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04 – Gender Confusion (Transgender)
Monday, June 30th, 2008
What would John Wayne have said about this?
We certainly concur with Phil Magnan of Biblical Family Advocates, who observed regarding this story on gender-bending fashion trends: “I tell you the world has gone mad.” More “progress” from the Human Wrongs (not “gay/transgender rights”) Movement:
AP reports:
Men’s Paris Fashions Blur Gender Boundaries
By JOELLE DIDERICH, Associated Press Writer
PARIS – The French menswear collections ended on Sunday in a sea of sequins, silk and all things pink, challenging the adage that boys will be boys.
Fine fabrics like silk, gazar and crepe de Chine crept into the male wardrobe for spring-summer 2009 as Paris designers increasingly blurred gender boundaries.
“The most striking thing is the amount of crossover from women’s collections that seems to be happening,” Michael Roberts, fashion director of Vanity Fair magazine, told The Associated Press.
“A little bit of that goes a long way as far as I’m concerned. I just find it a little bit annoying that I’m supposed to be here for a week watching men’s shows, and I keep having to pinch myself to remind myself that I’m not in the women’s pret-a-porter,” he added.
Case in point: the Dior Homme show, where models paraded in gold-sequined pants with bright jewel appliques, or a metallic bomber jacket in this season’s ubiquitous fuchsia pink.
Click HERE to read the full AP story
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), News |
Saturday, June 21st, 2008
Women who want to be men march shirtless to display their flat chests after ‘transgender’ breast removal surgeries
CAUTION: VERY DISTURBING. This is a woman who had her (healthy) breasts removed to appear like the transgender “man” she wants to be. “Transgender” is the “T” to which homosexual activists refer when they promote “GLBT youth.” The pro-family organization MassResistance took this photo during a recent June 7 “transgender pride” parade in Northampton, Massachusetts. Click HERE for the full MassResistance report on this perverse parade.
The shocking photo-story by our good friends at MassResistance is one of the most tragic things I have ever seen. Once before at a transgender conference in Washington, D.C., I witnessed the pitiful spectacle of “transgender men” — that is, women who want to become “men” — showing off their flattened chests after their healthy breasts were removed in accordance with their perceived “gender identity.”
My heart aches for this poor woman — yes, woman — who is so deceived that she has permanently mutilated her own body to pursue a false “gender identity.” This is what happens when (wo)man’s “feelings” and confusion — and ideology — are elevated above nature itself, not to mention God.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Born that Way?, Boston, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Health & Science, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Public Indecency, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, June 6th, 2008
This cross-dressing man — who gained worldwide attention as the subject of a “Gay Terrorist” joke email — has a right to dress this way, but should he be allowed to use the woman’s restroom?
Click HERE to listen to Concerned Women for America’s online radio show:
CWA writes: There is a new law in place in Colorado that prohibits discrimination against transgendered people in any and all public accommodations. Matt Barber, CWA’s Policy Director for Cultural Issues speaks with Jim Pfaff, President and CEO of Colorado Family Institute and Colorado Family Action, about this new law that would allow people – regardless of their anatomy – to choose which restroom, locker room or similar accommodation they wish to use. While churches and religious organizations are exempt from this new law both public and private schools must comply, as well as small Christian-owned businesses and individuals making property available for rent. Listen | Download June 5, 2008
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Bathroom Controversies, Colorado, Current State Law, Freedom Under Fire, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Mental Health, News, Pro-Family Quotes, Public Indecency, Sexual Revolution, Stealing Civil Rights |
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
LaBarbera urges return to ‘journalistic neutrality’ on controversial issues; event raises funds for Orlando “GLBT youth’ group
Americans For Truth sent the following letter today to WKMB (Orlando, Florida) anchorwoman Lauren Rowe. You can reach Rowe through her web profile page, and WKMB’s News Director HERE (scroll down on the pull-down menu to “News Director”)
Dear Ms. Rowe [Anchorwoman, WKMB, Orlando, FL],
I’m writing as President of Americans For Truth and as a pro-family conservative opposed to the homosexual activist agenda, to express our concern about your decision to serve as “host MC” for the Orlando “Gay Days” Kickoff Party tonight. Here’s the web link citing your participation: http://www.gaydays.com/events/kickoff/.
Pro-family advocates and conservatives are rightly concerned about escalating media bias surrounding the homosexual debate. It is difficult for a well-known newsperson like yourself to maintain a reputation for fairness and neutrality while simultaneously hosting a “Gay Days” event that celebrates homosexuality. You must know that homosexuality and related issues like “same-sex marriage” are deeply divisive issues in our culture, and I would hope that you see it as your role, as a professional journalist, to “play it down the middle” in this debate. Also, the fact that Orlando Gay Days centers around Disneyworld — a destination for children and families — makes this homosexual celebration all the more concerning to pro-family Americans.
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Posted in 01 - Gay, 02 - Lesbian, 03 - Bisexual, 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Be Real Orlando (Florida), Biblical Truth, Born that Way?, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), GLBT Youth Centers, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Health & Science, HIV/AIDS, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Outing, Physical Health, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Saturday, May 31st, 2008
Should this very confused man, “transgender” activist Autumn Sandeen, be allowed to use the female restroom?
From Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ May 30 “Washington Update”:
Congress may be adjourned for the Memorial Day recess, but a series of misguided state bills aren’t providing any relief for pro-family groups. Just ask the residents of Colorado, where locals are bracing themselves for an “anti-bias” law that is actually changing where people use the restroom. Yesterday, over the protests of thousands of families, Gov. Bill Ritter (D) signed SB 200 into law. The legislation blurs the sexual lines by making all public accommodations, including locker rooms and restrooms, “gender-free.” In other words, anyone–regardless of their biological identity–will be welcome in the men’s or ladies’ room, including cross-dressers, men who self-identify as women, women who self-identify as men, and people who haven’t made up their minds. To make matters worse, Colorado defines “public accommodations” as everything from malls, restaurants, and schools to small and even home businesses. The other side says this is about discrimination. But the chance of offending a few people hardly justifies putting everyone else at risk, which is exactly what SB 200 does.
For every transvestite who takes advantage of this law, there are a dozen sexual predators who will see this as a chance to put women and children into a vulnerable situation. Focus on the Family launched a statewide awareness campaign, but in the end, even Colorado’s largest Christian ministry couldn’t compete with Ritter’s desire to pay off liberal financier Tim Gill, who sank serious dollars into the governor’s election campaign in 2006. From here all eyes will turn to Montgomery County, [Maryland], where a November ballot initiative will determine the fate of its bathroom bill. [See www.notmyshower.com for information about the Maryland battle.–Ed.]
To sign up for Family Research Council’s “Washington Update” and other e-mail publications, click HERE.
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), Activists, Bathroom Controversies, Colorado, E - Praying for the Lost, Freedom Under Fire, GLBTQ Terms, Health & Science, Maryland, Mental Health, News, Politicians & Public Officials, Public Indecency, Stealing Civil Rights, Tim Gill |
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
‘Boys to Men’ Director Gregory Cites ‘Lack of Interest’ for Homosexual Youth Class
Note in this story by the Christian Civic League of Maine yet another connection between the United Church of Christ (UCC) and perversion. The UCC has an appalling left-wing record (check THIS out) — including its 2006 merger with a Dallas mega-church, the Cathedral of Hope, which caters to homosexuals. (We hear that the UCC is still searching for a partnering church that cater to swingers….) So why doesn’t the UCC just go all the way and start offering its very own “How to Be Homosexual” workshops for youth?
For the sake of accuracy, we also recommend a name-change to UCS: United Church of Sodom. Enough with this phony “Christ” talk. We envision a host of liberal Protestant mergers under the UCS banner beginning with proud homosexualist bishop (Vicky) Gene Robinson and his wayward Episcopal Church. In fact, Robinson could be the annual keynote speaker at the How to Be Homosexual workshops.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anglican/Episcopal, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, GLBT Youth Centers, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Maine, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, United Church of Christ-including many Congregational |
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Homosexual Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson’s parents wanted a girl, so they named him “Vicky.”
By Peter LaBarbera
I find much to object to in blogger Peter Kirk’s homosexuality-related posts, but he offers some good thoughts regarding Episcopal Bishop (Vicky) Gene Robinson’s gender confusion, which, understandably, began at a young age. Kirk wonders why Robinson wants to be a “June bride” (rather than a groom) next month as he infamously and shamelessly plans to “wed” another man.
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Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Anglican/Episcopal, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, News, Queer Theology, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, VIcky Gene Robinson |
Tuesday, May 13th, 2008
Gender-confused “rights”? Women should feel safe and not have to worry about (“transgender”) men in dresses using female restrooms and shower facilities, say Maryland activists with the Citizens for Responsible Government.
From NotMyShower.com and the Citizens for Responsible Government, a Montgomery, County Maryland grassroots organization formed by citizens outraged at Montgomery County, Maryland’s passage of a “gender identity” “nondiscrmination” bill:
“By the stroke of a very powerful pen, County Executive Leggett has broken the biological barriers that separate male and female facilities. No longer will women and girls be able to feel completely safe in the most private and personal bathroom and locker facilities of schools, public pools, malls, stores, health clubs, restaurants and other such public places throughout the county. County Executive Ike Leggett signed Bill 23-07, the outrageous legislation that may result in forcing even religious schools to hire transgender teachers; and then also allow cross-dressing but biological males in your daughter’s school locker room. Maryland Citizens for a Responsible Government has filed a referendum to prevent the implementation of Bill 23-07. We are calling on every concerned Montgomery County citizen to join us in this huge undertaking.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in 04 - Gender Confusion (Transgender), A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Bathroom Controversies, Christian Persecution, Current State Law, E - Praying for the Lost, Freedom Under Fire, Gender 'Fluidity' (Confusion), Government Promotion, Maryland, News, Not with MY Tax money!, Pending Legislation, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Transgender Law Center |

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