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“Why do these adult activists so desperately want little children to learn all about homosexuality and gender deviance? Without parents present? That fits the definition of grooming.”
Be Your ‘True,’ Deviant Self? Leading homosexual-bisexual-transgender pressure organization Human Rights Campaign’s digital booklet, “Coming Out Authentically: Living as Bisexual+,” encourages youth to embrace aberrant and sinful identities in the name of “truth.” HRC is a leading opponent of the Florida pro-parental-rights-in-education bill just signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Folks, if there’s anyone in the USA who has a right to say, “I told you so” about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, [__Insert current, trendy perversion HERE__]) lobby’s penetration of our educational system, it’s my good friend and longtime pro-family warrior, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America. Please share this important piece far and wide.–Peter LaBarbera, AmericansForTruth.News; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda
By Linda Harvey, reprinted by permission from MissionAmerica.com, March 30, 2022
There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward children– depraved and aggressive– and it’s now more obvious than ever.
The Florida Parental Rights Bill (HB 1557) reveals the crass, exploitative underbelly of “gay” activism and is a threat to the prize target of many wayward adults—vulnerable children.
This important bill recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis protects children in kindergarten through third grade from homosexual and gender deviance indoctrination in lessons, books and so on. It also prohibits schools from withholding physical/mental health information from a parent.
The law makes perfect sense and my hope is that we can pass many such bills in other states. I wish lawmakers had extended it to all grade levels, but perhaps that seemed an unreachable goal. Yet the measure is a good start. It also helpfully elicited a furious reaction from the “LGBTQ” community.
The sexual anarchy lobby named the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and even organized walkouts of mostly high school students, showing a limited understanding of what the bill does.
Human Rights Campaign, for instance, is already selling “Ok to Say Gay” T-shirts—but ironically, none in sizes for small children. Doesn’t HRC believe these “youth” should have the “right” to identify as “LGBTQ”? Or is that just for backroom discussions?
Once again, it’s all about the adults and their preferences/depravities, and child human shields are mostly unimportant, except for perhaps the hard-to-locate gender-confused 6-year-old, who will be sadly paraded as a literal poster child in upcoming court cases in the hope of overturning this bill.
Does the sustained outrage mean that Big Gay will now openly push small grade schoolers to identify as LGBTQ? There’s a term for that: grooming.
No Criticism of Trans-Insanity Allowed: Facebook cited the above 2016 post as the reason for banishing the private account of AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for 30 days. The post advertises the 2016 AFTAH banquet presentation by pro-family Christian advocate Linda Harvey. The picture is from the Twitter feed of Alex Matheny, a beautiful young woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed two years ago in her tragic quest to identify as a man. Just days ago, Facebook “unpublished” Americans For Truth’s FB page, citing similar “hate” violations.
UPDATE, 11-26-18: Today I received this notification from Facebook that my “appeal” had been rejected, so my 30-day “jail” sentence remains. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Well, what do you know? Just a few days after Americans For Truth’s Facebook page was “unpublished” due to ridiculous alleged “hate” violations [See articles in LifeSiteNews, WND and AFTAH], my private Facebook page (Peter LaBarbera) was just put on 30-day “Facebook jail” notice for the attached post advertising Linda Harvey speaking at the AFTAH banquet–way back in October 2016!
That means for 30 days from Saturday, Nov. 24, I will be unable to post on Facebook or communicate using Facebook’s Messenger service. I clicked the “appeal” button, but don’t count on the nameless, corporate bureaucrats and “social justice warriors” at this social media giant to admit that they made a mistake.
Take a look at my allegedly “hateful” FB post above. So now it’s OK for a severely gender-confused young woman (in this case, Alex Matheny) to have her healthy breasts surgically removed (essentially a medically unnecessary double-mastectomy), but it’s “hate” for us to criticize it and warn parents and youth that this is destructive and wrong? How absurd. Pro-LGBTQueer “Progressives” hate truth.
Queer Role Models for Kids? A self-styled “drag queen” (this is a man) holds a copy of “Princess Boy,” a “children’s” picture book promoting gender confusion about a boy who “likes to wear his princess tiara,” etc. This introduction from the opening page of the “Drag Queen Story Hour” website reads: “Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like–drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restriction and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”
Folks, one of the dirtiest secrets of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender (aka “gay”) activist movement is that it has been sexualizing and corrupting children, in some form or another, from the beginning. Back when homosexualist power was a tiny sliver of what it is today, LGB(T) activists tried to hide that element of their agenda. But now that they dominate society at the elite level, with zero accountability from the media, their contempt for the innocence of even very young children is “out of the closet.”
For the “T” lobby these unconscionable Story Hours are a “three-fer”: they get to mock real women, indoctrinate innocent, impressionable children, and mainstream “queer” deviance all at the same time! But the main motivation, it seems, is for pro-LGBTQueer parents (especially homosexuals themselves) to transmit their decadent values to their children. Thus “gay parenting” serves as a catalyst for the wider corruption of kids in the culture. My friend Gina Miller ably tackles this disturbing new brand of perversion-promotion below. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Standing Against ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’
By Gina Miller, first published Sept. 14, 2018
Last Saturday, I was part of a protest against a “Drag Queen Story Hour” being held at a public library in Mobile, Alabama. These events, which are happening in libraries and public schools all across the nation, are one of the newer weapons in the homofascist arsenal, and they target little children from three to eight years old.
The events are grotesque spectacles of men dressed garishly as “women” reading “children’s” books (that include feminist, homosexual and “transgender” themed stories) to little ones
whose parents foolishly choose to bring them. A December 2016 column by a writer for the DailyWire reports that the “Drag Queen Story Hours” were spawned by homosexual and feminist groups in New York and San Francisco, in response to Donald Trump’s election in 2016.
Yours with any gift of $100 or more to AFTAH. Give online HERE.
Learn the hard truth, help AFTAH: Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is offering a copy of the MassResistance book, “The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals,” for your gift to AFTAH of $100 or more.
This is not a book for the faint of heart, nor for those who seek to deny the politically incorrect reality about destructive homosexual behaviors. (That includes most “progressives” and the LGBTQ Cheerleading Squad otherwise known as “the media.”) Its nearly 600 pages are loaded with CDC data and medical reports about the dangers of homosexual practices–i.e., the disturbing, unmentionable facts that lie beneath the “gay”-affirming veneer used to sell homosexuality to youth and the larger culture. That’s why sexual perversion activists HATE this book and don’t want you to read it. We need to get it into every library in the world.
Yours with $100 donation: Give safely online HERE (request “Health Hazards” book in Comments section on form) or send your check for $100 or more to: Americans For Truth (AFTAH), P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522, and we will send you a copy of “Health Hazards of Homosexuality.”
I challenge you to do what I’m doing: read this well-researched book by the end of the year. Then you will be better armed as a truthful change agent in our deceived culture. If you have further questions, ask for Brad Wallace by calling AFTAH at 312-324-3787 or write him at connops@yahoo.com. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera; americansfortruth@gmail.com.
Obsessed with Mike Pence and Corrupting Kids: in HBO host John Oliver’s world, it’s a really good thing to teach toddlers that rabbits are “gay” and that only meanies (like Vice President Pence) are against homosexuality-based “marriage.” Photo is from his recent HBO rant against the VP.
Folks, this email article is by Micah Clark, the very able president of American Family Association of Indiana — the state where Vice President Mike Pence served as governor before being chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate. Clark cites an important piece by Matt Walsh of The Blaze, “The Left’s Insane Hatred of Mike Pence Is Nothing But Anti-Christian Bigotry,” regarding the escalating pro-LGBTQ campaign demonizing the VP. I discussed the same phenomenon on VCY America radio HERE and with Christian talker Janet Mefferd HERE. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
I rarely send two emails in a week, particularly when the legislature is not in session. However, in the past couple of years, I have become increasingly concerned about a growing hostility toward religion, (and Christianity in particular) in our state and nation. Some of our biggest and most rancorous battles at AFA-IN now involve the defense of our religious freedoms.
I am sure that you remember the vitriol and hatred against people of faith on display during the RFRA [Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act] battle. You may also recall that two years ago, Indiana State Senator Travis Holdman nearly succeeded in passing two bills that not only would have opened up bathrooms and locker rooms to sexually confused men, placing women and children at risk, they would also, “decide who enjoys [religious] liberty and who will be denied liberty” according to a Liberty Council legal review of SB 100 and SB 344.
I want to pass along two articles that came out this week pointing out the bigotry against Christianity that has escalated with the election of Indiana’s own Mike Pence. The first article can be read here from The Indianapolis Star editorial cartoonist and columnist Gary Varvel. He observes:
“In this age of tolerance, there is one group that the preachers of tolerance will not tolerate – Christians.”
Obsessed with Celebrating Homosexuality: HBO late night host John Oliver uses Vice President Mike Pence and his Christian faith as a punching bag. Oliver created a version of Pence’s daughter’s children’s book about their pet rabbit by making the rabbit “gay.”
Folks, yesterday I was a guest on the Milwaukee-based VCY America “Crosstalk” radio program with host Jim Schneider. You can listen to the program on MP3 HERE. We discussed the raging intolerance of the homosexual-transgender movement. Below is VCY’s synopsis of the program. Suffice it to say that just when you think “progressives” couldn’t sink any lower, they do–now simultaneously demonizing the VP (and by extension, biblical Christians everywhere) AND promoting sexual perversion to toddlers! I’d say shame on Oliver but I don’t think the Left has any shame. Oh well, their meanness will backfire and rally more Americans to oppose leftist political correctness. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
LGBT Lobby’s Intolerance
Posted on March 20th, 2018
?Date: March 20, 2018
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Peter LaBarbera
?Listen: MP3 ?| Order
In an update to a recent story, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of NIFLA v. Becerra. This is one of 4 cases involving crisis pregnancy centers challenging a California law requiring them to post government prescribed, pro-abortion messages in their facilities and advertising or be fined (See Crosstalk-3/16/18).
Jim also provided brief details on the latest school shooting that took place at Great Mills High School in Maryland.
Peter LaBarbera is the president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. Below is a sample list of stories he commented on that show the intolerance of some within the LGBT community.
–Milwaukee, WI., is seeking to pass an ordinance that would criminalize what’s known as ‘conversion therapy’ within the city. In their testimony before the Committee of the Common Council, LGBT activists kept pointing to religion, Christianity and ministries as the problem. The hearing was held with apparently no notice to pastors or churches. The matter passed by committee and now the Common Council is set to meet next week but it’s uncertain if this issue will be on the agenda.
–Vice President Mike Pence has come under fire from John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres and others because his daughter wrote a children’s book about giving a tour of the White House and the vice presidential living quarters.
–A religious studies major was barred from a Christianity class at Indiana University in Pennsylvania for communicating in class that there are only two genders.
–Mike Pompeo has been appointed by President Trump to replace the outgoing Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. LGBT groups are livid about this change.
–LGBTQ Nation mentions a study that allegedly finds a link between being brain damaged and being a religious fundamentalist. Peter believes promotion of such attacks against faith could backfire on the LGBTQ community and may actually put President Trump back in office for another term.
–The classic Louisa May Alcott book, ‘Little Women’ to be rewritten to develop a lesbian relationship within the storyline.
–There will be an Ohio 4-H LGBTQ+ Summit April 27th and 28th in Columbus.
–Fort Lauderdale, Florida, just elected a new mayor who is openly ‘gay’.
More Information
Americans for Truth about Homosexuality
Warning: This report contains some offensive descriptions and graphics
Self-Delusion, Self-Destruction: This is a young Massachusetts woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed to live out her “transgender” fantasy that she is a “man.” The homosexual-transgender lobby is advocating such body-mutilating surgeries even for “trans” minors–and at taxpayers’ expense through the military and government-subsidized health care. Photo: MassResistance.org.
This special report by AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for Accuracy in Media was first published by AIM on August 19, 2016; we have taken the liberty of adding several photos with captions to the original article.
The purpose of this report is to expose and refute some of the longstanding statistical lies and propagandistic myths of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activist movement. With media support, homosexual and leftist activists now openly campaign to banish dissenting conservative voices. This dangerous dynamic gives the homosexual-transgender lobby nearly full rein to advance its agenda, which now includes:
Levying large fines to punish Christians and traditionalists who do not want to participate with their small business in homosexual “weddings”;
Criminalizing pro-heterosexual change therapy for sexually confused minors;
Using the government to force schools and businesses to allow “transgenders”—e.g., men who think they are women—to use public female (opposite-sex) restrooms and locker rooms;
Using LGBT “nondiscrimination” laws to mandate that public schools and businesses punish anyone who does not adhere to politically-correct transgender-inclusive language—such as using “zir” instead of “her.” New York City now demands “respect” for 31 “gender identities,” including “genderqueer,” “third sex” and “pangender”;
Taxpayer-funding for horrifying, body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries,” e.g., a woman having her healthy breasts surgically removed to look like a flat-chested “man,” or a man having his penis surgically destroyed to craft a makeshift “vagina”;
Allowing transsexuals into the U.S. military, and paying for their destructive, gender-bending “surgeries” in the name of “health care”;
Encouraging young people to adopt opposite-sex “gender identities”—even going so far as encouraging underage children to take hormones to offset puberty—in a futile attempt to “become” the opposite sex—or worse: allowing minor boys and girls to have their sexual organs surgically mutilated to appear like the opposite-sex; and
Teaching very young children—even kindergartners—to accept homosexuality and the radical “transgender” idea that they can choose a “gender identity” that does not match their biological sex.
So awash is the public in pro-homosexual propaganda that a 2011 Gallup poll found the average American “guesstimated” that a whopping 25 percent of the population is “gay.” (Women and people under 30 put the number even higher, at around 30 percent.) The actual percentage of homosexual men, lesbians and bisexuals in the U.S. population is just 2.3 percent (see below).
The 10 Percent Myth
This ’10 Percent’ Lie Helped Grow “Gay” Power: For decades homosexual activists promoted the myth — started by a homosexual activist — that a full 10 percent of the populace is “gay.” Reality finally caught up with the LGBT Lobby: a major U.S. government survey found that only 2.3 percent of those polled in 2013 identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Above is a book by homosexual activist Kevin Jennings claiming that one in ten teachers is homosexual.
The “10 percent” myth is one of the most enduring propaganda claims of the homosexual activist movement. Concocted in the late 1970s by Bruce Voeller, founder of the National Gay Task Force (predecessor of today’s National LGBTQ Task Force), it was accompanied by the slogan, “We Are Everywhere.”
Thus, just as “gay” militants pressured and bullied America’s mental health professionals to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1973, they greatly exaggerated the homosexual population to expand their political power in subsequent years. And the media duly cooperated by promoting the statistical sham. For decades American reporters treated the 10 percent claim—a misreading of deviant, pioneering “sexologist” Alfred Kinsey’s discredited research—as fact, using it to “report” huge numbers of alleged homosexuals in society.
The 10 percent myth served its purpose of projecting enormous “gay” political strength when the movement was still weak. But study after study came up with estimates of the homosexual-bisexual population under 5 percent. A massive 2014 survey of 35,557 Americans by the federal National Center for Health Statistics dealt a death blow to the Ten Percent claim. It found that only 1.6 percent of those polled identified as “gay or lesbian,” while 0.7 percent said they were “bisexual.” In 2011 the pro-LGBT Williams Institute at UCLA estimated that 0.3 percent identified as transgender. Thus a combined estimate for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders in America is around 3 percent.
Born Gay?—No Way
Another popular “gay” activist myth is the notion that homosexuals are “born that way.” This convenient narrative—stoked for many years by LGBT advocates—takes morality out of the homosexual debate by suggesting that homosexuals are not responsible for their sexual behaviors because “being gay” is a genetic part of “who they are.”
From a scientific perspective, however, the “born gay” myth—like its bogus “10 Percent Gay” counterpart—has fallen on hard times. In the 1990s, talk of a “gay gene” was all the rage after then-closeted homosexual researcher Dean Hamer published a media-ballyhooed 1993 study in the journal Sciencepurporting to find a “genetic marker” for male homosexual “orientation.” But Science could not replicate its own study, and other attempts failed as well. Now genetic homosexuality is no longer in vogue, although the possibility of a “gay gene” still excites reporters.
This 7th-grade photo of Jesse Dirkhising is from the Lincoln (Middle) School yearbook in 1999 — the same year he was killed after being sadistically raped and sodomized by homosexuals (and lovers) David Don Carpenter and Joshua Macave Brown. Dirkhising’s murder was largely ignored by cultural elites — while homosexual Matthew Shepard’s murder was given extraordinary, worldwide media coverage (based on a false “hate crime” narrative).
Update 9/26/2014: Fifteen years ago today, a 13-year-old Arkansas boy, Jesse Dirkhising, was sodomized to death by two older homosexual men who used him as their “sex toy.” This account by my friend and AFTAH adviser Allyson Smith gives the sordid and astonishing facts of his sadistic rape-killing.
Both of Jesse’s assailants, the more sinister (and older), David Don Carpenter, who planned the sickening, penetrative assault on Jesse, and his (their) lover, Joshua Macave Brown, were friends of Jesse’s mother, Tina Yates, who naively allowed the boy to go away with the men and stay the night in another town. Tragically, Yates’ “pro-gay” attitudes contributed to the cruel death of her son.
We remember this Victim of Homosexuality today. Jesse would be 28 and in the prime of his life today were that life not robbed from him by sadistic “gay” predators who used him for their deviant sexual pleasures. More coming on this. — Peter LaBarbera. AFTAH
The Homosexual Rape-Murder of Young Jesse Dirkhising
No National Cathedral memorial event for Arkansas boy — while “progressives” continue to stoke Matthew Shepard “hate crime” myth shattered by new Stephen Jimenez book
The following article by my good friend and AFTAH writer Allyson Smith is adapted from her definitive 2002 WND.com article on the horrific and gruesome murder of a 13-year-old Arkansas boy, Jesse Dirkhising — who died from asphyfixiation and drugging after being brutally and sadistically sodomized by a homosexual man, under the twisted guidance of another (his much older “gay” lover). As WND reported,
“Dirkhising was found by police unconscious on the floor of a Prairie Grove, Ark. residence around 5 a.m. Sept. 26, 1999, his hands bound with duct tape and his mouth gagged. Police later determined Dirkhising had been repeatedly raped over a period of hours, including with foreign objects, by [Joshua] Brown, then 22, and Davis Don Carpenter, then 38….[A]uthorities said after the last rape he was left bound and gagged while his attackers ate a sandwich. He died of suffocation, a coroner’s report found.”
The two homosexual lovers who sexually tortured the boy — Joshua Brown and his older partner, Davis Don Carpenter — were both friends of Jesse’s mother, who reportedly was happy to let her son hang out with the men and even stay over the weekend in their apartment in a town 32 miles away. [Go HERE to read a PDF facsimile of the initial police report of the crime.] In 2000, AFTAH’s flagship newsletter, Lambda Report, reported:
“Evidence from the Jesse Dirkhising case suggest the Arkansas boy’s killers were following bondage and sodomy rituals of the type laid out in scores of books and magazines fueling the growing “leather” subculture — popular among “gay” men — that eroticizes pain, dominance and humiliation.”
As fate would have it, only a year and a few days separate the anniversary dates of the rape-murder of Dirkhising (September 26, 1999) from that of the assault on murdered Wyoming homosexual college student Matthew Shepard(October 6, 1998). But only one murder — with its contrived, convenient and politically-correct “hate crime” story-line — became useful to pro-homosexual “progressives” and the liberal media, while the other was largely ignored.
Shepard’s 1998 murder (condemned by this writer and many pro-family groups and leaders at the time) drew worldwide coverage as a supposed “anti-gay hate crime.” It is still commonly commemorated as such — despite the publication of homosexual author Stephen Jimenez’s new book, The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard, which shatters that the longstanding media and LGBT activist narrative that Shepard was targeted and murdered “because he was gay.”
Jimenez, building on his groundbreaking 2004 ABC News 20/20 expose showing that Shepard’s death was largely a drug robbery, demonstrates conclusively that Shepard not only knew his killer, Aaron McKinney — who like him was a methampthetamine dealer — but partied with him and may even have been involved sexually with him. (In his murder trial, McKinney attempted a “gay panic” defense, claiming that he sought to punish the supposed stranger Shepard because the latter came on to him at a bar.) Jimenez interviewed ten sources who testified that McKinney knew and associated with Shepard.
National Cathedral marks Matthew’s death, not Jesse’s
Seemingly oblivious to the well-researched revelations in Jimenez’s book, the Washington National Cathedral, in the nation’s capital, held an anniversary event last weekend in remembrance of the Shepard murder in the context of “honoring gay youth.”
In contrast, there were no national commemorations last week of Dirkhising’s 1999 murder. Conservatives have attempted with little success over the years to get the “mainstream” media to acknowledge that the pedophilic, sadistic-sex killing of young Dirkhising by two homosexual lovers deserved as much coverage as the brutal beating of Shepard. But the response that often came back was that the Shepard case (as an alleged “hate crime”) had something to teach America (i.e., about “hate” and tolerance) while the Dirkhising case was merely another sordid sex crime.
Symbolizing the media double-standard, TIME magazine essayist Johnathan Gregg wrote back in 1999:
“The reason the Dirkhising story received so little play is because it offered no lessons. Shepard’s murder touches on a host of complex and timely issues: intolerance, society’s attitudes toward gays and the pressure to conform, the use of violence as a means of confronting one’s demons. Jesse Dirkhising’s death gives us nothing except the depravity of two sick men. There is no lesson here, no moral of tolerance, no hope to be gleaned in the punishment of the perpetrators. To be somehow equated with these monsters would be a bitter legacy indeed for Matthew Shepard.”
In a courageous work, openly homosexual author Stephen Jimenez has laid bare the many media myths surrounding the Matthew Shepard murder — which was a drug crime and not a “hate crime.”
Now the evidence continues to mount that the entire foundation of the Shepard story underlying Gregg’s tendentious thesis is bogus and its true lessons have nothing to with hate or “gay tolerance” — but rather the dangers of meth addiction, drug and alcohol abuse, family breakdown, reckless living and even the effects of homosexual molestation. (Ironically, the Dirkhising story teaches some of those same lessons.) Jimenez documents (HIV-positive) Shepard’s repeated sexual aggressions, and the book ends with this shocking revelation:
“Matthew Shepard was a victim of sexual abuse and molestation as a boy and as a teenager…Apparently, his wounds from being sexually victimized also manifested in another common, but tragic pattern: The victim becomes a perpetrator himself….At age fifteen Matthew was arrested for molesting two eight-year-old boys in his Casper [Wyoming] neighborhood…Matthew’s juvenile arrest record had been quietly concealed.”
Not all crime victims are equal
Unfortunately, there is a politically-correct hierarchy of victims in the United States — and (white, middle class) “gay” victims are at the top while, perhaps, boys seduced and abused by homosexual pedophiles are at the bottom. Most Americans have never heard the basic facts surrounding Jesse Dirkhising’s troubled upbringing and the savage sexual assault that cruelly cut short his life as a young teenager. On the other hand, most Americans have heard a false and grotesquely simplified ‘spinning’ of the Shepard murder that just happens to fit the needs of the “Gay” Lobby and the liberal media who have come to be its most important allies. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
PS. Americans For Truth has obtained firsthand materials surrounding the prosecution of Dirkhising’s murderers and will have more on this story. We will also lay out in greater detail some of the startling facts about the Shepard murder brought forth by Stephen Jimenez in his The Book of Matt. [Allyson Smith’s article is after the jump]