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No Criticism of Trans-Insanity Allowed: Facebook cited the above 2016 post as the reason for banishing the private account of AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera for 30 days. The post advertises the 2016 AFTAH banquet presentation by pro-family Christian advocate Linda Harvey. The picture is from the Twitter feed of Alex Matheny, a beautiful young woman who had her healthy breasts surgically removed two years ago in her tragic quest to identify as a man. Just days ago, Facebook “unpublished” Americans For Truth’s FB page, citing similar “hate” violations.
UPDATE, 11-26-18: Today I received this notification from Facebook that my “appeal” had been rejected, so my 30-day “jail” sentence remains. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH:
Dear AFTAH Readers,
Well, what do you know? Just a few days after Americans For Truth’s Facebook page was “unpublished” due to ridiculous alleged “hate” violations [See articles in LifeSiteNews, WND and AFTAH], my private Facebook page (Peter LaBarbera) was just put on 30-day “Facebook jail” notice for the attached post advertising Linda Harvey speaking at the AFTAH banquet–way back in October 2016!
That means for 30 days from Saturday, Nov. 24, I will be unable to post on Facebook or communicate using Facebook’s Messenger service. I clicked the “appeal” button, but don’t count on the nameless, corporate bureaucrats and “social justice warriors” at this social media giant to admit that they made a mistake.
Take a look at my allegedly “hateful” FB post above. So now it’s OK for a severely gender-confused young woman (in this case, Alex Matheny) to have her healthy breasts surgically removed (essentially a medically unnecessary double-mastectomy), but it’s “hate” for us to criticize it and warn parents and youth that this is destructive and wrong? How absurd. Pro-LGBTQueer “Progressives” hate truth.
Social media giant cites “safety” concerns and being “respectful,” but by not respecting and tolerating Christian conservatives’ views, is Facebook guilty of ‘hate’ and bigotry?
Facebook ‘hates’ conservatives (or at least their ideas): This is the notice AFTAH received Sunday from Facebook. Jason Salamone is an administrator of the AFTAH FB page. We are appealing the decision. Facebook has “unpublished” AFTAH’s or Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera’s pages on previous occasions.
Fight Leftist Censorship; donate securely to AFTAH online: [Click HERE], or mail a gift to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522
Folks, leftist social media censorship is accelerating, because “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Lord Acton). On Sunday, [Nov. 18, 2018,] Facebook took down–“unpublished”–AFTAH’s (Americans for Truth About Homosexuality) Facebook page, saying we violated their “hate” standard. We are appealing the decision but unlike Twitter, Facebook does not even let the groups they banish make a case for why the ban is wrong and should be reversed. This ban is beyond Orwellian: Facebook provides no specific examples of *how* our AFTAH posts violated their alleged “hate” standard, but you can see what sort of posts “triggered” these progressive-techie snowflakes HERE, or below.
I tweeted this:
From Twitter: [Sunday] the cowardly yet proficient anti-conservatives at Facebook took down (“unpublished”) our AFTAH (Americans For Truth) FB page, citing violations of their spurious “hate” standards. We are appealing. Look for a piece on this in WND…
Of course, the “hate” charge is spurious and ultimately effectively precludes all MORAL opponents of homosexuality from using Facebook. AFTAH, a Christian educational organization, has from its inception condemned real hatred and violence against homosexuals (or anyone). We have long denounced groups like Westboro Baptist Church with its preposterous “God Hates Fags” message. Please help us spread the word on this cowardly social media censorship of ideas that run counter to “progressive” sacred cows. Thanks. — Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Here is an example of an Americans For Truth post that Facebook deemed “hateful”; see full story HERE:
Folks, to paraphrase the Gipper (Ronald Reagan) in his famous 1980 debate quip to Walter Mondale, “There you go again, Mr. Zuckerberg.” Coming after one petty Facebook censorship takedown of an AFTAH FB post [see it here], the social media giant just informed me that “You can’t post, comment or use [Facebook] Messenger for 30 days. This is because 2 of your posts go against our Community Standards on hate speech, and because you previously posted something that didn’t follow our standards.”
This is one the offending posts, which appeared on both my own (“Peter LaBarbera”) Facebook page as well as my “Americans For Truth About Homosexuality” page. Note that I had blocked out the indecency and labelled it “Wrong”–which I suspect is my biggest Facebook “crime.” So now it is “hateful” to call out one of the most perverted deviant sex (sadomasochistic) celebrations in the world (you know: men calling themselves sex “pigs,” etc., as: wrong, gross, twisted and, yes, satanic?
No explanation. No defense of their worldview. Just the same old “hate” mantra. The “techie” Left, super self-righteous and all about power and (thought) control, is killing free speech and reasoned discourse in this nation, and conservatives are still struggling to figure out how to fight it. More photos below after the jump. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Below is a graphic about the recent act of Facebook censorship against Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s (AFTAH) FB page. Our commentary at right was not a part of the original deleted post. The circled portion is Facebook’s notification to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera; it reads:
“Only you can see this post because it goes against our standards on hate speech.”
Honestly, I don’t know what triggered the left-leaning techies at Facebook (or that FB “algorithm” we keep hearing about in the news): was it the use of the word “queer,” even though I was just paraphrasing a widely used slogan by the homosexual group “Queer Nation”? (Note: almost all major LGBTQ groups and websites use that word.) Or was it that I covered up the indecent “gay kiss”?
Either way, FB’s oppressive application of leftist “hate” politics is deeply troubling. The Soviet Thought Police had nothing on these morally-challenged techies.
How can conservatives go on in the most popular social media platforms under these conditions? Talk to almost any pro-family advocate on Facebook who defends biblical sexuality and you will find similar stories of heavy-handed and often petty acts of FB censorship. It has happened to us before. Perhaps it’s time to break up these leftist de facto monopolies.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH.org; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
Leftist haters … hate AFTAH: Hard-left groups like “People for the American Way” despise AFTAH and castigate its president, Peter LaBarbera, whenever he publicly criticizes the homosexual activist agenda. Here PFAW’s “Right Wing Watch” expresses dismay that LaBarbera is speaking out against “Star Wars” for featuring a character who models a deviant homosexual identity. See above PFAW link HERE and PFAW’s “RWW” link containing hundreds of its “Peter LaBarbera” entries HERE. Help support AFTAH by giving safely online HERE. Click on image to enlarge.
Special Note from AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera:
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and are enjoying a Happy New Year as we enter 2018 with all its challenges and opportunities!
AFTAH (Americans For Truth About Homosexuality) defends the simple truth that homosexual behaviors are wrong, unnatural,and are not the basis for one’s identity, nor positive “rights” in the law.
Throughout 2017, I represented AFTAH as a guest on dozens of conservative Christian radio talk shows to expose and confront the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) agenda. Here is a sample of programs (with links) on which I appeared this year:
* VCY America: Based in Milwaukee, it reaches several States in the Midwest, Middle America and the South. AFTAH appears regularly on VCY America “Crosstalk” to discuss the overarching LGBTQ agenda. The LGBTQ media and leftist activists did not appreciate my criticism on a September 26 WVCY interview of “Star Wars'” inclusion of a character modelling homosexual sin as normal.
* Janet Mefferd Show: Janet—one of the smartest talkers and thinkers in Christian media—regularly relies on AFTAH as a “go to” source in explaining the “gay” and “transgender” onslaught on America. I appeared frequently on both her individual show as well her AFR (American Family Radio) show. Here is a Nov. 4 “Janet Mefferd Live” radio broadcast interview in which I discuss the Human Rights Campaign’s rigged “Corporate Equality Index.”
* AFA “One News Now”: AFTAH is also regularly featured on this excellent American Family Association news source. In this July 20 ONN story, I responded to homosexual mega-funder Tim Gill, who said he wants to “punish the wicked,” referring to pro-family conservatives. LaBarbera told ONN: “Tim Gill is a bigot and he’s an intolerant bigot at that … He wants to squelch dissent; he wants to squelch the very Judeo/Christian values that help make our country great. But all Tim Gill’s millions or billions or whatever he has cannot eradicate God’s truth. The Bible stands true yesterday, today, and forever.”
* Linda Harvey Show: On Dec. 16, I was interviewed by my friend and pro-family advocate Linda Harvey on the connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, in the wake of the Hollywood ongoing sex-abuse scandal. Go to this link and scroll down to 12/16/17, “Homosexuality and the Predator Issue.”
* Chaps Klingenschmitt Show:Chaps (Gordon) Klingenschmitt of the Pray in Jesus Name Project interviewed me about the intriguing case of “gay conservative” Milo Yiannoupoulos. Watch the Skype interview HERE.
In 2017, I also spoke out in public against homosexualism, which usually inspires some form of pro-LGBTQ censorship these days. In October, the Wisconsin Christian News sponsors of my recent speech “Exposing the LGBTQ Agenda” were directly censored by both Office Max (Office Depot) and Facebook. [See main AFTAH story HERE.]
Through our ongoing media outreach and our website, AFTAH over the last three decades has educated many millions of people all over the world about the campaign to “mainstream” homosexuality—which is now getting a tremendous push from Corporate America.
[Please Help Us: To help AFTAH continue in its mission to tell the politically incorrect Truth About Homosexuality, give safely online HERE or send your gift to: AFTAH, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522.]
In addition, AFTAH is highly engaged on Twitter, where we are one of the most visible opponents of “gay” ideology, and on Facebook, which recently “de-published” our page, amidst other acts of censorship over the year. Speaking “truth to power,” in a moral sense, is what we do, and we do it joyfully even as we are hated and despised by lost souls in the grip of sin, leftist propaganda and sexual confusion.
Amazing Stephen Black testimony: AFTAH banquet
Stephen Black addresses Americans For Truth “Teach-in.” Black received the AFTAH “American Truth Teller Award” for 2017. Click HERE to watch the entire banquet on video. Help support AFTAH by giving safely online HERE.
In October we had a successful banquet featuring ex-“gay” Stephen Black. Stephen offered compelling testimony in defense of the Christian view of homosexuality and shared the harrowing story of how as a young boy, he’d been molested twice by men with a homosexual problem. Two other ex-“gay” men also shared their riveting personal stories of coming out of homosexuality.
I was thrilled to present Stephen with a $1,000 check and the “American Truth-Teller Award” for 2017. Honoring defenders of Truth and changed lives through Jesus Christ is what we’re all about. (Support Stephen’s First Stone MinistriesHERE.)
Stephen’s entire banquet and “teach-in” presentation, joined by several other leading pro-family activists, can be viewed HERE (or click the “Stephen Black” box on the right side of the AFTAH website).
Dirtiest word in America: Morality
The M-Word—Morality—is now one of the “dirtiest” words in modern America. Biblical sexual morality has been under withering assault in the United States for decades—think of the abject filth, vulgarity and soft-core porn that have become staples of modern movies. The abomination of homosexuality (that’s how God sees it: as detestable) is now widely treated as merely another form of “love.”
“Love is love,” went the simplistic, pro-LGBTQ slogan, echoed by Obama and countless others after our corrupt Supreme Court ushered in legal homosexual “marriage” in 2015. This is how dumbed-down American culture has become!
Indeed, post-Christian America today is just a shadow of her moral and spiritual past self, but the Truth, like Christ Jesus, does not change (Hebrews 13:8). That is why AFTAH exists. We are unswervingly dedicated to holding up God’s Truth in a (Western) world stubbornly bent on the redefining sex and gender roles to justify people’s sins.
A lot of conservatives are sort of “embarrassed” over the whole question of sexual morality, and especially homosexuality, as they rationalize in their own minds why the fight against “Big Gay Inc” is passé or no longer worthwhile. We’ve all seen it: tiny sellouts in which a “conservative” pundit pay lip service to some aspect of the LGBTQ agenda, usually “same-sex marriage.”
Not us. We at AFTAH count it as a joy and a privilege to stand with God against secular lies and wickedness in the culture, although it does get lonely and frustrating. Let’s face it: nobody likes being smeared as a “hater” and a “bigot” day after day—which is why so many Christians and conservatives, intimidated and beaten down by the vocal Left, give up on defending truth regarding LGBTQ issues.
AFTAH never “moves on” – while GOP praises “gay Republicans”
But I say, “Man up!” (You, too, ladies!) For goodness’ sake, name-calling and vicious insults are a small price to pay for serving God in a dying culture, and we do so proudly at Americans for Truth. AFTAH is the principled, Christian conscience of the pro-family movement against the “homosexual agenda” (notice how rarely that phrase is used anymore). We never bow down to political correctness or political partisanship, even if that means getting criticized or ignored by fellow conservatives who have made their own accommodation with “gay Republicans” or “gay rights” in general. (Many conservatives just “go silent” and no longer engage the issue of homosexuality.)
Fox News contributor and Townhall editor Guy Benson considers himself a “gay Christian.” Will “conservatism” embrace a GOP version of the LGBTQ sexual sin movement?
Perhaps the Republican National Committee, which recently celebrated the 40-year anniversary of the homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans, would consider that Romans 1 in the Bible contains no “GOP exception” as it describes society’s godless descent into sexual sin and idolatry.
At AFTAH, we never stop calling for the overturning of the Supreme Court’s outrageous 2015 Obergefell ruling imposing homosexuality-based “marriage” on the nation, even though it seems most Republicans and conservatives have given up on that goal, too. “Kvetch and Retreat,” as Rabbi Mayer Schiller wisely put it, is the modus operandi of conservatives, especially when it comes to sexual morality. This grieves my heart.
In contrast, the pro-homosexual Left—purveyors of lies and at war with God’s wholesome values—is perpetually on offense. Meanwhile, we who claim to possess absolute Truth stumble on defense. Shame.
Big Brother Facebook: The above is an Oct. 16, 2017 screenshot of Wisconsin Christian News publisher Rob Pue’s Facebook administrator’s page (circle added), for an Oct. 16 “Exposing the Homosexual Agenda” speech by AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera. Note the in the circled portion: zero “People Reached,” zero “Post Engagements,” and $0.00 Spent of $200.00″ for the ostensible promotional “boost.” On Oct. 11, Pue signed up for $200.00 in Facebook promotional ads for the event. But after initially “accepting” the ad, Facebook never actually promoted the event, as you can see by comparing it to the Facebook paid promotions below it for previous WCN events (one reaching 2,172 people and the other 7,299). Pue was not charged by Facebook for the “Homosexual Agenda” speech ad because such”boosts” are paid for based on views that derive from the ads. Click on graphic to enlarge.
Folks, here is the Facebook video from my recent speech (October 16, 2017) at the Wisconsin Christian News‘ headquarters in Marshfield, Wisconsin. As you can see in the video and read here, WCN publisher Rob Pue encountered one politically correct obstacle after another in attempting to publicize the speech. First, the local Office Max (Office Depot) refused to print a poster for the ad (see photo below), despite the fact that Pue had printed many similar event posters at the same store over the years. Office Max managers relented after negative publicity and apologized to Pue.
Then, days before the even,, Pue thought he was buying ads on Facebook to advertise the speech, but discovered that, even after the social media giant initially had “approved” his ad for the “Exposing the Homosexual Agenda” speech, the ads never ran! (See photo above.)
All of these shenanigans should remind us that the pro-LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) revolution is propped up by liberal enablers who are so afraid of a free and fair debate about homosexuality, transgenderism and other perversions masquerading as “rights” that they are forced to shut down opposing views, through the law if necessary. I give credit to pro-family warrior Pue for persevering through all the “progressive” attempts at thought control. In that respect he is a model for us all. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera
The photo below shows Wisconsin Christian News publisher Rob Pue holding the poster advertising LaBarbera’s “Exposing the Homosexual Agenda” speech–the same poster that the local Marshfield, WI Office Max initially refused to print, saying it violated the company’s nondiscrimination policies.
Wisconsin Christian News publisher Rob Pue holding the poster for the Oct. 16 “Exposing the Homosexual Agenda” speech–the identical poster that the local Office Max (Office Depot) in Marshfield, WI refused to print for ideological reasons. The same store has printed many similar posters for Pue and WCN over the years.
Folks, here is a good and accurate cartoon meme by a site called “Heterosexuals (Heteros) Inspiring Pride” — which apparently has been kicked off of Facebook (see second graphic below). The creator(s) of this site are despised by the Left for making some cool memes like this one (click on graphics to enlarge):
We’ll try to get to the bottom of this–but I suspect it is just another case of “snowflake” leftists–in this case, biased Facebook geeks–not being able to tolerate criticism and a lively debate over ideas. How naive of Heterosexuals Inspiring Pride to put a Facebook site identifier on all their compelling graphics!
This is a neat piece by my good friend, Brian Fitzpatrick, pegging off the anti-intellectual, professor-led student “walkout” at my April 9, 2014 presentation at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio. The talk was organized by the Traditional Values Club, a wonderful group of people who have weathered considerable vitriol and hatred from the intolerant Left at SCC.
On the same topic of blind ideology opposing reason, readers should be aware that a writer for the liberal online publication Salon–SCC Professor Kate Geiselman–made up an outright lie about what I said at Sinclair in her celebratory yet inaccurate account of the walkout. In reacting to the walkout, I never said “Are you effing kidding me?” as she claims. Ironically, Geiselman teaches creative writing at SCC. Creative, indeed. I am demanding a retraction and apology from Salon.–Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
In the video below, skip to 2:00 to see the Sinclair Community College’s student newspaper The Clarion’s coverage of the professor-led “walkout” on speaker Peter LaBarbera of AFTAH.
Skip to the 2:00 mark in the video above to see the Sinclair Community College’s student newspaper’s coverage of the April 9 professor-led “walkout” on speaker Peter LaBarbera of AFTAH. Following the interview with LaBarbera is one with Anne Soltysiak, Sinclair Psychology Professor, who refers to LaBarbera’s talk as “the hate speech on campus.”
‘Gay’ Activists Drive Socrates to Drink
By Brian Fitzpatrick
This essay first appeared on Barbwire.com April 25, 2014 [professor Rebecca Morean’s actual comments are in bold]
So, I’m sitting here with my old friend Socrates, chatting about our favorite subjects: intellectual curiosity, civil discourse, and how to cook chicken (he prefers a spit over an olive wood fire), when a news story comes in over the e-transom:
Socrates seems confused. “Why protests this community college its own guest speaker? Is not a college a place of learning? What does ‘gay’ mean, and why is it wrong to oppose ‘gay?’” (We haven’t gotten past the headline yet, and Socrates is already spewing questions like an erupting volcano. He doesn’t touch-type, so I’m doing my best to keep up.)
“Yes, a community college is a place of learning, but they didn’t want to hear what LaBarbera had to say, Socrates.”
“That is most strange for a place of learning. Is it not better to hear out a speaker, even one with whom you disagree, and then counter his arguments with better arguments?”