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Thursday, June 2nd, 2016
“They invent ways of doing evil…” (Romans 1:30)
“Repent…and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…” (Acts 3:19, NIV)
WARNING: graphic and offensive descriptions of vile homosexual acts
TAKE ACTION: Corporations Profiting Off Perversion: The homosexual perversion celebration known as “International Mr. Leather” (IML) 2016 was sponsored in part by Miller Lite Brewing Co. (312-496-2700), and Orbitz, a subsidiary of Expedia. Contact Orbitz at (844) 663-2266. Contact Expedia at 800-319-4834. To reach Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, which hosted IML, call 312-427-3800 or email: reservations@congressplazehotel.com.
And Please Pray: …for Lee, Eamon, Allen, Brendan and Alex–five men who attended IML and who discussed the Gospel and morality with us Saturday night outside IML.
By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Exclusive
Part One
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) held a peaceful Christian truth outreach against the homosexual “International Mr. Leather” (IML) conference Saturday night (May 28, 2016), across the street from the Chicago’s Congress Plaza Hotel, which hosted the perversion-fest.
Every year, on Memorial Day weekend, IML draws thousands of mostly homosexual “leathermen” from all over the world to a swank Chicago hotel to party, celebrate sadomasochistic deviance and practice some of the most heinous sexual acts invented by men–as well as everyday sodomies. In concert with IML, several orgiastic dance parties such as the “Black & Blue Ball” (sponsored in part by Miller Lite) are held in various Chicago venues. Here is the banner we used in our truth outreach:
Congress Plaza Hotel Profits Off Perversion
Homosexual “Mr. Leather” conference glorifies vile & dangerous behaviors
 Protesting Perversion and Sharing the Gospel: AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera (left) and Rob share truth Saturday night outside the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago, as it hosted the annual “International Mr. Leather” homosexual perversion-fest. The banner reads, “Congress Plaza Hotel Profits Off Perversion: Homosexual ‘Mr. Leather’ conference glorifies vile & dangerous behaviors.” The smaller yellow sign is taken from Acts 3:19: “Repent…and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…” The two men had many interesting conversations with IML attendees, in a spirit of civility. Click to enlarge.
My compatriot Rob and I walked through the IML “Leather Market” Saturday [more on that in the next article], then stood across the street from the Congress Plaza Hotel on the city’s famed Michigan Avenue for about five hours, leaving at midnight. The fact that we were not angrily shouting at the attendees softened the reaction to our message, although there was plenty of hostility to us.
A man named Lee wearing a “golden shower” t-shirt–that’s slang for the perverse fetish in which a man urinates on (or in) another man (or men) for sexual pleasure–approached us and we began bantering back and forth with us on various points of morality and theology. A smart, fast-talking man and an agnostic of sorts, Lee said he embraced homosexuality several years ago after being married and having children. He strongly opposed our message that homosexual behaviors are immoral but he appreciated our non-confrontational, friendly tone and several times stepped between us and IML attendees who might have harassed us or worse.
Strangely, Lee took it upon himself to serve as our “protector” throughout the night. At one point he even laughingly yelled “bad homos” to some people gathered across the street at the hotel who were shouting chants against us. Here he can be seen on the right with his perverse t-shirt; that’s a “Sister of Perpetual Indulgence” drag queen in the center behind the autho:
 An IML attendee named Lee (at right) took it upon himself to protect AFTAH’s two Truth emissaries from overly hostile homosexual activists. In the cap holding the sign is Peter LaBarbera. Behind him–the man in drag with white face and a cross–is a member of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a homosexual “troup” of drag-queens who mock Catholic nuns and Christianity in general while raising funds for various “gay”-related causes. See the Sisters’ wicked “Hunky Jesus” contest–mocking the Resurrection and held every Easter Sunday in a San Francisco. Click to enlarge.
We had many people praying for our protection at the IML outreach, so Rob and I took Lee’s presence as an answer to those prayers. Please pray for Lee and the others with whom we had discussions, including this wretched soul of a man wearing only a diaper and a leather harness:
 Satan Is Laughing… But we wanted to cry: this young man (“Eamon”) wearing a diaper and a leather harness walked across the street from Congress Plaza Hotel with some others, and spoke briefly with AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera. Pray for this lost soul, that God in His mercy will rescue him from the ravages of deviance and exploitation.
I spoke briefly with this pitiful fellow in a diaper–I think he said his name is Eamon–and urged him to read the Gospel of John in the New Testament. My heart was breaking as I tried to tell him above the surrounding noise that God has a better plan for his life, that He does not want to see people–made in His image–degraded and exploited. But Eamon was obviously drunk or high on something so I’m not sure if he will even remember our encounter. Pray that somehow the Lord in His infinite grace and mercy will rescue him.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in "Sexual Orientation"/"Gender Identity" and the Law, Bestiality, Biblical Truth, Coors, Corporations, Expedia, Leather, Miller Beer, Morality and Moral Judgments, News, Orbitz, Paganism, Puppy Play (Men living as dogs), Sadomasochism, Sexual Revolution, Sodomy, Travel Agencies |
Monday, September 3rd, 2007
Approximately 500 journalists, editors, producers, travel writers, bloggers and other communications workers from homosexual and mainstream media outlets gathered August 30 – September 2 for the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) annual conference.
As at past NLGJA conferences, conservative-leaning Fox News Network was among the sponsors and recruiters.
Titled “Breaking Stories, Breaking Waves,” the convention, held in downtown San Diego’s Westin Horton Plaza hotel, featured a one-day LGBT media summit, six receptions, and more than 50 sessions and workshops ranging from “Covering LGBT Conservatives” (oddly, the Christian-conservative-bashing Wayne Besen was a panelist), to “Will Gays Matter in ’08?” to “Sex Writing for Fun and Profit.”
Attendees included print and broadcast professionals from top U.S. mainstream news agencies such as CNN, Associated Press, ABC/Primetime, NBC, CBS, Fox News Network, Hearst Newspapers, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Bloomberg News, Newsday, the Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, CNBC, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Time Warner/Turner Broadcasting, Washington Post, Hartford Courant, People Magazine, NPR, Clear Channel Communications, Wired Magazine, Cox Enterprises, and USA Today.
Among major homosexual media outlets represented were the Washington Blade, Dallas Voice, San Diego’s Gay and Lesbian Times, GO Magazine, Gay News Watch, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), Bay Area Reporter, IN Los Angeles Magazine, Sirius OutQ Radio, CBS News on LOGO, and here! Networks.
Other organizations who sent employees to the convention, according to an attendee directory distributed with the registration package, included Cirque de Soleil; MGM Mirage; USC Annenberg School of Communications; Human Rights Campaign (HRC); Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN); Arizona State University Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication; JetBlue Airways; Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard; several Canadian tourism agencies; Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN); Lambda Legal; Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation; Out and Equal Workplace Advocates; Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Bureau; and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The convention included plenary sessions on the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and immigration issues affecting homosexuals, as well as a general session featuring a conversation with Larry Kramer, founder of the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT UP), a radical, “in your face” demonstration group that made headlines in December, 1989, for disrupting a Catholic Mass and destroying a consecrated Communion host at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City.
The Canadian Tourism Board was the presenting sponsor for the convention. Other sponsors included JetBlue Airways, CBS News, CNN, ESPN, General Motors, Toyota automobiles, Orbitz, Bloomberg, Coca-Cola, the Gill Foundation, Sony Pictures and Television, visitBritain, ABC News, Fox News Network, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and the Washington Post.
Among “Career & Community Expo” participants were the Associated Press, Dow Jones, Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation, MGM Mirage, Reuters, Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau, the New York Times, Fox News Network, and NBC Universal.
Other events occurring during the convention included a student projects, a documentary film screening, a “not so silent” auction, 12-step meetings, and a “San Diego Night Out.”
Americans For Truth sent reporter Allyson Smith to the convention for three days, where she attended more than a dozen sessions and raised issues of concern to pro-family advocates — including the biased manner in which “mainstream media” covers homosexuality-related issues. A full report about the sessions that Smith attended will follow in coming days.
Posted in ABC, AFT In the News, Authors & Journalists, CBS, CNN, FOX News, GLAAD, Government Promotion, HRC, Media Promotion, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, NBC, News, Orbitz, Pro-Homosexual Media, Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund, Washington Post |
Tuesday, November 14th, 2006
A hat tip to our friends at American Family Association:
In a show of support to help homosexuals legalize same-sex “marriage,” Wal-Mart has agreed to automatically donate 5% of online sales directly to the Washington DC Community Center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People. The cash donation will come from all online purchases made at Wal-Mart through the homosexual group’s web site. This move follows Wal-Mart’s joining the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and agreeing to give generous financial help to that group.
AFA says that Wal-Mart also gave a generous cash donation to the Northwest Arkansas GLBT Community Center.
AFA is calling for a boycott of Wal-Mart on the Friday following Thanksgiving, which is typically the biggest shopping day of the year.
To sign a pledge to participate in the one-day boycott,
click HERE.
Note from Americans for Truth – Wal-Mart is not the only company participating in this program. Other familiar retailers include:
- 1-800-Flowers (6%)
- Amazon (5%)
- Avon (8%)
- Barnes and Noble (5%)
- Disney Store (5%)
- FTD (6%)
- Gap (5%)
- Hallmark (12%)
- Office Max (4%)
- REI (5%)
- Staples (3%)
- Toys R Us (via Amazon, 5%)
- Verizon Online DSL ($40)
For a complete list of companies donating money from purchases to promote homosexuality, click HERE.
Posted in 1-800-Flowers, Amazon, American Express, Ashford, Avon, Babystyle!, Barnes & Noble, Bluefly, Buy.com, CD Gear, Chumbo, Continental, Dell, Delta, Disney (LEAGUE), Drugstore.com, eBags, Expedia, Florist.com, Fogdog Sports, FragranceNet, FTD, Gap, Hallmark, J Crew, J&R Computer & Music World, Jewelry Web, JP Morgan Chase, Microsoft (GLEAM), Microwarehouse, Netflix, News, Office Max, Orbitz, Priceline, Red Envelope, Register.com Domains, REI, Ritz Camera, Sephora, Sharper Image, Shoebuy.com, Shutterfly, SmarterKids, Stamps.com, Staples, Toys R Us, Travelocity, Universal Gear, Verizon, Wal-Mart (PRIDE), WatchZone |
Wednesday, September 6th, 2006
By Peter LaBarbera
Fox News and Wal-mart are among the high-level ($10,000) sponsors of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association’s (NLGJA) 2006 Convention in Miami (Sept 7-10 at Loew’s Miami Beach Hotel). Every year, the NLGJA garners hundreds of thousands of dollars in Big Media sponsorships for its convention; this year it appears (based on the sponsorship list below) that the total is around half a milliion dollars in corporate support.
The NLGJA bills itself as merely a professional organization for journalists who “happen to be gay,” as the liberal cliche goes. But the organization advocates a pro-homosexual “spinning” of the news not unlike the activist group GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Note, for example, the NLGJA’s advice to the media regarding coverage of Lance Bass, the ‘N Sync band member who recently publicly revealed his homosexuality:
- The term “gay” is the preferred adjective that has largely replaced “homosexual” in referring to men who are sexually and affectionally attracted to other men. “Homosexual” should be used only if “heterosexual” would be used in parallel constructions, such as in medical contexts.
- Whether in headlines, teases, or body copy, try to avoid using forms of the word “admit,” which is typically used in the context of something shameful or illegal. Some examples of less potentially charged words are “announce,” “disclose” and “say.”
While it is true that the “mainstream” (read: dominant liberal) media is so pro-homosexuality these days that it is hard to discern between media activism and plain old homosexual-group activism, that does not make it right. The media should play it down the middle on homosexuality and other controversial issues, not serve as a cheerleader for the “gay rights” cause.
Yet over the years, NLGJA members have repeatedly suggested that covering “both sides” of homosexuality-related issues is like quoting the KKK on stories about African Americans–a preposterous analogy especially considering that Blacks and minorities poll stronger against “gay marriage” than whites. Thus, if you think the Lance Bass advice above is tendentious, try this from NLGJA National President Eric Hegedus (a page designer for the Philadelphia Inquirer), who repeats the spurious white supremacist comparison on the journalist group’s website (emphasis added):
How appropriate is it to quote interviewees whose ideas could be considered homophobic?… Certainly, news organizations have written extensively about white supremacists and other hate groups. For instance, in October we saw a flurry of stories about 13-year-old twins Lamb and Lynx Gaede, who use entertainment to promote the supremacist movement (“Young singers spread racist hate,” said a headline on the ABC News Web site). But I doubt that any journalist is adding them to a source contact list for bringing “balance” to future stories about reparations, interracial marriage, the Holocaust or immigration. That same ethic needs to extend to LGBT coverage, too.
Although not all NLGJA members may share Hegedus’ view on this, clearly the NLGJA is an activist organization with a strong institutional bias against those espousing traditionalist views on homosexuality.
Our question for Fox News executives is: if you are truly “fair and balanced,” will you now give an equal and corresponding grant to Americans for Truth or another pro-family organization, say, Accuracy in Media, that counters the ubiquitous pro-“gay” spin in the media? We’ll be awaiting your answer.
The following are corporate sponsors for this year’s NLGJA conference in Miami:
“Groundbreaker Level” – $35,000
• Miami Herald
• El Nuevo Herald
• McClatchy Co
“Headliner Level” – $25,000
• Planet Out
• Harrah’s
• Jet Blue
“Editorial Level” – $15,000
• MGM Mirage
• Gannett Foundation
• Hearst Corp
• Coca Cola
• Orbitz
• US Newswire
• Verizon
• Microsoft
“Feature Level” – $10,000
• NBC Universal
• Key West
• Gilead
• Toyota
• Passport
• (illegible)
• Bloomberg
• Wal-Mart – [That’s right, the same Wal-Mart that recently gave $25,000 to National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is also sponsoring NLGJA–Ed.]
• Sam’s Club
• Fox News
“News Brief Level” – $5,000
• ABC News
• GM
• Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau
• Hill & Knowlton
• Kimpton Hotels
• Nielson Media Research
• Q Syndicate
• China Grill
“Source Level” – up to $5,000
• Los Angeles Times
• Page & Author
• South Florida Black Journalists Association
• South Florida Sun-Sentinel
• Washington Post
• Tribune Company
Posted in Coca Cola, Corporate Promotion, FOX News, Harrah's, IBM (EAGLE), Jet Blue, Media Promotion, Microsoft (GLEAM), News, NLGJA, Orbitz, Sam's Club, Toyota, Verizon, Wal-Mart (PRIDE) |

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