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Truth Wins Out
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
New Jersey NOW activists demonstrate for lesbian so-called “marriage”: there is no shortage of single-minded (non-apologetic) pro-homosexuality and pro-abortion activists on the Left.
Below is an excellent column by Joel Belz, founder of WORLD magazine, answering some of the current Christian gibberish critical of believers who fight for Truth in the public square. (Click HERE for the full column in WORLD.) While we’re at it, here are 20 more good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the homosexual/transsexual activist and pro-abortion lobbies:
- Human Rights Campaign (largest pro-homosexual PAC);
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force;
- Lambda Legal;
- NARAL Pro-Choice American (formerly National Abortion Rights Action League, which cruelly defends even later-term abortions).
- GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation;
- GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network);
- NOW (they manage to promote both lesbianism and abortion-on-demand);
- MTV (obnoxious in its one-sided promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, etc.);
- Soulforce and other Bible-twisting, “queer theology”-promoting groups;
- Radical, reason-challenged, pro-homosexual websites like young Jeremy Hooper’s Good As You blog, Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen’s ‘ex-gay’-hating Truth Wins Out, and lesbian Pam (“Jeebus”) Spaulding’s Pam’s House Blend;
- National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association;
- EMILY’s List (a pro-abortion PAC)
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (working to open up the military to homosexuals);
- ACLU’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project;
- Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
- Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
- Tim Gill (homosexual money-man)
- Pro-homosexual activist groups like Equality Illinois fighting in all 50 states for radical legislation that undermines marriage;
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
- PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians & Gays), a radical pro-homosexual group.
Belz writes for WORLD:
Stop Apologizing!
It’s not always wrong to be a “single-issue” advocate
It’s become an increasingly frequent reminder to us evangelical Christians not to let our cultural identity be framed by “single issues.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, ACLU - Gay & Lesbian Project, Equality Illinois, Gill Action Fund, GLAAD, GLSEN, Log Cabin Republicans, MTV, NARAL, News, NLGJA, NOW, PFLAG, Queer Theology, State GLBTQ Activist Groups, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Tim Gill, Truth Wins Out |
Thursday, October 11th, 2007
Wows Americans For Truth Audience with Testimony of Leaving Behind 29 Years of Lesbianism
Get a DVD of Cothran, Parker Speeches at AFTAH Banquet!
All proceeds will go to help the work of Americans For Truth
To order a complete DVD (or CD) of both Charlene Cothran’s and David Parker’s outstanding talks, make an online donation of at least $25 postpaid to Americans For Truth (please use the online form to specify ‘2007 Banquet DVD’. You can substitute an audio CD but you must request this specifically. To order by regular mail, send your check or money order specifying “2007 Banquet DVD” (or CD) to: Americans For Truth, P.O. Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.
Bulk Orders available (all postpaid): 2 for $40; 3 for $55; 4 for $70; add $10 for each additional DVD or contact us (630-717-7631) for large bulk order pricing.
NOTE: What better occasion than the homosexual activists’ misguided “National Coming Out Day” (October 11th every year) to publish Charlene Cothran’s testimony — representing a “coming out” story that we who agree with God on homosexuality can get behind? To contact Charlene, write editor@venusmagazine.org.
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, Americans For Truth’s banquet Friday night was a wonderful event that exceeded our expectations. We packed out our banquet room at the Embassy Suites Hotel – which was actually a fallback location for our event after another hotel had abruptly cancelled our reservation – and everything went smoothly, despite the small “gay” protest outside.
(Click HERE to read about how Gay Liberation Network and other homosexual activists – obsessed as they are with smearing Americans For Truth – are now lying about our banquet numbers, saying that as few as 30 people attended our banquet (do I hear 20?…) when our room was actually packed out with more than 110 attendees.)
Our two keynote speakers, Charlene Cothran and David Parker, were riveting and held the audience in rapt attention until the evening’s end – as I have rarely seen at such an event. Charlene’s heartfelt testimony (portions of which are excerpted below) about how God drew her from her (very “successful”) lesbian lifestyle had so many wonderful lessons to teach: the faithfulness of God; the answered prayers of a faithful mother; the possibility of radical change in the life of even a longtime homosexual (Cothran had lived 29 years as a lesbian); and the need of loving Christians to reach out to homosexual strugglers trying to leave the lifestyle.
Charlene had the Americans For Truth audience laughing right off the bat when she said:
If you had told me two years ago that I would be a featured speaker at the Americans For Truth about Homosexuality banquet, I would have laughed in your face! Because I was one of those girls who would have been outside across the street with the gang trying to prevent this from happening. But God has a way of bringing us full circle, doesn’t He?
Full circle, indeed. As a leading African-American homosexual activist and the most successful minority publisher in the “gay” world with her Venus Magazine – which she now uses to spread the Gospel of Christ — Cothran once partnered with a host of homosexual activist groups to advance that cause: Human Rights Campaign (back then it was called Human Rights Campaign Fund); the National Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum; the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; and PFLAG (Parents, Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays), to name a few.
Many of those groups do everything they can to hide the truth from the public that men and women like Charlene are walking away from homosexuality.
Cothran continued:
“It was right here in Chicago … back in 2003 at a ‘gay pride’ event – out in Bryant Park, on a sunlit afternoon where I should have been the proudest lesbian out there….At any other pride event, I was always very proud to be there. … But on this day a shame fell on me, and something spoke in my spirit and said: ‘This is that road that’s leading to destruction, and you are on it.’ And it was such a loud voice that I could no longer ignore that what I was doing and how I was living was wrong.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Authors & Journalists, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, C - Heroes for Truth, Chicago, Christian, E - Praying for the Lost, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, HRC, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, PFLAG, Task Force, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Friday, September 7th, 2007
This FOX News Channel ad ran in the program guide of the recent National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association conference in San Diego.
The following is Allyson Smith’s first installment on the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) conference in San Diego — which she attended representing Americans For Truth. Note the casual mixing of homosexual media with “mainstream” media – all sharing and strategizing around a pro-gay perspective — and the complete lack of opposing voices present at the NLGJA panels. (Allyson tells me that at one panel on “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell,” the moderator said that opponents of homosexuals in the military were invited to speak but declined to attend.)
All this begs the question of whether homosexual reporters working in establishment media can truly be objective — i.e., fair and balanced — especially when they are assigned to cover homosexual-related issues. Also, note that for ease of reading, we have not put quote marks around the word “gay” as we would normally do. – Peter LaBarbera
By Allyson Smith
Gay Activists & Journalists Mingle and Strategize Together at National Gay Journalists Conference: Day 1 at the NLGJA
On Thursday, August 30, I attended the first of three days of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association convention, held at the Westin Horton Plaza Hotel in downtown San Diego. Although I have been to many homosexual conferences and events since the dawn of the millennium, at times using my real name and at other times an assumed name, this would be my first time to attend such a convention as a totally “out” Christian conservative reporter under the auspices of an organization many homosexual activists hate: Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), headed by longtime pro-family activist Peter LaBarbera.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, Authors & Journalists, CBS, CNN, Down Low, FOX News, Homosexual Quotes, Media Promotion, MTV, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, NBC, New York Times, News, NLGJA, Public Sex in Your Neighborhood?, Truth Wins Out, Viacom, Washington Post |
Friday, June 8th, 2007
TAKE ACTION: Help counter the pro-homosexual lobby’s smear campaign attempting to “Bork” Dr. James Holsinger, President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General. Here’s how:
- Call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 or write them (http://www.congress.org/) and politely urge them to support Dr. James Holsinger, Jr. as Surgeon General; the members of the Senate Health Committee, which will first consider Holsinger, can be found HERE (e-mail the committee at: help_comments@help.senate.gov) — but Holsinger’s nomination will likely be voted on by the whole Senate, so tell your Senators to use their influence to insure that he is treated fairly;
- Thank the White House (202-456-1111 or -1414; e-mail: comments@whitehouse.gov; www.whitehouse.gov/contact) and urge the President to stand by Dr. Holsinger and not to be swayed by the pro-homosexual lobby’s distortions and anti-Christian bigotry;
- Tell your friends to support Dr. Holsinger with a quick e-mail or call.
Click HERE TO READ DR. HOLSINGER’S 1991 PAPER, “PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY,” which liberal, pro-homosexual groups are distorting to discredit him.
Dear Americans For Truth Reader,
By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, anti-Christian homosexual activists and their liberal allies are out again in force to take down another good man — Dr. James Holsinger, Jr., President Bush’s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General — who happens to agree with the ancient Judeo-Christian moral understanding of homosexual practice as unnatural, unhealthy and wrong.
The ABC report below is Orwellian in its framing of the campaign against Dr. Holsinger — a Christian medical doctor (cardiologist) who also holds a doctorate in anatomy and physiology. Holsinger is being vilified because he wrote in 1991 that male homosexual sex practices are unhealthy, and because he believes that men and women can abandon homosexuality.
The ABC report below — which includes a politically correct quote by the spokesman for the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) — implies that Holsinger’s writings, such as his 1991 paper, “Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality,” are obsolete and way outside of the scientific mainstream. Hello… Has there been some change in human anatomy (perhaps some hyperactive “evolutionary” mutation in the last 16 years) that suddenly makes rectal sex between men natural and good for the human body?
Please take a few minutes to read Dr. Holsinger’s 1991 paper, reprinted on our website. It was written for a United Methodist Church committee studying homosexuality. See for yourself if the paper has the ring of extremism. Here’s an excerpt:
From the perspective of pathology and pathophysiology, the varied sexual practices of homosexual men have resulted in a diverse and expanded concept of sexually transmitted disease and associated trauma. “Four general groups of conditions may be encountered in homosexually active men: classical sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, infections with chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, herpes simplex infections, genital warts, pubic lice, scabies); enteric diseases (infections with hig gel la species, Campylobacter jejuni, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non-A, non-B, and cytomegalovirus); trauma (fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, foreign bodies, rectosigmoid tears, allergic proctitis, penile edema, chemical sinusitis, inhaled nitrite burns, and sexual assault of the male patient); and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)” (Owen, 1985).
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in ABC, BDSM, Candidates & Elected Officials, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Health & Science, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Quotes, HRC, Media Promotion, Methodist, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, News, Physical Health, Politicians & Public Officials, Pro-Homosexual Media, Religious Leaders, Task Force, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007
By Peter LaBarbera
UPDATE: Since I posted this item below, Wayne Besen has put up another piece filled with lies against me. Thankfully, a couple friends have defended me on his site, but I’m afraid Wayne is losing it. As my son would say, chill… Click HERE for Wayne’s latest hateful blast against Americans For Truth.
It looks like Wayne (“Anything But Straight”) Besen has been taking his hate pill again. Besen, who is out to prove, with Stalinesque zeal, that no homosexual can change — has written another diatribe against me and Americans For Truth.
Just as night follows day, we could have predicted that Wayne and his fellow “gay” comrades, including the folks at Box Turtle Bulletin (who alternate between high-minded critiques of pro-family research and mean-spirited name-calling), would ridicule — not the men at International Mr. Leather who were engaging in vile (“pig sex”) orgies at Chicago’s Palmer House Hilton Hotel; not the “leather” vendors hawking twisted porn videos including those featuring “fisting” and “water sports” — but yours truly, for exposing these perversions.
We’ll have more on Wayne and friends later, but for now, check out his angry blog entry following our feeble attempt to shine the light of truth on the sadistic goings-on at IML. Oh, we almost forgot: “Porno Pete” is Wayne’s nickname for me because, you see, the fact that I expose “gay” extremism makes me, well …. a secret gay (make that a secret “leatherman”). I suppose according to that logic, Simon Wiesenthal was a covert Nazi and Mother Teresa made hidden donations to Planned Parenthood.
Posted in Homosexual Hate Speech, News, Truth Wins Out |
Thursday, May 17th, 2007
Courtesy of lesbian actiivist Pam Spaulding’s website:
“The man was a hateful pig.”
–Homosexual activists blogger John Aravosis. For more of same, click on Aravosis’ “Americablog” page on Falwell HERE.
“It is with great regret that Rev. Jerry Falwell never moderated his position on homosexuality,” said Truth Wins Out’s Executive Director Wayne Besen. “While our hearts go out to his family, we can’t help but to reflect on his life and think about all of the families he’s torn apart and teenagers that committed suicide because he made them feel inferior. He never missed an opportunity to kick our better angels to the curb and capitalize on our lesser demons to advance his career…Unfortunately, the anti-gay infrastructure built by Falwell survives him. With the founding of Liberty University and his legal arm, the Liberty Counsel, his legacy of intolerance will continue for quite some time.””
— Wayne Besen, of Truth Wins Out
“The death of a family member or friend is always a sad occasion and we express our condolences to all those who were close to the Rev. Jerry Falwell. Unfortunately, we will always remember him as a founder and leader of America’s anti-gay industry, someone who exacerbated the nation’s appalling response to the onslaught of the AIDS epidemic, someone who demonized and vilified us for political gain and someone who used religion to divide rather than unite our nation.”
— Matt Forman, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
“It breaks my heart to think that Jerry died without ever discovering the truth about God’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children. I sincerely hope that one day his school and his church will have a change of heart.”
— Rev. Dr. Mel White of Soulforce, who used to write for Falwell
“Reverend Falwel’s death today causes my thoughts to turn toward the members of our community who have at great personal sacrifice contended with the Reverendâ??s work and teachings. As I remember Reverend Falwell’s life, I also remember all of the families of people who have died of AIDS. Reverend Falwell’s legacy is not about the tenants of Jesus’s ministry such as healing the sick and standing with the disenfranchised but about shunning and ridiculing those who have suffered and died of AIDS and their families. Many faith leaders today are moving away from his divisive approach and toward the compassion and inclusiveness that Jesus modeled every day of his ministry.”
— Joe Solmonese, Human Rights Campaign (leading homosexual group in America)
“We extend our condolences to Rev. Jerry Falwell’s family and friends. He was an effective advocate for his vision of America, a vision with which we strongly disagreed.”
— People For the American Way President Ralph G. Neas, with these links to its past coverage of Jerry Falwell
“While Soulforce has a long history of nonviolent direct action at Jerry Falwell Ministries, our adversary was never Jerry Falwell, but rather the misinformation about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people espoused by Falwell and so many others.”
— Soulforce Executive Director Jeff Lutes
“The passing of as public a figure as Jerry Falwell naturally garners intense media attention. Our condolences are with the Rev. Falwell’s family and loved ones during this emotional time. And as the nation’s media examine Falwell’s life and legacy, it is important that they focus attention on the damaging impact of his rhetoric and advocacy on millions of gay and lesbian people and families.”
— Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) President Neil Giuliano
“We extend to Reverend Falwell the simple dignity and deference that our own families seek as part of the American family. Reverend Falwell may have attempted to make himself our adversary with his own personal attacks and political campaigns, but we remember that he remained our neighbor. As we understand that each American should be treated equally under the law, we recognize that each neighbor should receive our respect. Our thoughts and our prayers are with his widow Macel, the Falwell family and the membership of Thomas Road Baptist Church.”
— Jo Wyrick, Executive Director, National Stonewall Democrats
“It has to be a difficult time for Rev. Jerry Falwell’s family right now. They are going to have to deal with an intense storm of media coverage, with bloviating from the left and the right, and much of it will not be pretty or complimentary. To have to grieve so publicly is not something to wish on anyone, particularly when the departed is a political lightning rod.
“He was a towering icon of the religious right movement, and he has left quite a legacy — one I cannot agree with in any form or fashion, nevertheless one cannot ignore his success at mobilizing a large portion of the electorate in ways that many organizations on the left have yet to do.
“It’s sad to hear, as of last week (in an interview with CNN), he stood by his 2001 comments that gays, lesbians, pro-choice advocates and feminists were to blame for 9/11.
“I wish that Reverend Falwell, who at one time was against integration and interracial marriage, could have lived long enough to see full LGBT equality finally come to pass. We all know that it will prove him terribly wrong once again — that treating one group of citizens the same as everyone else isn’t a threat to marriage, the American family or this country.”
— Lesbian blogger Pam Spaulding. Spaulding was considerably more respectful than some of her fans posting comments on her “Pam’s House Blend” website.
Posted in GLAAD, Homosexual Hate, HRC, National GLBTQ Activist Groups, Task Force, Truth Wins Out |
Wednesday, May 16th, 2007
Jerry Falwell, 1933-2007
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
By Peter LaBarbera
On hearing of the death of Jerry Falwell (read pro-family tributes to him HERE), I was reminded of an incident that revealed his heart, as a Christian and as a human being. Homosexual activists heaped instantaneous (and horrifyingly wicked) scorn upon this man of God — in a way that only seems to confirm what he said about their movement.
Their sickening behavior also confirms what the Bible says about God giving up unrepentant homosexuals to a “reprobate” (also translated depraved and debased) mind (Romans 1:28).
But before we get into the homosexuals’ vicious response to Falwell’s death, a history lesson: conservative icon Richard Viguerie states in his tribute to the Moral Majority founder:
“With the death of Dr. Jerry Falwell, the conservative movement has lost one its founders and key leaders. Dr. Falwell was one of the main architects of the conservative movement in the 1970s and 1980s. His work and leadership played an indispensable role in the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.
“For decades, the conservative movement stood on a two-legged stool and won few elections. But when Dr. Falwell became an integral part of the movement, he led tens of thousands of ministers, along with millions of their followers, into the voting booths to support vital conservative causes. This provided the third leg of the stool, which allowed conservatives to level the political playing field with the Left.
“Without Dr. Falwell, there would be no meaningful conservative movement. He was a true history-maker in our nation.”
And now, on to the “Immoral Minority’s” reaction:
John Aravosis, a homosexual blogger who certainly fits the bill, called Falwell a “hateful pig,” inspiring a slew of even nastier comments on his “Americablog” site. Said one: “Too bad [Falwell’s death] wasn’t more prolonged and painful.” Wrote another: “Now cross your fingers for Pat Robertson to join him in Heaven soon.” Many of the remarks are too vulgar to reprint here.
As is the trend on the Left these days, many of the anti-Falwell posters used religious condemnations to make their point: “The gates of hell swing open and Satan welcomes his beloved son,” wrote Amanda Marcotte, a “Pandagon” blogger who became a short news story herself after it was revealed that she had been hired by Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards — but who now, after being fired by Edwards, is once again free to spew her venom.
Homosexual activist Wayne Besen, the former spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, the world’s largest “gay” lobby group, wrote on his site, next to an altered photo of Falwell (how mature, Wayne…): “Won’t the good preacher be shocked when he finds himself at the gates of Hell this morning! Man, I would love to post that video on YouTube. I must go now and mourn, as I can hardly contain my sorrow.”
Poor, pitiful Wayne. More proof that nobody hates like the Left in this country.
Some homosexual activists in San Francisco even held a public celebration of Falwell’s death — a spectacle that more savvy “gay” leaders warned would backfire.
The latter were right. As libertarian Bill Barnwell writes in a piece titled, “Celebrating the Death of Jerry Falwell”: “I cannot recall a time I read about Falwell making statements where he laughed off or celebrated the death of a gay person.”
Besen, Aravosis and their ilk hate in the name of their twisted version of “tolerance,” but Falwell was no hater — as most Christians who disagree with the homosexual cause are not haters but good people simply trying to follow God’s unchanging moral law.
The real Falwell: hugging homosexuals
Back in 1999, under the threat of a large protest from from Mel White — founder of the “gay” group Soulforce and an evangelical writer who left his wife and family to pursue a sexual relationship with a man — Falwell agreed to host a joint media event with White at his famous Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. There was a contingent of mostly homosexual students and activists there to cheer on White, and a corresponding crowd of Liberty University students and pro-family advocates, including myself, backing Falwell’s position.
After the media event, the main participants and the “gay” Soulforce activists and kids went to unwind at a banquet room where pastries and drinks were served. And that is where the stereotype of Jerry Falwell as “homophobe” and “hatemonger” fizzled before everyone’s eyes, but especially those of the young “gay” activists.
In the corner of the room, Mel White conferred with his strategists — probably upset that the event did not turn out to be as useful a “gay” propaganda event as he had hoped. White nervously looked over at Falwell in the center of the room, but the contrast between the two men’s demeanors could not have been more pronounced. For there was the gregarious Falwell, wearing a huge smile and laughing, putting his big arms around the Soulforce kids as he posed for one souvenir “celebrity” photo after another.
This was not just a show for the crowd — the media weren’t even present — this was the real deal. Falwell was like a big teddy bear having a genuine good time playing host and showing Christian love to the confused Soulforce kids who, I’m sure, were experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance.
I did not know Jerry Falwall personally, but from my experience that day at his church, I don’t think there was a hateful bone in his body. As Tony Perkins of Family Research Council said yesterday, Falwell was “a very, very loving, friendly, happy guy,” much loved by the students at the Liberty University, which he founded.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, E - Praying for the Lost, Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, HRC, News, San Francisco, The Agenda: GLBTQ & Activist Groups, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, Truth Wins Out |
Friday, January 26th, 2007
Homosexual Activist Files Deceptive Practices Complaint against Ex-Gay Video 1/25/2007
Homosexual activist Wayne Besen has filed a complaint with the Illinois Attorney General’s office over an Illinois ministry promoting the video “It’s Not Gay.” Besen claims that the video, which features interviews with those who have come out of homosexuality, is deceptive. A similar charged has been filed against the American Family Association and others who promote or sell the video. Martha Kleder spoke with Matt Barber, CWA’s policy director for cultural issues and Pete LaBarbera, founder and president of Americas for Truth, the ministry targeted by Besen. Listen Online | Download
Posted in AFT In the Blogs, AFT In the News, GLBTQ Lawsuits & Retribution, News, Truth Wins Out |

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