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Homosexual Quotes
Thursday, July 24th, 2008
Virgins had ‘nothing to report’ to perverted ‘sexologist’
Alfred Kinsey fooled a nation by seducing the media to promote his junk science as straight facts about Americans’ sex lives. Kinsey’s interview subjects were disproportionately involved in criminality, promiscuity and sexual deviance (he even took revolting “data” from a pedophile). Kinsey himself was a secret sexual masochist since his youth–who inserted foreign objects up his penis.
Linda Love writes AFTAH regarding our May 30 piece on Alfred Kinsey and sadomasochism (“Bestiality Porn for Sale: Depraved IML Practices Recall Alfred Kinsey’s Masochistic Perversions’s Deviant Heirs”):
FYI, My mother, Vivian Bowen, was a student of Alfred Kinsey at Indiana University during World War II. She told me many years ago that she believed Kinsey’s research was flawed. She said her fellow students would jokingly ask her if she had agreed to be interviewed about her sex life since she was one of the best looking women on campus. Of course, she didn’t. She was a virgin until she married and had nothing to report. She said it was only the sluts and show offs (what we would call exhibitionists) who came in for interviews!
Linda Love
“Tame the Media Tiger Instead of Becoming Its Lunch!” (c)2000-2008
Posted in Alfred Kinsey, Celebrities, Health & Science, Homosexual Pedophilia & Pederasty, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), Mental Health, News, Sexual Revolution |
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
The former head of the homosexual activist group Log Cabin Republicans, Patrick Guerriero, is now working to defeat mostly REPUBLICAN pro-family, conservative state legislators across the nation.
This may be the most important political article you read this election year. Even homosexual journalists like this reporter for the “gay” magazine The Advocate are weary of the secretive nature of the Gill Action Fund and its plan to use out-of-state homosexual donors’ money strategically to knock out pro-family state legislators across the country. If this were a “Christian Right” group stealthily using Christian millionaires’ money to displace liberal, pro-homosexual politicians, the mainstream media would be all over it.
We’ll have much more to say about the Gill Action Fund and this article, but note that the man Gill chose to run his operation is Patrick Guerriero, former executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group working to make the GOP more homosexuality-friendly. Log Cabin operatives like to call themselves “conservative,” but their national ex-leader has been busy for the last three years running a stealth campaign to take out mostly pro-family, conservative Republican state legislators in places like Iowa, Pennsylvania and New York. More evidence that the GOP’s “Big Tent” policy of simultaneously trying to appease both its grassroots base of millions upon millions of pro-family Republicans — and a tiny special interest group of homosexual activist Republicans whose loyalty is first to their own “gay agenda” — is an exercise in futility. — Peter LaBarbera
Here are the first three paragraph’s of the Advocate piece “The Gay Goodfellas” (emphasis added):
The Gay Goodfellas
Inside the Gill Action Fund, the most effective pro-gay political weapon you never heard of
By Kerry Eleveld, The Advocate, June 19, 2008
Patrick Guerriero and Bill Smith of the Gill Action Fund [photo of founder Tim Gill at left] have a problem. Guerriero, former leader of the Log Cabin Republicans and onetime candidate for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, and Smith, a political consultant and former employee of Karl Rove, want LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered] people to understand their strategy for winning equal rights — a targeted approach to developing what they call “fair-minded majorities” in state legislatures across the country. During the 2006 election, the first cycle in which the organization set its sights on state legislative races, control of 13 state chambers switched hands. Ten were Democratic takeovers — chambers that are now more likely to make gay-friendly decisions.
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Colorado, Gill Action Fund, Gill Foundation, Log Cabin Republicans, Media's Liberal Bias (General), News, Politicians & Public Officials, Republican Party, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, June 27th, 2008
“In fact, the most hate-filled people we have ever met are the homosexual activists who are forcing their world view on others.”—David Burdett, UK
Dear AFTAH supporters,
David Burdett’s excellent letter responding to a fellow Brit, Peter Bradley, who says Americans For Truth would be “imprisoned” in the UK, reminds us that the battle for Truth on this issue is worldwide in its scope. We who reject the immoral, anti-Christian homosexualist agenda and the homo-fascism that it naturally spawns must work together to preserve freedom and the time-tested Judeo-Christian sexual ethic. — Peter LaBarbera
Read Bradley’s censorious message HERE, and write us with your response defending American freedom and Judeo-Christian norms at americansfortruth@comcast.net. Mr. Burdett writes June 25 through AFTAH’s website:
Dear Mr. Bradley,
My wife and I are Christians and from England, we believe that the homosexual lifestyle in sinful and we have should have the right to be able to express our religious beliefs without fear of being branded as hate-inciting criminals. In fact, the most hate-filled people we have ever met are the homosexual activists who are forcing their worldview on others. We all have free will to live as we choose and I accept that. However, we object in the strongest possible terms to the ‘gay’ agenda being forced onto us via the schools (teaching four-year-olds about same sex relationships); via the TV (the Heinz advert [in the UK showing a homosexual male couple kissing; Heinz pulled the ad after British protests]; two priests getting “married” in a church last week; and the pro-gay government and their biased laws.
You seem to think the UK is some kind of great place to live. I guess you haven’t seen the statistics about England’s huge drug problem amongst the young, the rise in teenage pregnancy and spread of sexually transmitted diseases. All of this is due to being a Godless society — thank God we have people like Peter LaBarbera who are not afraid to speak the truth!
David Burdett
London, England
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Books & Required Reading in Public Schools, Christian Persecution, Diversity & Tolerance Propaganda, Freedom Under Fire, Gay and Christian?, Gay Rights vs. Others' Rights, GLBTQ Targeting Youth and Schools, Government Promotion, Great Britain, Homosexual Hate, News, Religious Leaders, Sexual Revolution, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality, UK |
Thursday, June 26th, 2008
AFTAH reader Ron Loree of Michigan offered this response to totalitarian Brit Peter Bradley, who wrote Americans For Truth with the message that, “You are very lucky that you live in the United States as we have laws in the United Kingdom about inciting hatred based on sexual orientation… here you would be imprisoned; and justly so.” Read Bradley’s entire message HERE, and write us with your response defending American freedom and Judeo-Christian norms at americansfortruth@comcast.net.
Loree writes (web links and emphasis added):
Mr Bradley,
In a spirit of love I will strongly recommend that you focus on the disease-ridden, self-destructive TRUTH regarding homosexuality, rather than the empty, hollow homosexual rhetoric that’s been used over the past 20 years. Honestly, Mr Bradley, all of the accusations of hate, bigotry, discrimination, spiritual violence, etc. are as old as a worn out shoe, and have little if any impact on those of us who know the TRUTH. The psychological “terrorism” that was calculated and conceived back in the late 1980s is nothing more than blatant deception in an attempt to get people, through emotion, to accept this unnatural and self-destructive behavior.
It was earlier this year that the outgoing head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force admitted that “HIV is a gay disease” in the United States. If you’re honest, you’ll agree that there is an undeniable link between homosexual behavior and the HIV virus which can lead to AIDS. This is both medically valid and universally accepted. But you don’t address this side of homosexuality much, do you? The diseases that result from the homosexual lifestyle is REALITY and it is the TRUTH!
The most loving thing that a Christian can do, then, is to stand in firm opposition to the homosexual lifestyle. Real love will offer the message of hope that leaving the homosexual lifestyle is possible, and testimonies abound from both men and women who have done just that. For if there is anything that is truly innate or inborn regarding homosexuality, it is the God-given “voice of conscience” which is in all of us. If homosexuals could only silence that inner voice of conscience, then they could feel comfortable with their lifestyle without having to deal with TRUTH and REALITY. But real love, Mr Bradley, confronts with the TRUTH, with the desire that changed lives will be the result. Leaving the homosexual lifestyle may be difficult and may take time. In love, I do not propose that there is a simple 1-2-3 step “formula” or that one “method” fits all. But I do know that change can and does take place, and it is my prayer that many will yet have the courage and motivation to honestly look at the TRUTH and then seek out the help that can bring about that change. (Americans For Truth can help in giving direction to those who would contact them*.)
In Christian Love,
Ron Loree
Muskegon Michigan
E-mail address: loreebarney@msn.com
* Here are some ex-“gay” ministries: Stephen Bennett Ministries; Exodus International; Charlene Cothran’s “Victory” magazine; Stephen Black’s
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Gospel evangelism, Great Britain, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Quotes, News, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Wednesday, June 25th, 2008
‘Gay and Lesbian Outreach’ group set to march in bawdy Chicago ‘gay pride’ parade
UPDATE: We learned June 26 from a Catholic, pro-family advocate who contacted the Chicago Archdiocese that AGLO has now been denied permission to march officially in this year’s homosexual “pride parade.” Stay tuned for more on this story.
[Click on photo to enlarge.] Topless transsexual bares his (presumably hormone-induced) breasts at last year’s (2007) Chicago “gay pride” parade. The “man” rode exposed like this for blocks along the parade route, as the crowd lining the streets cheered him on. Faithful Catholics in Chicagoland are outraged that a church-affiliated group called AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) may march in this year’s homosexuality-celebrating parade. (AGLO is listed as #114 in the parade line-up.) Photo: AFTAH. Click HERE to contact the Archdiocese of Chicago regarding AGLO.
Folks, I cannot help but commend this brilliant response from my friend Gary Morella to the news that Chicago Cardinal George is allowing (at least for now) a so-called “gay Catholic”-oriented group called AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach) to march in this Sunday’s “Chicago Gay Pride” parade. (AGLO is listed as #114 in the parade line-up.) Morella is a Catholic pro-family, pro-life activist and research mathematician at Penn State, who catches enormous flack for his stubborn insistence on proclaiming truth at that academic den of iniquity.
Gary as a Catholic and I as an evangelical disagree on some points of theology, but we are completely in accord on the need to combat all worldly attempts to transform the sinful yet changeable behavior of homosexuality into some kind of inherent and innocuous “identity.” — Peter LaBarbera, www.aftah.org
P.S. I learned from my friend Susan Jordan, a Chicagoland Catholic, that AGLO has marched in other Chicago “gay pride” parades.
Gary Morella (left) writes:
In regard to the report of a Chicago “AGLO” group marching in a “Gay Pride” parade, some seminal Catholic truths apply in regard to the “bottom line,” not the least of which is the following. The Chicago Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach is misnamed. There is nothing “gay” about being inclined to unnatural acts that are so revolting as to cause extreme revulsion when accurately described! We are talking about sexual perversion that has not evolved to sexual deviance to sexual preference to sexual orientation, which is the politically correct lie of those practicing same in order to anesthetize society that they must accept the vices of a radical fringe under force of law – to heck with the common good! Rather, we’re talking about aberrant behavior that remains sexual perversion, regardless of the devil’s packaging! Accordingly, there is nothing Catholic about celebrating such perverse behavior that is condemned by traditional Catholic teaching rooted in Sacred Scripture, PERIOD! This truth should be obvious to anyone who is Catholic in more than name only in the recognition that the common good leads ultimately to a supernatural good in accord with God’s Divine Plan for His Creation. To thwart the common good is to do the work of the devil!
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, B - Ex-Homosexual Testimonies, Born that Way?, Catholic, Chicago, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Gay and Christian?, Homosexual Pride Parades & Festivals, Mental Health, News, Physical Health, Religious Leaders, Sodomy, State GLBTQ Activist Groups - Illinois, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Thursday, June 19th, 2008
Sent today via the AFTAH website: “gay” e-mail No. 13,479 suggesting that Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera is a secret homosexual because he criticizes homosexual activism. “Ralph” writes:
My God, what a dreadful website this is. Full of misinformation about Gays & Lesbians. Dearest Peter, you\’re a repressed self-hating homosexual. It\’s painfully obvious: It\’s just a matter of time when when you\’ll be outed. Remember basic high school psychology? Anyone who obsesses about something like homosexuality is probably feeling guilty or ashamed about something they\’ve done in the past. So fess up Pete, what are you ashamed of?
As with so many of such emails that we receive at AFTAH, our e-response to “Ralph” (“How illogical and silly, but thanks for regurgitating this cliche”) bounced back. Apparently anonymity really brings out the tiger in these homosexual harassers.
Posted in Activists, Homosexual Hate Speech, Homosexual Quotes, News |
Saturday, June 14th, 2008
What’s coming “out of the closet” these days is the seething hatred that many “queer” activists like novelist Armistead Maupin (left) have for religious people — or anyone who dares to oppose the absurdity that is “gay marriage.” As a Christian, I too find it shameful that the Bible was used to sustain laws against interracial marriage, but I am not ashamed today to defend the Biblical ethic of keeping sex in marriage between a man and a woman. Like most homosexual activists, Maupin erroneously attaches his aberrant-sex-based movement to the noble Black civil rights struggle, and he conveniently neglects to mention that — back in the day when sodomy was considered a “crime against nature” — it was Christians who led the fight to end slavery.
Pro-marriage citizens should eschew Maupin’s brand of rancor and bigotry (check out his churlish last line), but we must match his intensity. Go HERE to help defend marriage in California. — Peter LaBarbera
This is from the homosexual magazine The Advocate (emphasis added):
“The battle has largely been won, I think. The mean and tiny minds who’ve made it their mission to ‘defend marriage’ have existed in every era and have always lost. They lost when black people were given the right to vote. They lost when women were finally enfranchised. They lost when the ban on interracial marriage was lifted. And in each of these instances they claimed with a righteous certainty to have God on their side, only to be roundly defeated by the abiding decency and good sense of the American people. Now we’re in the midst of another seismic culture shift, thanks to several generations of lesbians and gay men who’ve refused to live their lives in hiding. People know who we are now, and we’re just not that scary anymore. The old bigots are dying off, and the young ones are learning, at the very least, to deny their homophobia. Our happy ending is finally in sight.
–Armistead Maupin, “Calling a New Army of Lovers,” The Advocate magazine (the leading national magazine for homosexuals), July 1, 2008, p. 41. According to The Advocate, “Maupin is on tour for the paperback edition of his ninth novel, Michael Tolliver Lives, published by HarperCollins.”
Posted in "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", "Civil Unions" & "Gay Marriage", A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Activists, Authors & Journalists, Court Decisions & Judges, Government Promotion, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Quotes, News, Semantics/stealing words, Sodomy, Stealing Civil Rights, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |
Friday, June 13th, 2008
Christian Anti-Defamation Commission asks for a retraction and an apology
Soulforce founder Mel White, pictured here with his homosexual lover Gary Nixon, accused Christians who adhere to historic Church teachings on the sinfulness of homosexuality of “spiritual violence” against homosexuals. Despite his and Soulforce’s manipulative tactics, God’s Word is not negotiable.
Folks, in reading this release by Gary Cass, I cannot help but wonder if the several churches that agreed to meet with the homosexual activist group Soulforce — including Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois — were naive about its radical agenda. Soulforce and its founder, Mel White, have always used manipulative and deceptive strategies (including the wordsmith White’s calculated accusation that faithful Christians are guilty of “spiritual violence” against homosexuals).
Soulforce is a nefarious organization that seeks to undermine Biblical truth about one particular sexual sin — homosexuality. Their pleadings for “dialogue” with Christians are merely a tactic — the camel’s nose in the tent, as it were — part of their larger goal of duping believers into compromising on God’s Word. We ask again: would Willow Creek Church or other mega-churches enter into (forced) “dialogue” with a “Christian porn” group? We hope not. Pray for White and the entire Soulforce crew — including “straight allies” like Jay Bakker, who claims to have received a special pro-homosexual revelation from God.
Christians must minister the Gospel in love to sinners in need of Christ’s forgiveness and healing power. But unless we are open to “dialoguing” with advocates of other sins, we shouldn’t do so with activists who twist the Bible to accommodate homosexuality. God’s Word is not negotiable.—Peter LaBarbera
Christian Anti-Defamation Commission
News Release
June 13, 2008
In an outrageous example of sloppy journalism, Newsweek’s Lisa Miller defamed Pastor Rick Warren, the best-selling Christian author and mega-church pastor. Miller reported Warren compromised on the matter of homosexuality.
The bogus claims originated with a homosexual activist group, Soulforce. It issued a press release stating they were meeting with Rick Warren for a “conversation” and that Warren was inviting homosexual fathers to come to church on Father’s day.
Timothy Egan of The New York Times furthered the lie. Neither major news outlet fact checked the story.
Rick Warren responded: “Newsweek quoted a Soulforce press release headline that was 100% false. We did not invite this group and I will not be meeting with them. They invited themselves to draw attention to their cross country publicity stunt.”
Read the rest of this article »
Posted in A - What does the Bible say about homosexuality?, Activists, D - GLBTQ Pressure Within Churches, Homosexual Hate, Homosexual Quotes, Media Promotion, Media's Liberal Bias (General), New York Times, News, Newsweek Mag., Religious Leaders, The Bible, Churches, & Homosexuality |

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