexual “troup” of drag-queens who mock Catholic nuns and Christianity in general while raising funds for various “gay”-related causes. See the Sisters’ wicked “Hunky Jesus” contest–mocking the Resurrection and held every Easter Sunday in a San Francisco. Click to enlarge.
We had many people praying for our protection at the IML outreach, so Rob and I took Lee’s presence as an answer to those prayers. Please pray for Lee and the others with whom we had discussions, including this wretched soul of a man wearing only a diaper and a leather harness:
 Satan Is Laughing… But we wanted to cry: this young man (“Eamon”) wearing a diaper and a leather harness walked across the street from Congress Plaza Hotel with some others, and spoke briefly with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. Pray for this lost soul, that God in His mercy will rescue him from the ravages of deviance and exploitation.
I spoke briefly with this pitiful fellow in a diaper–I think he said his name is Eamon–and urged him to read the Gospel of John in the New Testament. My heart was breaking as I tried to tell him above the surrounding noise that God has a better plan for his life, that He does not want to see people–made in His image–degraded and exploited. But Eamon was obviously drunk or high on something so I’m not sure if he will even remember our encounter. Pray that somehow the Lord in His infinite grace and mercy will rescue him.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Bestiality, Biblical Truth, Coors, Corporations, Expedia, Leather, Miller Beer, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Orbitz, Paganism, Puppy Play (Men living as dogs), Sadomasochism, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, Travel Agencies |
Wednesday, June 25th, 2014
WARNING: contains photo with male rear nudity; graphic acts described
 Manhood Crisis: The leftist “Right Wing Watch”–a project of People For the American Way–did not like AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera’s criticism of “leather” male homosexuality as “faux masculity.” LaBarbera’s comments were focused on pseudo-macho “leathermen,” but all of male homosexuality revolves around a crisis of manhood. See RWW’s short video below and also the longer interview with David Ortiz from which it was excerpted.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, one of many “elephants in the room” of politically incorrect topics that most people dare not discuss in debating homosexuality is that–for self-described “gay” men–homosexuality is a masculinity crisis. The bottom line, confirmed tragically by nature and the design of our bodies, is that men were never intended by their Creator to have “sex” with other men–and certainly not with adolescent boys, a common practice of male homosexuality throughout history. The converse is also true: lesbianism is a femininity crisis, although there are some key differences between male and female homosexualities.
When we as common-sense, God-respecting conservatives bring out basic points like this, it enrages our “progressive” foes. How dare we publicly violate the tenets of their core, deviant orthodoxy–that LGBT practice and ideology are not to be questioned, at least by outsiders. Thus it was to be expected that Right Wing Watch–a mischievous arm of People For the American Way (PFAW), the leftist outfit founded by Norman Lear–would not like my recent interview with YouTube host David Ortiz.
 Is this real “masculinity”? Contestants at the annual “International Mr. Leather” contest in Chicago Labor Day weekend 2014 line up with rear ends bared for the judges. The sadomasochistic male “leather” movement features pseudo-“macho” homosexuals who engage in rough sex, including, for some, heinous perversions such as “fisting” and “pig sex” orgies. Certainly, despite their play-acting at toughness, this is the ultimate perversion of true, godly masculinity. Men were never intended by their Creator to have “sex” with other men. In fact, the Bible says such sins are “detestable” in God’s sight. Photo: IML website.
Below is the short excerpt of my June 2 Skype interview with Ortiz, a portion of which was posted by Right Wing Watch, followed by the actual interview divided into three parts. Ortiz started the discussion by declaring, “You cannot be a masculine nation and support homosexuality, in my opinion.” From there I brought up the pitiable homosexual “leathermen,” with their “overkill” attempt at being “macho men”–even as they engage in the most degrading (and unmanly) sexual perversions known to the human race–not the least of which is male-to-male anal sodomy.
I brought up with David Ortiz the uber-debauched “International Mr. Leather” (IML) spectacle held every Memorial Day weekend in Chicago, and hosted by a major hotel–this year the Marriott Hotel on Magnificent Mile. Once again, purveyors of leather-sex hawked their deviant wares and twisted pornography at IML, as the nights were filled with homosexual orgies so vile that it is difficult for the Average Joe to imagine such evil. (Then the poor hotel staff have to disinfect the rooms afterward.)
What is fascinating about left-wing “tolerance/diversity” ideology is that it invariably leads to the acceptance and lack of questioning of even the most extreme–and obviously dysfunctional–subcultures of whatever “protected category” is in question, in this case, the LGBTQ movement. As AFTAH has shown and will continue to show, there is nothing more bizarre, and wrong, than the homosexual BDSM (bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, sadism & masochism) world, which is now drawing plenty of “kinky” heterosexuals as well.
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Posted in BDSM, Bestiality, Causes of homosexuality, Chicago, Gay Culture, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Meccas, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Leather, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Physical Health, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Promiscuity, Public Indecency, Sadomasochism, San Francisco, Sexual Revolution, Slippery Slope |
Thursday, October 31st, 2013
Radical quotations and LGBT writings reflect a revolutionary and destructive sexual/gender movement
 Photo from the NAMBLA website of the late “gay” icon Harry Hay (far right, wearing hat) speaking at a 1984 meeting of the North American Man/Boy Love Association in San Francisco. Hay said “gay” boys ages 12-15 benefit from sexual relationships with adult homosexual men.
Americans For Truth renews its Halloween tradition of delivering some very scary – or at least highly disturbing — quotes from LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists and publications. (There is also a frighteningly evil quotation from LGBT “straight ally” Eve Ensler.) Whether it’s promoting pedophilia, sullying Christianity, telling the awful truth about the realities of homosexual sodomies – or one of the biggest Heroes of Homosexuality saying that bestiality is OK (as long as the animals don’t mind, of course) – the following quotations and writings testify to the perverse nature of modern homosexualism. Needless to say, they are not likely to find their way into the liberal media or politically-correct history books taught to schoolchildren.
Most of what homosexual activists and their liberal, straight cheerleaders say about “homophobia” is tendentious nonsense, designed to demonize people like you and me. But Americans and moral-minded folks the world over certainly should fear the real-life ramifications of normalizing sexual perversion and gender confusion in the culture. To quote pro-family advocate Gary Morella, “A civilized society must justly ‘discriminate’ in favor of health over disease, right over wrong, moral over immoral, and discriminate use of sexuality over indiscriminate sexual expression.” People suffer and societies crumble when immoral, unhealthy behaviors are not just tolerated, but fostered and even celebrated by the State and corporate/cultural elites.
So be scared. Be very scared. And please pass around these decidedly “queer quotes” to educate others. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org
[Warning: A few of quotations below contain explicit descriptions of homosexual acts]
One Lesbian’s ‘Better Two-Thirds’
“Lucky that on this national coming out day I can safely be a proud queer woman blessed with two awesome partners.”
— Olga Tomchin, taken from testimony in Transgender Law Center post on “Coming Out,” October 11, 2013 (Oct. 11 is deemed “National Coming Out Day” by LGBT activists); http://transgenderlawcenter.org/archives/9257
Bad News for Straight Soldiers
 Military-oriented pornography is apparently very popular among homosexual men. Lesbian Camille Paglia says it is absurd to argue that “gay” men will not ogle and lust after straight soldiers in military showers and barracks. The nudity on this video cover above –from a “gay” porn video website — was blocked for decency.
“It is ridiculous to assert that gay men are interested only in other gay men and would never ogle straight men in barracks showers. When I heard this on TV, I burst out laughing. Anyone who belongs to a health club knows better. Sexual tension and appraisal are constants, above all among gay men, who never stop cruising everything in sight. Seduction of straight studs is a highly erotic motif in gay porn.”
—Camille Paglia, Vamps & Tramps, pp. 87-88. (Vintage Books: 1994). “Cruising” is a popular “gay” term for searching for sex partners. Paglia’s assessment is confirmed by the popularity of homosexual pornography with military themes.
They’re Here, They’re Queer, They’re Reporters with a Clear Conflict of Interest
“We Here! We’re Queer! We’re on Deadline.”
— Slogan of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). See author’s report for America’s Survival, Inc.: “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid: Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association.” Perhaps appropriately, the NLGJA slogan plays of the old “Queer Nation” street activists’ chant: “We’re here! We’re queer! Get used to it!”
Agenda-driven Homosexual Journalists Tout ‘Born Gay’ Myth as Fact
“Sexual orientation: Innate sexual attraction. Use this term instead of ‘sexual preference.’ See lifestyle….
“Sexual preference: Avoid. Politically charged term implying that sexuality is the result of a conscious choice. See sexual orientation.”
—NLGJA “Stylebook” entries, showing the organization’s politicized application of the unproven “born gay” theory. The homosexual journalists’ group uses the Stylebook to guide (pressure) “mainstream” journalists on how to write (and think about) homosexuality. Obviously, this biased definition – beyond being an opinion and not factual — encourages the notion that homosexuals have no responsibility for their same-sex behavior, thus negating the idea that homosexuality itself is a moral issue. Studies show that people who think “gays” are “born that way” are less likely to resist the LGBT activist agenda. For the best refutation of “born gay” ideology and pro-“gay”-politicized science, see the website of Dr. Neil and Briar Whitehead, co-authors of My Genes Made Me Do It: www.mygenes.co.nz. See also author’s “Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid” report.
Black Women, Beware: ‘Down Low’ Men Hate Condoms
“Women involved with DL men [‘Down Low’ denoting men who act straight in public but secretly practice homosexuality] are being infected with HIV because these men do not believe in wearing condoms and they don’t know their HIV status. Condoms take away from the very thing they are seeking—the thrill of spontaneity. Condoms take away that feeling when having man-to-man sex….
“But for the most part, a man on the DL isn’t even thinking about all that. He’s not thinking about a condom or diseases. DL men look at themselves as invincible, strong black men. They ain’t catching that ‘gay disease.’”
—J.L. King with Karen Hunter, On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men,” pp. 25-26; (Broadway Books: New York: 2004).
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", 03 - Bisexual, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Activists, Authors & Journalists, Bestiality, Bisexuality, Bisexuals-Conduits of HIV to Heteros, Christian Left, Down Low, Evangelicals, Frank Kameny, Gay and Christian?, Gay Culture, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Homosexual Quotes, Homosexuality - Practical Considerations, Homosexuality 101, HRC, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Pedophilia/Pederasty, Political Correctness vs. Truth, Polyamory-Polygamy-NonMonogamy, Queer Nation, Queer Theology, Religious Leaders, Rimming, Sodomy, STDs, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, June 24th, 2010
 Homosexual icon Frank Kameny coined the slogan "Gay Is Good." Now he says bestiality -- sex with animals -- is OK ("as long as the animal doesn't mind"). Kameny, who says the God of the Bible is a "sinful , homophobic bigot" who needs to repent, has denounced AFTAH's "Truth Academy," to be held outside Chicago Aug. 5-7, 2010.
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Our upcoming Truth Academy to teach young people how to counter “gay” activist misinformation is not proving to be very popular with GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) activists. In a letter to AFTAH, Frank Kameny, the world’s oldest and most respected (by GLBTs) homosexual activist, has denounced the Truth Academy, which will be held August 5-7 at AFTAH’s office in Carol Stream, Illinois [click HERE for more info].
Kameny is the fellow who can’t recall if he spoke at a 1981 meeting held by NAMBLA (the notorious North American Man/Boy Love Association; NAMBLA reported that he had attended). Kameny also wrote AFTAH to assert that bestiality is OK “as long as the animal doesn’t mind (and the animal rarely does).”
If Kameny is correct that we non-homosexuals have to learn only from homosexuals themselves when it comes to this culture-war issue, then I would ask him: please, teach us about the ethics of declaring the God of the Bible a “sinful, homophobic bigot” and committed Christians “Christianofascists”; or addressing a group that advocates sex between men and young boys (we might understand if you came to scold NAMBLA, but apparently you did not); and teach us about the ethics of bestiality. With regard to the latter, how exactly can a human being be sure that an animal is consenting to be his or her “sex partner”? Also, teach us why we should accept your (a)moral view that “Gay is good” and “Gay is Godly” (he wrote the latter as an admitted atheist) when that flies in the face of historic, Judeo-Christian teachings on sex and marriage.
It is a sobering thought that given his celebrated status as an icon of the proud homosexualist movement, Frank Kameny could one day be lifted up to students as an American hero and role model whose life should be studied — especially if an annual “Gay History Month” becomes a reality in schools (a perverse copy of Black History Month). As with another “gay” activist, Harvey Milk, students will learn only glamorized lessons about these LBGT icons and nothing that would undermine the homosexual activist movement.
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Posted in "Gay" Icons, "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bestiality, Biblical Truth, Frank Kameny, Gay Lies about AFTAH, Homosexual Activist History, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Morality and Moral Judgments, NAMBLA, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Sunday, August 16th, 2009
God allows sin to run its course as an act of judgment
By Peter LaBarbera
What President Obama calls an “obscure line” in the New Testament Book of Romans condemning homosexual behavior is not obscure at all. In fact, in Scripture the proliferation of homosexual sin is a key sign of the downfall of a culture. The following is the culmination of key passage in Romans describing mankind’s descent into wickedness. We read in 1:18: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” The passage continues as men stopped glorifying God “but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” The downward spiral into idolatry (1:22-23) continues:
[24] Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. [25] They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
[26] Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. [27] In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
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Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bestiality, Biblical Truth, Incest, News, Obama, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, July 17th, 2009
Dinner-Lecture Tonight, Friday, July 17: Arthur Goldberg, Co-Director of JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality), will be the featured speaker at AFTAH’s next dinner lecture on Friday, July 17. Dinner starts at 6:00 PM and Arthur’s talk and Q&A will run from 7:00-9:00. Arthur will be discussing his new book, “Light in the Closet: Torah, Homosexuality, and the Power to Change” [order HERE]. You will not want to miss this informative presentation from a man who — although not ex-“gay” himself — knows firsthand the reality that men and women can leave the homosexual lifestyle because that is his life’s work. RSVP to Angela at aftahangela@gmail.com. AFTAH’s office is at 25W560 Geneva Rd. in Carol Stream, IL, just west of Gary Ave. on Geneva Rd. Donations will be accepted to cover expenses.
Read Goldberg’s thoughts on “gay marriage” below:
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Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Bestiality, Current State Law, Denmark, Gay-on-gay violence, Government Promotion, Health & Science, Judaism, New Jersey, News, Norway, Physical Health, Polyamory, Promiscuity, Sweden, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, June 11th, 2008
Ninth Circuit chief judge into freakish porn
The Los Angeles Times reports today:
One of the highest-ranking federal judges in the United States, who is currently presiding over an obscenity trial in Los Angeles, has maintained his own publicly accessible website featuring sexually explicit photos and videos.
Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, acknowledged in an interview with The Times that he had posted the materials, which included a photo of naked women on all fours painted to look like cows and a video of a half-dressed man cavorting with a sexually aroused farm animal. Some of the material was inappropriate, he conceded, although he defended other sexually explicit content as “funny.”
Kozinski, 57, said that he thought the site was for his private storage and that he was not aware the images could be seen by the public, although he also said he had shared some material on the site with friends. After the interview Tuesday evening, he blocked public access to the site….
Click here for the full LA Times story: “9th Circuit’s chief judge posted sexually explicit matter on his website”
Posted in Bestiality, Court Decisions & Judges, Misc., News, Pornography |
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
AFTAH’s story on “gay” icon Frank Kameny and his belief that bestiality is a “constitutional right” (“as long as the animal doesn’t mind”) is making the rounds. Funny how our “queer” blog critics — even the fanatical AFTAH-haters at Box TURTLE Bulletin — don’t want to talk about it. The following story appeared in the conservative Canadian web newsite Canada Free Press:
Pro-family crusader looks to PETA to take a stand against bestiality promoter
Homosexual activist Frank Kameny says that bestiality is OK
By Judi McLeod Wednesday, June 4, 2008, Canada Free Press
Ingrid Newkirk, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Editor’s note: Some Canada Free Press readers may find the subject in this story objectionable.)
It seems that just about everyone has weighed in for his or her say now that homosexual activist Frank Kameny says that bestiality is OK if the animal approves.
Everyone that is other than the Ingrid Newkirk-led People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
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Posted in Activists, Bestiality, Biblical Truth, Celebrities, E - Praying for the Lost, Frank Kameny, Mental Health, News, Public Indecency, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy |

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