Government Promotion

Kevin Jennings’ 1997 Transcript: ‘Promoting Homosexuality’ in Schools and Praising Pro-NAMBLA ‘Gay’ Activist Harry Hay

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

Is the immoral vision of this homosexual revolutionary becoming America’s reality?

NOTE TO READERS: the following Americans For Truth transcript, derived from an audiotape recording of a speech made at a 1997 GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) conference, is at the source for the current “Harry Hay-NAMBLA” controversy surrounding GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings — President Obama’s “Safe Schools” deputy at the Department of Education. (The left-wing group Media Matters cites it HERE.) This transcript was provided by Brian Burt, then a volunteer writer/reporter for the Americans For Truth publication “Lambda Report.” We will endeavor to provide the tape to the public to counteract the absurd attempts to discredit this and other first-hand AFTAH reports on Jennings and GLSEN simply because AFTAH is a conservative organization. — Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality,

P.S. It would seem fairly easy for Jennings to clarify his position on NAMBLA — all he has to do is issue a clear statement of his opposition to this evil “man-boy love” organization. Homosexual activist groups and leaders similarly denounced NAMBLA — which marched in early “gay pride” parades and whose “right” to do so was enthusiastically defended by “gay” icon Harry Hay —  when they perceived that being tied to the notorious pederasty group was an impediment to their progress.


mass_resistance_lesbian_girls-youth-pride-2009.jpgHave Kevin Jennings and GLSEN almost won? Obama Department of Education appointee Kevin Jennings looked forward to the day when people would shrug their shoulders at the news that “gay” groups like the one he founded (GLSEN) are “promoting homosexuality” in schools. Has America become so corrupt and decadent that this “queer” activist’s twisted vision has become true?  TAKE ACTION: write Education Secretary Arne Duncan ( or call him (202-401-3000) with the message that you do not want your tax dollars spent on “promoting homosexuality” in schools. Also, urge your Senators and Congressman (202-224-3121) to call on Duncan to withdraw the appointment of Jennings — an anti-religious bigot who said (in a church) “[F**k] ’em” and “Drop dead” to religious traditionalists — as “Safe School” Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Department of Education. Photo at left is from MassResistance’s coverage of the 2009 homosexual “Youth Pride” parade.

The following transcript of a 1997 speech by Kevin Jennings is reprinted from the Lambda Report, Jan.-Feb. 1998 [LR, published by Peter LaBarbera, preceded Americans For Truth About Homosexuality]:


GLSEN’s Jennings: ‘That is our mission from this day forward’

The following is a transcript of GLSEN founder and executive director Kevin Jennings’ comments before “Looking to the Future” panel at GLSEN’s Mid-Atlantic conference, held October 25, 1997 at the Grace Church School in New York City. A few incidental words and phrases have been removed for clarity:

Two years ago, one of our board members, one named Ann Simon, was called to testify before Congress when they had hearings on the promotion of homosexuality in schools. And we were busy putting out press releases, and saying, ‘We’re not promoting homosexuality, that’s not what our program’s about. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.’ And my best friend, who’s a straight women who lives in London, e-mailed me…and she said, ‘So what if you are?’ And I thought of how I can get so wrapped up in my own defensiveness, and…the day-to-day struggle, and stuff, that being finished might some day mean that most straight people, when they would hear that someone was promoting homosexuality, would say ‘Yeah, who cares?’ because they wouldn’t necessarily equate homosexuality with something bad that you would not want to promote. And when we were talking there, and Mike said, ‘You know, and I’d like five years from now—right now let’s face it, for large swells of people they think of GLSEN and kids, and they think, ‘GLSEN is bad for kids.’ They do because of their stereotypes and misinformation—I’d like five years from now for most Americans when they hear the word GLSEN to think, ‘Ooh, that’s good for kids.’’

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Matt Barber: Commies, Fascists and Perverts, Oh My!

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Student/Pastor discounts to hear Barber at AFTAH banquet Sat., Oct. 24


Rainbow Agenda in Schools: GLSEN, the group that President Obama’s “Safe Schools” advisor, Kevin Jennings, founded, promotes books like “Rainbow Boys” that recklessly advance the idea that homosexuality and “gay” sex are normative. Read pro-family advocate Linda Harvey’s description of “Rainbow Boys” HERE. Who decided that America’s taxpayer-funded schools would become pro-homosexuality indoctrination zones?

Leave it to Matt Barber to get to the heart of a matter, in this case the scandalous appointment of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) founder Kevin Jennings to head up President Obama’s “Safe Schools” efforts. The real issue in this controversy is Jennings’ promotion of homosexual and gender-confused lifestyles — to innocent children in schools, using stealth tactics and misleading euphemisms like, well… “safe schools.” Since when did tax-funded schools become pro-homosexuality indoctrination zones for impressionable kids?

Homosexual practice is wrong (sinful), unnatural, physically destructive — and most important, changeable (hence the many ex-“gays” living happy lives). Homosexuality is not and never will be the basis for a healthy “identity.” Even if Jennings hadn’t failed to report a predatory situation involving one of his sophomore students (“Brewster”); even if he he hadn’t used the F-word in a church to denounce the “religious right”; or if he had never presided over “Fistgate” — an unbelievable educational atrocity in which Massachusetts minors were given perverted “how-to” talks about “fisting” by homosexual adults — Jennings should be removed from his government job because his whole life’s work is to promote immoral sexual and gender lifestyles to children.

Come hear Matt as the keynote speaker at AFTAH’s fundraising banquet on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2009 at the Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, IL. And if you can, pay for a student or your pastor to come — to encourage you to do so, we’ll cut the price in half from $50 to just $25/student or pastor. Young people and our spiritual leaders need to hear Matt’s bold, unapologetic approach to the “culture wars.” You can sign up online using the “Online Banquet Sign-up” form at Thank you! — Peter LaBarbera


Here is Matt’s piece on Kevin Jennings:

Commies, Fascists and Perverts, Oh My!

By Matt Barber
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Obama’s inner-circle is shaping-up like the bar scene from Star Wars. It’s a swollen throng of unaccountable czars and policy advisors comprised of some of the most bizarre fringe leftists imaginable. As mom always said, you’re known by the company you keep and Obama keeps some downright creepy company.

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Obama to Keynote at Anti-Christian Homosexual Lobby Group ‘Human Rights Campaign’

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

By celebrating this “queer” organization, the president honors a new form of bigotry that equates Bible-believers and even pastors with “hate”

joesolmonese2.jpgPromoting Human Wrongs in the Name of Human Rights: HRC and its president, Joe Solmonese, love to smear defenders of traditional marriage and the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality (including preachers) as “haters” and “extremists.” Barack Obama demeans the office of the presidency of the United States by celebrating this radical and profoundly anti-Christian organization.

President Barack Obama is telegraphing his left-wing sympathies and defiance of America’s historic, Judeo-Christian-based morality to the world. The same man who didn’t have time for the National Day of Prayer has worked into his busy schedule a keynote address at a fundraiser Saturday for the world’s largest homosexual lobby group — one that glories in its anti-religious bigotry (masquerading as tolerance, of course). Yes, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is really all about Human Wrongs — whether it’s demonizing as “extremists” Americans who are simply trying to protect the age-old definition of marriage; crusading for legislation that denies our First Amendment right to defend normalcy and Judeo-Christian mores; lobbying for taxpayer funding of transsexual “sex-change” mutilations operations; or its ongoing attempt to redefine the clear Word of God to serve the sinful cause of “proud” homosexuality. (HRC’s Harry Knox — an Obama “faith council” appointee — outrageously calls his own homosexuality a “gift from God.”) At bottom is the HRC press release below highlighting Obama’s address Saturday evening.

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Rep. Steve King Wants Homosexuality-Promoter Kevin Jennings Gone as ‘Safe Schools’ Chief

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

steve-king-rep-iowa.jpgThis is an excellent editorial by Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins. Please thank Rep. Steve King (right) for leading the charge against longtime Professional Homosexuality Promoter Kevin Jennings, whose appointment (and survival) as “Safe Schools” chief in the Obama Administration is one of the ongoing follies of Obama. By the way, the latter — who benefited from Jennings as a campaign fundraiser — is looking more and more like a leftist and incompetent version of Jimmy Carter every day. Call Rep. King at 202-225-4426  or write him HERE to thank him for standing up for wholesome moral values and schools that teach rather than indoctrinate.

FRC’s Oct. 5 “Washington Update” follows:

“The totality of [GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings’] life has been the promotion of homosexuality, and much of it within education.” — Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)

King of the Hill Takes on Czar of the Schools
The Obama administration is spending precious capital protecting its Safe Schools “czar,” but many believe that loyalty carries more political risk than reward. Last week, Kevin Jennings’s “aw, shucks” response to covering up child sexual abuse should have sounded the alarm over at the Department of Education. Instead, Secretary Arne Duncan used the opportunity to praise Jennings as “uniquely qualified” to serve on the team. That may not be the consensus for much longer, since FRC has uncovered a series of op-eds that show Jennings’s incredible hostility toward Christianity.

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Kevin Jennings’ Statement on ‘Brewster’ Incident: Too Little, Too Late

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

It’s time for Education Secretary Arne Duncan and ‘Safe Schools’ Deputy Kevin Jennings to go for elevating their radical social agendas above the safety, innocence and education of children

kevin_jennings-older.jpgTAKE ACTION: Call and write your U.S. Congressman and Senators and urge them to push for the replacement of Education Secretary Arne Duncan (below, right) and Kevin Jennings (left), the Obama appointee put in charge of “Safe and Drug Free Schools.” Jennings — who raised money for Obama’s election — is an embarrassment to the whole notion of “safe schools,” and is on record advocating the outright “promotion” of homosexuality to schoolchildren K-12. (Homosexual behavior is hardly “safe,” as evidenced by the disproportionately high incidence of sexually-transmitted diseases among homosexuals.) Jennings must go, as should Sec. Duncan for ignoring the appeals of countless American parents outraged at the promotion of arne_duncan1.jpghis aggressively anti-Christian bigot who presided over the “Fistgate” scandal and used a predatory homosexual seduction of one of his sophomore students to confirm the victimized boy as “gay.” Call/write Congress at: 202-224-3121; 202-225-3121;


The following article is reprinted from Illinois Family Institute:

Help Oust Kevin Jennings — ‘School Safety Czar’

By Laurie Higgins, Illinois Family Institute, Sept. 30, 2009

The indefensible decision of [Education Secretary] Arne Duncan to appoint radical homosexual activist and founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Kevin Jennings, to the position of Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools is finally generating the public opposition it deserves.

Criticism of Jennings is coming from multiple sources all over the country. From small and large pro-family organizations to the Washington Times to Sean Hannity — all are calling for Jennings to resign or be terminated. Now is the time to act. Call or email your representatives and senators to politely demand the ousting of Kevin Jennings who is at least as unsuitable and controversial an appointment as the former “Green Czar” Van Jones was.

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GLSEN’s Indoctrination Agenda: How One Teacher Explained Her Lesbianism to Kindergartners

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

In “teachable moment,” GLSEN speaker compares her lesbian kisses to a boy kissing his father goodnight

 “Well, boys aren’t supposed to kiss boys and girls aren’t supposed to kiss girls.” — Kindergarten student in East Hartford, CT, responding to lesbian teacher and GLSEN activist Geraldine Burke revealing to the class that she kisses her girlfriend. Burke later compared her lesbian kisses to affectionate kisses between family members.


GLSEN Corrupts Children: the organization founded by Kevin Jennings, GLSEN, advocates teaching very young children — who don’t even know what sex is yet — one-sided lessons about homosexuality and transsexuality.

The following story is reprinted from The Lambda Report, the now-defunct printed flagship publication of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. It is the first part of a story about 1999 GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network) conference held that year in Atlanta. Kevin Jennings — whose appointment as Barack Obama’s “safe schools” czar in the Department of Education is now embroiled in controversy — founded GLSEN, which promotes the acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to children in K-12 schools. We found some updated information on Burke on two homosexual activist websites, which follows the article below.

The following is based on AFTAH’s firsthand attendance at the 1999 GLSEN conference:


How One Teacher Defended Her Lesbianism to Kindergartners

GLSEN panelist compares lesbian kiss to parental love

By Peter LaBarbera, Lambda Report, Fall-Winter 1999

ATLANTA — A lesbian gym teacher who told her kindergarten students  that kissing her female partner was like a father lovingly kissing his son or an affectionate kiss between sisters was applauded for her “honesty” at a national conference for pro-homosexual educators, held here October 1-4 [1999].

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Homosexual Agenda Bills in Congress 2009

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

We apologize for the coding errors in yesterday’s AFTAH e-mail about President Obama’s “Family Day” promotion of “same-sex” (homosexual) parenting and are working to fix the problem.

TAKE ACTION: Below are the main homosexual/trans activist bills that we urge you to stand against (call Congress at 202-224-3121; 202-225-3121;

Obama Uses Bully Pulpit to Promote Homosexual Parenting on ‘Family Day’

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

president_obama.jpgPresident Obama continues his pro-homosexuality pandering in a September 28 “Family Day” proclamation — by including children raised by a “same-sex couple” in a list of types of “American families” (see bolded text below). Of all the family types he lists, only one — homosexual-led “families — intentionally creates motherless or fatherless households. There is no moral equivalence between children raised without a mom or dad due to a tragedy (death of a spouse, divorce, a father who abandons his family, etc.) and the same caused by two homosexual adults who defy nature by borrowing from heterosexuality to produce a child — and then dispense with God’s wise provision of mother-father parenthood to raise it.

This is the obvious difference between Obama’s “families” that social liberals refuse to acknowledge, or make relevant to public policy. “Queer” parenting and “gay” adoption are a part of radical social experiment in progress — and innocent children are the guinea pigs. Who can know the effect on a young child being raised by two homosexual men like Gay Adoption Poster Boy Dan Savage — who boasts of the “three-way” sex he and “husband” Terry engaged in while parents of an adopted boy. (News flash for the naive: “gay monogamy,” at least for men, is largely a farce.)

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